(The title should be Starry Sky Immortal City)

Di Jiu is based on the principle of place quality above quantity. He wants to build a home here. It is absolutely not allowed to enter the Immortal City. Even if no one walks with him, he will not lower the demand.

The last remaining one hundred and twenty-three, all are willing to enter the detection array technique. Di Jiu’s detection array is arranged by whether it is lying, whether it is refining cultivator blood essence aura, etc. The refining cultivator blood essence aura will be checked as soon as it enters the monitoring array.

As for whether or not to kill the treasures, as long as you are willing to enter the monitoring, there will be strict logic problems, which are then detected in conjunction with aura fluctuations. Although I dare not say that 100% can detect unqualified cultivators, it is extremely rare to escape this test.

After some testing, one hundred and twenty-three qualified 109 people. It can be seen that most of the unqualified cultivators have long since quit, and they are able to stand up and be tested. Except for a handful of people who have a little luck.

Di Jiu is also very satisfied. Although it only takes away more than 100 people, this one hundred people will be the foundation for the establishment of the new Immortal City.

“Let’s go, we head to the new Immortal City encampment.” Di Jiu offered a low grade Immortal Tool flying magical treasure.

This low grade Immortal Tool magical treasure is what he just got from the Zheng Sanxing ring. It is not a long time to refine a low grade Immortal Tool with Di Jiu’s spiritual sense strength.

More than a hundred people, riding the low grade Immortal Tool flying boat, plus a collection of waste Immortal City and sect along the way to collect materials, it took half a year to return to Heavenly Bamboo River.

When Di Jiu came back, there was no news for Qu Tong on the Imperial Sea.

The Imperial Sea is no farther from Heavenly Bamboo River than Three Elements Immortal City, but Di Jiu went with the Spiritual Sense Escapee. Qu Tong doesn’t have Spiritual Sense Escapee, and it’s a bit slower than Di Jiu.

“This is the ruins of Heavenly Bamboo River? Heavenly Bamboo Immortal Sect.” Di Jiu fell a flying boat, a male cultivator surprised.

Di Jiu and more than a hundred people along the way, have long been familiar with each other. The talking cultivator is called Wang Hao, a Domain Realm perfection cultivator. He came to Nightfall Immortal World for nearly five hundred years. If you don’t enter the True Immortal environment for a while, life essence will be exhausted.

In these five hundred years, he went to a much larger place than Di Jiu. Heavenly Bamboo River He has not been here, but he has heard of it.

Di Jiu nodded. “Yes, here is Heavenly Bamboo River. This place was discovered by Qu Tong. He went out to work and will be back soon. I want to build an Immortal City here, this time everyone is invited, except for the increase. In addition to the popularity of the new Immortal City, it is also because the establishment of an Immortal City is not a single person.”

A person can’t build an Immortal City, it’s a complete story, just a matter of time.

Let Di Jiu spend too much time building Immortal City, he really has little interest, his interest is in the defense of Immortal City.

The new Immortal City has just been established and will certainly not attract the attention of others, but with the suppression of the Immortal World destiny by the Great Five Elements Array, the Immortal City will eventually grow bigger and bigger.

When Nightfall Immortal Territory is cultivating in any Immortal City, it is unlikely that Immortal City will not be noticed.

Nightfall Immortal World’s cultivator Note that Immortal City, Di Jiu is not too concerned. With his strength, the Nightfall Immortal World should be considered a top rank. Di Jiu is worried that once Immortal City goes out, it is likely to attract the attention of New Immortal Territory.

It wasn’t just that Bei Chutai said that Di Jiu had been with the many cultivators from Three Elements Immortal City for so long and learned about New Immortal Territory. It is rumored that Immortal World’s original Immortal, as long as there is no fall, basically went to New Immortal Territory.

To be honest, the treasures of Immortal World suppressing destiny have been taken away, and Di Jiu does not believe that the New Immortal Territory is really new. He can be sure that after a long time, New Immortal Territory is just an extension of Nightfall Immortal Territory that’s all.

When New Immortal Territory can be cultivating the site is compressed, a lot of competition, killing will appear.

So the Immortal City he built must have strong defense against Immortal Array support, and his Immortal Array is not only for the general Immortal, but also for Immortal, possibly from New Immortal Territory.

Knowing that Di Jiu founded Immortal City in Heavenly Bamboo River, the cultivator that followed Di Jiu was not very optimistic.

In fact, in Immortal World, many places are better than Heavenly Bamboo River. It is the location of Three Elements Immortal City established by Zheng Sanxing, which is also better than Heavenly Bamboo River. Nightfall Immortal World To build Immortal City, there are so many places to choose from. They don’t quite understand why Di Jiu will choose Immortal City address in Heavenly Bamboo River.

