Yi Zhen saw at least half of the sect standing on Lu Xikun, and his heart was sinking.

Even if his Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect has a killing array, once it is up, I am afraid that Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect will be destroyed in his hands. To be sure, if you really get together, the people standing next to Lu Xikun will never have any mercy. On the other side of his side, once a conflict occurs, some people will not go all out, they will secretly save their strength.

After a short period of time, Yi Zhen’s murder was hidden, he said smoothly. “My Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect’s purpose has always been for Immortal World to seek fortune, so that the entire Immortal World is a big fight, not my Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect wants I saw that since everyone is not willing to negotiate, it will be three days later, three days later, I will open the Great Heavenly Wall Array, wherever you want to go, and I will not find my Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect in the future.”

I heard that Yi Zhen did not continue to choose to kill, and many Sect Masters were relieved.

If today’s great war is up, New Immortal Territory will not be there anymore, waiting for everyone must be a more terrible ending than the original Nightfall Immortal Territory. Here is the Sect Master of each major sect. Anyone who falls down is not dead.

“In this case, after three days, we waited for Sect Master Yi outside the Great Heavenly Wall Array.” Lu Xikun finished, turned and left.

Half of Sect Master followed Lu Xikun and walked out of Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect. The other half is still in Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect.

New Immortal Territory’s big party has not yet begun, it is divided into two waves, a wave of major sect influence headed by Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect Yi Zhen, a wave of sect influence headed by Everlasting Sword Dao Sect Master Lu Xikun.


“Sect Master Lu, do you really want to go to Nightfall Immortal Territory?” As soon as he left Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect, a small sect Sect Master couldn’t wait to ask.

Lu Xikun nodded solemnly. “Yes, Immortal World is still the origin of Nightfall Immortal Territory. New Immortal Territory is blunt, but it is a small horn separated from the entire Immortal World. Moreover, my New Immortal Territory is only one or two years old. Time will be completely second with Nightfall Immortal Territory. Instead of sitting still, look at Nightfall Immortal Territory. Even if you want to fall, fall in your own home.”

Not just Lu Xikun, for most cultivators, Nightfall Immortal Territory is still their home.

Extreme Origin Immortal Mansion’s Mansion Lord Tan Mo said, “I agree with Sect Master Lu, our roots are still in Nightfall Immortal Territory. And I don’t think Sect Master Jing will flee to Nightfall Immortal Territory for no reason, Sect Master Jing heart Immortal World, she goes to Nightfall Immortal Territory, it must be the place where Nightfall Immortal Territory attracts her.”

Tan Mo is not only a belief in Jing Luowen’s character, but also a trust in Heaven Cleansing Sect. There is a saying Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect Sect Master Yi Zhen Nothing to say, that is to see the Immortal World destiny, not only Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect, Heaven Cleansing Sect can do it. To know that Heaven Cleansing Sect’s disciple are both Stainless Spirit Body, this aptitude is most sensitive to destiny and Immortal Spirit Qi.

“Yes.” Lu Xikun first affirmed Tan Mo’s words, then silenced for a long while, and said in a more dignified tone, “I have a big suspicion. If New Immortal Territory is also in the nightfall, I don’t even dare speak out.”

Everyone was shocked by the words of Lu Xikun. No one talked for a time. All of them were watched Lu Xikun.

Lu Xikun took a breath and said, “We all know that Immortal World is falling into the nightfall because Immortal World destiny is gone. Immortal World is such a big domain, destiny can run for no reason? I suspect that Immortal World was originally I fell into the nightfall because someone took the supreme of the suppressing Immortal World destiny, Four-sided Divine Cauldron.”


All the people were shocked by the words of Lu Xikun, capturing the treasure of Immortal World suppressing destiny, which is simply…

This terrible topic is that no one dares to speak. Even if Lu Xikun is the Sect Master of first rate sect, this kind of thing can’t be said casually.

Why did Yi Zhen use the deprivation of New Immortal Territory destiny to smear Jing Luowen? Because this kind of words is just a matter of fact, it is a dead end, and everyone is shouting. It is a pity that Jing Luowen’s character is too high. Not everyone believes Yi Zhen’s words and makes Yi Zhen self-defeating.

Lu Xikun sighed. “I know that my words are too shocking, but my Master gave me a message that was not particularly clear before I disappeared. This message is only six words, Four-sided Divine Cauldron Abundant Destiny. My Master is not Immortal. After the World Nightfall disappeared, he was invited by Emperor Sui and Immortal Emperor Yi Yun. Before he went out, he was recruited by the disciple of my Everlasting Sword Dao.

I didn’t expect my Master to go to say goodbye. Shortly after he sent me a message, Immortal World destiny began to collapse and Immortal World nightfall came. Then Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect began to encourage everyone to kill, and Immortal World nightfall accelerated…”

Many of the Sect Masters were shocked by watched Lu Xikun, and they all guessed what Lu Xikun was about to say. As for the Master of Lu Xikun, everyone knows who it is. It is the top grade of Empering Sword Dao and the Emperor of the Sword.

In the same year, the Emperor Sword and the Great Immortal Emperor, such as Emperor Emperor, Immortal Emperor Yi Yun, Immortal Emperor, and Immortal Emperor, who are famous for the Emperor of the Sword, are not the opponents of the Sword Emperor.

