Another Purple Heavenly Net landed in the pill furnace. This time Di Jiu directly used Purple Heavenly Net’s pure medicine liquid as an impurity, and simply and decisively wrapped up a little different thing with his own Pill Art.

It’s just that he just separated Purple Heavenly Net’s medicine liquid from the rest of the impurities, and the thing he wanted to purify was broken again, transforming into nothingness.

Third mark, fourth mark ……

After the tenth failure, Di Jiu simply threw the last six Purple Heavenly Nets into the pill furnace.

The different Law aura in Purple Heavenly Net, which is purified by ordinary, must not be purified. The moment that Di Jiu separated the things he wanted in Purple Heavenly Net, the spiritual sense simulated a Great Footprint.

Great Footprint is a divine ability that barely touches the space. Even if Di Jiu is simulated with spiritual sense, it is still in the gap between the impurities in Purple Heavenly Net and the pure medicine liquid of Purple Heavenly Net. He wants it. A gap between the different liquids and impurities of Law aura finally appeared, and a drop of light gray liquid appeared in the pill furnace.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense falls on this light gray liquid and even feels that the spiritual sense is alive. But the next moment, Di Jiu felt it was wrong, and the light gray liquid would continue to collapse.

Where Di Jiu would make this happen, he with the slightest hesitation brought the drop into the mouth before the liquid collapsed.

“Boom!” The drop of medicine liquid into Di Jiu’s mouth is like a bomb bursting in Di Jiu’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, which instantly spread Di Jiu’s entire Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The pain of terrifying came, Di Jiu flew away, and he almost thought his Sea of ​​Consciousness was about to explode. At this time, where does he dare to let this medicine liquid burst? Forging Spiritual Sense Technique hastened to work, and then Di Jiu was shocked to discover that the intensity of his Sea of ​​Consciousness is slowly increasing, not only the intensity of Sea of ​​Consciousness, but the spiritual sense is slowly increasing…

He accidentally discovered the medicine liquid that helped the Sea of ​​Consciousness cultivating in Purple Heavenly Net. Di Jiu was ecstatic. He knew that this medicine liquid was definitely not perfect and needed to be supplemented with other things. As long as he can find the rest of the material, he must be able to refine a new Sea of ​​Consciousness spiritual sense medicinal pill.

These things he can’t do now, the auction is about to begin, and after this time leaving Great Cauldron, he must make this medicinal pill out.

Also, he is not purifying this kind of thing at all. He has to use a means to purify the light gray liquid, and the light gray liquid does not collapse. Only when this kind of thing can be preserved can he be used to study how to join the medicinal pill.

This light gray liquid is purified from Purple Heavenly Net, which can enhance Sea of ​​Consciousness and spiritual sense, and the color is gray. It is better to call Ash Purple Net. In the future, if you can integrate the pill success medicine, you will find it.


Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty The biggest auction in the last hundred years has begun. The auction venue is located at the Great Chamber of Commerce of the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.

The business of the Chamber of Commerce is all over the world. It is said that 4 Great Immortal Land has a branch and the Big Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty business is bigger.

At the moment, the plaza outside the Chamber of Commerce auction site is crowded with people everywhere.

The auction is too large and the fare is not low. Even if there are a lot of tickets provided by Chamber of Commerce, there are still some people who have not bought tickets. Of course, there are still some people who don’t want to pay for this ticket.

These people are gathered on the big plaza of the Chamber of Commerce in Xianding. This big plaza naturally forms a temporary market. This kind of Market is also known as the Temple Fair in Cultural World.

Some can’t get into the auction, or the cultivator who doesn’t want to enter the auction. In this fairy temple, you can get something you need.

After leaving the Blue Immortal Inn, Di Jiu simply wandered all the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty shops in Immortal Spirit Grass. The entire Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty’s Purple Heavenly Net was purchased by him alone.

After purchasing all of these Purple Heavenly Nets, Di Jiu casually followed the crowd into the auction and came to his box, second floor E character No.307 Box.

The auction has not yet begun. Di Jiu’s spiritual sense has fallen on several floors of the hall. He suspects that there are at least a few hundred thousand cultivators entering the auction. Only tickets are charged for the auction, and it is estimated that hundreds of millions of freedom points can be reached.

Di Jiu secretly sighed in the heart, this is really no business.

The auction has not yet begun, and Di Jiu simply arranges protection array restriction in his box.

His room naturally wouldn’t let someone’s spiritual sense sweep in. Di Jiu didn’t reveal his Array Dao level too much. He only placed a Grade 6 Immortal Array in the box.

