Starry Sky Immortal City City Lord Mansion, including Di Jiu, has a total of 114 people.

Di Jiu is sitting in the City Lord Mansion City Lord. Mo Yu is like Di Jiu’s shadow sitting next to Di Jiu, where Di Jiu has always been where she goes.

Unlike before, in the recent past, she often frowned and seemed to be thinking about what the problem was. It was only when she seemed to think about something, she regained an uproar.

Except for Mo Yu, everyone including Di Jiu is fully charged with excitement and unstoppable excitement. Before that, apart from Qu Tong’s guess, no one can think of Starry Sky Immortal City as the place they dreamed of.

Although everyone was excited, no one spoke, and everyone was waiting for Di Jiu to speak.

Whether it is Immortal or not, everyone can understand it now. In fact, it is the greatest happiness to find a place to live quietly.

Di Jiu calmed down his excitement and said, “First of all, I would like to congratulate our Starry Sky Immortal City on the 63rd Fellow Daoist and enter the True Immortal. There is no fallen. There is also Fellow that does not sense True Immortal Thunder Tribulation. Daoist, I believe that as long as I am still at Starry Sky Immortal City, for a while, everyone here is True Immortal.”

True Immortal Thunder Tribulation In fact, the chance of falling is not high, plus the starry sky Immortal City’s cultivator, each of the foundations is extremely powerful, the success rate of this crossing tribulation is 100%. Qu Tong, who is already True Immortal Realm, has once again sensed Thunder Tribulation and replenished True Immortal Thunder Tribulation.

Everyone knows that they can bring True Immortal Thunder Tribulation, which is Di Jiu’s skill. Everyone wants to stand up and thank Di Jiu, but since it is Immortal City, there must be some rules. What’s more, the cultivator here is clear, Di Jiu pays more attention to Immortal World’s law.

“Next I will announce the upcoming Law system of Starry Sky Immortal City.”

When Di Jiu began to speak about the system, everyone was silent. When they didn’t come to Starry Sky Immortal City, the City Lord Di Jiu of Starry Sky Immortal City was extremely focused on the law. If they said that they didn’t care much before, then they would not care about the law under Di Jiu.

Violation of the law is to be driven out of Starry Sky Immortal City, who do not dare value?

Di Jiu nodded, and he was worried that the cultivator thought he was Immortal and sought the freedom of unconstrained. If Immortal World is the same as before, it doesn’t matter, you can be a rogue cultivator. As long as you don’t touch the interests of Immortal World expert, no one cares about you.

But in history, very few rogue cultivators have been able to build great accomplishments. The accomplished cultivator is basically a major sect or a big family. If you don’t want to have a good Master.

But now, Starry Sky Immortal City has just been established, and Immortal World destiny has only begun to condense. It is absolutely not allowed to have such a cultivator for what it wants to do.

Di Jiu took out a Starry Sky Immortal City Law jade slip and said, “Everyone has this jade slip of Starry Sky Immortal City. Everyone has seen the law. Now I will say it again. In Starry. Sky Immortal City Life cultivating, the first must comply with each of the above laws, otherwise it is handled according to the law. Second Starry Sky Immortal City Each cultivator has an identity jade token, this identity jade token is everyone in and out Starry Sky Immortal City’s symbol, without this identity jade token, can’t enter Starry Sky Immortal City, nor starry sky Immortal City’s cultivator.”

These two points Di Jiu have long said that no one has any objections.

Di Jiu went on to say, “The third Starry Sky Immortal City life or transaction must pay a certain fee, which is needed for the development of Starry Sky Immortal City, and for the cultivator doing things for Immortal City. Starry Sky Immortal City will add a contribution, which will be recorded in the identity jade token. Everyone who is sitting in the construction of Starry Sky Immortal City, each person has a contribution of 100,000…”

For the contribution of this article, most of the cultivators here do not care much, Starry Sky Immortal City can be cultivating, contribution is really dispensable. Contributing to this thing, in sect can be exchanged for something, better than Immortal Crystal. But now is the Nightfall Immortal World era, what can I exchange for?

“Fifth Starry Sky Immortal City If you are attacked by foreign forces, every one of you is obliged to go all out to protect Immortal City. Sixth people know that the whereabouts of Five Elements Array Flag can be used to exchange contributions. seventh……”

After Di Jiu said more than a dozen rules, he asked, “Everyone can disagree?”

Yan Xiaosha first stood up, “City Lord, I think these rules are good, and my Yan Xiaosha doesn’t make sense.”

Why was Immortal World before nightfall? Isn’t it too much because of selfishness and my own Immortal? Every Immortal thinks that it is the first of Immortal World. If you don’t accept it, you will kill it. What is the result? Immortal World nightfall, the bones are everywhere. Because of this, Yan Xiaosha believes that Immortal World must be said to Di Jiu, and there are rules and regulations.

Behind Yan Xiaosha, all the people stood up and made no sense.

