Di Jiu took out Immemorial Thunder Stone, because Immemorial Thunder Stone contains endless Thunder Element Law, and he wants to use the Immemorial Thunder Stone to make his Thunder Element Law Array Flag even more powerful. It’s really because the Grade 9 Immortal Monster Beast is too much, otherwise he won’t risk taking such a big risk out of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.

Be aware that under this terrifying beast tide, once he is overwhelmed by the beast tide, even if he has the Spiritual Sense Escapee, it may not be 100% gone.

However, when Di Jiu’s spiritual sense communicated to Immemorial Thunder Stone, he was shocked by the Thunder Attribute aura contained in Immemorial Thunder Stone.

He also tried the refining Immemorial Thunder Stone before, but it didn’t do anything, but now he feels the first layer of restriction in Immemorial Thunder Stone.

This is a top grade natural restriction. Di Jiu understands all kinds of Law. As soon as I see this restriction, I know that the restriction aura is similar to the World Book, which is definitely a top grade treasure.

Now that he has not refining the first layer of restrictions, he feels the endless violent Thunder Attribute aura. If he refines the first layer of restriction, how terrible is Thunder Attribute aura?

Di Jiu changed his mind in the first place. He drove the spiritual sense crazy and began to refine the first layer of the Immemorial Thunder Stone.

Great Twisting Slaughter Array The endless blade glow and the thunder arc explosion into pieces, the large group of Monster Beast is constantly being smashed. Even so, the powerful Monster Beast that broke through the first Great Twisting Slaughter Array is still more and more, and after Di Jiu rushed out of the Great Cauldron Immortal City, it was like stupid, standing on a thunderlight lingering bluestone. It is.

“Union Lord Meng, Pill Emperor Di seems to have something to do.” Mi Ji found it wrong, because some top grade Immortal Monster Beast broke through the Great Twisting Slaughter Array and started to hit the final defense array in front of Di Jiu.

As long as this layer of defense array in front of Di Jiu was smashed, Di Jiu could not even have a chance to turn over.

Meng Qianqian hadn’t answered yet. He saw ka cha, and the defense array in front of Di Jiu split, and then she saw a blood arrow coming out from behind Di Jiu.

It is obvious that there is a Grade 9 Immortal Monster Beast tearing the defense array in front of Di Jiu, a water arrow piercing Di Jiu’s chest.

Meng Qianqian and Mi Ji face each other, and the two simply don’t know how to be good. Let them go out to save Di Jiu, the first they don’t want to, the second estimate is that going out is also a dead word.

Not just Meng Qianqian and Mi Ji, the entire Great Cauldron Free Immortal City’s cultivator is now dead, and everyone knows that once Di Jiu is killed, then they will talk about them.

Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty does have a transmission array, but the transmission array is not for them, is they forcibly rushing in and transmitting, and how many transmission arrays can be sent out?

“I think we should go. Otherwise, we are afraid that there is no chance to even go…” Meng Qianqian hesitated, and said his heart.

Don’t go now, when the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty is torn by the beast tide, they want to transmit, too late.

Mi Ji also had a long sigh in his heart, knowing that he could no longer stay in Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. Just when he wanted to agree with Meng Qianqian, it was good to go with Meng Qianqian, and suddenly saw Di Jiu move.

Then he opened his mouth and couldn’t believe the watched Di Jiu banged out of the thunder arc…

No, that’s where the thunder arc is, Thunderfall and the endless Thunder Ball.

Not only was Mi Ji scared, but Meng Qianqian was as scared.

Di Jiu’s hands are transformed into endless mysterious handcuffs. They can barely feel that this is a top grade divine ability in Di Jiu’s handcuffs. It seems to be related to a certain property Law.

As Di Jiu punches out every hand, there is an endless thunder arc explosion to kill. The below Immortal Monster Beast of 7 was directly killed under this thunder arc, and the higher than grade 7’s Immortal Monster Beast, once smashed by the thunder arc explosion, slashed a lot.

And those grade 8 and Grade 9 Immortal Monster Beast, although not fear Di Jiu’s thunder arc, but also Thunderfall and Thunder Ball in Di Jiu’s thunder arc. Compared to Di Jiu’s Thunder Element Divine Ability, the former Thunder Element attacking Immortal Array can only be considered a playwright.

Meng Qianqian saw a grade 9 Immortal Monster double-headed scorpion smashed a head by Di Jiu’s Thunder Ball, then the two-headed scorpion screamed and screamed and turned away.

Not just Meng Qianqian and Mi Ji, everyone is suck in a cold breath, how strong is Di Jiu?

What makes people feel unbelievable, Di Jiu is not hiding in the defense array, but controlling the constant progress of Immemorial Thunder Stone.

