Fang Feilou’s smile soon condensed, and Di Jiu’s blade was clearly in the range of the Domain he controlled, but he just grabbed an empty slap.

“Ka cha !” Fang Feilou’s Domain was cracked by the Heaven Dancing Blade chopped, and Blade qi rips in. Fang Feilou eagerly moves sideways, and Heaven’s Dancing Blade’s blade momentum strikes his piece of clothing.

This is his cultivation base is far stronger than Di Jiu, Di Jiu’s Domain can not have any impact on his Domain, otherwise, this blade can make him heavy injury.

“good, good…” Fang Feilou is not shocked. “Without the Immortal King, you can touch the edge of the Law of Space. No wonder you can refine Starry Sky Tea. Storekeeper Di, you really give me a surprise. what.”

Di Jiu was as pleasantly surprised. The blade he had just merged into the Little Law of Insights in the Great Footprint, and actually fell off the corner of an Immortal Emperor late stage expert.

Although Fang Feilou did not put him in the heart, it was obvious that once he waited for himself to enter Immortal King, he was able to injure Fang Feilou.

This blade is trying to transfer the insights of the Law of Space from the Great Footprint, and it is also delaying Fang Feilou.

He is sure that Fang Feilou spends a lot of time waiting for him here, not to kill him. Since he is not killing him, he can spend part of his time.

Sure enough, just a blade in the past, Di Jiu sensed that Zhong Ao came over. This makes Di Jiu very satisfied, that is to say, he uses Spiritual Sense Escapee full-escape, and Zhong Ao can’t be faster than him before he merges with his fleshly body.

“That son of a bitch highway robbery, I want to give him a lesson today.” Di Jiu speaking in between, across the front step again is a blade strike out.

This sentence is not to say to Fang Feilou, but to Zhong Ao, he is sure that Zhong Ao understands what he means.

When I saw Di Jiu’s second blade, Fang Feilou was speechless. He finally understood why Di Jiu dared to offend so many Immortal Emperor experts in Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. This is a monk.

Watched Di Jiu’s blade strike, Fang Feilou decided to give Di Jiu a lifelong unforgettable lesson, and he prepared to scrape Di Jiu an arm.

Only his hand had just to get out, and he felt that a fierce murder locked him. This killing aura with death, as long as he dares to move, he will die.

Fang Feilou’s cold sweat shua has flowed down. As an expert of the Immortal Emperor 7th layer, he doesn’t think he feels wrong. An expert who is stronger than him is using the killing potential to lock him.

“Hey!” A bloody explosion, Fang Feilou’s arm was slashed by Di Jiu, and fell into his Domain.

Di Jiu laughed, went to Fang Feilou and patted Fang Feilou’s face with the Heaven Dancing Blade in his hand. “Union Lord Fang, do you say that I am killing you, or not killing you?”

Fang Feilou has a little pale, he has seen the Zhong Ao slowly coming from the void. Zhong Ao step by step is clearly on the void, but when each foot falls, Fang Feilou feels that his heart is twitching.

“Storekeeper Di, this is my fault, my eyes are stunned and I got into the head of Brother Di.” Fang Feilou didn’t dare to move, Zhong Ao’s murderous Domain was twice as powerful as his Domain. Not only, he is looking for death.

“hehe, just relying on the mouth to admit that there is a fart. Just now you said, I gave you a big surprise, now I see how much surprise you gave me.” Di Jiu despised watched Fang Feilou.

When he heard Di Jiu, Fang Feilou was ecstatic, that is, Di Jiu did not kill him.

Di Jiu naturally did not kill Fang Feilou. He killed Fang Feilou and there was no benefit. And as long as he walks around with Zhong Ao everywhere, others will know that Fang Feilou is killing him. People like Fang Feilou, the universe is everywhere, and it is killing.

Since you can’t kill it, you can get rid of the benefits of realism.

“Brother Di, even if you open your mouth, as long as I can get it from Fang Feilou. Right, I have something here, you can take a look.” Fang Feilou speaks between, and the the slightest hesitation loses his ring. I gave Di Jiu.

Di Jiu’s hand, spiritual sense, easily opened Fang Feilou’s ring, which has hundreds of millions of high grade Immortal Crystals. What makes Di Jiu happy is that there is also a Thunder Attribute of the high grade Immortal Spirit Vein. This thing is definitely a treasure.

Unfortunately, there are too few Artifact Materials and Alchemy Materials in this ring.

Di Jiu is not polite, the ring is received directly, indifferently said, “I need some grade 8 and grade 9 Immortal Spirit Grass. Of course, top grade Artifact Materials I am also scarce.”

Fang Feilou said quickly, “No problem, I promise to help you get at least 500 grade 8 Immortal Spirit Grass, grade 9 Immortal Spirit Grass is too precious, but fifty or sixty should be no problem. Artifact Materials, I try to Help you collect.”

