Di Jiu thought of countless ways, including using Spiritual Sense Escapee, using Dao Fire to open the way, using the defense array to rush inside…

However, there is no way to make Di Jiu feel safe, even if the Fire Element is extremely weak, he can’t enter this Locking Dao Array.

“Hei Huo…” Di Jiu turned and fell on the flying shuttle and found that Xie Huang also stopped the seclusion and was standing with Hei Huo.

“Big Brother, where is this?” Xie Huang just came out and hadn’t had time to ask Hei Huo about anything.

Di Jiu pointed to the front of the Five Elements Locking Dao Array. “There is something I need, and I will go in with Hei Huo. If I have a problem with Hei Huo, you immediately bring Junior Sister Mo and Shudi. leave here.”

Di Jiu did not say to Xie Huang, please Xie Huang to help buy True A’han Glass Water. If he falls, Xie Huang can’t help this, and he said it is also white.

“Big Brother, I am going with you, my strength is higher than Hei Huo.” Xie Huang without the slightest hesitation said with a slap in the chest.

Di Jiu swings his hand. “You don’t use it, you have to Hei Huo.”

“Going to the side, my skill is too far.” Hei Huo without the slightest hesitation fell on Di Jiu’s shoulder.

For Di Jiu, let yourself enter the Five Elements Locking Dao Array, and Hei Huo is eager to try. This Five Elements Locking Dao Array has Fire Source Aura, which is what it needs.

“Well, I am waiting for you here.” Xie Huang is very helpless, Hei Huo is just entering the Grade 4 Immortal Monster, and he has long been a Great Unity Immortal.

However, Di Jiu said that he can’t do it, and he has no way to refute it.

For Di Jiu, Xie Huang has worshipped inside the bones. His old man can’t afford the desire poison, Di Jiu helped him. And that Starry Sky Tea, who made it out? It’s not Di Jiu.

In the Starry Sky Teahouse, the casual Troping Slaughter Array kicks out an Immortal King like a chicken. He also made a lot of friends before, which friend can compare with Big Brother Di Jiu?

More importantly, Di Jiu really took him as a friend, not because he had an Immoral Emperor old man.

It is the Great Earth Body Refining Secret Art that Di Jiu taught him, the Spiritual Sense Escapee, and even the cultivation technique of Star River Vein. Which ones are not heaven defying to the extreme?

In other words, even if these things are not the father and son, they will all be taught, and the Big Brother Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation is passed on to him. There is no nonsense in half a word.

With Di Jiu standing next to the Five Elements Locking Dao Array, Hei Huo asked, “Big Brother, do you want me to tear this piece directly into it?”

Di Jiu nodded. “Yes, if you are not here, I guess there is no way to get in.”

Di Jiu thought of countless ways and felt that if he didn’t tear open the void, he wouldn’t get in. Hei Huo has this ability. When Hei Huo was just at the Grade 1 Immortal Monster, he could tear the void of Heaven Screen Pit and even see the opposite thing after tearing open the void. Di Jiu believes that this method is definitely OK.

Hei Huo said slyly, “Big Brother, I feel the void here. If there is no such Locking Dao Array, I can tear it apart. Now with this Locking Dao Array, I am afraid it will not work.”

“You don’t have to worry, when I ask you to tear it, you tear it.” Di Jiu knows the power of the Locking Dao Array. Even if the Fire Element loses the Fire Source Bead, it is so weak that it is not Hei Huo can tear it apart. .

Di Jiu used the idea to communicate the Golden Dao Principle from the Fire Element, and he quickly got a positive answer. The Golden Dao Principle can make Fire Element’s void law weaker in the tenth, and Hei Huo’s ability to tear it open.

Just after a few moments, even without Di Jiu reminder, Hei Huo also felt that one of the directions in front of him became weak. It was almost at the moment Ji Ji reminded, and stretched out two claws.

“Boom!” The violent aura rushed over, and Hei Huo spit out a black blood from the mouth of the violent aura.

Hei Huo knew that he had pulled the wrong position for the first time, and it did not stop at once. Another terrible aura rushed, and Hei Huo became more and more wilting.

Di Jiu grabbed two Limit Jade Pill and sent it to Hei Huo’s mouth. Hei Huo’s injury began to recover and it pulled out the third.

“It’s here.” Di Jiu screamed and took Hei Huo and rushed in. At the end of the virtual Void Channel that Hei Huo pulled out, it was a Golden Dao Principle locked by countless lines.

“Hei Huo, you and Dao Fire help me block the rear Fire Element aura, I want to rescue the Golden Dao Principle.” Di Jiu screamed and waved Dao Fire directly.

Here is the Five Elements Locking Dao Array. Di Jiu stands in the Fire Element and is still worried about the sudden explosion of the Fire Element.

It seems that Di Jiu is coming in, and that a Golden Dao Principle exudes a joy.