At this time, the Immemorial Thunder Stone is full of up and down thunder arc and Thunderfall. Occasionally, the Thunder Ball exploded towards the Grade 9 Immortal Monster Beast.


Di Jiu is also caught in this terrible attack. In the eyes of outsiders, these Thunder Ball and Thunderfall are all killed by him.

Only Di Jiu knew clearly that after he refining the first layer of the Immemorial Thunder Stone, he seemed to see a world of thunder. In this world, there are attacks by the dense Thunder Attribute Law. All he needs to do now is to blast the terrible Thunder Attribute attack in Immemorial Thunder Stone.

From raw to skilled, and later, Di Jiu’s hand, the endless Thunder Attribute Law in Immemorial Thunder Stone turned into an endless Thunder Element attack, thrown out by Di Jiu.

A clear insights came in, and the Immemorial Thunder Mark, which he had already realized, became clearer after refining the first layer of the Immemorial Thunder Stone. When he got the Immemorial Thunder Stone, he inspected the divine ability Immemorial Thunder Mark. Just because Immemorial Thunder Mark’s attack intensity is not enough, Di Jiu is rarely used to deal with expert.

His most powerful means was the Insight Splitting Blade and Riftcross Blade after the Insights of the Law Divine Ability.

Now breaking the first layer of the Immemorial Thunder Stone, he saw a more vast Thunder Sea world and felt the power of the Thunder Element attack.

When the thunder is strong enough, it is not necessarily weaker than the Law Splitting Blade or the Riftcross Blade.

However, Di Jiu knows that he is able to raise his hand to throw such a terrible Thunder Attribute attack because of Immemorial Thunder Stone. If the Immemorial Thunder Stone is taken away, his attack will be reduced to the current one thousandth.

But this opportunity is really rare, Di Jiu control Immemorial Thunder Stone rushed out of the defense array, rushed into the endless beast tide group.

No matter how many Monster Beast wants to be close to Di Jiu, the entire is smashed by the dense Thunderfall. Only a few Blade 9 Immortal Monster Beast’s blade glow attack passed through Di Jiu’s Thunderfall defense shield, slamming on Di Jiu and tearing a blood mist.

Di Jiu is not fear, he is Immortal Divine Body Body Refining cultivation base, as long as he does not hurt his Sea of ​​Consciousness and Dantian, meridian, he is not afraid of other injuries.

The violent Thunder Source in Immemorial Thunder Stone is constantly being thrown out by Di Jiu. Every layer of attack, Di Jiu has a deeper level of mine’s insights. He has a hunch that he will insights his own Thunder Attribute. attack.

His Immemorial Thunder Mark is already strong, and even a Thunder can kill a Grade 8 Immortal Monster Beast, which is not enough for Di Jiu. He has to deal with the Grade 9 Immortal Monster Beast.

A Grade 9 Giant Void Lizard was finally angry. He crossed the countless Void Monster Beast, completely disregarding Di Jiu’s Thunderfall and rushed to Di Jiu. He raised his hand and slapped it.

“bang bang bang!” 78 Thunder Ball slammed on the Giant Void Lizard, leaving a few holes in the Giant Void Lizard, but the Giant Void Lizard still does not retreat, very obviously he made up his mind Even if you burn yourself, you have to go with Di Jiu and don’t let Di Jiu continue to throw this terrible Thunderfall and thunder arc.

The entire space was stopped under this slap, and the void was squeezed with a ka ka sound.

Di Jiu suddenly opened his eyes, even if he faced the peak of the Grade 9 Immortal Monster Beast, he still did not have any fearful thought, behind his Heaven Dancing Blade fell in his hands, he stepped out of Immemorial Thunder Stone, Heaven Dancing Blade a blade chopped.

The endless Thunder Attribute Law in void converges in a flash, and the Heaven Dancing Blade is a thunderlight, with a buzzing sound.

Giant Void Lizard looked up at void in horror, and he even felt the fear of a great tribulation.

No, that’s not his Thunder Tribulation, it’s a Thunder Blade, or a Blade Ray.

Heaven Dancing Blade strike down, draw a Thunder Rainbow that is thousands of feet long, and this Thunder Rainbow will make the whole void look a bit blinking.

Giant Void Lizard After a terrible panic, there was a madness in his eyes. After being killed by Di Jiu’s Thunder Blade, today he is going to die with Di Jiu.

The huge hand is still unexplained exploded towards Di Jiu, and he doesn’t care about Di Jiu slash towards his Thunder Rainbow.

“ka!” A Law that locks the void of the heavens has fallen, and the lizard has flashed despair. He is locked by this Thunder Blade, just like his crossing tribulation. He came to the place where he grabbed a few inches on Di Jiu’s head and could no longer move forward.

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