When you hear Di Jiu’s, many sect Sect Masters are overjoyed. A few cultivators who almost followed Yi Zhen to attack the protection array were more than happy. It was one foot in Heaven and one foot in Hell.

When Yi Zhen attacked the Auxiliary City protection array, almost everyone thought that it was easy to tear open the Auxiliary City. The result was exactly the opposite of what they thought. Yi Zhen and others who attacked the protection array had already turned into bones. Starry Sky Immortal City’s protection array has no damage to the fur.

Lu Xikun and others followed Di Jiu through Auxiliary City and entered the protection array of Starry Sky Immortal City.

Auxiliary City’s life force and strong Immortal Spirit Qi have made everyone happy. After coming to Starry Sky Immortal City, the people were really stunned.

Even New Immortal Territory is slag compared to here.

Here Immortal Spirit Qi strong, the Dao Principle is clear, and once you enter Immortal City, there is a scene of life force. The crystal clear Heavenly Bamboo River is surrounded by the star river Immortal City. The river is sparkling. The Heavenly Bamboo on the Heavenly Bamboo River is a life force aura, a true Immortal World.

“Immortal World destiny really came out here for the second time…” Lu Xikun fell to the ground and was difficult to himself.

When he first went to New Immortal Territory, he knew that even New Immortal Territory could be cultivating, and there was Immortal Spirit Qi, which was also a passive source of water. This is his premonition as an Immortal King level expert, and the entire New Immortal Territory is like a tall building without bones. This high-rise building without bones and foundation will soon be destroyed.

In fact, he did not read it wrong, and this day came earlier than he expected.

Not just Lu Xikun, all the incoming Immortal Sect Sect Masters are excited and difficult to see themselves because they saw hope. Di Jiu is better, Jing Luowen is very aware of the excitement of these people.

No one knows better than these people. It is not easy to live in Immortal World again. How eager it is.

No matter who they are, once they don’t see the future, they are desperate and embarrassed. Starry Sky Immortal City lets them see the future.

Di Jiu said that Immortal World destiny is here again, this is not an exaggeration, this is to say to Xiaoli.

“Everyone will go with me to the City Lord Mansion for consultation. In the future, there will be time to walk around Starry Sky Immortal City.” Di Jiu interrupted the excitement of many Sect Masters.

He is anxious to leave Starry Sky Immortal City, take Mo Yu to find Great Cauldron, and the sooner the Starry Sky Immortal City is handled, the more Di Jiu’s ideas.

Lu Xikun would like to say that everyone listens to Sect Master Di and goes to the City Lord Mansion to discuss things. However, he still resisted this sentence. Once he said this sentence, if Di Jiu’s heart is smaller, it is very likely to guard against him.

Before, he led Lu Xikun to everyone. Now he is in Starry Sky Immortal City. It should be Di Jiu as the master. He can’t take the lead.

Fortunately, the rest of the sect Sect Master with the slightest hesitation followed Di Jiu’s words and followed Di Jiu into the City Lord Mansion of Starry Sky Immortal City.


After Di Jiu and many other sect Sect Masters sat down, they took out more than a hundred jade slips and threw them out. Those who can sit here are the Sect Masters of Great Immortal Sect. As for those Sect Elder or the rest, they stayed in Auxiliary City and were not eligible to enter Starry Sky Immortal City.

After many Sect Masters got the jade slip, Di Jiu said, “Sect Masters, this is the details of the law and contribution of Starry Sky Immortal City. Let’s first understand, if you have any questions, you can ask for it.”

After everyone receives the jade slip, the spiritual sense is immediately penetrated into the jade slip to see the contents of the jade slip.

As for the sudden production here, restraint Di Jiu, no one thought about it.

Don’t say that Di Jiu dare to bring them here, they won’t be afraid of them, even if they restrain Di Jiu?

These people are not Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect’s Yi Zhen, they are not trying to control the entire Immortal World. Even the Sect Master, including Lu Xikun, is not willing to be the second birthplace of this Immortal World destiny.

It is indifferent to the City Lord of Starry Sky Immortal City, provided that Immortal World is not destroyed and the inheritance of their sect is destroyed. Here great war, no matter who wins, it is a failure, not everyone is Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect.

Lu Xikun first watched jade slip, he looked up and watched Di Jiu said, “City Lord Di, the details of the law and the details of the contribution specified above are fair and just, my Everlasting Dao Sect has no opinion.”

“my Numerous Array Immortal Sect has no comments…”

Sect Masters are standing out and they can see that the law has only one City Lord command to transcend the law, and the rest are fair and reasonable.

As for the City Lord special order, it was necessary for them to make the first effort to establish Starry Sky Immortal City.

“City Lord Di, this is my Everlasting Dao Sect thing, I hope to get some contribution points.” Lu Xikun first took out a ring and handed it to Di Jiu.

Di Jiu took a look at the ring and immediately moved. In addition to the Immortal Spirit Vein, the Immortal Spirit Grass and immortal material are piled up in the ring, and most of them are good things, which is what he needs most.

