A time to refine a furnace of Stone 9 Immortal Pill, Di Jiu can only sigh. Don’t say one hour, that is, one year, Di Jiu is sure that he can’t refine the Garden 9 Immortal Pill.

His refining of the Grade 9 Immortal Pill failed, and he did not dare to continue refining, not because there was no Immortal Spirit Grass. In fact, the grade 9 Immortal Spirit Grass on his body is really much now, and there is no shortage at all.

He didn’t dare to refine because he failed to find the Grade 9 Immortal Pill, and he couldn’t find any reason.

If you can find the reason, as long as he practiced more, sooner or later, you can refine the Grape 9 Immortal Pill, at most, it is just a waste of Immortal Spirit Grass.

Even if you can’t find the reason, maybe some Pill Master can continue to refine, and finally it will naturally become successful.

But Di Jiu is different. Di Jiu has his own Dao of Alchemy. If he can’t find the reason, he will never refine the real Grade 9 Immortal Pill.

If he is licking his own Immortal Spirit Grass, he will continue to test his hand, and in the end he is likely to have a crack in his heart of Dao of Alchemy.

Di Jiu was silent for a long time, until the writing on the Dan door disappeared, he took out the Azure Origin Qi Vein, which was only half a mile away. Now he can only cultivating to Immortal Emperor. After waiting for Immortal Emperor, he can try again to make the Grade 9 Immortal Pill.


Demon Dressing Immortal Land Star Demon Palace, Xie Huang Anxiously walking around the room, his cultivation base has never improved since he was separated from Di Jiu.

His old man locked him in the Star Palace, and he didn’t let him go. As for what he did during his old man, he never knew.

When he said that he had waited for Xie Cheng advance Immortal King, he helped him advance Immortal King. Although the old man is eccentric, he can only recognize it. After all, there is still hope. Now he can’t even see the old man’s face, but also advance the fart Immortal King? It is estimated that Xie Cheng has been advance Immortal King already?

Star Demon North Palace’s Immortal Spirit Qi is also the weakest place in the entire Star Demon Palace. He is now in the Great Principle Immortal 9th Layer perfection, and then cultivating can’t go any further. It can only be transferred around this empty North Palace Hall every day. At this time, Xie Huang even missed the days when there was a desire poison. Although the days were terrible, every time he passed, he was closer to death, but he still had at least some freedom.

Xie Huang sighed, really shouldn’t come back. I don’t know if Big Brother and Ms. Sister are good, and I don’t know if Hei Huo is Grade 7 Immortal Monster Beast. Is Shudi’s lazy goods still lazy?

“Uncle An, I beg you, let me go out, lock me in this place is really life is not dead, I spend every moment in the torment every day.” Xie Huang does not remember that he is the first Several times I rushed to the Array Gate of North Palace and requested it.

It is really Uncle An who has been too dedicated. Over the years, Uncle An has never left his palace Half-step. Even if he wants to find a void to escape, he can’t do it.

What surprised Xie Huang was that this time Shen An didn’t turn away as usual, but sighed and looked at Xie Huang’s eyes flashing an unspeakable emotion, seemingly a kind of pity, and a hesitation .

Xie Huang didn’t dare to ask again, he worried that Uncle An would leave as soon as he asked.

After more than a dozen breathing hours, Shen An suddenly walked a few steps on the side and grabbed his magical treasure and slammed it.

“ka cha”, Xie Huang’s North Palace Array Gate was actually cracked by Shen An, and Xie Huang missed the opportunity. He first tore his hand and tore the crack, the whole person Rushed out of Hall.

“Thank you, Uncle An.” Xie Huang was a little trembling with excitement.

The hesitation in Shen An’s eyes disappeared. He handed the ring in his hand to Xie Huang, “Young Master…”

Xie Huang waved his hand, hehe’s self-deprecating said, “Uncle An, I am not Young Master, you will call my name in the future. Young Master of Star Demon Palace, and others.”

Shen An shook her head and still stuffed the ring into Xie Huang’s hand and sighed. “I have been with Young Master for so many years. In my heart, Young Master has only one. This ring is mine, there is nothing in it. Let’s leave it to Young Master.”

Xie Huang startled, hurriedly pushed Shen An’s ring back. “Uncle An, I have a ring, can you want your ring?”

Shen An didn’t take the ring that Xie Huang pushed back. He said, “Palace Lord and Little Young Master went out. If I didn’t guess wrong, the Palace Lord should take Little Young Master to find a chance. You Go ahead now, wait until late, it’s too late.”

Xie Huang said eagerly, “Uncle An, let’s go with me, let’s go to my Big Brother, you stay here my dad is not expected to let you go.”

