The transmission array started, and Di Jiu was sent to the white mans to wrap it away, and Di Jiu felt that something was wrong.

According to the truth, from Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty to Four-sided Immortal Land, he would not be squeezed and torn by space. Now he is squeezed by space and is still being torn.

If he is not the Immortal Divine Body fleshly body, he is afraid of a serious injury.

From Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty to Symphontal Land’s transmission array, Di Jiu, there is absolutely no such terrible space fluctuation.

“Hey!” Di Jiu just thought of it, a powerful force put him on the ground.

Even if Di Jiu is the Immortal Divine Body fleshly body, the bones are also broken.

Fortunately, his fleshly body is really powerful, just a circulatory cycle, even the medicinal pill does not need to recover.

The place is desolate, there is no smoke, only a kind of cold murderous aura.

Di Jiu sinks in his heart and he knows why he is being taken down from space. This was because the big Four-sided Immortal Land’s transmission array was removed. He came from Great Cauldron Immortal City and changed from fixed-point transmission to random space transmission.

This is not the most worrying Di Jiu. What worried Di Jiu most is that this place is still a death stillness. There are broken, degraded, desolate scenes everywhere, without a little life force.

The reason for this concern is that Di Jiu is sure that he was indeed sent to Four-sided Immortal Land. When he left Four-sided Immortal Land, he found the new birthplace of Immortal World destiny and even suppressed the Four-sided Immortal Land destiny with the Parting Earth Flame Light Flag and the Seven Stars Purified Water Flag.

According to the truth, Four-sided Immortal Land’s destiny will only grow stronger. After so many years, he did not return to Four-sided Immortal Land, and the Four-sided Immortal Land’s destiny, even if it has not penetrated into every corner, is not such a declining appearance.

Di Jiu quickly offered Extreme Cloud Cone, and his Extreme Cloud Cone was changed to an array by Zhong Ao. Although it didn’t last long, it was much faster than all top grade Flying Immortal Tool.

Excited by Extreme Cloud Cone, Di Jiu found the direction and the speed of Extreme Cloud Cone was the biggest.

One day later, when Extreme Cloud Cone was about to split, Di Jiu finally felt a little life force aura.

Starry Sky Immortal City’s outline appeared in his spiritual sense, and Di Jiu was relieved that Starry Sky Immortal City was still there. The array he arranged seems to have been attacked, but his array of Array uses the Parting Earth Flame Light Flag and the Seven Stars Purified Water Flag, which is already the Grade 8 Immortal Array.

This Immortal Array will not break unless it is the Immortal Emperor.

After another scent, Di Jiu withdrew Extreme Cloud Cone, and his watched Starry Sky Immortal City Auxiliary City, not far from the front, was very angry.

Starry Sky Immortal City Auxiliary City still has a protection array. The protection array is not the original Grade 7 Immortal Array that he left behind, but a new Grade 6 Immortal Array.

To some comfort, Starry Sky Immortal City’s protection array is still left when he left. As long as people who are not Starry Sky Immortal City are betrayed and want to invade Starry Sky Immortal City, they must break his protection array. Now that his protection array has not been broken, it means that Starry Sky Immortal City is still fine.

No, Di Jiu spiritual sense, I feel that one of the two Five Elements Array Flags is one less. The Seven Stars Purified Water Flag is gone, even if it is the Parting Earth Flame Light Flag, it seems to be indistinct with his sense.

“City Lord…” A trembling voice sounded.

Di Jiu has already seen Qu Tong in the gray-faced soil, Qu Tong’s cultivation base is the Golden Immortal 3rd layer. The progress is not that big.

“City Lord Qu, I am not at Starry Sky Immortal City, you should be the main person of Starry Sky Immortal City, how can you wander here?” Di Jiu frowned slightly, his spiritual sense did not sweep into Starry Sky Immortal City. He is worried that Starry Sky Immortal City is occupied, and once his spiritual sense enters Starry Sky Immortal City, it will be noticed.

Don’t look at him now is the Immortal King initial stage. If Starry Sky Immortal City is occupied, even if it is Immortal Emperor, he can kill himself with his own Array Dao. Of course, the premise is that no one can tell him to come back. It is.

Qu Tong knows that Di Jiu’s is anxious and quickly said, “City Lord, Starry Sky Immortal City is all right now. Just Starry Sky Immortal City expert is too little, plus the great array is isolated, the spirit sense in Starry Sky Immortal City simply sweeps away. Come out. I can only wait outside, and if there is a situation, I will send it back.”

Qu Tong is a little excited, Di Jiu although the cultivation base is not high, but the Array Dao level is absolutely not normal. At the beginning, Di Jiu was only Golden Immortal, and I got rid of many Immortal King experts.

Over the years, he did not feel the strength of Di Jiu’s, but he is sure that Di Jiu should now be more than Immortal King Realm.

Di Jiu sighed. “You don’t have to look at it. Your actions have already fallen into the eyes of others. Let me talk about Starry Sky Immortal City first. Who is coming, and I have stolen my suppression. Destiny treasure?”

“Ah…” Qu Tong screamed, eagerly asking, “City Lord, the treasure of suppressing Immortal World destiny was taken away?”

