Middle-aged Deacon’s eyes fell on the long spear of the long haired girl’s chest. The blood on the spear was still dripping down. Then his eyes cooled and stared at Di Jiu. “You just came to Great Cauldron.” Freedom Immortal CIty’s ants, dare to attack the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, and my Great Cauldron Law Enforcement Palace.”

Di Jiu swallowed what he had to say, and the tone became cold. “Deacon Lu, Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty has always been a free and equal democracy Starry Sky Immortal City, when became your deacon Lu shrouding the Heavens with a hand , a word to establish a dynasty?”

Going to the Law Enforcement Palace with this Deacon Lu, Di Jiu will not do this kind of brain-breaking thing as long as he still wants to live.

Deacon Lu is furious, Di Jiu can wait for this Deacon Lu to speak, and he says to the cup singer in the other hand, “Fellow Daoists, this Deacon Lu, after coming here, didn’t ask me a word, just listened The reason is that I will take me away. The reason is because I am a rogue cultivator, and the other person knows Deacon Lu. I really don’t know, when the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty became Deacon Lu, it can be a crime. And as long as you know Deacon Lu, you can override the Great Cauldron law by making a lot of mistakes.”

“Haha, that’s right, trifling Deacon, thinking that he is in control of the entire Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, really shrouding the heavens with a hand, just don’t know if City Lord Mi knows.” Come to a yin and yang sound.

Deacon Lu was shocked. He first impression is the strongest, Di Jiu, but the Immortal Monarch ant just came from trifling. Even if he was taken away, he wouldn’t dare to put one. When Di Jiu was so bold in scolding him, he realized that if the other party was really bullied, he would not be so arrogant about using long spear to pin the Sect Master of Thousand Maple Sect Huang Yetian’s daughter.

Now Di Jiu said this loudly, if it was passed to the City Lord’s ear… No, as long as it is passed to the Hall Lord, then his Deacon is equal to his head.

Thinking of it, Deacon Lu said coldly, “That’s what you said, what’s going on.”

Di Jiu disdainfully said, “You are a Deacon. You don’t even have this ability. You deprecated this Deacon. But today, I will talk about what this is all about. I believe everyone’s eyes are sharp and will not Everyone is as good as this Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Deacon Lu, the law of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, our rogue cultivator.”

Deacon Lu flashed his murder in his eyes, but even if he wanted to kill Di Jiu, he would not dare to kill open and aboveboard in this place.

Di Jiu pointed out that Huang Qi said, “this person Di Jiu is Starry Sky Immortal Teahouse’s landlord. This woman and this shop made a fake Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit street shoot to sneak past the cultivator. One of my little The tree root Tree Pet passed through here, and the result was forcibly squeezed in by them, then deliberately pushed to the fake Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit and knocked the Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit down. Many of the things behind everyone saw it clearly, they let My little tree root compensated for this Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit and cut off one of my little tree roots and nailed my Junior Sister into the pillar.”

Later, the cultivator finally understood what was going on. It turned out that Huang Wei first worked on others.

“Haha…” That middle-aged man rushed out of the store, “Why do you say that our Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit is fake? My shop is taking a real Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit auction, is it true? Can’t you?”

The surrounding cultivators are silent, and everyone knows that this Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit must be fake. If it is not fake, only the idiot will come up with the Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit. But this middle-aged male cultivator is also right, as long as you can’t get the evidence, that’s true.

Di Jiu smiled coldly and raised an orange Pill Master Card. “I am the grade 3 certified Immortal Pill of the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Pill Union. I still have some knowledge of the Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit. The Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit falls on After the ground, the place will show a green life force color, but let’s see, there is a green life force color in this place?”

This is clear, and everyone doesn’t have to look at it because it is obviously a fake Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit. Deacon Lu frowned. I didn’t expect this fellow to have some origins. It was Pill Union’s certified Immortal Pill.

Middle-aged man sneer, “I sell a variant of the Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit, which is more valuable, and the characteristics are different from the nominal Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit.”

“If you don’t have anything to say, then go with me to the Law Enforcement Palace.” Deacon Lu ice cold stared at Di Jiu, Di Jiu said that the sky is falling, in this case he wants to take Di Jiu, it is normal. That little tree root knocked down the Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit. There are definitely a lot of people who have seen it, and what Di Jiu said is completely a castle in the air. Even if everyone believes, it is still impossible to prove.

Di Jiu disdained coldly snorted, “Let everyone let go, I will give you something to see.”

The people around me subconsciously let go, Di Jiu grabbed hundreds of Array Flags and lost them incessantly.

