“Are you a True Immortal expert?” Ge Jinxuan finally spiritually recovers, and asked subconsciously.

After the question, he knew that it was wrong, Di Jiu could not be True Immortal expert. True Origin of Di Jiu is fluctuating, not simply Immortal Origin.

Di Jiu guessed that Mo Yu had been attacked and didn’t move Mo Yu. He even grabbed several Array Flags to protect Mo Yu, and he stared at Ge Jinxuan coldly.

This Ge Jinxuan should not use the cultivator blood essence cultivating fellow, but Di Jiu is sure that this fellow catches Mo Yu uneasy.

“This Immortal Great Immortal Fate City City Lord Ge Jinxuan, I see you take action, OK, as long as you let go, I will allow you to join my Great Immortal Fate City.” Ge Jinxuan tried to ease his voice.

Di Jiu, although not True Immortal, but the ingenious True Origin even his True Immortal does not fear to make him feel a little surprised.

For a rogue cultivator, you can join Immortal City with Gathering Destiny Immortal Array, which is the biggest expectation. Even if the other party knows that the female cultivator is Heaven Cleansing Sect, it can’t be left in the Immortal City cultivating. It is useless to use the Human Cleansing Sect’s female cultivator as the human furnace.

“This fellow is a City Lord?” Di Jiu’s eyes lit up and the Heaven Dancing Blade was sacrificed, turning into an azure rainbow that directly covered Ge Jinxuan.

Ge Jinxuan met Di Jiu directly, and did not put his words in his eyes, suddenly furious. For a long time as a City Lord of Immortal City, where can Ge Jinxuan tolerate Di Jiu’s attitude of ignoring him?

Magical treasure, True Immortal Domain pressed to Di Jiu. The strength of this cultivator is very strong, but before he was also rushed to take action. He does not believe that under his True Immortal Domain, trifling ordinary’s Culture World cultivator has the opportunity to compete with him to take action.

“Boom!” Ge Jinxuan’s True Immortal Domain collided with Di Jiu’s Domain, and True Origin and Immortal Origin exploded.

According to the truth, the Domain built by True Origin can’t compare with Immortal Origin Domain, whether it is strength or toughness, but Di Jiu’s Domain and Ge Jinxuan’s Domain are together, and Ge Jinxuan’s Domain starts to crack.

The violent Origin Qi blasted the ruin of the original ruin again, and Ge Jinxuan was horrified to find that his domain could no longer control the space, instead the other’s Domain was to sweep him in.

How can this be? He is Immortal Origin Domain, the other party is clearly True Origin Domain…

This is a subversion of his understanding of Dao Path. True Origin is stronger and can it be compared to the intensity of Immortal Origin? This is a qualitative difference.

“ka cha!” His True Immortal Domain finally made a audible crack, indicating that his Domain began to collapse. Then he felt the other’s Domain imposing manner, which is a vast starry sky aura.

In Di Jiu’s Domain, he seems to be a negligible little star in this vast starry sky, and his broken Domain, like a piece of rag that was torn under this starry sky Domain, will always be hidden. Destroy the flowing star river.

Ge Jinxuan has not seen the Golden Immortal Domain, and he suspects that Di Jiu’s Domain is not necessarily weaker than Golden Immortal. In this way, he did not need to fight, he was directly tied to the other’s Domain, and then died.

Ge Jinxuan no longer dared to wait, Immortal Origin scrolled, and the magical treasure in his hand was turned into six glaring lines to Di Jiu.

The six-way line has just ripped Di Jiu’s Domain and it collided with Di Jiu’s Desolate Wind Blade.

Bang bang bang !

The violent Origin Qi burst open, which is another collision between True Origin and Immortal Origin.

Di Jiu shocked Ge Jinxuan’s magical treasure, which is a Liuling Tuo. This magical treasure Di Jiu has never been seen, his Desolate Wind Blade is sweeping the blade momentum, but the Sixlings have been broken and the blade momentum has been broken. When the blade momentum goes, the blade intent is weakened in an instant.

The Liuling Tuo has a sharp blade glow with six sides, and the two ends are sharp diamonds. Even after hitting Di Jiu’s Desolate Wind Blade once, it was still rolling in the air, and soon the horrible killing potential was gathered again, still exploded towards Di Jiu.

Di Jiu quickly rushed out and angered.

The fist wave formed a huge wave of raging waves, and the waves surged out and slammed into the Liuling. Several waves of waves continued, and finally Liu Lingtuo was suppressed.

Ge Jinxuan can’t see his magical treasure Di Jiu without has seen? He smashed the gap between Di Jiu Domain and Liu Jiu Tuo, and even crossed into Di Jiu’s Domain, and then Liu Lingtu rolled up six diamonds for the second time.