Di Jiu is amazed watched Dao Fire, Dao Fire seems to be more active than Hei Huo, sweeping the source of Aura, and there is a looming trend.

Di Jiu was overjoyed and even lowered his mind to check out the Golden Dao Principle.

The appearance of this Golden Dao Principle is all intensive, and every time the Golden Dao Principle struggles, the lines of color will burst into a ray of light and then be tighter.

From the Golden Dao Principle, there is only more than 10 zhang’s location, and a broken stone familiar with aura stays there.

Di Jiu’s eyes fell on this broken stone, and I thoroughly understood why the Golden Dao Principle was recruited. He once had one of the stones, it was the Universe Embryo Layer fragment.

To be sure, this fellow of the Five Elements Locking Dao Array is extremely familiar with what the Golden Dao Principle likes. Di Jiu secretly sighed in the heart, and he even had some respect for the fellow that trapped the Golden Dao Principle. Look, what is the thing here, which is not the most top grade treasure in the universe?

If it is somewhere else, Di Jiu will rush to grab the broken Universe Embryo Layer fragment in the first place, but now he is afraid to do so.

He is now in the Five Elements Locking Dao Array, and he is qualified to stand here because the Fire Source Bead has been taken away or his own escape. If this Five Elements Locking Dao Array is complete, his strength will increase by 10,000 times, I am afraid I will not dare to come in.

The Fire Source Bead disappeared and the rest of the Source Source Aura was there. Once he left the position, he would probably fall into the same position as the Golden Dao Principle, locked by a variety of lines.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense falls on this Golden Dao Principle, and he wants to try to unravel the various lines that lock the Golden Dao Principle, but when Di Jiu’s spiritual sense touches these lines, his face is hard to look.

Don’t say that he is now trifling’s Grade 7 Immortal Array King. I am afraid that his Array Dao will upgrade grade 10 and can’t solve these Dao Marks.

“I’m sorry, I really can’t help you.” Di Jiu’s helpless watched Golden Dao Principle said that he could not help the Golden Dao Principle, and he couldn’t take all the treasures.

The reason is very simple, his strength is garbage.

Golden Dao Principle The eager message came, it seems to help Di Jiu quickly upgrade Array Dao.

Sure enough, following this message, the Golden Dao Principle’s aura overflowed, and countless foundation law Dao Rhyme penetrated into Di Jiu’s mind. Di Jiu’s insights on Array Dao rose sharply, and Di Jiu couldn’t even talk.

Di Jiu sighed. He wanted to talk to the Golden Dao Principle. Even if his Array Dao was promoted to the Grade 9 Immortal Array Emperor, he couldn’t open these Dao Marks.

Now that the Golden Dao Principle has helped him to improve the Insights on Array Dao Law, Di Jiu is too lazy. Although he could not save the Golden Dao Principle, he came here to help.

Di Jiu’s understanding of Array Dao was so crazy for the first time, a array technique handcuffs appeared in Di Jiu’s hands, and various basic Array Dao Laws were brought to Di Jiu insights.

Di Jiu is completely immersed in the joy of this insights Array Dao.

In the blink of an eye, Dao Fire, which blocked the Fire Element for Di Jiu, burst into a black flame with a tall and feet high. The azure glow in the flame disappeared completely.

Dao Fire Illuminating Starry Sky advancing to the Grade 7 Immortal Flame, at the moment Di Jiu is completely unaware that he was immersed in the mysterious Array Dao Law.

Not only is Dao Fire advanced, Hei Huo’s body is beginning to change, and the red color on the top of the head grows into a red pointed corner. The four feet are getting thicker and stronger, and the claws on the feet are sharper. Although the figure is still a sphere, it is close to two feet high.

“Boom!” When the various Array Dao Laws came together to the extreme, the Di Jiu’s Array Dao level rose directly to the Grade 8 Array Venerable.

The Array Dao foundation law aura, which rushed into the Di Jiu Sea of ​​Consciousness, disappeared. Di Jiu knew that the Golden Dao Principle stopped this meaningless thing. It should be that the Golden Dao Principle understands that even if he is allowed to enter the Grade 9 Immortal Array Emperor, it cannot be saved.

Di Jiu has a better way, but when he sees Dao Fire behind the Grade 7 Immortal Flame, and Hei Huo, who is already a Grade 5 Immortal Monster Beast, he can’t even believe himself. s eyes. A group of green flames suspended above the head of Hei Huo also came to Immortal Flame grade 5.

Is this too much?

Then Di Jiu woke up. He quickly grabbed the Void Ash Flame and left the Void Ash Flame next to Dao Fire. “Don’t devour Void Ash Flame, now Void Ash Flame is also advance several grades.”

Void Ash Flame was obtained by Di Jiu when looking for Heavenly Fire Spirit at Heaven Screen Pit, which is the Grade 4 Immortal Flame. Although this flame is not as good as his Dao Fire, it is also a rare treasure in the starry sky, Di Jiu has not been willing to devour Dao Fire.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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