Grade 8 Immortal Flame Illuminating Starry Sky’s power is reflected at this time. Great Gathering Divine Iron is just a moment of integration with Heaven Dancing Blade. Di Jiu doesn’t even need to use its own tool refining method. Heaven Dancing Blade is in automatic advanceance.

Purple Dancing Sand is a top grade treasure. Otherwise, if he wants the advance Heaven Dancing Blade, he must melt the Heaven Dance and then return to the furnace.

The Great Gathering Divine Iron is fading away, the Heaven Dancing Blade is constantly twitching, the blade light is continuous, and the Imposing manner of the Heaven Dancing Blade is rapidly rising. In just one day, Di Jiu heard a clear cry from Heaven Dance. Followed by a light azure long blade suspended in front of Di Jiu’s, with a world of blade momentum.

From Aura on the Heaven Dancing Blade, Di Jiu already knows his Heaven Dance advancing to the high grade Immortal Tool. Blade 3 feet 9 inch long , no shortened half.

Di Jiu raised his hand, Heaven Dance appeared in his palm, the powerful blade momentum came, Di Jiu was very satisfied.

It is a pity that he went out this time and can no longer carry the Heaven Dancing Blade on his body. Otherwise, Heaven Dancing Blade will advance faster.

With his work at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, Di Jiu closes his eyes and can guess that everyone knows that he bought Time Crystal Stone.

Putting the Heaven Dancing Blade aside, Di Jiu once again took out a jade box.

This is the Time Crystal Stone he bought, and it has not been opened yet. The jade box is full of various restrictions, and Di Jiu carefully uncovers the restriction on the surface of the jade box and opens the jade box.

An ordinary gray crystal stone appeared, Di Jiu took a deep breath and slowed down his mind. He knows very well that Time Crystal Stone’s name is big and the price is terrible. In fact, this kind of thing is a taste for most cultivators.

But unlike others, he has the Ninth Dao Principle and is likely to touch Law of Time in Time Crystal Stone.

When his own mental state was completely immersed in ethereal state, Di Jiu reached out and grabbed the gray stone.

The vicissitudes of a year have come, and the picture in front of Di Jiu has turned. He stood on the streets of Pearl City.

That is his most lonely day and his happiest day. He and Qu Xiaoshu are arrogant in Pearl City, doing nothing all day, doing some deception and deception…

A clear Dao Principle aura is like a ripple in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. No, Di Jiu is a clear comprehension. He is using Time Crystal Stone insights Law of Time, not with Time Crystal Stone to feel the past. If this continues, the Time Crystal Stone in his hands will be completely abolished.

The clear Law Aura of the Ninth Dao Principle lets Di Jiu immerse himself in the gray Law aura. He can’t catch what it is, but he can feel it all the time…

Within the universe any law can be reversed, only time can not be reversed…….

No, even time can be reversed and cannot be reversed because no one can touch the time. If it can be touched, it can be reversed…

Still not right, time can’t be touched, this is an invisible Law…

Everything in the universe is tangible, and time is tangible…

Fu Zhaozhao was born in the dark, and he was born in invisible, the spirit was born in the Tao, the form was born in the essence, and everything was born in shape…

Everything is tangible! So time is tangible!

As time passed, Di Jiu didn’t know, and Time Crystal Stone in his hands gradually lost gray.

I don’t know how long it took, Di Jiu suddenly stood up and grabbed the Heaven Dancing Blade, a blade chopped. Under the green beans, the space seems to be caught in the stop, just the gap time, the stop disappears.

Di Jiu closed his eyes, and during that time he saw something he had never seen. Between the world of life, if the white colt is over, it’s already…

It was only the gap, when Di Jiu was about to touch the gap, the time crystal stone in the hands of “ka cha!” Di Jiu dissipated, and Di Jiu’s eyes were filled with a hot and stirring heat. He had a hunch that he touched the skin of Law of Time as long as he could grasp the things in the gap.

Unfortunately, when he was about to reach out and grab the gap, and he was about to touch the edge of Law of Time, his Time Crystal Stone shattered.

But in Di Jiu’s heart, there is a kind of clear comprehension. If he can really touch a little Law of Time and feel the passing gap, he will be in realm of Immortal King, maybe he can not fear Immortal Emperor.

Immortal King is not far from him, he can cross the tribulation into the Great Principle Immortal as soon as he goes out.

He has to look for Time Crystal Stone again, and he has to ask where the Time Crystal Stone comes from. A Time Crystal Stone is not enough for him.

If he said that he only knew that Law of Time was terrible, now he is more clear and clear, how terrible Law of Time is.

