Di Jiu knows very well that he will stay in Great Cauldron Immortal City for a long time, so the first thing he did after entering the city was to buy a cave mansion.

Before buying cave mansion, Di Jiu had already thought about the price of the cave mansion here. But higher, he should be affordable, and his high grade Immortal Level has about one billion. A million or so Immortal Crystal is to buy one or two million to buy cave mansion, he has enough Immortal Crystal to do other things.

But when Di Jiu asked about a circle, the heart sank. In Great Cauldron Immortal City, the cultivating cave mansion in the most remote places also needs at least 500,000 freedom points and above, and can’t buy it.

If you must buy, plus the cost of before and after the management, you need at least 770,000 Freedom Points, which is close to 100 million high grade Immortal Crystal.

Di Jiu asked, don’t look at the exchange rate of freedom points and Immortal Crystal is one to one hundred. But in fact, buying a freedom points basically requires about 110 high-grade Immortal Crystal, and it can’t be exchanged. When there is an urgent need for freedom points, there is also a redemption price of about one hundred and thirty in the black market.

Still going to rent a house, Di Jiu sighed and could only rent the cave mansion.

What makes Di Jiu even more disappointing is that he spent half a day in Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. As a result, he did not rent a cave mansion. The only thing he can go now is Inn.

Otherwise, you can go to the Abondoned Area of ​​Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, where Di Jiu is afraid to go.

Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty’s Immortal Spirit Qi rank is so high, mainly because there is a Spirit Cleansing Array inside. The Spirit Cleansing Array separates the dirty aura of the Immortal Spirit Qi in the space and discharges it. Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Every day, so many cultivator cultivating, naturally will discharge countless filth aura.

The Abondoned Area is the middle of the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Spirit Cleansing Array. The contaminated aura separated by the Spirit Cleansing Array is sent to the Abondoned Area and then sent from the Abondoned Area to the void. There is a little means of cultivator that will not live in this place. But too many poor cultivators in void have no place to go, and can only live in the Abondoned Area. Because there is no charge for Immortal Crystal, there is no cost.

Abondoned Area In the words of Great Cauldron Immortal City, it is the waste area. All that survive here are some rogue cultivators that can’t afford cave mansion and can’t afford cave mansion. For the entire Great Cauldron Free Immortal City’s cultivator, all cultivators in the Abondoned Area are waste.

It can be said that the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty is the most chaos place. In this place, as long as you don’t kill, it is entirely based on strength, and you can bully anyone.

Many Great Cauldron free Immortal City’s cultivators, when they want to pick a slave, they often go to the Abondoned Area to find. However, if the cultivator that Abondoned Area survived wants to enter Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, it must pay a part of Immortal Crystal.

Di Jiu only trifling Immortal Monarch cultivation base, he did not want to go to the Abondoned Area was abolished.

Inn had a free room, Di Jiu asked several Inns in succession and finally found Myriad Void Inn.

Myriad Void Inn is in the entire Great Cauldron Immortal City and can only be considered a little above the middle grade. Di Jiu is also the price of two thousand high grade Immortal Crystals per day.

Two thousand high grade Immortal Crystal, converted into freedom points, and only twenty freedom points. In Great Cauldron Immortal City, this is a cheaper room.

The room price is cheaper, but the service is very satisfying for Di Jiu.

From the time he entered Inn, to the time he entered the room, there was always a fellow of the Golden Immortal cultivation base.

“If the senior has no other instructions, the junior will go down first.” Until Di Jiu settled down, this fellow made a farewell.

“Wait.” Di Jiu called fellow, “excuse me. Great Cauldron Immortal City. Where is the Immortal Spirit Grass, the best, the highest grade.”

Fellow was stunned by Di Jiu’s words. To tell the truth, Di Jiu’s cultivation base, he knows. Inn arranged for him to settle Di Jiu, which means that Di Jiu’s strength will not be Great Immortal. A cultivator that is not Great Immortal, actually asking where the Immortal Spirit Grass is the best, this is really funny.

To know that the Constant Moon Building once sold an 100,000,000 freedom points with an Immortal Spirit Grass, the price is said to be scary to death.

However, the rules of Myriad Void Inn are absolutely not to be dissatisfied. It is not easy for him to find this job at Myriad Void Inn. Even if he despise Di Jiu, he still said with a tone of voice, “If you want to ask the most Good Spirit Spirit Grass House of Commerce, that must be the Constant Moon Building. Constant Moon Building once sold an Emperor Radish Mushroom, the rumored price is 100,000,000 freedom points. Yes, last year, Constant Moon Building held an auction, also shot There is a tens of millions of freedom points in the price of a sapphire blue fruit.”

