“Junior Brother Qu, I plan to arrange a Great Five Elements Immortal Array suppressing Immortal World destiny here…” See Qu Tong to call himself Senior Brother, Di Jiu no more nonsense, simply call Qu Tong Junior. In the future, after the establishment of Immortal City, Qu Tong will also be cultivating in Immortal City, and the name of Senior Brother Junior Brother is also suitable.

Di Jiu didn’t finish talking, Qu Tong said eagerly, “If you use Great Five Elements Immortal Array suppressing destiny, then it’s better to have Five Elements Flag.”

“I know, but the Five Elements Flag is too rare. I’m going to use the ordinary Array Flag instead.” Di Jiu replied that without the Parting Earth Flame Light Flag, he wouldn’t think of using the Great Five Elements Array to suppress destiny.

Qu Tong said with a hint of excitement, “Senior Brother Di, I know where Seven Stars Purified Water Flag is.”

“Seven Stars Purified Water Flag?” Di Jiu is even more excited than Qu Tong. “Where is the Seven Stars Purified Water Flag?”

Originally he was planning to arrange the Great Five Elements Array to gather Immortal World destiny, and now Qu Tong found the remnant of Immortal World, he naturally changed the strategy. The Great Five Elements Array is to be laid out, but it is to use the Great Five Elements Array to suppress Immortal World destiny instead of gathering.

As long as this part of the Immortal World destiny is suppressed, the broken Immortal World destiny will gradually gather. Even the Immortal World destiny, which was taken away, will be regenerated. Immortal World has returned to the same level as before, not without a chance.

Now Qu Tong said that he knows where the Seven Stars Purified Water Flag is. For Di Jiu, it is a joy. Originally, he used the Parting Earth Flame Light Flag to suppress destiny, and now with a Seven Stars Purified Water Flag, the speed of gathering destiny is faster, and the scope of Immortal City can be doubled in the initial stage.

Each of the Five Elements Flags is Innate Spirit Treasure, which is the Blue Lotus Treasure Colored Flag, the Parting Earth Flame Light Flag, the White Colored Cloud Realm Flag, the Seven Stars Purified Water Flag, and the Yin-Yang Apricot Yellow Flag.

It is basically impossible to gather Qiqiu. It is a big destiny to get the two flags themselves, not to mention the suppressing destiny.

Di Jiu is now worried about whether Seven Stars Purified Water Flag can get it back.

“In Three Elements Immortal City, I used to transform Immortal Origin there. The City Lord of Three Elements Immortal City is called Zheng Sanxing, a Golden Immortal expert. I heard from others that when he was advance Golden Immortal, there was no Thunder Tribulation. I suspect this person may be False Golden Immortal. Three Elements Immortal City was founded by this person. In this Immortal City, this person is the king. No one dares to be disrespectful to him. Anyone who has no disrespect for him has already become For the bones,” Qu Tong sighed.

Qu Tong not only suspects that Zheng Sanxing is False Golden Immortal, but also suspects that he is a pseudo True Immortal. Only Di Jiu has crossed Thunder Tribulation, which should be true True Immortal.

Speaking in between , Qu Tong took out a jade slip and handed it to Di Jiu, “Senior Brother Di, this jade slip is where Three Elements Immortal City is. Senior Brother Di If you are going to Three Elements Immortal City, I am willing to go with Senior Brother passed together.”

Di Jiu took the jade slip, and the spiritual sense swept it slightly. He took out a jade slip and handed it to Qu Tong. “You don’t have to go with me, you can do something for me. Go to the Imperial Sea, I I made an appointment with Bei Chutai. Whoever finds a place to stand before, I will go to the Imperial Sea to leave a letter. If Bei Chutai is in the Imperial Sea, you will bring him. If he is not there, you follow the mark on the jade slip. Imperial Sea makes a mark and comes back to help me.”

“Yes, Senior Brother, I am leaving now.” Qu Tong can’t wait to say.

He has lived in Immortal World for so many years, and now he has a goal, and every moment is full of hope for him.

After Qu Tong left, Di Jiu immediately placed a Concealment Immortal Array to cover up the line Immortal Spring. Then head to Three Elements Immortal City.


Three Elements Immortal City is very far away from Heavenly Bamboo River. Even if there is Qu Tong’s position, Di Jiu entering True Immortal, Spiritual Sense Escapee is ten times faster than before. He brought Mo Yu to Three Elements Immortal City. It still took a few days.

Three Elements Immortal City looks no different from Culture World’s cultivation city. The three lines of two characters are suspended in a slightly old wall. Two Domain Realm perfection cultivators stood sullenly at the gates of the city, giving a feeling of embarrassment. Di Jiu was looked for a long time in the distance and did not see anyone coming in or out.