Originally, Di Jiu was looking for ways to find out how to purify Ash Purple Net in Purple Heavenly Net before leaving Daihe Hall. Now Di Jiu is eager to find the origin of Time Crystal Stone.

This is too important for him.

“Big Brother, just now you chopped that blade, I feel that everything in front of the blade light stops, is this an illusion?” Xie Huang asked first.

When Di Jiu fell into the sudden enlightenment, several people in Xie Huang were awake, and several of them were witnesses to Di Jiu chopped that blade.

Di Jiu nodded. “Yes, this is a very powerful cultivation technique. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize it. I have to leave here and you continue to cultivating here.”

“Big Brother, or do I send a message to my dad…” Xie Huang’s intention was to have his old man take care of Di Jiu.

Di Jiu sneered. “If you want to harm me, I will send a message to you dad. When I fled from Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, you dad was also one of the people who chased me. If not, I ran fast. , now you have got rid of with dad and those Immortal Emperor.”

“Ah…” Xie Huang snorted and never dared to speak.

As for Di Jiu’s, he would not doubt at all. He dad even his mother can be locked in the underground prison, can you care about his friend?

“Be careful with yourself, we will try to cultivating here.” Mo Yu knows that her cultivation base is going out with Di Jiu and it hurts Di Jiu. The only way is to try to improve your cultivation base here.

Di Jiu once again handed out a ring and handed it to Mo Yu. “This is your cultivation resources. When I have the ability to protect myself, I will come back to take you to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.”

At this time, Di Jiu could not take Mo Yu and others away. It’s good to have a True Spirit World, but the cultivating conditions here are many times better than True Spirit World.

Take Mo Yu and others, what else can you do besides staying in True Spirit World?


“bang bang bang!” The sixth wave of 81 Thunder Tribulation Arc fell, Di Jiu’s body of Immortal Origin is like a tumbling hot oil, filling the entire body. Unfortunately, the strength of Thunder Tribulation is not enough to allow his Body Refining to reach a new level.

His cultivation base has been completely stabilized in the Great Principle Immortal 1st layer, but this time his spiritual sense has no advance, still in the Grade 6 Immortal Sense.

This makes Di Jiu feel anxious. According to his cultivation base level, the cultivation base will enter a large level each time, and the spiritual sense will advance a level. If his spiritual sense can’t step into the Grade 7 Immortal Sense, it would be dangerous for him to go to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.

Grade 7 Immortal Sense and Grade 6 Immortal Sense are two different things. Stone 6 Immortal Sense’s Spiritual Sense Escapee doesn’t want to escape under Immortal Emperor. But the Spiritual Sense Escapee of Grade 7 Immortal Sense, the general Immortal Emperor, has not caught up with him.

Di Jiu didn’t rush to leave, grabbed a few Purple Heavenly Nets, and picked up Ash Purple Net again.

He hasn’t found a way to completely purify Ash Purple Net. Now that he has just stepped into the Great Principle Immortal 1st layer, the Sea of ​​Consciousness is still growing, and Ash Purple Net is likely to step into the Grade 7 Immortal Sense.

After a drop of Ash Purple Net was purified by Di Jiu, it was sent to Di Jiu by the next moment. He can’t save Ash Purple Net at all, and as long as he spends more time, Ash Purple Net will collapse.

“Boom!” The violent aura exploded in Di Jiu’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, Di Jiu’s Sea of ​​Consciousness instantly spread a layer, and the Dao Mark in the Sea of ​​Consciousness swelled.

Without the signs of advance, Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation re-purifies the second drop of Ash Purple Net…

Then the third drop, the fourth drop…

“Hey!” When Di Jiu swallowed the tenth drop of Ash Purple Net, he squirted a blood arrow, and his face was like a piece of white paper.

Can’t continue to swallow Ash Purple Net, this kind of Ash Purple Net without any medicinal ingredient, and then swallow it, his Sea of ​​Consciousness don’t say advance, maybe it will collapse.

Forging Spiritual Sense is running wild, Di Jiu’s Sea of ​​Consciousness is like a burst, the roaring sound is continuous, Di Jiu’s both ears and eyes are bleeding.

Di Jiu is big shock, he knows that he is too urgent. Cultivation base This thing is originally a matter of course, even if he wants to upgrade his strength, it can not be so hard.

At this time, Di Jiu still dared to increase the intensity of the spirit sense. If he didn’t have the Forging Spiritual Sense Technique, he could only wait for the collapse of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Forging Spiritual Sense is like a large disc, and every time it is lapped, it brings his Sea of ​​Consciousness back a little bit from the edge of the crash.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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