Di Jiu is secretly shocked, 100,000,000 freedom points, all the things in his body add up, not to a million freedom points.

“Emperor Radish Mushroom is so expensive? I heard that Immortal World’s most precious Grade 9 Immortal Spirit Item called True A’han Glass Water isn’t that more expensive than 100,000,000 freedom points?” Di Jiu asked.

The fellow shook his head. “True A’han Glass Water? I haven’t heard of it. Emperor Radish Mushroom can refine Supreme Profound Emperor Revitalizing Pill. What is True A’han Glass Water? It shouldn’t be more than Emperor Radish Mushroom. Want to be precious?”

Di Jiu hear fellow I have never heard of True A’han Glass Water and I am a bit disappointed. True A’han Glass Water should be precious without the Emperor Radish Mushroom, or a top grade treasure. If Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty had True A’han Glass Water, then the fellow would have heard of it.

This fellow has not heard of True A’han Glass Water, and the only possibility is that Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty has not seen such a thing.

“many thanks, I will go to the Constant Moon Building when I am empty.” Di Jiu seems to feel wrong and said, “I am a junior Immortal Pill, so I plan to go to these big House of Commerce to see all kinds of things. High level Immortal Spirit Grass.”

Di Jiu’s is very vague, Grade 1 Immortal Pill Master is also called Immortal Pill, grade 2, Grade 3 Immortal Pill Master is also Immortal Pill, which is different.

The fellow came over and immediately said, “Senior is still a Pill Dao Grandmaster?”

Di Jiu said modestly, “You can only refine some low level Immortal Pill. It is not a master’s name.”

The fellow is still excited to say, “Senior, Great Star Pill Building is eager to recruit Pill Refining Master. As long as senior can refine Grade 2 Immortal Pill, you can apply to Great Star Pill Building. As long as you are hired, in addition to each medicinal pill In addition to the commission, there are 500 freedom points every month.”

Di Jiu has a heart, Great Star Pill Building. He has seen it. I saw it when I was looking for the cave mansion. Although the gate building didn’t look very big, it was also on the main road.

He now stays at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. Nothing is included. If he can apply to the Great Star Pill Building, he can not only improve his Dao of Alchemy level, but also earn some free points. More importantly, the Great Star Pill Building is a House of Commerce specializing in medicinal pill and Immortal Spirit Grass. He needs True A’han Glass Water and stays in a Pill Building job, with more sources than anywhere.

“Many thanks you, I will go to the Great Star Pill Building tomorrow.” Di Jiu is sincerely grateful for this fellow.

He is a Grade 3 Immortal Pill Master. But in the place of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, it is not easy to survive with a foreign little Pill Refining Master.

Fellow, hurry and wave, “No, no…”

After saying two things in succession, fellow seems to have something to say, and he dare not say it.

Di Jiu immediately saw the hesitation of fellow, he laughed, “If I can apply for the Great Star Pill Building, become a Pill Refining Master. If you need any medicinal pill in the future, then go find me. high level Immortal Pill I It’s not refining, the general low level Immortal Pill, I have no problem.”

“many thanks Senior.” fellow is a singer, he wants to say this.

The Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Pill Refining Master and Tool Refining Master are extremely rare, and the Tool Refining Master is a little better, after all, there are more materials in the void. As a cultivator, some simple Array Flags are also arranged, which requires self-refining, which results in more Tool Refining Master than Pill Refining Master.

Pill Refining Master That’s really rare, mainly Immortal Spirit Grass in void. Although many, most of them are rare and rare Immortal Spirit Grass. As long as it is not stupid, few people will use this Immortal Spirit Grass to learn Dao of Alchemy.

Besides, in the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, the cultivation base is the most important. Who is bored and will consume the time to pill refining? The time for cultivating is not enough. Di Jiu would not be eligible to become a Pill Refining Master if he had never received the Golden Dao Principle.

As for the sect disciples in Star Land, the Pill Refining Master is very well protected, and the Pill Refining Master that comes to the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty is naturally less.

After the fellow went, Di Jiu did not go out, he took the time to cultivating here.

Even if Di Jiu has not yet gone to the Abondoned Area and has not seen the naked, weak meat, he knows that the strength of the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty is the most important. Otherwise, as long as he does not leave the Great Cauldron, it is possible to go to the Abondoned Area.

One Ye had nothing to say, and the next morning, Di Jiu left the Myriad Void Inn to the Great Star Pill Building.

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