The eccentric magical treasure, Di Jiu does not use Heaven Dancing Blade, although he feels that his True Origin will not be weaker than Ge Jinxuan’s Immortal Origin, his domain is stronger than Ge Jinxuan’s Domain.

If it is hard, Di Jiu believes that he can still kill Ge Jinxuan. But since there is a simpler way to get rid of Ge Jinxuan, why bother with Ge Jinxuan?

Di Jiu open hand is the capture of thousands of top grade blade artifacts.

Thousands of blade artifacts are sacrificed, forming a blade wave in space, and the terrifying Blade Dao killing intent is diffused in the blade wave. Just in the blade array, Ge Jinxuan can still feel the unparalleled might.

This is the Grade 9 Blade Array…

Ge Jinxuan has some numbness in the scalp. The cultivator has not yet transformed Immortal Origin, so you can display such a terrible blade array. How strong is the spiritual sense? No wonder the Domain is so terrible.

Ge Jinxuan quickly put the idea away, and he was surprised to find that Di Jiu’s blade array was not rolled to him, but rolled to his side.

Whether his opponent is a miss or something else, he must kill Di Jiu as soon as possible. He sees that Di Jiu’s strength will never be weaker than him, and his Domain is far worse than Di Jiu, only his Immortal Origin can compete with Di Jiu’s True Origin.

If Di Jiu swept the blade array on him, he must have suffered a big loss today.

After being shocked by the Di Jiu blade array, Ge Jinxuan finally had a surprise. After his Liuling Tuo swept to Di Jiu again, he found that Di Jiu did not escape and resist, but instead rushed to him.

This is looking for death!

Ge Jinxuan has a disdain in the size of his eyes, and his eyebrows are more delicious. His heart is excited, he may never have thought, one day he will be so excited because of a small Domain Realm cultivator.

The excitement of Ge Jinxuan only lasted for a short time. Before he was completely wrapped in Di Jiu, a huge footprint passed through the killing potential space and ran to his face. Ge Jinxuan has widened his eyes. How is this possible?

After his Liuling Tuo Festival, he rotates in the void. Only hard or hard to escape, it is absolutely impossible to break through his Liuling Tuo magical treasure killing glow space.

“Hey!” Ge Jinxuan’s horror is not over yet, Di Jiu that kick is directly on his face.

A powerful force swept over and Ge Jinxuan flew out. The Liuling Tuo, without his Immortal Origin and spiritual sense blessing, also slowed down.

This is Law of Space! Ge Jinxuan instantly understood, and then he understood why Di Jiu had to place a Grade 9 Blade Array on his side, which was to get him into the blade array.

If it was before this, he knew that Di Jiu wanted to kick him into the blade array, he would only laugh, only the idiot would do this kind of thing.

He is no better than the other side, so it is also a True Immortal. With the Domain suppressing him, you can kick him into the blade array. Is this a dream or a dream?

Di Jiu just understood him. Just don’t say that he is Golden Immortal. Facing this foot, he is afraid that there is nowhere to escape. He can only be taken away by this foot.

This is the other party’s limited True Origin strength. If the other party’s True Origin is turned into Immortal Origin, this foot may directly smash his head into slag?

“Boom!” The blade glow swept over, and Ge Jinxuan flashed a desperate heart. He knew he was in the blade array of the other side.

“Hey!” Heaven Dancing Blade once again turned into an azure glow into the blade array. Ge Jinxuan felt his eyebrows cool, then his body was torn open, and the Origin Spirit was strangled by the blade array.

From the beginning to the end, he did not ask for mercy. He knew that there was no meaning in asking for mercy. Switch to any one person, this time will not let him go.

Di Jiu withdraw blade array and Ge Jinxuan’s ring, I am determined to transform true Origin into Immortal Origin as soon as possible. Ge Jinxuan is hard to fight with him, not because the other is True Immortal, but because the other party has Immortal Origin.

If he is also Immortal Origin, the first blade will kill Ge Jinxuan, where is the need for Great Footprint and Grade 9 Blade Array?

Mo Yu is still standing still in the same place, just like a statue.

Di Jiu grabbed a Spirit Accumalating Pill and sent it to Mo Yu’s mouth. Then he took a look at Mo Yu’s eyebrows and Mo Yu softened the whole person.

Di Jiu breathed a sigh of relief and helped Mo Yu.

Spirit Accumalating Pill is the medicinal pill of the Temperature Spirit, and Mo Yu is simply unable to wake up. Warm up Mo Yu with a medicinal pill who warms up the spirit, then let her sleep for a while, wait for her to wake up.

Otherwise, Mo Yu is likely to become a real idiot or Qi Deviation.

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