Ning Buqi was relieved until Di Jiu drank the tea. He asked, “You should also be Transforming Truth 9th Layer?”

Di Jiu tranquilly said, “I am not Transforming Truth.”

“How is this possible?” Ning Buqi asked with amazement. In his eyes, Di Jiu must be the Transforming Truth 9th Layer, and its strength is stronger than Di Qiushui and Nong Xiuqi.

Even Di Qiushui and Nong Xiuqi are Transforming Truth 9th Layer. How could Di Jiu be not Transforming Truth 9th Layer?

Di Jiu sat down. “I am not Transforming Truth Realm.”

Ning Buqi is even easier. If he knew that Di Jiu was not in the Transforming Truth Realm world, he wouldn’t waste the truth. The value of a weeping root is the price of top grade Grade 9 Spirit Grass, and it is extremely rare.

“My name is Ning Buqi and Ning Buqiao is my brother.” Ning Buqi didn’t immediately start, and in his eyes Di Jiu couldn’t jump.

Di Jiu didn’t speak, he was waiting for Ning Buqi to start. Originally he wanted to ask about the relationship between Di Qiushui and Ning Buqiao. Now that he hasn’t spoken, Ning Buqi poisoned him and started the Troping Slaughter Array, so he doesn’t even bother to ask a word.

“Is the cultivation technique of Di Qiushui cultivating taught?” Ning Buqi’s tone is a bit stiff, and there is no more harmony before.

Di Jiu indifferently said, “Exactly, Qiushui’s cultivation technique was taught by her mother, and her mother’s cultivation technique was taught by me. I have some cultivation resources and gave a lot to her mother.”

Ning Buqi was excited. “It is definitely an amazing cultivation technique. Otherwise, even if Di Qiushui’s aptitude is higher, the progress will not be so great.”

Di Jiu nodded. “You’re right, at least until now, I haven’t seen anyone’s cultivation technique more powerful than my cultivation technique.”

“But why are you cultivation base not yet Transforming Truth?” Ning Buqi doubted watched Di Jiu.

Di Jiu didn’t even have a tone. “It’s not a Transforming Truth. I’m not talking about Transforming Truth.”

Ning Buqi didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with this. In the Culture World cultivation base, the strongest is also cultivating to Transforming Truth. More than Transforming Truth, it can’t be deposited in Culture World. In this case, what is the difference between a protection array and not a Transforming Truth?

I felt that Di Jiu’s tone of speaking to myself didn’t seem very respectful. The voice of Ning Buqi was cold. “Do you know what is in the tea I just gave you? You can try it now, your spiritual sense is Isn’t it weakening? Is your circulatory cycle impossible? Of course, Sea of ​​Consciousness won’t be so fast. You want to dissolve it, as long as you hand over Di Family’s complete cultivation technique…”

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation took out a jade slip and said, “This is my complete cultivation technique. I don’t want your antidote. I just ask you one thing.”

“You ask.” Ning Buqi excitedly grabbed Di Jiu. The jade slip placed at the table, the spicy sense was about to sweep in and suddenly felt wrong.

Di Jiu’s tone of voice is not like a cultivator who knows that Sea of ​​Consciousness is about to collapse. A cultivator who knows that his Sea of ​​Consciousness is about to collapse, does not put the Sea of ​​Consciousness in his heart, but asks other things? This is not a big deal.

“The people who killed me and wife in the past, except for the dead, are all the rest here?” Di Jiu stood up as he spoke.

“You…” Ning Buqi was surprised at Watched Di Jiu. He didn’t quite understand what Di Jiu meant.

Not only Ning Buqi, all the people in the conference hall are surprised watched Di Jiu, they do not know what Di Jiu means.

“You just have to say yes, or not.” Di Jiu’s voice is like an invisible pressure.

Ning Buqi couldn’t help but subconsciously nodded. “Yes, it’s all here…”

“Oh, very good.” After finishing, Di Jiu turned and left.

“Do it together, arrest him.” Ning Buqi felt that he had been cheated by Di Jiu, and when Di Jiu turned and left, he screamed.

All the other Ning Family people have been waiting for this sentence. When Ning Buqi’s words came out, all the others were offering magical treasure exploded towards Di Jiu.

The cultivator who can participate in the Ning Family family meeting is not an ordinary generation. So many magical treasures attack Di Jiu at the same time. The violent True Origin bursts and instantly smashes everything in this space into a slag. True Origin IV When the explosion blows up, it is certain that all life in this space cannot escape.

After the attack, they didn’t see Di Jiu’s shadow.

“What is going on here?” Ning Chengju rushed to ask.

Ning Buqi also reacted and said eagerly, “Uncle Chengju, did you open the Troping Slaughter Array…”

I haven’t waited for Ning Chengju to answer. All of them feel that their space is beginning to collapse, and it is a void space. It seems to have a sense of hierarchy at the moment.

“This is a space collapse, how is this possible…” Ning Buqi just said a word, and the space collapsed into nothingness.

The rest of the Ning Family is instantly messed up, but this chaos is coming faster.

After just a few breaths, the place where Ning Family is located has become completely nothing, even if there is a family existence there.


Going back to the place where the three people of Xiangnu were separated, Di Jiu didn’t have much joy. He didn’t like it, but there are things he has to do.

Six months later, Xiangnu and A’xi entered the Foundation Establishment 5th layer, Yan Yumo entered the Foundation Establishment 4th layer, and Di Jiu felt that he was leaving.

He called out all three and told A’xi and Yan Yumo that they were ready to take Xiangnu to leave the Great Profound Star.

Ming knows that Di Jiu will go sooner or later, A’xi and Yan Yumo are still confused. Their progress was rapid, because Di Jiu’s cultivation technique and cultivation resources, and Di Jiu opened up the Starry Sky Vein. In fact, they only entered cultivation for a year.

They used to hang on the edge of the Violent Spring Mountain Range because there was no expert on the edge of the Violent Spring Mountain Range and they didn’t have much pressure. Now they start cultivation, naturally they can’t stay here, they need to have an intersection with the Great Profound Star cultivator. They have heard that many cultivators are profit-seeking and decisive.

Xiangnu also doesn’t want to be separated from A’xi and Sister Yumo, she is also very clear that she has to make a choice. For her, naturally, she is going with her grandfather.

“A’xi, Yumo, you can be independent for so many years without cultivating. I am not worried about your survival experience. The basics that I can teach you are taught, and the rest just takes time. You have enough Cultivation resources, but I still hope that you can go out and try it for a while at a time. If one day you are cultivating, go to Immortal World and you can hear me at Starry Sky Immortal City in Four-sided Immortal Land. I can also hear from the Peaceful Restaurant at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.” Di Jiu is still very important to the two disciples A’xi and Yan Yumo. The main thing is that both of them are very good.

“Master, you are Immortal? Have you been to Immortal World?” A’xi and Yan Yumo are all amazing watched Di Jiu.

They thought that Di Jiu was definitely a Transforming Truth Realm, and I didn’t expect Di Jiu to have a place at Immortal World. Di Xiangnu The same shocking watched Di Jiu, she did not expect her grandfather to be an Immortal.

Di Jiu sighed, “Immortal is actually just a cultivator. You will know when you get there. In my eyes, there is no Immortal and mortal, a life in the vast universe that’s all. Dao Path It’s a long time, you can do it yourself, let’s not do it.”

Di Jiu finished, hand roll, disappeared with Xiangnu.

“Master, I will change my name to Di A’xi in the future?” A’xi eagerly asked, Di Jiu people are no longer there.

However, Di Jiu’s words came from his ear very quickly. “Well, you will call Di A’xi in the future.”

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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