“Can you tell me about the situation at the time?” Di Jiu felt a little uncomfortable.

Ning Xiangnu choked after a while then said, “The grandmother was very angry at the time, but several of my uncles saw the grandmother and came over but were very happy…”

“They are very happy?” Di Jiu is somewhat puzzled. Is there any misunderstanding?

Ning Xiangnu understands Di Jiu’s meaning, she shook her head. “It’s not that kind of joy, because they think the cultivation technique written by my mother is not complete, so I want to ask my grandmother and sister…”

Di Jiu’s face is getting darker and darker.

Ning Xiangnu continued, “I didn’t expect Grandma and Skull to be Transforming Truth perfection expert, and the combat power was very strong. Finally, I was shocked by several Singreme Elders of Ning Family. It was a fierce battle. Ning Family was brutally wounded until it started. The family great array, this is the heavy injury of the grandmother and the aunt…”

Di Jiu’s fists have to squeeze out the water, and the tone is gloomy. “Your grandmother is hurt? Does she have anything?”

Ning Xiangnu shook her head. “I don’t know. A friend of Grandma came over. She broke the Troping Slaughter Array and saved her grandmother and my mother. They didn’t come back after they left.”

“Your grandmother doesn’t like you, why doesn’t your mother take you away?” Di Jiu watched Ning Xiangnu, he can feel the woman’s jealousy.

Ning Xiangnu said with a red eye, “my mother is very sad after my dad is dead, she, she…”

Di Jiu didn’t ask, and she knew that she should have forgotten her daughter.

Di Jiu sighed in his heart, and he felt that responsibility should be on him. Nong Xiuqi was born to be under the fence, and Shan Family was always on guard against the murder, which made her be wary of the outside world. Di Qiushui must have been living in the Forgotten River Mountain Range for hours, lacking the opportunity to get in touch with outsiders, which would make Di Qiushui lack a kind of care.

In this case, Di Qiushui met the handsome and handsome Ning Buqiao, as long as the other side cares a little, it is normal to see at first sight.

“Then why don’t you go back to Ning Family?” Di Jiu asked puzzledly.

Ning Xiangnu bowed her head. “My aptitude is very poor. My mother and grandmother are all wanted by Ning Family. I don’t have a father. After my mother, I was only seven years old. Then I was interrupted by Ning Family. I was thrown into the stinking ditch and I was bastard. It was Big Brother A’xi and Sister Yumo who saved me. They took me to stay in the Violent Spring Mountain Range…”

Di Jiu touched Ning Xiangnu’s hair, and felt a little uncomfortable. After a while then said, “If you do, you are willing to surnamed Di. I am your grandfather. Since then, it has nothing to do with Ning Family?”

“I am willing, Grandpa, I will call Di Xiangnu in the future…” Ning Xiangnu immediately fell to the ground, tears in his eyes. Very obviously, she has lived too hard for years.

“How old are you this year?” Di Jiu was filled with compassion. He looked at his granddaughter’s kindness as a blank piece of paper, but it was too rough since childhood.

Even if she was treated unfairly, she had no hatred in her heart. She did not have the grandmother’s hatred of her father, nor the hate of Ning Family who interrupted her legs and threw her in the stinking ditch. Not to mention her hate when she left.

What she has is just a kind of hard pursuit of living, a desire for family, and her broad-mindedness is like the ocean.

“I am seventeen years old…”

Di Jiu hear, my heart is sour, 17-year-old is almost the same as 30-year-old, how hard is it?

Feeling Di Jiu’s mood is very bad, Di Xiangnu took the initiative to say, “Grandpa, I can meet you is a gift from God, I and Elder Brother A’xi and Sister Yumo sister in Violent Spring Mountain Range, have been Very good. Grandpa will stay here later, I will take care of you.”

In Xiangnu’s opinion, Grandpa was seriously injured in the Violent Spring Mountain Range, and the obvious cultivation base could not be compared with the grandmother. Then she should be responsible for the care of her grandfather.

“Okay, then I have to rest for a few days.” Di Jiu finished, closing his eyes. He felt that it was not a coincidence that he came here. After the Ninth Dao Principle, Sacred Yin Bead and his Sea of ​​Consciousness were broken, he seemed to have lost one more and more.

He must restore his cultivation base as soon as possible, and then the spiritual sense sweeps the planet to find Xiuqi and a pair of children.

“Yes, Grandpa.” Di Xiangnu carefully pulled the curtain out and she was still excited. No wonder she thinks that Di Jiu has been implicated in her. It turned out to be her grandfather.

