“Haha, I also know City Lord.” Someone sneered at the side.

It’s too strange to just come to a person and say that you know City Lord.

Deacon Mi tone turn coldly and said, “Do you know what it is like to pretend to know the City Lord? Six years ago, there was a Golden Immortal to pretend to be the City Lord. The result was killed by City Lord Yan. Five years ago, there was a man named Huan Changzhu. Cultivator, came here to know the City Lord of Starry Sky Immortal City, and even dared to directly call the name of City Lord, and he was nailed to the outside of Auxiliary City, which I personally did…”

Speaking of the sound of Deacon Mi behind, it is already a glimpse of the City Lord, hehe, a True Immortal, a Domain Realm middle stage, and also knows the City Lord.

What about the City Lord? He also met the City Lord in Three Elements Immortal City and has seen Di Jiu. The result is not to rely on Qin Fujian to enter here.

“You killed Domain Lord Huan…” Zhuo Wenshu whispered, and his eyes were scared.

She wanted to understand her situation and let this Deacon Mi inform Di Jiu that it was impossible. Now they have said that they know City Lord. If she does not follow Deacon Mi, she is not going to go.

Xian Ze was as scared as her heart. Huan Changzhu was killed by this Deacon. Can they leave here alive?

Zhuo Wenshu suddenly slanted out and sacrificed his long sword exploded towards the Auxiliary City protection array.

“You are looking for death…” Seeing Zhuo Wenshu dare to bomb the protection array, Deacon Mi exploded towards Zhuo Wenshu, Zhuo Wenshu’s cultivation base and Deacon Mi are too far apart, just a punch, they are blasted out, air Highlight a blood.

If it wasn’t for Deacon Mi who didn’t want to kill Zhuo Wenshu, this fist Zhuo Wenshu had fallen.


Di Jiu watched a red Array Flag in my hand, I am very satisfied. Three years ago, his Array Dao stepped into the Grade 6 Immortal Array Grandmaster. In order to break into the Immortal Array King, he has been on the Array Dao for three consecutive years. In theory, he should have been able to lay out the Grade 7 Immortal Array, but his Array Flag has not kept up.

To this day, he refines the first Grade 7 Immortal Array flag.

Unlike the refining Array Flag and the refining magical treasure, Di Jiu refining the Grade 7 Immortal Array flag does not mean that he can refine the high grade Immortal Tool. However, the grade 7 Array Flag can be refined, and the conditions for refining the high grade Immortal Tool are mature. As long as Di Jiu time, he can refine the high grade Immortal Tool.

For Di Jiu, being a tool refining guru is a must. To upgrade his blade array, you must have high grade Immortal Tool. These Immortal Tool is completely unrealistic to buy. After he upgrades Starry Sky Immortal City’s protection array, he can find the material and start refining himself.

Di Jiu hasn’t been to Heavenly Bamboo River yet, he feels that his protective array is shaking again.

Is this someone attacking Starry Sky Immortal City Auxiliary City? Di Jiu was furious and strewed out of the City Lord Mansion.

Di Jiu has not yet landed outside Auxiliary City. He saw Deacon Mi blasting Zhuo Wenshu, and then an Origin Qi fingerprint caught Zhuo Wenshu.

“Hey!” Deacon Mi’s Origin Qi handprint seemed to be blocked by a wall that was invisible to the naked eye.

“Who is it?” Deacon Mi snorted.

“It’s me.” Di Jiu took care of Zhuo Wenshu and took a medicinal pill and sent it to Zhuo Wenshu’s mouth.

“Senior Brother Di, thank you.” At the moment of seeing Di Jiu, Zhuo Wenshu breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that she and Xian Ze did not guess, Starry Sky Immortal City was indeed established by Di Jiu.

“Junior Sister Zhuo, what’s going on?” Di Jiu asked for a phrase to see Xian Ze on one side.

“Big Brother Xian, let’s come to Immortal World. After so many years, I finally met again.” Di Jiu saw Xin Ze’s moment more happy than seeing Zhuo Wenshu.

“Brother Di Jiu, I didn’t expect Starry Sky Immortal City to be built by you.” Xian Ze is just as excited.

“shua shua!” Once again, several figures fell on the side of Di Jiu.

Whether it is Yan Xiaosha, Qu Tong, Liu Yuxin, Qin Fujian, etc., it has arrived here. It was not a small thing to attack Auxiliary City again.

“City Lord…” After a few people came outside Auxiliary City, they first saw Di Jiu who came first. Di Jiu has been in the City Lord Mansion seclusion for several years, and this is the first time they have seen Di Jiu in a few years.

“Mi Changhe has seen City Lord, has seen a few Vice City Lord, everyone Deacon…” Mi Changhe frowned as he saw Di Jiu coming in, as if he really knew Zhuo Wenshu.

Deacon Mi had planned to take Zhuo Wenshu away, and now Zhuo Wenshu ate an Immortal Pill and the injury quickly recovered.

Without waiting for Di Jiu to continue to ask, Deacon Mi quickly said, “Return to City Lord, who thinks that these two people want to pretend to be the City Lord’s friend, and then want to arrest to ask for something.”

Di Jiu said coldly, “Since you thought it was a friend of me, you should report it to you at the first time. Starry Sky Immortal City Auxiliary City Deacon, who gave you the power to enforce the law?”

Deacon Mi quickly said, “This is a mistake, and it must be corrected.”

