Di Jiu has a dilapidated jade slip in his hand. This jade slip is not an Array Dao jade slip, just a travel note of Immortal World.

The cultivator that left this note records that once seen on Heaven Screen Pit has seen a Heavenly Fire Spirit.

Di Jiu immediately thought of Heaven Screen, Heaven Screen. He went there, was a broken Culture World planet, and later became the Secret Realm of Culture World. The Heaven Screen Pit mentioned in this note should not be the Heaven Screen he has been to.

What Di Jiu can’t ignore most is not the word Heaven Screen, but Heavenly Fire Spirit.

According to the World Book, Heavenly Fire Spirit is a fire that fuses from the universe to pure fire, allowing all flame nirvana to be transformed into Immortal Flame.

His Dao Fire has not become the Immortal Flame until now, not the material of the advance Immortal Flame. In fact, the material of the Immortal Flame advance on Di Jiu has been several. Even the Star Core Flaming Stone has two, one for the Blue Gamma Fire advanced and one for the body.

So far, Dao Fire has no advance, it is Di Jiu who wants to make his own Dao Fire and then advance.

Heaven Screen Pit had to go, Di Jiu raised his hand and sent a message to Yan Xiaosha.

Yan Xiaosha’s original cultivation base is the peak of the Immortal Monarch. After the Immortal World nightfall, his cultivation base has not increased. Because Immortal Spirit Qi cultivating could not be felt at Nightfall Immortal World, his cultivation base fell to the Immortal Monarch late stage before coming to Starry Sky Immortal City.

In the past few years, he has not fully cultivated in Starry Sky Immortal City, and the cultivation base has slowly recovered. Although it has not recovered to Immortal Monarch perfection, it has been in this two years.

His most admired and most grateful person is Di Jiu, who played Di Jiu as a City Lord.

In the mind of Yan Xiaosha, Di Jiu’s Array Dao is stronger than him, and his strength is still many times stronger than Di Jiu. He wants to kill Di Jiu as the City Lord of Starry Sky Immortal City, which is a breeze. However, he did not want to be the idea of ​​the City Lord. He felt that Di Jiu is more suitable for him than the City Lord. He would rather do his best to assist Di Jiu.

Di Jiu gave him a message and he rushed to the City Lord Mansion in the first place.

“City Lord, are you looking for me?” Although his cultivation base is much higher than Di Jiu, after seeing Di Jiu, Yan Xiaosha is still a tribute, which is his respect and gratitude to Di Jiu’s.

Di Jiu nodded and he appreciated Yan Xiaosha’s character. He can be sure that Yan Xiaosha doesn’t know that at Starry Sky Immortal City, he can kill Yan Xiaosha. Just because Yan Xiaosha didn’t know, this was the result of Yan Xiaosha’s character.

“Yes, I want to go out, so I am looking for a few questions.” Di Jiu gestured to Yan Xiaosha to sit down and pour a cup of tea for Yan Xiaosha.

Yan Xiaosha said without the slightest hesitation, “What is the City Lord, despite the instructions, I will certainly guard the Starry Sky Immortal City. Just now Immortal World has nightfall, Immortal World has no good place to leave, leaving Starry Sky Immortal City, cultivation base It will only fall, and there is no benefit to the cultivation base.”

Yan Xiaosha is eager for Di Jiu’s cultivation base, but Di Jiu’s concealment cultivation technique is too strong. He looks at Di Jiu as if he is looking at a vast starry sky. He doesn’t feel where Di Jiu’s cultivation base is.

Di Jiu know Yan Xiaosha is telling the truth. He took out the Blue Gamma Fire and handed it to Yan Xiaosha. “This flame has also been borrowed for a long time. I will give it to you now.”

“Ah, flame advanced to grade 5 Immortal Flame?” Yan Xiaosha was surprised at the flame in the hands of Watched Di Jiu. He has a Grade 4 Immortal Flame, which is a rare occurrence in Immortal World. For Blue Gamma Fire advancing to grade 4, he didn’t know how much energy he was consuming. The flame that Di Jiu is still coming back is grade 5 Immortal Flame.

Di Jiu smiled. “Yes, this is a thank you for borrowing your flames.”

Yan Xiaosha immediately thought of so many cultivators. For the various Immortal World materials submitted by Starry Sky Immortal City, City Lord can bring Blue Gamma Fire advancing to grade 5 Immortal Flame, which should be the advance flame from these materials. treasure.

He stood up and said to Di Jiu with a fist. “City Lord, my Yan Xiaosha can feel the Immortal World life force again, and feel that Immortal World is starting to re-emerge. It is your credit. This Blue Gamma Fire, As a gift I contributed to the City Lord. Although this gift still does not represent the true gratitude in my heart, it is the only thing I can take to take action.”

Di Jiu laughed, forcibly sent the flame to Yan Xiaosha’s hand. “Xiaosha, a flame represents a future achievement of a cultivator. Friends belong to friend, but I Di Jiu does not like to win people’s love. I also have a flame, just a little grade. It’s a bit low. I am looking for you today, I want to ask you something.”