The Heavenly Bamboo River was discovered by him. Di Jiu founded Starry Sky Immortal City, which he witnessed and even helped build. He is more than anyone eager for Starry Sky Immortal City to thrive, with the entire Immortal World destiny recovering again, but now the treasure of the Impressing Immortal World destiny is once again taken away, this is simply the day to destroy this side of Immortal World…

No wonder he felt that Immortal World destiny was gathered to a certain extent and then no longer gathered, or even began to thin.

Di Jiu waved his hand. “You don’t have to worry. I am suppressing the destiny here with two Array Flags, one of which was taken away, and one of them is here. Let’s go back to the city and say.”

“Yes.” Qu Tong sighed with a Array Flag.

Then he began to talk about the changes of Starry Sky Immortal City. After Starry Sky Immortal City was established, even if Di Jiu left in the first few years, it was still prosperous. Many cultivators have entered Golden Immortal and even cultivators have entered Immortal King Realm.

However, this is not a long time, an expert forcibly occupied Starry Sky Immortal City’s Auxiliary City. If it wasn’t for Jing Luowen, I quickly started the protection array of Starry Sky Immortal City, and Starry Sky Immortal City was also occupied.

“How strong is the people who occupy Starry Sky Immortal City Auxiliary City?” Di Jiu asked in his mouth, guessing that it should be an Immortal Venerable, otherwise Starry Sky Immortal City has several Immortal Kings and Lu Xikun. This Immortal King late stage expert is not going to go out.

Qu Tong said solemnly, “The person who occupies the Starry Sky Immortal City must be just an Immortal King late stage, but Sect Master Lu said that the person who broke the Auxiliary City protection array is an Immortal Emperor, or a very powerful Immortal. Emperor expert. To our doubt, the Immortal Emperor did not attack Starry Sky Immortal City after breaking the Starry Sky Immortal City Auxiliary City. Instead, he gave the Auxiliary City to the Immortal King and left.”

Di Jiu knew very well that the Immortal Emperor didn’t leave like this, but took his Seven Stars Purified Water Flag.

Immortal Emperor He was not killed, it was the strong Immortal Emperor, he took his Seven Stars Purified Water Flag and he must die. It’s just that Immortal Emperor, since taking away the Seven Stars Purified Water Flag, why not take the Parting Earth Flame Light Flag? This is really hard to explain. Besides, go to other places secluded cultivation, is there any Starry Sky Immortal City? Starry Sky Immortal City is Immortal World’s new destiny rising land. He doesn’t believe that an Immortal Emperor will not see the benefits of Starry Sky Immortal City.

There are definitely problems with this, but where is the problem?

Qu Tong continued, “After knowing Immortal Emperor 觊觎Starry Sky Immortal City, we were desperate. Sect Master Jing decided to leave from Floating Thunder Island and look for City Lord. Sect Master Jing said that I want to restore Immortal World In addition to the City Lord, there is no second person. Sect Master Lu said Sect Master Jing can’t go, Starry Sky Immortal City needs Sect Master Jing to host, he took the initiative to travel to Thunder Island to find the City Lord…”

“I understand.” Di Jiu took Qu Tong from another Array Gate into Starry Sky Immortal City, and no one in Auxiliary City started to work.

This made Di Jiu a bit strange. According to his guess, Qu Tong sent messages outside, and he was already known, and it was allowed by others. Since Qu Tong found him and even entered Starry Sky Immortal City, the other party should stop it.


“City Lord is back.” Di Jiu entered Starry Sky Immortal City and Yan Xiaosha rushed out, excitedly shouting.

Followed by Heaven Cleansing Sect Sect Master Jing Luowen, Bei Chutai, Liu Yuxin, Tan Mo and so on.

Di Jiu was very happy, although the restoration of the Immortal World destiny was terminated, because of the time he left, Starry Sky Immortal City is still as iron-like as it is, and the law of Starry Sky Immortal City is very good. Even though Starry Sky Immortal City has added a lot of people these years, there is nothing wrong with it.

“City Lord, Yu is good…” Jing Luowen was the first time to tremble and ask Mo Yu about the news. In her eyes, Mo Yu is the only hope for Heaven Cleansing Sect.

“Yu is fine, many thanks Sect Master Jing. The hard work of Starry Sky Immortal City over the years.” Di Jiu did not explain Yan Hui’s business. Now Starry Sky Immortal City looks like he was leaving, even more perfect. . In fact, Di Jiu knows very well that Starry Sky Immortal City is now in jeopardy.

He didn’t understand why the Immortal Emperor didn’t come, but no matter what happened, he had to rank Starry Sky Immortal City’s Traping Slaughter Array advancing to grade 9 Immortal Array before the Immortal Emperor.

Otherwise, he Di Jiu is able to, and can only wait to die.

“I need to upgrade the Immortal City Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array now, and everyone is ready, there may be a great war.” Di Jiu has no nonsense, and straightforwardly indicates what is going to be done.

When Di Jiu was not there, Lu Xikun and Jing Luowen and Tan Mo were several Immortal Kings, but Di Jiu was the City Lord.

Now that Di Jiu is back, everyone has settled a lot.

Di Jiu was originally the Grade 9 Immortal Array Emperor. The protection array of Starry Sky Immortal City was also arranged by him. Now he has upgraded all the protection arrays and Traping Slaughter Array of Starry Sky Immortal City to grade in just two days. 9 Immortal Array.

After doing this, he came to the location of Heavenly Bamboo River array core. He speculated that the Immortal Emperor did not do anything, and definitely had a great relationship with the array core of this suppressing Immortal World destiny.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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