Di Jiu walked to the gate of the city and saw a huge plaque standing on the side of the gate, which read, “Giving one billion high grade spirit stone or eight hundred Exalted Immortal crystals, you can enter the Three Elements Immortal City unrestricted residence. Free to come.”

“Kid, do you want to enter Immortal City?” A guard standing on the edge of the gate slanted Di Jiu, and said with a weak voice.

When Di Jiu just wanted to talk, she saw a green cultivator grabbing a woman and throwing it off the wall.

That woman is obviously locked in the meridian and cultivation base, and all the underside of the wall are refining long steel thorns, each of which is five feet long.

In the middle of this long steel thorn, all the bloody clothing and piles of bones, Di Jiu also saw two cultivators that were not dead, and the cultivator that had not been corpse still nailed to the steel thorn.

Outside the bones, all are isolations that exclude the spirit sense. These restrictions not only isolate the spiritual sense, but also isolate the aura. This is also Di Jiu’s spiritual sense to achieve the real version of the Grade 2 Immortal Sense, plus cultivating Forging Spiritual Sense Technique, which can be seen through these restrictions to see the horrible inside.

Di Jiu True Origin handprint with the slightest hesitation, the woman who was thrown down was taken by Di Jiu, avoiding the ending of the fall.

Snapped! Di Jiu took a shot and the restriction on the female cultivator was removed.

“Who are you, dare to provoke my Three Elements Immortal City?” The woman who saw her lost was rescued by Di Jiu, and the green cultivator furiously shouted standing on the wall directly rushed down.

The two Guard Gultivators didn’t look like they were screaming, they grabbed the magical treasure and stared at Di Jiu with a vigilant look.

At this moment, the green clothed male cultivator rushed out of the city gate, stood opposite Di Jiu, stared at Di Jiu and asked, “Who are you? dare to challenge my Three Elements Immortal City?”

In the short time he rushed down the wall, he calmed himself down. Di Jiu If it’s a simple generation, you can’t save Liu Yuxin in the array. Otherwise, he will ask questions and have already started directly.

Di Jiu ignored this green clothed male cultivator and watched the female cultivator he rescued. “Why are they killing you?”

The female cultivator had a hint of sorrow in her eyes and said to Di Jiu, “Liu Yuxin many thanks Senior is saving the grace, but it is tired of senior.”

Di Jiu waved his hand. “I don’t care if I’m not tired. Let’s talk about why they want to kill you. And don’t have senior junior, it’s all in Nightfall Immortal World, Fellow Daoist.”

“Yes. I originally spent a thousand Immortal Crystal to Three Elements Immortal City. I thought I found a place to live, but I lived for a month. I was taken to the cave mansion of Zheng Sanxing. Zheng Sanxing forcibly insulted me. In order to survive, I endured this breath. What I didn’t think was that when I started to transform Immortal Origin, Zheng Sanxing broke into my cave mansion again, he took my ring open and grabbed me. Ring. I can’t talk, I can only accept my life. What I didn’t think was that Zheng Sanxing took the ring and didn’t stop there. He forcibly locked my meridian and cultivation base, and let the people drop me the wall… …”

Liu Yuxin revealed despair in her voice. She thought she was lucky. She finally got a ring at Immortal World. I didn’t expect to make a wedding dress for Zheng Sanxing.

After all, the green cultivator did not dare to start with Di Jiu, raising his hand and sending a message.

Di Jiu sighed, this kind of thing is really too much for Nightfall Immortal World.

“Go, go to Immortal City with me and see Zheng Sanxing.” Di Jiu said to Liu Yuxin.

Liu Yuxin had a mortal attitude, Di Jiu did not escape to enter Immortal City, she still has something to fear.

“Looking for death…” See Di Jiu dare to smash the gates of Three Elements Immortal City, the green man offering a magical treasure to Di Jiu. If he didn’t stop in Immortal City, he wouldn’t live long.

Di Jiu didn’t even have a Heaven Dancing Blade. He lifted his leg and slammed it out.

“ka cha!” All the people could hear the green clothed male cultivator’s broken face, and then the two Deacons who saw their guards flew up and rushed into the foot of the barbed wall.

After a while, they can even see a circle of blood mist blasting in the restriction array.

Both guards are scared and the back is cool, and they dare to speak. That Deacon heard that it was a True Immortal expert, and even Di Jiu couldn’t stop it. They talked to death.

“Fellow Daoist is not a strong cultivation base, just come to my Three Elements Immortal City to kill?” A gentle voice sounded, followed by a bald man in front of Di Jiu.

The aura of this man is more than a few times stronger than the green clothed male cultivator. Di Jiu spiritual sense has been swept away, knowing that this person should be the Three Elements Immortal City City Lord Zheng Sanxing, which is known as Golden Immortal.

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