Shen An smiled and shook his head. “I let you out, it’s already the meaning of the Palace Lord. I haven’t had the idea of ​​living. You go to your Big Brother, you must be safe and sound, no who dares moves you. In the future. You must work hard to cultivating, and come back to save your mother from the dungeon, not worthy of being a child…”

Speaking of the last word, Shen An suddenly burst into a flame in his body, and Shen An was quickly dissipated in the flame.

Xie Huang The slugged watched Shen An, who gradually dissipated in the flames, fell to the ground with his knees. If he knew that Uncle An would suicide in order to save him, he would never be so stupid.

Xie Huang burst into tears. He is a sentimental person. At this moment, there is only regret in his heart. He should not force Uncle An.

“You don’t have to blame, I was going to let you out. Remember, your Big Brother at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Peaceful Restaurant…” Shen An’s words disappeared in the flames, although he had a lot of words, but couldn’t be Xie Huang. Say.

He can be dissatisfied with the actions of the Palace Lord, but he can’t talk about it. As for his stay at the Star Demon Palace East Palace, he is not worried about Xie Huang’s escape. But because he is very clear, once he leaves. Whether Xie Huang flees by himself or not, Xie Huang is hard to live.

Xie Cheng’s sternness has seen him more than once, and he will never be willing to kill Xie Huang. He always stays here, not so much as guarding Xie Huang, but rather to save Xie Huang’s life.

Knowing that Shen An disappeared, Xie Huang smashed three heads where Shen An disappeared, then cut the long hair directly and quickly rushed out of Star Demon Palace.

From now on, Star Demon Palace has nothing to do with his Xie Huang. He Xie Huang is no longer called Xie Huang from now on. His mother is called Sun Sun, and later he is called Zhangsun Huang.


“Little Huang, how do you become so embarrassed?” Zhangsun Huang went to the Peaceful Restaurant. The first thing I saw was Hei Huo. The change of Hei Huo was too big. It now looks like a top grade Immortal Monster Beast in a void. .

Zhangsun Huang Great Principle Immortal perfection, there is also a bit of pressure in front of Hei Huo.

“Little Huo, are you already a Grade 9 Great Immortal Monster?” Zhangsun Huang asked in amazement. He was bitter in his heart. After leaving Big Brother, his cultivation base progress was too slow. If he is always with Big Brother, he may have to impact Immortal Venerable now.

Hei Huo chuckled, “Not yet, let’s talk, why is it so long?”

Zhangsun Huang did not answer Hei Huo’s words, just asked, “What about Big Brother?”

“Big Brother is going to do things. It is estimated that I will not come back in a short time. Yes, Big Brother has a ring for you.” Hei Huo said that he grabbed a ring and handed it to Zhangsun Huang.

Qu Hen gave Breaking Realm Talisman to Di Jiu, Hei Huo, but it was clear on the side. Because his cultivation base is already Grade 8 Immortal Monster, Di Jiu did not let him go with him, but let him go back to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty with Qu Hen and Chen Zishun and take care of Peaceful Restaurant.

In Hei Huo’s opinion, since Big Brother has Breaking Realm Talisman, it must have left this side of Immortal World, so he dared to say that Di Jiu would not come back in a short time.

This ring for Zhangsun Huang was originally Di Jiu left to Qu Hen and Qu Hen to Zhangsun Huang. The reason is that Di Jiu is not sure whether Zhangsun Huang will come to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. If Zhangsun Huang does not come to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, then Demon Dressing Immortal Land’s Demon Dressing Mountain Dao Discussion Qu Hen should go.

Demon Dressing Mountain Dao Discussion Although it’s a matter of Demon Dressing Immortal Land, it’s sure to invite a few guests. Qu Hen, who is the Great Cauldron Pill Union Union Lord, should be invited.

What Di Jiu didn’t think of was that Qu Hen had left the ring and gave it to Hei Huo because he was in a hurry. Now that Hei Huo saw Zhangsun Huang, he naturally took it out.

“Thank you Big Brother, and I changed my name to Zhangsun Huang.” Zhangsun Huang took the ring and choked and said that he had a warm current in his heart. His brother is always thinking about killing him, and the Big Brother he occasionally knows has never forgotten him.

Hei Huo doesn’t care what Zhangsun Huang’s surname is, just chuckled, take a shot of Zhangsun Huang. “You have to go to Immortal King Thunder Tribulation advance Immortal King, then come back to secluded cultivation, your strength is too bad. Even Shudi knows this goods. Try to cultivating, if you don’t work hard, Big Brother’s face will not look good in the future.”

Zhangsun Huang nodded, even if Hei Huo didn’t say it, he would also be secluded cultivation. Big Brother is the top grade Pill Master. Since Hei Huo says he can cross Immortal King Thunder Tribulation, there must be a Glaze Principle King Pill in this ring.


(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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