Yan Xiaosha saw Di Jiu’s resolute expression, knowing that Di Jiu would never want him to be a flame, so he had to draw the flame. “What is it?”

“Do you know Heaven Screen Pit?” Di Jiu asked.

“Heaven Screen Pit?” Yan Xiaosha repeated with amazement and nodded. “I know that Heaven Screen Pit is very well-known when Immortal World has no nightfall. Many cultivators like to go to Heaven Screen Pit for trials. I often find very good things here. It’s just that this place is also extremely dangerous. Although I haven’t been to Heaven Screen Pit, the more rumored the deeper the spiritual sense is, the less it can stretch. This is not the case, Heaven Screen Pit There are hundreds of millions of roads, and many cultivators will not come out after they enter.”

Di Jiu was overjoyed and asked, “That Xiaosha, do you know what treasure rumors about Heaven Screen Pit?”

“Of course.” Yan Xiaosha said without hesitation. “Heaven Screen Pit is best known for its various Heaven and Earth Heavenly Flames. It is rumored that many cultivators have received Heaven and Earth Flame in Heaven Screen Pit…”

Di Jiu is more and more sure that there is no ambiguity in the notes, only the Heavenly Fire Spirit’s place will continue to appear in various Heaven and Earth Heavenly Flame.

“Xiaosha, you give me the location of Heaven Screen Pit, I am going to see it.” Di Jiu is now ready to go to Heaven Screen Pit.


Xian Ze was a few cultivators with a hard scalp. In the past few years, he has seen many cultivators going in one direction, which makes him somewhat confused.

You know that he used to be unable to see a cultivator for many years, and now suddenly there are so many, and they all go in one direction.

In order to figure out why these cultivators are heading in one direction, he can only ask for it.

The three cultivators who were called by Xian Ze were two men and one woman, and they felt like Xian Ze. These three people should all be experts of Domain Realm perfection. Each one will not be weaker than the Mei Bashan that Di Jiu killed.

“What?” A male cultivator with a straightforward approach stared at Xian Ze, a bit cold.

Xian Ze quickly got into the ceremony. “Senior, junior saw a lot of seniors heading in one direction, don’t know why?”

Next to that female cultivator chuckled, “This tells you nothing, Nightfall Immortal Territory has a Starry Sky Immortal City, this Immortal City can be cultivating, and cross tribulation to become True Immortal.”

It turned out to be the case, Xian Ze did not have much joy. Immortal World has too many Immortal City, many of which can be cultivating. He is gone and is not eligible to enter Immortal City. These Immortal Citys also know that they all need Immortal Crystal or one billion high grade spirit stone.

“You should be glad, I heard that City Lord Di of Starry Sky Immortal City doesn’t like to kill too many cultivators, so Wan Big Brother is too lazy to kill you.” Walking on the far side of that thin tall cultivator faintly said .

Xian Ze suddenly jumped in her heart, City Lord Di? He suddenly remembered Di Jiu, will the City Lord Di be Di Jiu?

It’s no wonder that he thought that when they thought that the Di Jiu cultivation base was still weak, Di Jiu was in the Star River Sect get rid of two major sect Domain Realm experts.

He thought that when Di Jiu arrived at the True Domain and needed convergence, Di Jiu got rid of True Domain’s first expert Mei Bashan. No one in the entire True Domain dared to have a nonsense about Di Jiu, and even followed the law of Di Jiu to continue the next True Domain Great Competition of Geniuses.

Di Jiu is so amazing, what is strange about building an Immortal City in Immortal City? And that person also said that City Lord Di does not like killing. Di Jiu’s is indeed someone who has committed someone else and he will kill.

“Several seniors…” Xian Ze also wanted to ask when the City Lord Di was specifically called, and the three had already left.

Xian Ze finally found a new goal. He had to go to Starry Sky Immortal City to see if the City Lord of Immortal City was Di Jiu.

Xian Ze just thought of it, a wolverine figure came from afar.

“Zhuo Wenshu…” Xian Ze recognized it as soon as he saw the cultivator coming over. The person who came was Zhuo Wenshu. It was only at this moment that Zhuo Wenshu was so embarrassed that he had no such gesture when he participated in the True Domain Battle of Geniuses.

“Senior Xian ……” Zhuo Wenshu also saw Xian Ze, she stopped and said with surprise.

When she saw Xian Ze, she was a Transforming Truth 5th layer. Over the years, she has been Domain Realm 4th layer, and Xian Ze is a Transforming Truth 5th layer.

She is called Senior Xian Ze because she feels that Di Jiu has always regarded Xian Ze as a senior.

“Sorry, Zhuo Wenshu, I stopped you.” A red-haired cultivator that Xiang Ze watched chased, some embarrassed.

In Immortal World these years, he has already put aside life and death. But Zhuo Wenshu is a great year, even if I came to Immortal World at nightfall, the future will not be the same. If the harmed Zhuo Wenshu fallen here, that is the real sin.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night, by the way, ask for a monthly pass!)

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