Di Jiu took Mo Yu back and watched Dao Fire on his wrist.

Although he gave the message in the past, it is a pity that Dao Fire has no way to guide him out.

Di Jiu know There should be other good things in this Heaven Screen Pit, but he doesn’t have a bit of a mood to stay here now. Mo Yu is seriously injured and must be treated as soon as possible.

At this moment, his Spiritual Sense entered Grade 3 Immortal Sense, spiritual sense can be seen 10 thousand feet range, but there is no difference between it and the thousand feet.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense is in True Spirit World. After Shudi recently used Immortal Crystal, the cultivation base has made rapid progress. It is already the Grade 9 Tree Monster, and Hei Huo is now the Grade 10 Perfection Monster Insect. At this moment, Hei Huo is staring at the tree monster pill refining, and from time to time, he also points to one or two.

Even if Hei Huo didn’t know anything, Shudi had to listen to Hei Huo, because the flame used by Shudi is really Hei Huo’s Azure Lamp.

Hei Huo borrowed the flame from Shudi and asked Shudi to listen to him.

Di Jiu know Hei Huo won’t pill refining, he directly called the tree monster and Hei Huo.

“Big Brother, I can already refine the Grade 7 King Pill…” Shudi said that he did not live up to Di Jiu’s expectations, and he came out loud when he came out.

Hei Huo sneered at the side. “It’s already Immortal World. You have a grade 7 medicinal pill for the Culture World. You have a fart. Hey, here is Heavenly Fire Spirit’s aura…”

Hei Huo was most sensitive to the flames and he immediately felt Heavenly Fire Spirit’s aura.

“Heavenly Fire Spirit is used by Dao Fire, you have no hope.” Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation hit Hei Huo. Then stopped Shudi and said to Hei Huo’s resentment, “I am trapped in this Heaven Screen Pit, there is no way to go out now, who two of you have a solution?”

Shudi’s spiritual sense swept out and quickly said with a bitter face. “There are almost aura everywhere, I can’t find directions.”

Hei Huo also smelled it everywhere, and said, “Big Brother, I have a way, but my cultivation base is too low. As long as I can enter the Immortal Monster, I can tear open the void here… …”

Di Jiu stared at Hei Huo, and he couldn’t believe it for a while. “Hei Huo, you said you can tear open void?”

Hei Huo proudly turned his eyes. “That is natural, what am I…”

“Hey!” Shudi took a branch and took a picture on Hei Huo’s head. Hei Huo immediately turned his head and glared at Shudi. “What are you doing?”

If it wasn’t for the heart, the little tree root wouldn’t want to hit it with a branch.

“This is your attitude towards Big Brother.” Shudi looked upright.

Hei Huo seems to think that he is really too arrogant, and quickly said, “Big Brother, I don’t mean that.”

Where Di Jiu will put these things in his heart, there are still some horrified inquiries, “Hei Huo, you really can tear open void?”

Hei Huo nodded. “Yes, I can really tear apart void.”

“Then you know what changed you?” Di Jiu followed and asked, he vaguely felt that Hei Huo was not a simple master.

Hei Huo distressed and touched his head with his forefoot. “I don’t know, I only awakened this divine ability when grade 10 perfection. And even if advancing to Grade 1 Immortal Monster, I can only tear open the same with World Plane’s void. ……”

“What do you mean?” Di Jiu asked inexplicably.

“I just can’t tear open a realm to another a realm’s void. For example, if I am here, I can tear a void and go to another place. No matter how far the place is, it is in the same World Plane.” Hei Huo said slyly. .

“This is Space Divine Ability…” Di Jiu said with amazement.

He is sure that this is Space Divine Ability, and it is also the Space Divine Ability that Hei Huo himself awakens.

“Hei Huo, you said that you have any way to get into the Immortal Monster?” Di Jiu couldn’t wait to ask.

Hei Huo pointed to the disappearance of Heavenly Fire Spirit. “If I gave the Heavenly Fire Spirit to me, I could easily enter the Immortal Monster, just now…”

“Heavenly Fire Spirit is used by Dao Fire. Can you see if this is OK?” Di Jiu raised his hand and threw a red clam like a half eggshell.

Hei Huo landed on the red dragonfly and said excitedly, “Big Brother, yes, this is Cocoon of Heavenly Fire, the best Nirvana Material, enough for me to step into the Immortal Monster…”

Di Jiu quickly grabbed a bunch of Immortal Crystal and threw it next to the red dragonfly. “Hei Huo, you hurry to advance, I am guard for you. If not enough, I still have it here.”

Hei Huo’s cultivating is almost the same as Dao Fire, and the red dragonfly seems to be turned into a quicksand, which is constantly being sucked away by Hei Huo.

Di Jiu can feel the aura of Hei Huo rising continuously, and there is a kind of monster qi compared to Dao Fire.