“Good.” Di Jiu understands everyone’s thoughts. Starry Sky Immortal City is hard to come by. If it is not a special case, no one will destroy this hard-won place of residence.

“Next I appointed Immortal City personnel. I am the City Lord of Starry Sky Immortal City. The first Vice City Lord Qu Tong is responsible for all matters of Immortal City. The second Vice City Lord Yan Xiaosha is responsible for Immortal City guarding. The third Vice City Lord Qin Fujian, responsible for Immortal City Guild. Liu Yuxin is Immortal City Law Judge and Bei Chutai is City Lord Mansion Deacon…”

Although there are only a hundred cultivators, Di Jiu has basically built the skeleton of the entire Immortal City. Anyone who wants to enter Immortal City in the future must pass the detection array.

As for the City Lord, Di Jiu didn’t want to go out. Not that he likes this position, but that he has to be in this position. Great Five Elements Array is left to control, Di Jiu will not be assured. He doesn’t believe that someone will, like him, come up with the Parting Earth Flame Light Flag and the Seven Stars Purified Water Flag as the array base for the Great Five Elements Array.

“City Lord, I thought I couldn’t feel the real Immortal World aura anymore. Today I feel this aura again in Starry Sky Immortal City. It’s Starry Sky Immortal City, which gives me a new idea. As long as I Yan Xiaosha also breathed a sigh of relief, and did not allow anyone to trample on the beauty of Starry Sky Immortal City.” Yan Xiaosha was the first to stand up and embrace Di Jiu.

Yan Xiaosha feels more deeply about Starry Sky Immortal City than other cultivators.

Only once I have had it, I know the terrible loss. The rest of the cultivators came from Culture World, and they faced Immortal World’s nightfall as soon as they arrived at Immortal World. The expectation of the real Immortal World is far less than the desire of Yan Xiaosha.

Yan Xiaosha has been cultivating at Immortal World, and after returning, he is more cherished than anyone else.

After everyone said, Di Jiu said, “I believe that the future land of Starry Sky Immortal City is very precious. This is built by everyone, so this humble one group has a right to choose a cave mansion before the arrival of a group of people. Living, only this time.”

Starry Sky Immortal City was built by everyone, and everyone knows that the cave mansion near the edge of the Heavenly Bamboo River is the best. City Lord Mansion is on the side of Heavenly Bamboo River. Everyone is naturally alike. Almost everyone chooses the cave mansion near Heavenly Bamboo River.


Starry Sky Immortal City doesn’t know how many billions of miles away.

A ragged, middle-aged cultivator with a messy hair stands under a giant wall.

It is said to be a huge wall, in fact, described by Heavenly Wall or more apt. This wall slanted into the sky, and the spiritual sense couldn’t sweep the top and couldn’t sweep the margin. Standing underneath, there is an extreme feeling of depression and fear.

This middle-aged cultivator wants to touch it by hand, but it is pushed away by a huge force without going to the front.

“Maybe here is the separation of Heavenly Wall between Nightfall Immortal Territory and New Immortal Territory. I didn’t expect my Xian Ze to come here one day.” Middle-aged man muttered to himself.

He is the Xian Ze of Immortal World with Di Jiu. When he arrives at Immortal World, he knows that he thinks he has too much.

When he wanted to come, Immortal World was wonderful, with fairy tales everywhere, and Immortal Sect erected. He wants to find Immortal from Extreme Night Continent, it should be no effort, at most it is just time to go.

In fact, he went to Immortal World to see the endless killing battlefield, no warmth, no life force, no people…

His cultivation base is too low, and even the fellows of some refining cultivator blood essence are too lazy to refine him. With the cultivation base of his Transforming Truth 5th layer, it is estimated that there is no benefit from being refining.

Xian Ze is wandering in Immortal World. He sent Di Jiu a lot of messages and wanted to find Di Jiu. It was just that Immortal World was too big. He also met several cultivators, but he couldn’t find Di Jiu’s news at all.

Perhaps he has been walking in the lost Nightfall Immortal Territory in his life, until his life essence arrives, and falls into the dilapidated Immortal World, and like the rest of the bones, he is free to throw it away in the wild.

“Hey!” Xian Ze sighed. He heard about New Immortal Territory and knew that even if he had luck, he found New Immortal Territory’s separated Heavenly Wall and couldn’t get into New Immortal Territory.

Just as Xian Ze wanted to turn his head, a corpse fell from the air.

“Hey!” Corpse fell to the front of Xian Ze dozens of meters, flesh and blood vague.

Xian Ze stepped back a few steps, and he looked up and still was the infinite Heatherly Wall, some awkward.

“Hey!” More and more corpse fell, and Xian Ze quickly retired a few thousand feet.

The corpse that soon fell down covered the place where Xian Ze was originally standing, and Xian Ze murmured, “New Immortal Territory, hehe…”

Even if he hasn’t been to New Immortal Territory, he has guessed what happened to New Immortal Territory. It’s probably what happened to Nightfall Immortal Territory.

The ubiquitous killings may be re-enacting at New Immortal Territory.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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