Seeing Di Jiu seems to be very satisfied with his ring, Lu Xikun said to Jing Luowen cup one fist in the other hand, “Sect Master Jing, I have one thing to apologize to you.”

“Sect Master Lu is heavy,” Jing Luowen said quickly.

Lu Xikun shook his head. “No, I have been very embarrassed about this. When Yi Zhen killed Junior Sister Jing Luolin, I saw it with my own eyes…”

Jing Luowen suddenly stood up, she clenched her fist, and after a while she sat down again. Lu Xikun saw Yi Zhen killing Jing Luolin is not in the first place, but also excusable. Everyone is selfish, Lu Xikun is recognized to be stronger than Yi Zhen, but Yi Zhen’s cultivation base is higher than Lu Xikun.

For an irrelevant person, Yi Zhen, the first person of New Immortal Territory, is opposed, and no one is willing to do it.

Di Jiu’s face was a little cold, and Lu Xikun’s strength was significantly stronger than Yi Zhen. If he is really afraid of offending Yi Zhen and is not willing to take action to save Jing Luolin, then he is not willing to let Lu Xikun stay in Starry Sky Immortal City.

Lu Xikun continued, “I am not willing to save, but I can’t save. Others are afraid of him Yi Zhen, I am really not afraid. At the time I was serious injury, the strength was not even one tenth. If you dare to take action Save, I will die.”

Di Jiu indifferently said, “With the strength of Sect Master Lu, at New Immortal Territory, I am afraid that few people can have a serious injury?”

Lu Xikun doesn’t seem to know that Di Jiu is questioning himself. “I was seriously injured because I wanted to find Immortal World’s Void Channel. I found Floating Thunder Island…”

“Sect Master Lu, have you gone to Floating Thunder Island?” Jing Luowen asked in amazement.

Di Jiu doubted watched Jing Luowen, “Sect Master Jing, do you know Floating Thunder Island?”

Jing Luowen nodded. “Yes, I really regretted bringing Heaven Cleansing Sect’s disciple to New Immortal Territory. My Sect Master is incompetent. After New Immortal Territory, my Heaven Cleansing Sect’s disciple died. I want to leave New Immortal Territory, but I know that I want to ask Yi Zhen to open the Great Heavenly Wall Array to Nightfall Immortal Territory, which is absolutely impossible. So I found Floating Thunder Island and I heard that Floating Thunder Island can leave Immortal World and enter void. But after I arrived at Floating Thunder Island, I knew that my strength to get into void from Floating Thunder Island was to die.”

Lu Xikun followed, “Yes, I also know that New Immortal Territory is not long, and I want to leave Immortal World. It is because of this that I found Floating Thunder Island. I tried it and I have not yet entered the island. I was seriously injured by the intensive thunder arc explosion. I quickly smashed the Floating Thunder Island with Escape Talisman. When I was healing, I saw Yi Zhen’s sneak attack on Junior Sister Luolin. I have been stunned by this… …”

Di Jiu decided to go to Jing Luowen to map to Floating Thunder Island when he decided to wait for the time. He wants to leave Immortal World, a good choice on Floating Thunder Island.

“Sect Master Lu, this is no wonder about you,” Di Jiu said, and when he knows that he must die, he will not come out to die.

Since you can’t save people, why bother to die?

“many thanks City Lord.” Lu Xikun still thanked him.

Di Jiu took out a warm jade token and handed it to Lu Xikun. “Sect Master Lu has enough points to choose a place to create a sect encampment on the edge of Heavenly Bamboo River. In addition, Sect Master Lu is appointed as Starry Sky Immortal City East. City Vice City Lord.”

Lu Xikun heard that Di Jiu not only allowed him to establish a sect encampment in Starry Sky Immortal City, but also appointed him as East City Vice City Lord, and excitedly stood up and thanked him. The ability to create a sect encampment here means that the inheritance of Everlasting Dao Sect will not break in his hands.

With the example of Sect Master Lu, the Sect Masters of the other sects have sent rings to fight for their contributions.

Di Jiu will not refuse, he is not a philanthropist. For Starry Sky Immortal City, he took two pieces of the Parting Earth Flame Light Flag and the Seven Stars Purified Water Flag, and it is ok to charge them.

Half a day later, Di Jiu ended the conference. Except that he is the City Lord, Qu Tong is the first Vice City Lord.

Add Lu Xikun to the East City Vice City Lord, Tan Mo to the West City Vice City Lord, and Jing Luowen to the Central City Vice City Lord. The Northern City Vice City Lord is still Yan Xiaosha, and the South City Vice City Lord is Bei Chutai.

Di Jiu doesn’t worry about the power being split, as long as these sect Sect Masters maintain Starry Sky Immortal City. With the destiny of Starry Sky Immortal City, the place where Immortal World can cultivating will slowly expand, and these sects will leave Starry Sky Immortal City sooner or later.

(The sixth volume is over, today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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