鈥鈥湡镄勬槸涓涓猚ultivation 鍙ave mansion 鈥[€[€漇 Zi Zi Zi 鎹¤捣涓€鍧楃伆榛戣壊镄勭煶澶达纴纴嬩竴鎹忥纴鐭嬩竴鎹忥纴鐭庤寮 锛岃缮 锛岃缮 変竴镣 変竴镣 変竴镣 変竴镣 ura ura aura 銆

Nong Xiuqi 涔熺湅鍑烘潵浜嗭纴鈥沦ister Ziyu 锛岃 umbrella 鏄痵pirit stone 镞堕棿闀 锛屽寲鎴愭 锛屽寲鎴愭 锛屽寲鎴愭 锛屽寲鎴愭 鐭 鈥 鈥 € € € € €

Shen Ziyu 镣圭偣澶达纴鈥沧槸镄勶纴杩欎簺spirit stone 涓(一)湪澶栭湪澶栭镞堕棿澶︷昵锛屾墍浠ュ寲鎴愪镞堕棿澶︷昵锛屾墍浠ュ寲鎴愪娉ュ湡锛屾娉ュ湡锛屾樻湁涓€浜汼piritual Qi 銆傗€

鈥滆 鏄痶 鏄痶 ransmission array 鈥 [€[€漀ong Xiuqi 璧 埌涓 涓叚 涓叚 涓叚 掑浑鍙 掑浑鍙 缂桡纴鎽 缂桡纴鎽 缂桡纴鎽 缂桡纴鎽 缂桡纴鎽 缂桡纴鎽 缂桡纴鎽 缂桡纴鎽 缂桡纴鎽 缂桡纴鎽 缂桡纴鎽 缂桡纴鎽

鈥滀粈涔堟槸浼犻 侊纻鈥漇 侊纻鈥漇 Zi Zi Zi Zi cultivating

Nong Xiuqi 涓嶅悓锛娈i Jiu 旋剧粡鍦ㄥス镄勬剰蹇典腑鐣欎笅浜嗕竴閮ㄥ垎cultivation 鐭ヨ瘑锛屾墍浠ユ哕寰楁瘮Shen Ziyu 瑕佸镄勫銆

Nong Xiuqi 瑙伊喷阆掳纴鈥沨ransran array 钖鏄疉rray Dao expert 锛屽埄鐢ㄦ辉浜汱aw 宁宁疆璧锋潵镄勪竴绉岹reat Space Transmission Array 鈥[€[€

鈥淕reat Space Transmission Array 鈥[€[€漇 Zi Ziyu 锽冨杻镊︼锛屽ス镒熻鍒板お涓嶅彲镐濊浜嗐€

Array Dao expert 濂 ray 惉璇 锛屽彲鏄兘 锛屽彲鏄兘 锛屽彲鏄兘 锛屽彲鏄兘 trans trans trans ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray ray

鈥滆 umbrella transmission array 畾鏄 氩 氩 氩 C Cultivation World 镄勩 傗 傗 Xi Xi Xiuqi 璇皵 chain 掓槸骞 锛屽ス鍙︼璺熷湪 锛屽ス鍙︼璺熷湪 Di Jiu 韬 锛娈 锛娈 i Jiu杩熸棭浼Arg甫濂甫濂甫濂銆傛墍浠ヨ銆傛墍浠ヨ umbrella transmission array 鍜屽ス鍏崇郴涓嶅ぇ銆

Shen Ziyu 蹇冮噷鍗存槸涓€锷纴Nong Xiuqi 鍜娈i Jiu 涓€璧 纴濂 纴濂 纴濂 偗瀹 Ji Di Jiu 涓 璧 璧 殑銆傜瓑鍑哄幓 has seen Di Jiu钖庯纴镊繁鍗旷嫭鏉ヨ鍗旷嫭鏉ヨ阅岋纴浼犻岋纴浼犻佸埌Cultivation World 铡汇€

镞(三)劧阃夋嫨浜哻ultivation 杩欐浔璺纴闾e ammonia 瑕佸姫锷涜 姹傛渶寮 姹傛渶寮 constant

灏卞ソ 灏卞ソ 忓綋鍒濆ス阃夋嫨浜哻 忓綋鍒濆ス阃夋嫨浜哻 忓綋鍒濆ス阃夋嫨浜哻 忓綋鍒濆ス阃夋嫨浜哻 忓綋鍒濆ス阃夋嫨浜哻 鑸纴 鑸纴 鑸纴 鑸纴 鑸纴 鑸纴 鑸纴 钖庡ス涔熸槸绔椤湪浜嗘渶宸呭 钖庡ス涔熸槸绔椤湪浜嗘渶宸呭 涓︼ 涓︼法鍏alf Core 澧power殑expert 銆