Deacon Mi didn’t panic though he was a little embarrassed. City Lord Di doesn’t like killing, everyone knows that he is the most blamed. Even if he took his Deacon, as long as Qin Fujian is still managing the Auxiliary City, after a while he just changed position.

Qin Fujian said quickly, “Back to Sect Master, Deacon Mi’s predecessor, Deacon, was Deacon Huang. Auxiliary City once had a Golden Immortal expert to pretend to be a City Lord’s friend, Deacon Huang stayed as a guest, when he wanted to report it, that The cultivator posing as City Lord friend suddenly broke out, killing Deacon Huang and several Auxiliary City Deacons. At that time, if it wasn’t for City Lord Yan take action, Auxiliary City might have fallen…”

Yan Xiaosha said quickly, “There is such a thing. Later, Vice City Lord Qin, who managed Auxiliary City, promoted Deacon Mi.”

“City Lord Di, wasn’t it a contribution to collecting materials? Deacon Mi said that as long as it helps him to do things, he has the same contribution…” A cultivator outside Auxiliary City was bullied by Deacon Mi, not a day or two, if Not to have nowhere to go, he has long gone.

At this moment Starry Sky Immortal City City Lord Di Jiu is here, and Deacon Mi seems to be in the hands of the City Lord, where he will let go of this opportunity.

Di Jiu Cold watched Deacon Mi, “I am the City Lord of Starry Sky Immortal City. I don’t contribute to doing things for you. You are a Deacon of Auxiliary City. You have such a big effort to help you do things and contribute? ”

Di Jiu speaking in between ,spiric sense landed in Auxiliary City, Hall. His spiritual sense fell into Deacon Mi’s wide cave mansion, and immediately saw two tortured, non-human female cultivators.

The cold killing intent instantly charged Di Jiu’s body, and his Auxiliary City had this kind of scum in management. Even though it was Auxiliary City, this kind of thing appeared and it was ironic.

He built Starry Sky Immortal City to build a wonderful living environment at Nightfall Immortal Territory without bullying. It seems that he is too ideal.

Di Jiu An open hand, Deacon Mi’s cave mansion was torn open by him, and two tormented female cultivators were in the hands of Deacon Mi.

“Mi Changhe, you guys is really not small.” Di Jiu’s voice has no killing intent, Deacon Mi is a dead man in his eyes.

“Wu Ming, Zeng Yushan… Are they not selected by Deacon Mi to enter the Deacon Mansion?” Someone in the crowd screamed.

Then all the people understood what was going on, no wonder that Deacon Mi wanted that female cultivator to go in and help.

“Senior Brother Di, Domain Lord Huan Changzhu was also killed by this Deacon.” Zhuo Wenshu said on the side.

Hearing that Huan Changzhu was also killed, Di Jiu did not know where the killing was definitely the same as he had just seen. Just Zhuo Wenshu is smart, knowing to attack the Auxiliary City protection array. Otherwise, Xian Ze and Zhuo Wenshu’s end will obviously not be good.

The Di Jiu open hand under the wrath grabbed Deacon Mi and dropped it in the void. Then dozens of Array Flags trapped Deacon Mi inside, and then lost it with a Dao Flame.

Deacon Mi terrifying’s fierce cry came, Di Jiu’s trapping array did not let Deacon Mi die immediately, the screams lasted for a long time, the surrounding cultivator listened to the scalp is bursts of cool.

Everyone in Auxiliary City knows at the moment that the City Lord of Starry Sky Immortal City doesn’t like killing, not killing. This means, compared to a blade, does not know how many times to be savage.

Qin Fujian said to the Di Jiu a gift, “City Lord, I have a great trust.”

Di Jiu’s tone is somewhat cold cold. “You really have a negative trust. Mi Changhe. You have to say that you don’t know anything about it. I don’t believe it. Say, why do you want Mi Changhe to manage Auxiliary City? Right, give him such a big cave mansion?”

Qin Fujian came from Three Elements Immortal City with Di Jiu. When Di Jiu founded Immortal City, it helped Immortal City do a lot of things.

In Starry Sky Immortal City, Qin Fujian’s position under Di Jiu is absolutely not low, otherwise it will not be sent to Starry Sky Immortal City’s Auxiliary City by Di Jiu.

Qin Fujian said quickly, “Mi Changhe is also from Three Elements Immortal City. I had a little friendship with him in Three Elements Immortal City, so this time he asked me to come here, I was confused and believed his words. I promise I will not commit this kind of thing in the future, and I will manage Starry Sky Immortal City’s Auxiliary City.”

Di Jiu watched Qin Fujian indifferently said, “You think too much. From now on, you are no longer a starry sky Immortal City’s cultivator, and you are not qualified to come to Starry Sky Immortal City’s Auxiliary City. Look at you when you were with me. From Three Elements Immortal City, I won’t kill you this time, roll.”

“Ah…” Qin Fujian was stagnant, and he was driven out of Starry Sky Immortal City.

At this moment, his brain was a prime chaos, and only one sentence came and went repeatedly. He was driven out of Starry Sky Immortal City.

Di Jiu ignored Qin Fujian, his eyes turned to Liu Yuxin, “Deacon Liu, Starry Sky Immortal City’s Auxiliary City will be handed over to you for a while. You were also bullied, I hope not to see this again. ”

Liu Yuxin without the slightest hesitation said, “City Lord, I promise to make the Starry Sky Immortal City Auxiliary City as clear as Starry Sky Immortal City.”

(The second day of today will delay some time, or it will be later.)

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