A Grade 6 Immortal Array, even if the real Immortal Emperor expert wants to snoop, it must also force the religious sense to break his restriction.

Di Jiu believes that in this large-scale auction, it is Xie Huang’s old man, and no guts breaks his box restriction with spiritual sense.

Once someone has done this, it is not hitting his face, it is the face of the people who hold the auction.

Unfortunately, the protection array of this auction is too strong, otherwise Di Jiu intends to arrange a transmission array. When the auction is over, it will be sent out.

After the restriction was laid out, Di Jiu began to close his eyes and consider how to purify Ash Purple Net.

He purified a small drop of Ash Purple Net with a spiritual sense Great Footprint, indicating that the Law of Space method can purify Purple Heavenly Net. It’s just that his Great Footprint only touches the fur of the Law of Space. Not only that, the Great Footprint still attacks the divine ability, which is simply not suitable for this purification…

Di Jiu thought of this, suddenly in his heart, he found that Ash Purple Net is a Law aura, according to the one that he purified, Ash Purple Net has proved that Ash Purple Net is useful for Sea of ​​Consciousness and spiritual sense. Medicine liquid. Is it necessary to purify this kind of Ash Purple Net, and must also use Law to purify?

Although he understands a lot of foundation laws, these are the most basic things, and they are the foundation of everything. It is different from Law of Space.

It seems that he wants to save the purest Ash Purple Net, and even wants a lot of purification of Ash Purple Net, you must first insights Law of Space.

A crisp voice interrupted Di Jiu’s thoughts. “My name is Xing Sui. The Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty joint auction welcomes everyone here. This auction will definitely not disappoint everyone. You will see the rarest here. Treasure, buy the thing that suits you best…”

The auction began, Di Jiu withdrawed his thoughts and his eyes fell on the round altar in the middle of the auction.

Standing on a round altar with a pretty woman in a green dress, the cultivation base should be around the Great Principle Immortal late stage.

“This auction can be settled by high grade Immortal Crystal, freedom points, Immortal Spirit Vein. If these three things are not enough, you can also apply for the mortgage price. Once you apply for mortgage, the price of the item will be given by the auctioneer. If the auction is freely quoted, it will not be able to come up with enough equivalent exchanges to kill innocent people. “It is clear that these three words are killed. This is called Xing Sui’s green skirt female cultivator, but it is very gentle.

Without the Xing Sui reminder, all the cultivators coming here know what the quotation is. If it is not brain-destroy, it will not be arbitrarily quoted under normal circumstances.

“It has been said that the first treasure we will appear now is called Star Core Flaming Stone. The price of Star Core Flaming Stone is 5,000 freedom points. The price increase must not be less than one hundred freedom points. After Xing Sui finished, his hand rose and a fist-sized dark red stone appeared on top of her head.

Di Jiu is secretly shocked. Generally speaking, the first item in the auction is not particularly precious. The first item here is the Star Core Flaming Stone. It shows that there are so many good things in this auction. The list he saw in the Blue Immortal Inn is afraid that even one percent of them will not.

Star Core Flaming Stone This is the treasure of the low level Heavenly Fire advance. Before it was replaced, Di Jiu definitely took the action. But now he has no take action, his Dao Fire has used Star Core Flaming Stone once, and the two flames on his body are advancing to a very high level, which is not useful to him now.

The price on the huge quotation screen is extremely fast, just a few breaths, and the price jumps to 11,000 free points.

The last Star Core Flaming Stone was sold at 13,000 freedom points. When I saw the transaction price, Di Jiu was able to understand how far the price of my own Starry Sky Tea was.

Ten pieces of tea leaves are a Starry Sky Flaming Stone, and now Starry Sky Tea Leaves of Great Cauldron Immortal City have been fired to 10,000 freedom points.

Of course, if Starry Sky Tea is made by Establishing Cauldron, this 10,000 freedom points is really not expensive.

There are also tens of thousands of Starry Sky Tea Leaves on his body. These tea leaves Di Jiu are not intended for sale. In the future, he will refine Starry Sky Tea, and he will not be able to refine this Starry Sky Tea. He promised to build the Wood branch and no longer use Establishing Cauldron pill refining.

“Congratulations this friend got Star Core Flaming Stone. The next treasure to be auctioned is a top grade Flying Immortal Tool Extreme Cloud Cone. I don’t have much to say about the preciousness of a top grade Immortal Tool. I believe that there is more than me. More clearly, this means that you have more life force than others…. This Extreme Cloud Cone reserve price is 100,000 freedom points, and each increase must be no less than 5,000 freedom points…”

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