“Very good, if that’s the case, you can make a loan. Right, I need a lot of Immortal Spirit Grass and Artifact Materials in the future. I will go to your Colored Glass House of Commerce next time, remember to have a discount. If you don’t discount, I I have to discount your things.” Di Jiu is not polite, Fang Feilou obviously wants to take him back to concoct, he does not kill Fang Feilou now, even if it is extra enlightenment, it is also seen in things.

“Yes.” Fang Feilou, where there is still a nonsense, quickly engraved an image with jade slip and handed it to Di Jiu, and then took out a golden jade token. “This is the most precious of my Colored Glass House of Commerce. VIP identity token, you can enjoy the best VIP with any Golden House token in my Colored Glass House of Commerce.

“It’s still a matter of understanding, let’s go, don’t commit it to me next time.” Di Jiu snorted.

“Yes.” Fang Feilou quickly grabbed the broken arm and hugged cup one fist in the other hand to Zhong Ao standing next to Di Jiu, which quickly escaped.

“Your eyes are too bad. This thing puts this fellow.” Zhong Ao shook his head silently.

Di Jiu laughed, “What do you know, this is called a long-term plan for major returns.”

Do not kill Fang Feilou, he has a steady supply of cultivation resources, kill Fang Feilou, let the Colored Glass House of Commerce change Immortal Emperor as Union Lord, he can not take Zhong Ao to kill the door to grab things?

Zhong Ao It is normal to not see Fang Feilou’s compensation. Di Jiu suspects that Zhong Ao comes from a more high level plane, otherwise it can’t be so strong.

Di Jiu offered the Extreme Cloud Cone and said to Zhong Ao, “Small, you help me control Extreme Cloud Cone, go to this place, I have to seclusion for a while.”

Di Jiu lost a jade slip to Zhong Ao, and his given jade slip was the last point of the temporary transmission array that was laid out after the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty escaped.

Zhong Ao nodded and took over the control of Extreme Cloud Cone without any flaws. This kind of place for him can’t be cultivating at all. Moreover, it is able to cultivating and he will not cultivating. If he can’t find his fleshly body, he needs to find a better treasure to condense the fleshly body, and naturally will not use this temporary condensed fleshly body.

Di Jiu began to refine Jade Gathering Immortal Pill as soon as he entered Extreme Cloud Cone. He was originally a Grade 7 Pill King, and only six top grade Jade Gathering Immortal Pill was reworked in the second furnace.

Jade Gathering Immortal Pill was refining seven or eight furnaces, and several medicinal pills were rehabilitated. When Di Jiu was ready to purify Ash Purple Net with the touch of Law of Time, it was already here that Zhong Ao came out.

“Small fight, how could it be so fast?” Di Jiu was amazed and stepped on the Extreme Cloud Cone deck.

It took only two or three days. According to Di Jiu’s idea, it took him months, or even half a year, from Moon Ruins Tomb to his own void transmission array.

“It’s really here.” Di Jiu spiritual sense swept and found the location of the transmission array.

“I just engraved a few arrays to make this Extreme Cloud Cone hurry, otherwise it would be too slow.

Di Jiu’s eyes fell on the Extreme Cloud Cone drive, and the drive squad was replaced with a new one, but the Extreme Cloud Cone was full of cracks everywhere.

“Small, my Extreme Cloud Cone is useless.” Di Jiu’s face is a bit ugly, this Extreme Cloud Cone is also a big price to buy, and now just a flight will be broken.

“hehe, this Extreme Cloud Cone refining material is too rubbish, it is estimated that it can fly for a few days.” Zhong Ao laughed, completely did not care Di Jiu consumed a top grade Flying Immortal Tool.

Di Jiu is too lazy to argue with Zhong Ao. This Extreme Cloud Cone is top grade Immortal Tool in his eyes. It is estimated that in the eyes of Zhong Ao, it is rubbish.

He stepped out of the Extreme Cloud Cone and landed on a hidden void transmission array. When he left this place, he still left a secret picture array. Last time he was anxious to find Time Crystal Stone, he didn’t come over. This time he came back to see it, just want to know if someone came here.

Although the picture array is still there after many years, Di Jiu easily portrays the patterns in the picture array to the crystal ball.

There is a man wearing a tall hat in the crystal ball, Di Jiu shocked inwardly, and someone can catch up with his last transmission array. This tall hat, I don’t know which fellow.

“This picture array is good, and it’s a bit of a real thing.” Zhong Ao also fell to Di Jiu.

“I’m looking for a place to cross tribulation into Immortal King Realm, you can help me.” No matter who the tall hat is, Di Jiu knows that there is too much to stare at his expert, and he is still a great Principle Immortal ants.

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