Nearly a month from Ye’s Great Immortal Fruit Assembly, Di Jiu simply prepared for seclusion again. This time he plans to extract Ash Purple Net and plans to see if he can research it.

At this time, Chi Yuanqing came over and Chi Yuanqing was recovering from being rescued by him. Even if he was an Immortal King expert, he was nailed to the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty protection array for several years and was injured by Origin Qi. Her daughter, Chi Xun’er, is in a state of exhaustion.

It can be said that Di Jiu came to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, Chi Yuanqing and Chi Xun’er can only wait to die.

“Brother Di, if not you, there is no Chi Yuanqing and my daughter Chi Xun’er in this world.” Chi Yuanqing took her daughter Chi Xun’er to Di Jiu’s room, thanks to the graciousness of life-saving.

Initially he was only close to Di Jiu in order to make a top grade Immortal Pill master. Now, he knows how wise he is doing at the time.

Di Jiu quickly let Chi Yuanqing and Chi Xun’er sit down and say, “I am tired of talking about this matter. If it is not for me, you will not suffer such a big sin.”

Chi Yuanqing shook her head. “No, if it weren’t for you, I and Xun’er estimated that I was killed directly. I went out to find the Immortal Spirit Tea Tree for you, and also everywhere to inquire about my father Chi Zhengshan. I happened once. The opportunity to learn about the disappearance of my father, Chi Zhengshan, has a lot to do with Jie Guangmao of Great Cauldron Immortal City.

I was known by Jie Guangmao after I learned about it. I was not sure at the time. I returned to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, who was going to hand over the tea tree I found, and then took my daughter to Moon Ruins Tomb to find Immortal Venerable. I didn’t expect that I just got to the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty and I was caught by the breeder Jie Guangmao. ”

Di Jiu sighs, in this world, the weak is the original sin. He took out two rings and handed them to Chi Yuanqing and Chi Xun’er. “There is enough cultivation resources here, you use…”

“Brother Di, I can’t, you saved my daughter twice, saved me once, I can…”

When Chi Yuanqing’s words were not finished, he was interrupted by Di Jiu. “I killed Jie Guangmao. Your stuff is estimated to be here. I have two Venerable Intent Pills in your ring. In the future, your Origin Qi will be completely After recovering, you can try to step into Immortal Venerable…”

“Ah…” Chi Yuanqing heard Venerable Intent Pill, and suddenly stood up with excitement and once again gave Di Jiu a sigh. “Many thanks Brother Di generous bestowal, I really can’t refuse this medicinal pill. If there is a future , I Chi Yuanqing will never shirk.”

Venerable Intent Pill, don’t say that he can’t get Chi Yuanqing, when his father Chi Zhengshan is there, don’t even think about getting Venerable Intent Pill.

This medicinal pill is more expensive than his original ring. Now Di Jiu gives two, and obviously one is for his daughter Chi Xun’er.

Di Jiu smiled. “Since it is a friend, why care about it? Go back and recover. Yes, if you have time, you can ask a few people to open the Peaceful Restaurant. One more thing to remember. Don’t go to Moon Ruins Tomb again, that’s not a good place.”

Moon Ruins Tomb is the magical treasure River and Mountains Pot of the people. This magical treasure Di Jiu does not know where to refine it. Who knows if the future Zhong You will suddenly take back the magical treasure? This magical treasure is taken back by the owner, and all the cultivators in it have only a share of fallen. This kind of fall, there is no chance for a reincarnation.

When Chi Yuanqing left, he made up his mind and must help make the Peaceful Restaurant bigger.

He didn’t run a shop because his daughter was ill, knowing that he had run two stores in Great Cauldron Immortal City.


After sending away Chi Yuanqing’s father and daughter, Di Jiu concentrated on seclusion research to purify Ash Purple Net.

At first he used the space fluctuations in the Great Footprint and then instantly separated Ash Purple Net from Purple Heavenly Net. And the separated Ash Purple Net must be taken immediately, and the effect is still worse. The cultivator with a weaker Sea of ​​Consciousness is likely to be torn by the Purple Purple Net of Consciousness.

Don’t say anyone else, even Di Jiu himself was almost torn apart by Sea Purple Cons a Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Now Di Jiu intends to purify Ash Purple Net with Law of Time. If it still doesn’t work, then that’s all. Anyway, his spiritual sense is already grade 9 Immortal Sense, the spiritual sense of the Great Immortal Emperor, and not necessarily stronger than his spiritual sense.

Three Purple Heavenly Nets were captured by Di Jiu. Di Jiu purified Purity Heavenly Net too much, and was extremely skilled at all the impurities in Purple Heavenly Net except Ash Purple Net. Before he separated the impurities and the medicine liquid, he gave a Law of Space fluctuation and sent the separated medicine liquid to the entrance.

Ash Purple Net’s moment of purification from Purple Heavenly Net will collapse, this time Di Jiu is the time when the medicine liquid and impurities are separated. Law Divine Ability

A time when Law Divine Ability fell on Ash Purple Net medicine liquid, Ash Purple Net medicine liquid stopped in the blink of an eye, as if it was eternal. In the blink of an eye, Di Jiu has already sent a few drops of medical liquid after purification. Into the exquisite jade bottle.

