agreed? This Immortal Monarch stunned after hearing Di Jiu’s words. Before, he really wanted to take Di Jiu out of Outer Cauldron Void City because he saw Di Jiu entering the city.

Most cultivators are a bit distressed when they pay thousands of high grade Immortal Crystal fees. He didn’t see Di Jiu’s distressed expression, and guessed that Di Jiu was worth a lot.

Looking for Di Jiu to buy Shudi, I was going to earn a Di Jiu million consulting fee. Di Jiu first came to Outer Cauldron void Immortal City, and did not understand the void Immortal City’s rule, it was easy to be taken to the ditch. This kind of thing is not the first thing he does, nor the last one. But when Di Jiu asked Great Cauldron Immortal City, he wanted Di Jiu to have more things.

When Di Jiu said that he had to consider it, he knew that he could only earn a million Immortal Crystal in the end, so he was forced to charge Di Jiu’s Immortal Crystal. What he didn’t think of was that the peak and the turn, when he had to give up, Di Jiu agreed to go with him to Immortal Ship.

“Fellow Daoist is really a white person, this humble one Rong Hui, I don’t know how Fellow Daoist is called?” Rong Hui immediately reacted and gave a thumbs up to praise Di Jiu.

“Lead the way, I am very urgent.” Di Jiu waved his hand and said with a little impatience.

“Good.” Rong Hui turned and left, Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation followed.

I saw Di Jiu with a female cultivator that didn’t even have True Immortal and a Monster Beast with only grade 9 followed by Rong Hui. Many people in Hall shook their heads. It was a hairy boy. I don’t know how to get to Outer Cauldron Void City.

“Wait….” Di Jiu just walked to the door, a white-faced cultivator stopped Di Jiu, and he handed a ring to Di Jiu’s. “I really want to buy this tree monster of Fellow Daoist. I don’t know.” What is the price?”

The opponent looks like the Great Unity Immortal cultivation base. Di Jiu’s spiritual sense is grade 3 Immortal Sense, but his physical sense doesn’t know how many times it has been Divinity Forging Technique tempering, but also uses Burning Divine Grass tempering. Even the general Grade 4 Immortal Sense is not necessarily more condense than his spiritual sense.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense Once I fell on this Great Unity Immortal, I knew that the other person was an Immortal King, and he certainly did not guess.

He fought with Immortal King and killed more than one Immortal King. Even if he couldn’t see the specific strength of Immortal King, Imoratal King’s aura couldn’t escape his spiritual sense because he could catch Immortal King. Kind of indistinct of Dao Rhyme aura.

Di Jiu is cold, if it is a general cultivator, he will never care. An Immortal King bought Shudi, and he still doesn’t care about dare dare.

Di Jiu is vigilant, but the mouth is nothing to say, “Fellow Daoist cultivation base should be weaker than I should be weaker? My tree monster has helped me very little, Fellow Daoist is not much to buy even in the past. Useful.”

This Immortal King indifferently said : “I like this tree monster. I have a Spirit Grass Garden. Although this tree monster cultivation base is low, it is also suitable for me to look after the Spirit Grass Garden.”

Di Jiu said with a slight indulgence. “Let’s go, I will go out and see Immortal Ship. I will be back soon. When I come back, can I talk to Fellow Daoist? Can I be a beast pet? I have a lot of hard work, if I follow the price of the ordinary grade 9 beast pet, I will not sell it.”

“Yes, Fellow Daoist. Even though I am going to live in the Void Immortal Building, you can just ask Pang Qian when you go.” The Immortal King didn’t seem to worry about Di Jiu going, he wouldn’t come back, raise his hand and wave it. Said.

He guessed that Di Jiu’s strength should be in the Great Unity Immortal realm, an Immortal Monarch ants, and dare to deceive Great Unity Immortal out of Outer Cauldron Void City. Isn’t that looking for death? The conversation between Di Jiu and Rong Hui was not heard by him alone.

As the Immortal King waved inadvertently, a hidden aura attached to Di Jiu. Di Jiu was in deep anger, and he didn’t understand what an odd thing about Shudi’s an ordinary tree monster. One of the other Immortal Kings actually had a spiritual sense mark on him. It is obvious that as long as he does not go back to a certain range and does not return to Outer Cauldron void Immortal City, this Pang Qian will surely catch up.

If it is not his spiritual sense condense to a certain extent, I really can’t detect the spiritual sense mark.

After this Immortal King left the Trading Hall, Di Jiu did not follow him. Instead, he passed a ring to Great Unity Immortal after passing the door of the Great Unity Immortal cultivator with his sound transmission.

The Great Unity Immortal didn’t seem to think that Di Jiu would give him a ring at this time. He took the ring’s spiritual sense and swept it in, and a million high grade Immortal Crystal.

This Great Unity Immortal immediately knew the idea of ​​Di Jiu’s, and he took out a jade slip from the slightest hesitation and handed it to Di Jiu.

Di Jiu didn’t look after taking the jade slip, threw it into the ring and followed Rong Hui out of Trading Hall.

Di Jiu was deceived by Outer Cauldron Void City. This happened frequently in the Outer Cauldron, Immortal City. No one would care if Di Jiu left.