鈥沧垜浠厛鍑哄幓钖с€傗€漇hen Ziyu 蹇冮噷鐑垏璧锋潵锛屽ス涓嶅ぇ鎯崇潵锛屽ス涓嶅ぇ鎯Umbrella reading 屼

灏芥棭鍜娈i Jiu 鎷涘懠涓€涓嬶纴鐒跺悗浠庤涓嬶纴鐒跺悗浠庤涓嬶纴鐒跺悗浠庤阅岀寮


Nong Xiuqi 鍜孲hen Ziyu 浠嶶ral Mountain Range 欙纴€欙纴Kabie He Town 镄凟arth Alliance encampment Sa He 鍜嗗摦锛屸 沧垜 沧垜 粡鍜屼綘璇 hen hen hen hen Ziyu 灏卞彲浠ヤ 锛屼綘涓 锛屼綘涓 粈涔堣 Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Mountain Range 锛熲€

Sa He 宸茬粡 i i 杩囧阆嶏纴鍙槸杩欎 杩囧阆嶏纴鍙槸杩欎 杩囧阆嶏纴鍙槸杩欎 粬镄勮 粬镄勮 粬镄勮 粬镄勮 娄竴鑸纴鍒 娄竴鑸纴鍒 娄竴鑸纴鍒 娄竴鑸纴鍒 娄竴鑸纴鍒 娄竴鑸纴鍒 娄竴鑸纴鍒 娄竴鑸纴鍒鍦ㄤ 姝 (1) 拞鍝 ammonia 娌 ° C 湁姝 (two) 伅杩囥 €

鈥滃 鐗╋纴锠 二 二 二 二 Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi鍦ㄣ 傗 傗 濈伆鍙戠 濈伆鍙戠 濈伆鍙戠 瀛愪竴杈 瀛愪竴杈 獋锛屼竴杈 獋锛屼竴杈 獋锛屼竴杈 獋锛屼竴杈 獋锛屼竴杈 嬩腑镄勮尪鏉 嬩腑镄勮尪鏉 嬩腑镄勮尪鏉

镞犳硶鐣欎笅Shen Ziyu 锛屽Ural Freedom Alliance 镄勫彂灞曞苟涓嶆槸浠€涔埚ソ浜嬨涔埚ソ浜嬨傝呖灏傝呖灏纴浠栦镵镵洘镞犳硶鍙栦唬褰揿垵洘镞犳硶鍙栦唬褰揿垵Earth Alliance 鍦ㄤ 浠 浠 浠 岀殑鍦 岀殑鍦


Shen Ziyu 鍜孨ong Xiuqi 镙规湰灏病病链夊啀锲濳abie He Town 锛屽敖绠hen Ziyu 鍙互寰”墤椋炶浜嗭纴鍙槸Kabie He Town 璺濈Forgotten River Mountain Range 澶︼ hen hen Ziyu 鍦ㄧ嫭镊︷浜嗕竴娈 椂闂 椂闂 悗锛屼緷鐒 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N go go go go go go go go go go go

Shen Ziyu 杩樻蒙娴稿湪鍙湪鍙湪鍙”墤椋炶镄勫揩镒熸縺锷ㄤ箣涓纴Nong Xiuqi 鍗存槸蹇冩儏閮侀儊銆效ス浠ス浠涓幓鍙堟槸澶у昆骞存椂闂达纴鍙疍i Jiu 渚濈劧娌°C湁锲炴潵銆

鈥淴iuqi 锛屼綘涓岖敤鎷呭绩锛娈i Jiu鈥檚瀹炲姏姣旀垜浠己澶у浜嗐€傛垜浠櫡鍏ヤ简 Ural Mountain Range 娣卞锛岄兘鍙 锲炴潵锛娈 锲炴潵锛娈 i Jiu 旋 槸涓崭 槸涓崭 槸涓崭 Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi

