Angry forest.

The Four-sided Immortal Land film is also a well-known place. The Angry Forest is not famous for this name, not because the forest is rich in various Immortal Spirit Grass.

There is only one reason for the anger forest to be famous. This forest has nothing but a tree root tree.

If it is only anger root wood, it does not matter. The strange thing is that this anger root does not need any soil, nor does it need any carrier, or the carrier of the anger root is void.

The anger root can grow alone in void, and the root system is particularly developed. Once the root system is extended, it is like a grotesque anger long spear intertwined.

This is just a raging root. If countless anger roots grow together, it forms an infinitely large root system. These huge roots of the anger roots are staggered and intertwined, directly connected to one of the heavens and the earth in the void, without the need for dirt.

The wrath forest is a forest formed by countless anger roots. This forest is all void on all sides, but the voids below are all endlessly rooted with roots.

The entire wrath forest is millions of square kilometers, and there is no second plant except for the root wood.

Di Jiu is standing on the edge of the forest of anger at the moment. He is watched with grotesque roots and numb roots.

With so many roots intertwined, it looks like a thick, large cockroach. If someone with intensive phobia is looked, I would never dare to step on it again.

Even if the cultivator with a larger guts falls on the roots of these trees in the forest of anger, I will certainly worry about it. Will I wait for myself to enter the depths of the wrath forest, and these roots will suddenly burst into themselves, transforming into Nothingness.

Because the forest of anger is millions of square kilometers, there is really no second creature. This has to be skeptical that all existing lives have been taken in by the roots.

Di Jiu did not stop, but after observing for a short time, he entered the depths of the wrath forest.

The range of anger forest growth will form a natural forbidden restriction. In this space, absolutely no one or thing is allowed to fly through this area.

However, this is for others. For Di Jiu, if he wants to fly, it is not a difficult thing.

His split is the divine ability, which can tear the ruin roots on this side to form a forbidden restriction.

It’s just that Di Jiu doesn’t think it’s necessary, and he’s also heard about Ruanmu. Since the node given by Xing Jingang is between the angry forests, he also wants to see the forest of anger, what is special about this wrath forest.

Di Jiu is not daring to be a high-ranking person. He is not a big guy, but because this angry forest does not pose a threat to him.

As long as this angry forest is a little threat to him, Di Jiu will also make some other preparations, such as offering Dao Fire to burn this side, such as placing a transmission transmission array outside.

Di Jiu just walked for an hour, just entering the depths of the wrathful forest, I felt that the roots of the roots of the roots were not proper.

The root of under the foot seems to be alive, and it actually wriggles in the foot.

Switched to the general cultivator, this time may be the first time to return to the escape, Di Jiu seems to not know the general, is still in accordance with the original plan.

Hey! A sound that is even more difficult to hear than a molar, followed by Di Jiu immediately felt the under the end of the tree roots as if it had become a long-lost pig intestine, began to soften, and then squirmed. Then overwhelmingly swept over.

The surrounding space is full of a stinking aura. At this time, any Escaping Technique seems to be blocked by this space, and the entire space is fully charged with death and destruction.

Di Jiu has the Five Elements Escaping Technique and the Spiritual Sense Escaping Technique. Even if this space is blocked by the anger root, he can still split the divine ability and then smash it out.

However, Di Jiu did not think about it at all. Nu Genmu does not allow any foreign people to enter, Di Jiu know this nature. His original idea was just passed, and there was no plan to put the anger root here.

It was only the reaction of this anger root that made his heart extremely uncomfortable. Dao Fire oozes out under the foot and instantly turns into a space flame. This space flame is extremely fast spreading to the four sides with Di Jiu as the center.

In just a short time, this Fang Nugen was transformed into into nothing by Dao Fire. With the power of Dao Fire, as long as Di Jiu does not stop, burning a complete piece of angry forest, it will not take much time.

The wrath forest can exist on this side for countless years, and naturally there is a certain Spiritual Wisdom. Di Jiu This kind of terrifying Dao Fire comes out, and all the anger roots in the wrathful forest are instantly feeling terrible. All the anger roots have an instinctive consciousness, that is, Di Jiu wants to turn the wrath forest into ashes, and it doesn’t take long.

That madness rushed to Di Jiu’s roots and roots at a more crazy speed, a kind of beggar aura came, hope Di Jiu took back Dao Fire, don’t use Dao Fire to continue burning the roots here.

Di Jiu didn’t care, he took back Dao Fire indifferently said, “Only this time, if there is a second offense to me, I will let all the anger roots here transform into nothingness.”

The reason why I did not kill it is because this place is indeed a rage, and Di Jiu borrowed it. For the first time, it was natural to spare these anger roots. As for the second time, Di Jiu was sure that the fire with the slightest hesitation was burned out.

Millions of square kilometers look great, and there really isn’t much for Di Jiu.

Sure enough, Di Jiu’s voice was behind, and the surrounding anger roots came with a grateful aura.

What Di Jiu didn’t think of was that when he continued to move forward, the entangled anger in front of him was turned into a flat Grand Dao.

This makes Di Jiu very satisfied, it seems that the IQ of these roots has reached a certain level, and I know that he is grateful to him.

With the azimuth crystal ball of Xing Jingang, plus a flat Grand Dao inside, Di Jiu walks up much faster.

Just half an hour later, Di Jiu came to the location of the crystal ball given by Xing Jingang. Only Di Jiu did not go here to find a weak void node, his eyes fell on a tree root house.

Said to be a house, in fact, Di Jiu knows that there are two cultivators in this place who are dying. The two cultivators sacrificed a magical treasure to form a body-protecting space, but their body-protecting space has been wrapped in the endless roots of the roots.

Di Jiu also only occasionally saw a Dao Flame glow in the gap between the wrapped roots. Needless to say, these flames were also sacrificed by the two trapped cultivators.

It’s just that their flames are different from Di Jiu’s Dao Fire, and it’s hard to burn all these roots outside the body.

“Let them go.” Di Jiu looked at the same person and said something casually.

The surrounding anger roots are awesome for Di Jiu obviously, Di Jiu is just a sentence, all the roots of the square that wraps around this void, and the severe breaths of time fade away.

The roots receded, and Di Jiu appeared in front of two women with pale faces. These two women, Di Jiu, know one, and the one is Heaven Cleansing Sect’s Master Ancestor Yan Hui, which is definitely a supreme expert.

There is also a relationship with Di Jiu, Heaven Cleansing Sect’s disciple Mo Yu. Mo Yu’s cultivation base went to the Immortal King late stage, and Di Jiu gave her a deep foundation. If Di Jiu has laid such a deep foundation for her, even if she is a Stainless Spirit Body, I am afraid I can’t cultivating so fast.

“Is it you?” Yan Hui surprised watched Di Jiu, seems to wonder why Di Jiu is still alive?

Di Jiu, looking at her eyes, knew that the old Daoist Nun didn’t know what he was doing at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. It seems that she had not returned since she left the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty with Mo Yu.

It was Mo Yu, the eyes flashed with extreme surprises and excitement, and even two tears turned at the edge of the eyelids.

(friends are good night!)

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