When she was very young, she asked her mother why she only said that her grandmother did not say grandfather, and she said that she did not have seen her grandfather… No, it should be grandfather.

Still not right, Grandpa looks so young, the cultivation base is definitely high, only hope that Grandpa is not hurt, can get into early recovery.


Di Jiu’s thoughts are completely immersed in the broken Sea of ​​Consciousness, with a long-eyed gray bead in his broken Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Di Jiu had been seriously injured in a coma before, and he didn’t even know when the bead was formed. At this moment, his thoughts were immersed in this bead, and he immediately noticed the difference.

This bead was completely controlled by him, and there was no stagnation under his mind. Not only that, but the beads seem to be a space world.

this is……

Di Jiu suddenly felt excited, and he thought that the whole person had already appeared in the space of this bead.

The space of the beads is gray and the heavens and the earth are not very obvious. But Di Jiu can capture every movement in the bead, and even can clearly perceive all the life forces and everything in the bead…

Di Jiu hadn’t had time to be excited, he felt the boundless Universe Dao Principle aura.

This is not only the residual Law fragment left by the Ninth Dao Principle, but also all the fragments left by Sacred Yin Bead, and even the Grand Dao Law fragment of his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

All this is under his mind to give birth to a brand new Grand Dao direction, and Di Jiu is excited, which is exactly what he wants.

The Heavenly Law Cycle continues to work, blending with the Dio Principle aura of Di Jiu’s broken Sea of ​​Consciousness, and Di Jiu gradually forms a defensive space where the spiritual sense can’t be swept away.

Di Jiu once again sank into the operation of this Heavenly Law Cycle, his Sea of ​​Consciousness slowly formed in the Heavenly Law Cycle, and then slowly evolved into a starry sky.

It was as if he used Star River Secret Art to turn his main vein into Starry Sky Vein, but at this time Di Jiu was completely immersed in it, completely unknown.


“Xiangnu, are you okay?” A-xi and Yan Yumo eagerly came to Di Xiangnu’s residence, and when they saw Di Xiangnu coming out of the house, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’m fine, thank you.” Di Xiangnu’s eyes are a little red, but the spirit is still very good.

“What about the people you saved?” Yan Yumo asked again.

Di Xiangnu whispered, “He was very hurt and healed in the house.”

“Well, you are careful, let’s go back first, harvest today. Will you go with us tomorrow?” Yan Yumo nodded.

Di Xiangnu shook his head. “I don’t go. I want to take care of people here. If I am gone, the senior is not taken care of.”

For A’xi and Yumo, Di Xiangnu is very trusting, but Di Jiu’s identity is too sensitive. Ning Family is still wanted her grandmother and mother. If the Ning Family knows that her Di Family is here, it is a disaster, not only the grandfather, but also the savior Elder Brother A’xi and Sister. Yumo.

“Well, then you are careful. If you have anything, let us know immediately.” A’xi knew that Xiangnu was good and didn’t persuade her.

The places where the three of them lived were not far apart, and they were the most surrounding of the Springs Market. The most thoroughing of the Springs Market and the people like them are too many. Usually, if you pay a little attention, there will be no safety problems.


Time is like a shuttle, and blink of an eye for six months.

Early this morning, Yan Yumo came to Di Xiangnu’s house.

“Sister Yumo, why didn’t you go out today?” Xiangnu wondered watched Yan Yumo standing at the door.

Yan Yumo looked worried about Di Xiangnu, “Xiangnu, I may go to a place deep in the Violent Spring Mountain Range today and A’xi may take several days to come back…”

After that, Yan Yumo handed a handbag to Di Xiangnu. “There is some money in it, you can use it.”

“I can’t.” Xiangnu hurriedly quit, and asked with some concern. “But it’s dangerous to have Ye in the Violent Spring Mountain Range.”

Yan Yumo nodded. “I know, just now there are more and more people coming from the Violent Spring Mountain Range. Surrounding can’t find any good things. Besides going to the Violent Spring Mountain Range, it’s not the two of us. It’s your money. Hold it, you can’t go out for a few months, and then go on like this, even life is a problem.”

“Thank you, you are careful.” Xiangnu knows the resignation, but she is indeed somewhat difficult now.

After taking the purse, Di Xiangnu is very embarrassed. In the past six months, she has received a lot of help from A’xi and Sister Yumo.

(After tomorrow, there will be a business trip, the update may be unstable.)

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