398th Chapter and another Five Directions Flag drop –

a blood mist In Di Jiu’s body blasting, Di Jiu is on the body with Thunder Tribulation Arc, Great Earth Body Refining Secret Art is running wildly, Starry Sky Secret Art is also crazy.

Just the first wave of Thunder Tribulation, Di Jiu broke through the Great Unity Immortal bottleneck and cultivation base rise.

It is only at this moment that Di Jiu feels that there is no Immortal Spirit Vein around, and his cultivation base seems to be limited. Thinking of this, Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation grabbed several Great Unity Pill and swallowed it.

The violent fairy Origin Qi and the strong Immortal Pill impact blasted in the Di Jiu’s Starry Sky Vein, Di Jiu’s Starry Sky Vein now forms almost a virtual starry sky with several star rivers, this Immortal Pill medicine’s The violent nature of essence has little effect on Di Jiu.

Others crossing tribulation is the Great Unity Pill impact cultivation base estrangement, Di Jiu crossing tribulation is the Great Unity Pill supplemental world Immortal Spirit Qi.

The second wave of Thunder Tribulation Arc is also 81. The 81 Thunder Tribulation Arc is not over yet, and Di Jiu has entered the Great Unity Immortal 1st layer.

Unfortunately, his Body Refining has made very little progress. After the fleshly body reached the Immortal Spirit Body late stage, it was extremely difficult to go further. In the same way, this Thunder Tribulation can only make him fleshy and can’t make him hurt.

Xie Huang in the distance didn’t know that he had been completely stunned by Di Jiu’s Thunder Tribulation.

He has seen Thunder Tribulation, but it has never been seen by Thunder Tribulation like Di Jiu. Di Jiu The whole person was wrapped in the blood mist, but still stood in the same place to meet the Thunder Tribulation Arc, without half-waves.

The third wave of Thunder Tribulation is about to pass, Di Jiu feels it is difficult to break through the Great Unity Immortal 1st layer with this Thunder Tribulation, simply out of the Heaven Dancing Blade slashed toward Thunder Tribulation Arc.

This Thunder Tribulation Arc is terrible for other cultivators, and still weak for Di Jiu.

Xie Huang was relieved to see Di Jiu offering Heaven Dance. Finally, the magical treasure defense, Big Brother is also exhausted ah, there is only one low grade Immortal Tool, or Attack Immortal Tool. To defend against Thunder Tribulation Arc, you should sacrifice the defense Immortal Tool. After Big Brother’s Thunder Tribulation, he sent a high grade Attack Immortal Tool to Big Brother.

Soon Xie Huang was dumbfounded. Di Jiu was a defense. The blade chopped an azure blade glow. This blade glow almost split the dense thunder arc into two cuts.

Big Brother, is this going to kill?

Xie Huang was stunned by his absurd idea, and his old man told him that when crossing tribulation, try to be low-key and block. Never irritate Thunder Tribulation Arc in any way, by any means, or even by any idea.

Some Thunder Tribulation comes with Heart Demon Tribulation, and the idea can make Thunder Tribulation even more terrible.

Now Big Brother attacks the thunder arc directly with the blade, which is the rhythm of finding death.

Bang bang bang ! Ka ka !

Xie Huang guessed that there was nothing wrong with it, and that thunder arc was really strong again. He can see the terrifying killing potential in the thunder arc clearly.

What makes Xie Huang even more sluggish is that Big Brother brought in this terrifying Thunder Tribulation Arc, which is unstoppable. Why can’t you think about it?

Di Jiu is not unstoppable. He really feels the surprise. After the Thunder Tribulation is more powerful, his Sea of ​​Consciousness has a crack, not a blast, but an expansion. Spiritual sense also crossed from Grade 4 Immortal Sense to Grade 5 Immortal Sense.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense Just broke through the Season 5 Immortal Sense, the Heaven Dancing Blade in his hand burst into a clear cry, and at the same time the Heaven Dancing Blade was upgraded to the middle grade Immortal Tool.

Xie Huang felt that the Heaven Dancing Blade in Di Jiu’s hands became the middle grade Immortal Tool, and he finally understood the terrible of this blade. This kind of treasure is not even his old man, this is actually a magical treasure that can be upgraded at any time. He thought that Big Brother was poor and he was going to send a magical treasure to Big Brother. It was a shame.

It’s no wonder that Big Brother carried this blade on his back wherever he went. If he had such a magical treasure, he would carry it on his back.

As for Di Jiu’s carrying the Heaven Dancing Blade on the back, it is the essence of the world, and it is not within the consideration of Xie Huang.

Di Jiu The fourth wave of Thunder Tribulation Arc has weakened because there was no continuous chopped Heaven Dancing Blade during the spiritual sense advance. The Thunder Tribulation imposing manner in void is also completely dissipated, and Di Jiu’s Thunder Tribulation is gone.

“Big Brother, what Thunder Tribulation did you cross?” After seeing Di Jiu change clothes on the flying shuttle, Xie Huang hurried up to ask.

“Great Unity Immortal Thunder Tribulation, cultivation base is not as high as you are.” Di Jiu smiled.