After exiting Outer Cauldron Void City, Rong Hui directly presented a low grade Flying Immortal Tool and turned to Di Jiu. “Fellow Daoist is sitting on my flying magical treasure, or is it behind me?”

Di Jiu didn’t answer at all, it was simply taking Mo Yu and Shudi into the flying boat of Rong Hui. “Of course, sitting on your flying boat, isn’t it faster?”

“Yes, right…” After Rong Hui said two pairs, he controlled the flying boat and rushed into the void.

In his heart, he was a bit scrupulous. If Di Jiu didn’t understand anything, he couldn’t come to Outer Cauldron Void City safely.

To say that Di Jiu knows, how could he get on his flying boat? But soon he figured out that the female cultivator around Di Jiu should be less than True Immortal, and his beast pet is the trifling Grade 9 Monster Beast. Even the Immortal Monster did not step in. Di Jiu himself is strong. Strange things.

Di Jiu didn’t wait for Rong Hui to think clearly. The Heaven Dancing Blade offered a blade glow slashed towards Rong Hui.

“You dare…” Rong Hui saw that he hadn’t done it yet, but Di Jiu dared to start with him first, and his heart was furious. He did just think about why Di Jiu dared to go to his flying boat, but what he thought was more about killing Di Jiu alone or notifying his partners.

According to his speculation, Di Jiu’s cultivation base is at most Golden Immortal, a Golden Immortal cultivator, he can kill instantly.

In fact, he did not guess the ninth cultivation base. The only guess is that Di Jiu is not an ordinary Golden Immortal, but a Golden Immortal who has killed Immortal King.

When Heaven Flying Blade came over, Rong Hui felt that it was wrong. His space was blocked by Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade. Not only that, but the trapping array on his flying boat could not be stimulated.

Rong Hui squirmed his body and wanted to break free from Di Jiu’s blade momentum.

However, his Immortal Monarch 2nd layer realm, under the Di Jiu’s blade momentum Domain, seems to be caught in a huge mud pit.

Even so, he still broke the doom of Di Jiu a blade slash his head.

“噗” a bloody blast, and one of Rong Hui’s arms, along with a large piece of skin under his arm, was Di Jiu, the blade slash.

“Stop….” Rong Tao was terrified in his heart. He didn’t know where he was. He said, “After you kill me, you will enter Outer Cauldron Void City.”

This sentence Di Jiu believes that Di Jiu is not afraid of this Rong Tao partner, he is afraid of the Immortal King. The Immortal King obviously saw that he was going to kill Rong Tao, just waiting for him to go back and trade Shudi.

So he didn’t plan to go back to Outer Cauldron Void City. The Heaven Dancing Blade took an arc under the violent blade intent killing potential, and then a blade screen swept over. Rong Tao was split in two by Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade. . Rong Tao didn’t even overflow the Origin Spirit and was strangled by Di Jiu’s blade intent.

Di Jiu grabbed Rong Tao’s ring and quickly grabbed a dim light and shadow from his body. He raised his hand and dropped a dozen Array Flags. The dozens of Array Flags locked the light and shadow on the flying boat. This was sole solemnly “Junior Sister Mo, you and Shudi are rushing into True Spirit World, I have to escape.”

The other party is Immortal King, but an Immortal King also wants to have a spiritual sense mark on him. It can only be said that this Pang Qian is too high to see himself.

“Big Brother, I thought you really didn’t want me.” Shudi, who has been treacherous, said with a wink, it even regretted that he should not enter Dieru into the Outer Cauldron Void City. Just a little walk in this way, I was almost sold.

Mo Yu is just un’ed, there is no reason for asking.

After Di Jiu handed a roll, Mo Yu and Shudi were sent to True Spirit World, and then a Spiritual Sense Escapee disappeared into the void. His flying boat under the foot still flew quickly in the original direction.


Pang Qian in Void Immortal Building is not worried that Di Jiu will not come back, trifling Great Unity Immortal. He can clearly sense his spiritual sense mark. If Di Jiu does not return for a long time, he will chase out Di Jiu with the slightest hesitation.

He was thinking about the tree monster around Di Jiu. The tree monster is very ordinary, and it has a strange feeling. This kind of awareness… It seems like there is a kind of false aura that can break open void domain.

Pang Qian knows that this is impossible, that is, Immortal Emperor perfection, and don’t want to tear open the void domain here, so this should be a fake aura.

Why is there such a false aura that tears void in this low level tree monster, Pang Qian can’t figure it out, he can only take Di Jiu and Shudi to a place where no one is inquire.

“Hey, isn’t this right?” Pang Qian thought for a long time and didn’t think of it, but felt that his spiritual sense mark was moving in the wrong direction.

In his opinion, Di Jiu will not be much patient. As soon as you leave Outer Cauldron Void City, you will immediately get rid of the Immortal Monarch ants and return to Outer Cauldron Void City right away.

But now his spiritual sense is getting farther and farther, and there is no sign of coming back.

Thinking of this, Pang Qian was too lazy to think about it. He showed up and disappeared directly from the room and rushed out of Outer Cauldron Void City.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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