The first time was successful?

After a few minutes, Di Jiu opened the jade bottle again. His physical sense fell on the medicine liquid in the jade bottle, and he still felt a strong wave of aura, which indicated that the medicine liquid did not collapse.

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation pours Ash Purple Net into the jade bottle, and a faint heat flow quickly charges the Purple Mansion.

Operating Forging Spiritual Sense, Di Jiu can clearly feel that the spiritual sense is slowly increasing.

His spiritual sense is Grade 9 Immortal Sense, and you can feel the rise of the spiritual sense. If the cultivator is weak with a strong sense, even if there is no Forging Spiritual Sense, you can feel the big sense sense boost.

This is the real Ash Purple Net, Di Jiu is overjoyed. Purification of Ash Purple Net in Purple Heavenly Net requires Law of Time, the need to purify Ash Purple Net, the medicine liquid is caught in a stop. No wonder that for many years, no one has found Ash Purple Net in Purple Heavenly Net.

Or even if it is discovered, it cannot be purified.

Purified Ash Purple Net, the next thing is simpler Di Jiu such a Grade 8 Immortal Pill Venerable.

In just a few days, Di Jiu combined with Ash Purple Net, Forging Spiritual Sense and a variety of Immortal Spirit Grass to develop a new medicinal pill Knowledge River Pill.

The main thing in Knowledge River Pill is Ash Purple Net, Ash Purple Net is just grade 6 Immortal Spirit, but Knowledge River Pill’s auxiliary spirit grass is grade 7 Immortal Spirit Grass Azure Frost Metal Vine Flower.

So the grade of Knowledge River Pill should be considered Grade 7 Immortal Pill.

Azure Frost Metal Vine Flower is also very difficult to purify. It blends with Ash Purple Net, and Immortal Pill King, which has no ability to do it, can’t really refine it.

The main use of Knowledge River Pill is to restore Sea of ​​Consciousness, restore spiritual sense, condense spiritual sense and strengthen spiritual sense.

If it is just for use, the Knowledge River Pill is probably the most precious Grade 7 Immortal Pill. Its preciousness is even more precious than the Glaze Principle King Pill.

Glaze Principle King Pill is precious, and it’s just an advance Immortal King. The crowd with this medicinal pill is limited, and that is the Great Principle Immortal perfection.

The scope of Knowledge River Pill is the entire cultivator group, no matter what cultivation base you are, no matter what cultivation technique you are cultivating. Knowledge River Pill is something that must be used.

After Di Jiu refines all of the Purple Heavenly Nets into the Knowledge River Pill, Ye’s Great Immortal Fruit Assembly is about to begin.

Di Jiu sorted out his own things and walked out of the cave mansion. He was going to join the Ao’s Great Immortal Fruit Assembly with Zhong Ao.

Ye this person’s rise is very fast, and almost after hearing his name, he has risen on this side. 4 Great Immortal Land The first expert, this name is not something that anyone can occupy.

This kind of person has no certainty and will never invite Di Jiu to participate in the Great Immortal Fruit Assembly.

It was as if he had been in a Peaceful Restaurant, etc., because he was not fear. Who can know, is Ye not the same idea as him?

Therefore, Di Jiu also intends to invite Yin Wuchang together. With Yin Wuchang and Zhong Ao, Ye is the same as the fork, and he has to be put up.

“I guess you should be out.” Di Jiu, as soon as he got out of the room, saw Zhong Ao standing outside.

Di Jiu chuckled, took out a jade bottle and handed it to Zhong Ao. “Old Zhong, take a look, I have just refining the medicinal pill, I will evaluate it.”

Zhong Ao smiled and didn’t care. After taking the jade bottle and opening it, he sent a Knowledge River Pill into the mouth.

Di Jiu is also a Grade 8 Immortal Pill Venerable. It’s not surprising to find a few pill recipes.

However, the medicinal pill had just entered the entrance, and Zhong Ao’s smile stopped, and then he cried, “This is the medicinal pill that restores the spiritual sense and the condense Sea of ​​Consciousness?”

“Yes, how?” Di Jiu asked smugly, and found that Ash Purple Net in Purple Heavenly Net was a very proud thing for Di Jiu.

“Good Pill, good Pill medicine…” Zhong Ao gripped the jade bottle in his hand and said with excitement, “This is definitely Immortal World number 1 Pill. Unfortunately, this medicinal pill is too low in grade and can’t make my spiritual sense. full recovery……”

Zhong Ao Speaking of this, my heart suddenly moved. Since Di Jiu can now find a medicinal pill that restores Sea of ​​Consciousness and spiritual sense, then Di Jiu can find a higher level of recovery of spiritual sense medicinal pill.

“Haha, Pill Emperor Di, I am disturbing again. I heard Fellow Daoist Zhong say Immortal World number 1 Pill, I don’t know what medicinal pill?” Yin Wuchang laughed loudly.

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