Sure enough, Lu Xikun continued, “I suspect that the Four-sided Divine Cauldron of the suppressing Immortal World destiny was taken away by Immortal Emperor Yi Yun, and that the Sui Emperor was also killed by Immortal Emperor Yi Yun. My Master must have been blocked in the process. Abundant destiny is hurt, Immortal Emperor Yi Yun perfection, I guess he left Immortal World with Four-sided Divine Cauldron.”

Everyone is suck in a breath of cold air, leaving the Immortal World with the Four-sided Divine Cauldron of the suppressing Immortal World destiny. Once this is passed out, Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect will be the sect that everyone screams.

What Lu Xikun said is really possible, because Immortal World is the limit of cultivating Dao. No one has ever heard of the Immortal Emperor, and what realm is there. If you want to leave Immortal World, I am afraid there is no more means than the Four-sided Divine Cauldron.


Di Jiu learned from the mouth of Zhuo Wenshu that Star River School had nothing to do, and that Di Di and Geng Ji did not come to Immortal World, and the heart was loose.

At this time Starry Sky Immortal City is still developing, Di Di and Geng Ji They don’t make any sense to Immortal World.

Continuing to study Array Dao was a waste of time. Before the arrival of the New Immortal Territory expert, Di Jiu simply secluded cultivation at the Heavenly Bamboo River Great Five Elements Array array core.

This is the first time that Di Jiu came to Immortal World to start cultivating, sitting on top of two high grade Immortal Spirit Vein, and the second source of Immortal World destiny, Di Jiu cultivation speed is also considered rapid.

In just half a year, Di Jiu entered the True Immortal 7th layer. After the True Immortal 7th layer, Di Jiu’s cultivation speed slowed down. But under Starry Sky Secret Art, it is still much faster than the average cultivator.

Three months later, when Di Jiu just stepped into the True Immortal 8th layer, the communication bead on his wrist gave off a bright glow.

Di Jiu immediately stopped cultivating, and his body shape fell on the walls of the Auxiliary City.

On the wall, in addition to Yan Xiaosha who has entered the Great Unity Immortal realm and Qu Tong and Wu Yu who entered the Golden Immortal Realm world, there are also Bei Chutai and Liu Yuxin.

Di Jiu was just asking Heaven Cleansing Sect’s Sect Master, Yan Xiaosha said, “City Lord, just a message from Sect Master Jing that I sent you.”

“Yes, I feel that Yi Zhen and others are coming.” Jing Luowen void fell to Di Jiu’s in one step.

Di Jiu quickly greeted the cup one fist in the other hand, and then wondered, “How does Sect Master Jing know that Yi Zhen and others will come over?”

Jing Luowen has been recovering from Starry Sky Immortal City for nearly a year and her injuries have already recovered. She vaguely felt that Di Jiu’s cultivation base had risen to a level, but she still couldn’t see Di Jiu’s specific cultivation base.

“City Lord, our Auxiliary City has a slightly lower protection array rating. So I have a few touch arrays outside of Auxiliary City, and only the cultivator that steps into Great Immortal Realm can trigger my contact array. Not long ago, One of the touchdowns I arranged was touched, so I guess it should be that Yi Zhen is coming soon.” Jing Luowen is a Sect Master and an Immortal King expert. Even if her injury is completely restored now, she does not despise Di Jiu, the City Lord.

Di Jiu naturally believes in Jing Luowen’s words. He is secretly saying that Jiang is an old-fashioned, and he did not think of such a simple method.

He immediately opened the Auxiliary City protection array and said, “The new Immortal Territory’s expert is about to grab our home. These people will not take our lives at all. Now let the cultivator outside Auxiliary City temporarily transfer the road. Inside Auxiliary City…”

Di Jiu’s voice spread throughout the entire Auxiliary City. All the cultivators living around Auxiliary City heard Di Jiu’s words and were the first to pack their things and rush to Auxiliary City.

More cultivators are thanking City Lord Di for allowing them to take refuge in the Auxiliary City.

Everyone has heard about the disaster outside Auxiliary City a few years ago. I heard that after the Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect’s disciple came, he did not ask for the indiscriminate murder, and directly killed all the cultivators outside Auxiliary City.

This time, the cultivator of New Immortal Territory comes over again, and who dares stays outside Auxiliary City? If Auxiliary City does not allow them to enter, they would rather say it.

However, not all cultivators choose to enter Auxiliary City, and very few cultivators escape directly. They heard about New Immortal Territory and Immortal King expert. These experts came over, and neither Auxiliary City nor Starry Sky Immortal City could stop it. Since they can’t stop, they are now entering Auxiliary City, still looking for death that’s all.

Almost all the cultivators outside the Auxiliary City entered the Auxiliary City, and the shadows of dozens of flying boats loomed.

Di Jiu raises his hand and throws an Array Flag, which closes the grade 3 protection array outside the Starry Sky Immortal City Auxiliary City.

Even if there is Jing Luowen take action to help, he wants to deal with the Expert of New Immortal Territory, and can only rely on protection array.

Shua shua shua !

The dawn of a flying boat fell outside the Auxiliary City, and at least nearly a million people rushed down the Auxiliary City flying boat.

When these cultivators fell down on the ground, they shouted excitedly. “There can be cultivating, life force aura, and water. I saw it, I saw it…”

Although no one said what he saw, everyone knew what he saw.

(These days, picking up the children, so the traditional No. 1 plus did not add, add a few days to add, the first is still the traditional monthly ticket. Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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