Chain 潵濂 槸 槸 Ji i Jiu 佷 佷 Ji i Jiu 鍜孨ong Xiuqi 锻婅緸锛岃嚜宸卞墠寰 €Cultivation World 镄勩€傜幇鍦—i Jiu娌°C湁锲炴潵锛孲hen Ziyu 鍙︼兘灏呜 Umbrella umbrella reading 岄櫔镌€Nong Xiuqi 銆


闅忕潃Shen Ziyu 闄︻潃Nong Xiuqi 闅愬眳鍦‵orgotten River Temple cultivating 锛孍arth Alliance 镒埚彂鏁f Extreme 璧

娌°C湁浜虹煡阆揝hen Ziyu 鏄湪Forgotten River Temple secluded cultivation 锛屽闱紶瑷€鏄纴Shen Ziyu 鍜孧u Linte 杩樻湁Wa Di 閮绔allen 鍦ㄤUral Mountain Range 銆俆ang Xueshan 鍜孡uo Weike 鍦ㄤ筜椹€婂师濮嬫. 鏋楀洿鐚庝竴澶碝onster Beast 镄勬椂 chain椤け韪﹃

Earth Alliance 镄勫嚑涓狧alf Core Expert 澶辫 镄勫け韪纴姝荤殑姝 镄勫け韪纴姝荤殑姝 钖嶦 钖嶦 钖嶦 钖嶦 钖嶦 钖嶦 钖嶦 钖嶦 钖嶦 钖嶦 钖嶦 钖嶦 钖嶦 湪浜嗗巻鍙 湪浜嗗巻鍙 湪浜嗗巻鍙 湪浜嗗巻鍙 湪浜嗗巻鍙 湪浜嗗巻鍙 钖嶦€

Earth Alliance 娑埚け涓嶈锛屽彇 屼唬涔嬬殑鏄悇绉嶅悇镙 殑镵 殑镵 洘 洘 洘 洘 洘 浜涜仈鐩焛 浜涜仈鐩焛 浜涜仈鐩焛 浜涜仈鐩焛 flu flu flu flu flu浜唀arth 镄勫畨鍗憋纴浠栦 镓 镓 € € € € € 夌殑鐗 夌殑鐗 夌殑鐗 偣灏 鍒囦 鍒囦 俥 俥 俥 俥 俥 俥 俥 俥 俥 俥 俥 俥 俥皯涓﹄汉绫诲煄宁傝缁炴潃锛屽浠栦滑鏉ヨ閮芥槸镞犲叧绱ц镄勩€

Earth Alliance 褰揿arth 涓妔tand by one鈥檚word 锛屾湁寮哄ぇMonster Beast 鍑Earth Alliance 绔椤嚭鏉ヤ竴鎷涘懠锛屽緢澶欤xpert 閮 细鍑濊仛璧锋潵锛屽睿钖屽浠楳onster Beast 銆傝€岀幇鍦ㄧ殑杩欎紬澶氱殑镵旗洘锛岄兘鏄皝涔熶笉 chain嶆皵璋侊纴澶у 钖勭钖勭殑銆

Earth 镄刴artial artist 鍜孧onster Beast 锛岃繘鍏ヤ 镞犵粍缁囩殑娣 镞犵粍缁囩殑娣 垬褰 垬褰 垬褰

Ster 镞犺 Monster Beast chain 夊铡夊锛屼 绫籱 绫籱 artial artist 澶氭 婕纴 婕纴 Forgotten River Temple ㄥ洿涓 ㄥ洿涓 鐗囦緷鐒 鐗囦緷鐒 鐗囦緷鐒

Di Jiu 宁力疆镄勯偅涓猤reat array 锛屽氨鏄啀寮哄ぇ镄凪onster Beast 锛屼篃镞犳硶闱犺繎銆

姝ゅ埢涓 鐢 鐢 鐢 竴濂 镐ュ垏镄勫啿钖慒 镐ュ垏镄勫啿钖慒 镐ュ垏镄勫啿钖慒 镐ュ垏镄勫啿钖慒 orgotten River Temple 锛岃 涓ゅ悕灏戝 涓ゅ悕灏戝 姣忎 姣忎 姣忎 姣忎 姣忎 姣忎 姣忎 姣忎 姣忎 姣忎 姣忎 姣忎 姣忎澶磄rade 1 Monster Beast 銆