Immortal Crystal blasted and Immortal Spirit Qi was taken away by Hei Huo.

Just over a dozen days later, a terrifying Thunder Tribulation Arc exploded from the top without warning, and rolled over to Hei Huo.

Di Jiu know Hei Huo should be the monster insect of the Fire Attribute, he thought that Hei Huo would spit out a flame shield to block the thunder arc. What Di Jiu didn’t think of was that Hei Huo opened his mouth and swallowed the fallen thunder arc entirely.

The aura of Hei Huo is obviously skyrocketing. Di Jiu himself is the cultivator of True Immortal Thunder Tribulation. I don’t know if this is the prelude of Hei Huo’s imminent entry into the Immortal Monster. He was overjoyed, and as long as Hei Huo became the Immortal Monster, he could see Hei Huo tearing the void’s divine ability.

On the side of the tree monster envious of the watched Hei Huo, it knows that he can only watched, envy it.

Don’t look at Hei Huo Grade 10 Monster Beast now, he is the Grade 9 Monster Beast, but he and Hei Huo’s aptitude are different from each other.

Hei Huo Grade 10 Monster Beast is because in True Spirit World, grade 10 is top grade. It grades 9 because it can only advancing to grade 9.

This is also the Di Jiu ring with a large number of spirit stone, spicy vein and even a Medicine King Spirit Vein, now even with Immortal Crystal. If it is not these things, its little tree root is estimated to be less than grade 4.

After Hei Huo enters the Immortal Monster, it will be far behind.

Thunder Tribulation In the past, Hei Huo stepped into the Grade 1 Immortal Monster without any hindrance, and even Monster Origin almost converted.

“Big Brother, I am now a Grade 1 Immortal Monster. If Immortal Spirit Qi is a little bit worse, my Monster Origin will all be transformed…” Hei Huo said excitedly.

It has long been the Grade 10 Monster Beast. It can’t be advance in True Spirit World. It’s boring to be bored every day.

At this moment, Hei Huo is full of football size, and the body is still dark and black, and there is a red color on the top of the head. The four feet are also thick and strong.

Di Jiu asked with doubts, “Hei Huo, I have half a red dragonfly, why don’t you?”

Hei Huo’s eyes fell on Mo Yu behind Di Jiu, and the tone was somewhat swallowed. “Sister-in-law should be burned by Heavenly Fire Spirit. In the future, it will find top grade Immortal Pill. Healed the injury and also needs Heavenly. Fire Spirit’s 茧Nirvana Fleshly Body ,advance Immortal Nirvana Body, otherwise it is difficult to heal…”

Di Jiu asked in a pleasant surprise, “Hei Huo, you said Junior Sister Mo, just use the remaining half of the Nirvana Fleshly Body?”

“It’s the first time to heal with Immortal Pill and then at Nirvana Fleshly Body…” Hei Huo explained quickly.

“Okay, you are very good.” Di Jiu patted Hei Huo’s small head.

Feel Di Jiu’s satisfaction, Hei Huo is also very happy, quickly said, “I will try to tear the void.”

“Yes, yes…” Di Jiu was so happy, at least he found the second step in the treatment of Mo Yu.

Di Jiu looked at Hei Huo’s tiny claws. He thought that Hei Huo had to tear open the void and must use his mouth to bite. He seems to have seen a kind of beast on the World Book, which can swallow space, just bite with his mouth.

What Di Jiu didn’t think of was that Hei Huo raised two thin claws and pulled it in the void.

The space is like a calm stone throwing a stone, and there is a space fluctuation. Followed by a black crack in front of Di Jiu, the mysterious space aura came.

It was really tearing the void, and Di Jiu was amazed.

Hei Huo said, “Big Brother, I saw two High-grade Immortal Veins…”

Speaking in between , Hei Huo Once again, the space aura becomes bigger.

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation with Hei Huo and Shudi rushed into the void crack, there was no strong space blade glow, and when Di Jiu landed on the ground, he watched Hei Huo asked, “Here is Heaven Screen Pit?”

“Yes, Big Brother, you see two high grade spirit veins here.” Hei Huo cried in surprise.

Without Hei Huo, Di Jiu also saw two high grade Immortal Spirit Veins that were half exposed.

Although Di Jiu is eager to go back and look for something to cure Mo Yu, two high grade Immortal Spirit Vein appear in front of Di Jiu, and Di Jiu will not ignore it.

A dozen Array Flags were thrown out by Di Jiu, and soon the two Immortal Spirit Veins were dragged into True Spirit World by Di Jiu.

Hei Huo took a break and ripped open the space again. Outside the space came a desolate aura, Di Jiu know that the space that was torn open must be outside the Heaven Screen Pit.

Di Jiu grabbed Shudi and Hei Huo again and rushed out of the crack, and the place where he fell was the familiar Immortal World ridiculous aura.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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