In just a short half-column time, a clear picture of the continuous image was shown, from the Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit street, to Shudi, squeezing in to see the excitement, being pushed, and then knocking down the Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit.

It was only after the Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit landed on the ground that it did not transform into nothingness, but was collected by the middle-aged man who had rushed out of the store.

Even if it is an idiot, it is a fake Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit. The people in the store calculated the little tree root, and the result was a solid one.

“This is Shadow Returning Immortal Array…”


Someone in the crowd was amazed. Although something happened here, the semi-column fragrant out of the Shadow Returning Immortal Array, which restores everything, is definitely a top grade Great Immortal Array.

Shadow Returning Immortal Array is what happens before, through the various Immortal Origin wave stacks. The longer the interval is, the harder it is to recover.

Di Jiu sneer, Shadow Returning Immortal Array? This is not a simple Shadow Returning Immortal Array, Shadow Returning Immortal Array can not recover such a clear picture. He used the array to recover the images, even the grade 6 Great Immortal Array can not be arranged. He is a Grade 7 Immortal Array King, which can be recovered.

“hehe, just pushed my Tree Pet, and now I am besieging me, saying that I ruined the Glaze Principle Immortal Fruit. It is powerful, powerful, and powerful.” Di Jiu said sarcasm, suddenly reaching for one will The cultivator, which only had the Golden Immortal cultivation base, grabbed it and dropped it on the under the foot. This Golden Immortal cultivator, just recently pushed Shuudi’s cultivator. Now caught by Di Jiu, there is no half-resistance.

Just a group of people were watching the street shooting. The group of people were obviously a group. The little tree root was squeezed in and it was sold by others.

Deacon Lu’s face was a bit ugly, he stared at the middle-aged man. “In the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, when you are in the street, you and I will go to the Law Enforcement Palace.”

“No need…” Di Jiu said three words, the Heaven Dancing Blade behind it suddenly rolled up a blade image, the blade image exploded, this middle-aged man even the strength of Immortal Monarch late stage, can not retreat, hasty It is covered by Di Jiu’s blade image.

“Hey!” A bloody split, this middle-aged man was killed by Di Jiu.

“Do you dare to kill people in the street?” Deacon Lu snapped a sigh and then grabbed Di Jiu again. “So, you and I go to the Law Enforcement Palace.”

Di Jiu kicked out the Golden Immortal cultivator, which he had just caught under the foot, and his body flashed and he was already on the side.

“噗!” this Great Principle Immortal Even if it didn’t work, the Golden Immortal cultivator still turned into a blood mist under his hand.

This Great Principle Immortal is even more angry, he must have just said that the Golden Immortal cultivator was not killed, but the Di Jiu’s seal restriction.

Not waiting for this Great Principle Immortal Deacon, Di Jiu said, “According to my Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, Article 363, if someone is in the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, by deception, persecution, setting up Anyone who can be found in the innocent cultivator can be killed without any evidence. Deacon Lu is not only shrouding the heavens with a hand, but also the law of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty is not in the eye. Taking advantage of the people who know this store, after I have the exact evidence, I want to take me to the Law Enforcement Palace. I would like to know if there is any freedom for Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty?”

“Yes, yes, is there any freedom for Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty? As a Deacon, it is a blatant violation of the law of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, great, powerful…” The yin and yang voice in the crowd rang again.

This yin and yang sound has helped himself twice, and Di Jiu wants to know who this fellow is.

Deacon Lu was shocked and he remembered the law. Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty There are really a few laws that can kill people casually, but no one has ever dared to kill at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, so no one has ever thought of this law for a long time. Organized.

Only in an instant, Deacon Lu understood what was going on. This is called Di Jiu’s fellow. It is absolutely intentional. The other party knew that he was upset, deliberately violently killing people, so that he ignited his own anger and buried himself a pit. Under his rush, he was fooled.

“Who said that my Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty is not free?” A majestic voice came, followed by a young man in a green robe from the void step by step.

“Hall Lord Dui…” Deacon Lu saw this young man in a green robe and his voice was scared.

Green robed man didn’t pay any attention to Deacon Lu. He raised his hand and grabbed the Deacon Lu like a chicken. This is what Di Jiu said. “I already know about this matter. Your evidence is sufficient and you can handle it yourself.”

“many thanks Hall Lord Dui.” Di Jiu quickly thanked him. He couldn’t see the cultivation base for Deacon. Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty really is experts as common as the clouds.

Hall Lord Dui nodded and suddenly turned and stepped out, disappearing instantly.

“My daughter is you nailed here?” Just after Deacon left, another yellow clothed male cultivator fell in front of Di Jiu, and the tone of ice cold stared at Di Jiu.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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