涓 钖嶅 钖嶅 钖嶅 瓙浠峄 瓙浠峄 orgotten River Temple 镄勮糠 箣涓 箣涓 箣涓 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴濂箇 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴濂箇 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴濂箇 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴濂箇 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴濂箇 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴濂箇 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴濂箇 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴濂箇 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴濂箇 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴濂箇 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴濂箇 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴濂箇 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴濂箇 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴濂箇 浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴濂箇€浜涙€埍锛屸埍锛屸埍锛屸淔gogotten River 纴达纴cultivating 涓€阆挞櫎浜嗗拰Monster Beast 瀹炴垬涔嫔锛岃缮暗瑕乻瑕乻ecluded cultivation 銆备綘浠暣澶╁湪Forgotten River Mountain Range 杞偁锛岃 屽皢鏉ヨ涓嶅畾杩炲 屽皢鏉ヨ涓嶅畾杩炲 瀛愰兘娌 湁涓 湁涓 湁涓 湁涓 湁涓 湁涓 鍙﹄ 銆傗 銆傗

“Language, we know, my mother?” The boy said, stretching his tongue.

Another younger woman came out from the inside. The girl saw this woman coming out and rushed into the woman’s arms. “Mom, I heard that Amazon has a lot of high level Monster Beast, my brother and I want Going to Amazon. The Forgotten River Mountain Range is really boring, there is simply no Monster Beast worth taking action.”

The woman snorted, “Not allowed, you only have this cultivation base, and you want to go to Amazon? When Tang senior was so powerful, it was also missing in Amazon.”

The girl’s mouth groaned, “Our cultivation base is not low. My brother and I are both Foundation Establishment 7th layer. They are all the same as the language, but you are just Golden Core 7th layer that’s all.”

The young woman who said that she is not allowed is Nong Xiuqi. She is now the strength of the Golden Core 7th layer. These two teenagers are twins, she and Di Jiu’s children.

The big one is Di Qiushui and the small one is Di Forgotten River. Forgotten River In addition to commemorating the Forgotten River Temple, there is another implication, that is, to look at Qiushui’s meaning. The two of them were born Starry Sky Vein, aptitude heaven defying to the extreme, and the savvy is even stronger, almost a bit. This is because Nong Xiuqi is not good at teaching children. Otherwise, it is not impossible for both of them to enter the Golden Core Realm.

The young woman who came out first was Shen Ziyu who stayed here with Nong Xiuqi.

Shen Ziyu aptitude No matter how good the cultivation resources are, it can’t be compared with Nong Xiuqi, which Di Jiu used to use the Ninth Dao Principle. However, in just over a decade, cultivating to the Foundation Establishment 7th layer, it is aptitude is amazing.

Shen Ziyu sees Nong Xiuqi frowning and takes the initiative to say, “Xiuqi, in fact, this can’t blame the Forgotten River and the autumn water. You should also be aware that the higher the earth cultivating, the cultivation base, the slower the progress. We will do it, but the Forgotten River and Qiushui’s aptitude is very good. I suspect that they didn’t step into the Golden Core because the Heaven and Earth Law is too low and it is even harder to step into a higher realm.”

Cultivating to Today, Shen Ziyu is not a little white, and earth is not a cultivation planet. They are cultivating to this extent, relying entirely on the cultivation resources of this Nong Xiuqi. If there is so much cultivation natural resources in the real Culture World, maybe their progress will multiply.

Not only did Shen Ziyu and Nong Xiuqi think of this, she sighed. “I don’t know, but Big Brother hasn’t come back yet. I really worry about him.”

She knows that Shen Ziyu wants to enter Culture World with the transmission array under the Ural Mountain Range, but she would like to go to starry sky to see the whereabouts of Di Jiu’s.

Di Jiu said that she had to leave the earth crossing tribulation. After so many years, Di Jiu didn’t come back. She wanted to look for it.

However, she also knows that her own strength, go to void to find Di Jiu, and there is not much difference between life and death.

She is very hard cultivating, just as Shen Ziyu said. In earth cultivating, the higher their cultivation base, the slower they progress.

“Xiuqi, if that’s the case, we will make a round trip in the major Monster Beast area of ​​Earth and destroy some powerful Monster Beast. It takes a year or two. If Di Jiu has not returned yet, we will go to Cultivation. World,” said Shen Ziyu.

She felt that she needed to break through the Foundation Establishment and step into the Golden Core. Otherwise, her cultivation speed will be slower and slower. This has nothing to do with her because she is too old.

Nong Xiuqi hesitated for a long while, looked at the looking-forward Digogo River and Di Qiushui, and sighed and nodded. “That’s it.”

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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