He is in a good mood, and the biggest gain this time is that the Ninth Dao Principle is once again in his Sea of ​​Consciousness. In addition, the cultivation base has risen to a large level, and Dao Fire has also advanced two levels.

Xie Huang watched is still Di Jiu of the Immortal Monarch initial stage, curl one’s lip, and the heart says that you are strange. Now he finally understands that the Immortal King of the Great Fortune Like Inn was definitely not the Big Brother trapped with Array Dao. It should be that the Big Brother’s cultivation base is too powerful, and it is directly thrown out by the Origin Qi fingerprint to seal the cultivation base.

“This time everyone is not a small gain, let’s go, we are looking for the Universe Supreme’s cave mansion.” Di Jiu was in a good mood, personally controlling the flying shuttle away from here.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense is far stronger than Xie Huang. He controls the flying shuttle. The speed of the flying shuttle has once again risen to a large level, which makes Xie Huang think he is right. Di Jiu’s cultivation base far surpassed him, most likely Immortal King.

Let Hei Huo control the flying shuttle. It may take a few years for Di Jiu to arrive at the destination in just three months.

“Big Brother, there is nothing here.” Xie Huang watched The void in front of her eyes, some puzzled.

According to the void position marked by the ancient tortoise shell diagram, this is indeed the place. But this place doesn’t even have a meteorite, it’s an endless void of one to the ultimate.

If Di Jiu is an ordinary cultivator, he must have thought that there is nothing here, just an endless void of the ordinary.

Now Di Jiu is a Grade 8 Immortal Array Venerable, although his physical sense is weaker, better than the spiritual sense condense. After feeling a full fragrance in the spiritual sense, I realized the difference.

There seems to be a concealment array door here, and even if it has experienced endless years, the Array Gate is still intact.

“There is a hidden Void Array Gate. The general Immortal Array Master is very ugly. Unfortunately, one of my Array Flags didn’t bring it. Otherwise, I can save a lot of time,” Di Jiu explained.

If there is a Parting Earth Flame Light Flag, Di Jiu is sure that he can open the Array Gate at most one hour. Now it takes a few days for him to open the Array Gate.

“Big Brother, are you still an Immortal Array Great Master?” Xie Huang watched Di Jiu, and suddenly have some doubts about whether he is a genius.

Di Jiu chuckled, take out an Array Flag and start to arrange the array. He didn’t hit Xie Huang, he was not an Immortal Array Great Master, but an Immortal Array Venerable.

“Big Brother, Demon Dressing Immortal Land has a fellow with a White Colored Cloud Realm Flag. If you take the flag, you can easily reveal the Array Gate.” See Di Jiu to start Array Flag, Xie Huang I also know how to do it.

Di Jiu stopped the Array Flag in his hand, surprise watched Xie Huang, “Who do you have White Colored Cloud Realm Flag in your hand?”

White Colored Cloud Realm Flag is one of the Five Directions Flags. If you can get the White Colored Cloud Realm Flag, his Western Immortal Land destiny will gather more quickly.

“It’s Thoughtless Immortal Sect’s Sect Master Xiling Yuanyi, also called Origin Razing Immortal Emperor at Demon Dressing Immortal Land. His son called Xiling Pu is the one I asked Big Brother to help me kill.” Xie Huang said with hatred.

“Is that Xiling Pu harming you?” Di Jiu asked.

Xie Huang nodded. “Now I have recovered. With the cultivation speed I am with Big Brother, I can kill him for another hundred years.”

“What is the cultivation base of Xiling Pu?” Di Jiu asked.

“It’s estimated that it’s about the Great Principle Immortal 8th layer. After a hundred years, this fellow is likely to break through to the Immortal King level.” Xie Huang sighed.

If his cultivation speed can be cultivating so fast in Wood Source Origin Qi, he might be able to rush into Immortal King Realm in just ten years. But he is also very clear that it is absolutely impossible.

Di Jiu said sarcastically, “You are now a Great Limit Immortal 4th layer, and it takes a hundred years to learn a Great Principle Immortal 8th layer. Are you shameful?”

Before switching to it, Di Jiu really dared not say this. Now that he has the Ninth Dao Principle, as long as Xie Huang is cultivating with him, he will be in the Immortal King level, and it will definitely be a hundred years.

And that Xiling Pu, if you can enter the Immortal King level in a hundred years, it is not necessarily.

Xie Huang blankly’s watched Di Jiu, he suddenly became more and more ashamed of his own cultivating aptitude. Big Brother seems to be a bit high to see myself? Can’t say no, otherwise, Xiaohe and little tree root both look down on him Xie Huang.

Di Jiu continued to throw Array Flag and he didn’t ask White Colored Cloud Realm Flag again. The flag he must get, Xie Huang is now his brother, before Xiling Pu plot against Xie Huang, this gas will help him out in the future, by the way, get White Colored Cloud Realm Flag.

Even if there is no grievances between Xiling Pu and Xie Huang, Di Jiu will not give up the White Colored Cloud Realm Flag. Most of the time he exchanged something with Xiling Yuanyi. This thing is an innate treasure for Xiling Yuanyi. For him, it is related to Four-sided Immortal Land destiny.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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