“City Lord, are we going to build a Gathering Destiny Immortal Array here?” someone in the crowd asked.

Although everyone is not optimistic about the establishment of Immortal City in Heavenly Bamboo River, since it is with Di Jiu, it is naturally Di Jiu as the master. After they followed Di Jiu out of Three Elements Immortal City, there was no way back.

Di Jiu stood in front of more than a hundred cultivators and said, “I want to lay out the simple Gathering Destiny Immortal Array, but a real Immortal City that allows everyone to cultivating, enabling True Immortal, and even higher realm. ……”

Di Jiu’s words caused a burst of turmoil, and then began a low-pitched discussion. These words Di Jiu did not say it all the way, and now suddenly said it, the impact on everyone is really too big.

For them, being able to cultivating and being able to enter True Immortal is two different things. As Di Jiu said, even realm above the True Immortal, no one will be serious.

They used to enter Three Elements Immortal City, also because Three Elements Immortal City claims to be cultivating. This can cultivating just absorb the simple Immortal Spirit Qi and maintain your own cultivation base that’s all.

And Di Jiu said that you can let everyone enter the real Immortal, this is a terrible news.

“City Lord, Immortal City is established, can really transform Immortal Origin, entering True Immortal?” A cultivator in the crowd asked questions that everyone wanted to ask.

Di Jiu said affirmatively, “Yes, so this Immortal City needs everyone’s efforts, not that I can build it alone. One more thing I need to tell you is that the symbol of the ultimate True Immortal is not transformed into Immortal Origin, but rather True Immortal Thunder Tribulation. For those who have not crossed Thunder Tribulation, just True Immortal, which transforms Immortal Origin, is pseudo True Immortal in my eyes.”

After Di Jiu finished, the reaction was very dull. True Immortal Thunder Tribulation ? Hehe wants more. After they came to the Nightfall Immortal Territory, there were more True Immortal cultivators in has seen, but none of them crossed the Thunder Tribulation entering True Immortal.

“City Lord, you said, we promise to do what you say.” After receiving a positive reply from Di Jiu’s, more than a hundred people were jagged. I talked a lot about Di Jiu and everyone didn’t care. As long as it can be the same as Three Elements Immortal City, as long as it is no longer the same as Three Elements Immortal City, they are satisfied.

Di Jiu know The people here don’t believe his words, he doesn’t care, he continues, “everyone, that’s it, then I will say it. First I said before, the new Immortal City will have a new Immortal City’s Rule. I have already made the law. At that time, everyone will have one copy. The new Immortal City will be executed according to this law. No one can be an exception. The second new Immortal City plan is also done, this plan is handed over to Liu Yuxin and Qin Fujian Executive. The third Heavenly Bamboo River will be built into Immortal City, retaining the original river. Fourth, while building Immortal City, I need to arrange Immortal City Protection Array. Liu Yuxin, Qin Fujian!”

With the name of Di Jiu, Liu Yuxin and Qin Fujian quickly stood up.

Liu Yuxin is most grateful to Di Jiu. Di Jiu not only saved her, took her to this place, and returned the ring that Zheng Sanxing took from her hand to her again.

Liu Yuxin opened the ring looked, inside 13026 low grade Immortal Crystal, that is not a small one. From this point, she can see how Di Jiu is bright and upright.

Di Jiu raised more than a hundred jade slips, and these jade slips fell accurately in the hands of the individual.

“Fellow Daoists, this jade slip has my plan and law for Immortal City. Immortal City was founded by Liu Yuxin and Qin Fujian, and together with the two Fellow Daoists, Immortal City was established.”

No one stood up and retort, Di Jiu invited them, not to let them be masters.

“City Lord, the materials for the construction of the city may not be enough.” After Qin Fujian looked at Di Jiu’s plan, he immediately knew that the materials they collected along the way were still a lot worse.

Di Jiu handed a ring to Liu Yuxin. “There is a lot of material in it, and the main body is made from the materials inside.”

“Yes, Senior Brother Di.” Liu Yuxin took the ring and she knew it was Di Jiu’s trust in her.

The material problem Di Jiu has long considered, he got rid of two City Lords of Immortal City, harvesting a large pile of material from their rings.

“City Lord, since it is the new Immortal City, it should have a new Immortal City name.” Wang Hao once again stood up and said.

“Yes, yes, the name of the new Immortal City, I think it is called Starry Sky Immortal City.” Di Jiu replied.

Di Jiu cultivating is Star River Secret Art. In fact, after he cultivating Starry Sky Vein, it is no longer Star River Secret Art. In addition, his Dao Fire is also called Illuminating Starry Sky. So called Starry Sky Immortal City, which stands for Di Jiu’s cultivation technique and Dao Fire.

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