Almost as Di Jiu rushed into the void crack, the crack he had just ripped closed.

Di Jiu quickly made a mark on the spot, then condensed his hands with a Law Strength and tore back.

The void crack that had just been torn by him was now under the hands of Di Jiu’s, rock-solid. Even if Di Jiu used the Immortal Origin Strength more than he had just now, he didn’t even tear the gap.

Although I know that this may be the result, Di Jiu is still very unwilling. It is much harder to tear open the low level domain to the void domain of the high level domain than to tear the void level of the high level domain to the low level domain.

Moreover, Di Jiu knows that his domain is not really a high level domain, it is just the void mezzanine of Immortal World to a realm domain. It is such a void to the Immortal World domain void, he can’t tear it now.

It seems that only after waiting for Immortal Emperor perfection, he has the opportunity to tear open the void domain.

After the imprint of the location is completed, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense stretches out without reservation. He is sure that Qi Jun, who was a serious injury to him, is still in this mezzanine. There is no way to go to the real high level domain.

This side of the void is full of dark and cloudy, endless blade glow and some space turbulence everywhere stirring. However, for Di Jiu’s fleshly body, this space blade glow and spatial turbulence have little effect.

Endless space turbulence and blade glow, mixed with meteorites between the two worlds and some unknown things, completely fill the space between the two worlds, just like flying sand. Underneath the entire spiritual sense is a ripple and dust.

Di Jiu’s is very fast, although the spiritual sense has been affected here, but for Di Jiu, the impact is not great. Instead, he can also tempering his own spiritual sense here.

The void sandwich between the two circles, with a torn Astral Wind, for the Dijiu fleshly body to the divine body perfection, this torn Astral Wind is more suitable for tempering spiritual sense than fleshly body .

After a few months, Di Jiu not only did not find Qi Jun’s spiritual sense mark, but even if he was a human cultivator, he did not encounter has seen.

Maybe there have been other cultivators here, but in this bad situation, other cultivators want to survive, without the powerful Body Refining fleshly body of Di Jiu, obviously is unlikely.

On this day, Di Jiu looked for the spiritual sense mark in the interlayers of the two circles as usual, but was blocked by a huge mountain.

Di Jiu stood on the foot of the mountain, and there was no scrolling of Astral Wind and space turbulence. This giant, it rejects everything Astral Wind and space turbulence.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense was infiltrated into this vast mountain and was stopped.

But Di Jiu feels a mysterious to the ultimate Dao Rhyme aura, and the divine artist’s imprint of the infinite expert.

What is this mountain? Among these two layers of mezzanine, is there such a mountain?

Di Jiu just hesitated for a moment, and broke into the mountains with the slightest hesitation.

As soon as he entered the mountain, Di Jiu felt that he was in a state of emptiness. There was no whistling around Astral Wind and space, but there was a lot of corrosion of the Dao Rhyme divine resistance mark.

Di Jiu has a feeling that if he dares to enter the depths of this mountain, his danger is absolutely more than a hundred times stronger than the two worlds.

In fact, with his cultivating Heavenly Law Cycle and the powerful Body Refining fleshly body, there is not much danger in these two worlds.

And this illusory giant mountain, once entered, is likely to let him fall under the various traces of corrosion.

Di Jiu cultivating Heavenly Law Cycle, studying all the origins of the Heaven and Earth Universe. Naturally understand, this trace corrosion is definitely not the result of Immortal World expert.

In other words, this mountain has always been more powerful than the Immortal World expert. Just don’t know why, it falls between the two layers of the interlayer.

The entire mountain is full of track marks aura, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense can not be thoroughly infiltrated, and the crisis here, he simply slowed down.

Just a dozen steps away, Di Jiu bent over and picked up a broken sword.

Di Jiu did not cultivating Sword Dao, but he was exposed to the top grade Sword Dao expert. At Cultural World, he has been exposed to Dong Youjian. Dong Youjian’s Sword Dao has a unique approach and has formed a sword array. The might far exceeds the same level. His blade array is from Sword Dao who is learning Dong Youjian.

If it wasn’t because he didn’t keep up with Dao of Artifact, and modified his cultivation technique, and changed to Heavenly Law Cycle, his blade array is also a big killer at the moment.

Because his Heavenly Law Cycle is killing the same level, and his time has been very urgent, so he did not stop to study the blade array. So that after he entered Immortal World, the blade array was put on hold.

In addition to Dong Youjian, there is also Zhou Bujian. Zhou Bujian’s Sword Dao is equally horrible, but it can’t be compared with the one-tenth of the half-cut sword in front of him.

This half-cut sword is not here to know how many years have been put on hold. The word intent contained above is still like a stormy wave, a wave of shocks.

Di Jiu’s fleshly body is really strong, Di Jiu’s fleshly body As long as he is almost a bit, he picks up this half-cut sword, his fleshly body may be torn into a fragment by the residual sword intent.

So strong! This is the only thought in Di Jiu’s heart.

This broken sword Di Jiu did not lose, he wrapped it with restriction and put it in a jade box. This broken sword is of little use to him, and his Blade Dao is his own Law Road.

Di Jiu is very clear that this half-cut sword has great use for Zhou Bujian. He withdrawn, is ready to bring back to Zhou Bujian.

With this broken sword, Di Jiu saw broken spear, axe fragment, hammer magical treasure fragment, giant 戟fragment again…

Every magical treasure fragment contains an infinite amount of killing aura. Di Jiu suspects that this mountain used to be an ancient battlefield, with a group of supreme experts madly killing here. In the end they all died, leaving only some magical treasure fragments.

Three days later, Di Jiu stopped next to a white jade bone.

After entering this giant mountain for several days, Di Jiu saw the bones for the first time. A few days ago, he saw not the fragment magical treasure fragment, the huge ravine that was torn apart by the magical treasure.

The only thing that is missing is the bones. It seems that the bones of this whole mountain have disappeared.

Now Di Jiu saw a bone. He not only saw a bone, but also saw the bone holding a three-foot high white jade stone.

The bones are just like a white jade, and then holding a white jade stone, from a distance, it looks like a whole.

Di Jiu’s eyes swept the bones, there was nothing on the bones, no clothes or rings. Di Jiu is even hard to tell whether the bone is male or female. His eyes turned, and it fell on the white jade stone.

There are three words on the white jade stone, void mountain.

Void mountain? Di Jiu looked up at the distant gray peaks and muttered, “Is this mountain a void mountain?”

The name of the mountain is quite unique. Di Jiu has a hand and he wants to roll up the white jade stone monument with the void mountain.

Unexpectedly, he took a roll and didn’t roll anything up.

It is clearly a white jade bone, holding the stone, so that Di Jiu can not be taken away.

Di Jiu was puzzled, and the spiritual sense rolled up and took it again.

What shocked him was that the white jade stone monument still had no movement.

Di Jiu took a few steps back, even if it was an idiot, Di Jiu knew that this was absolutely not ordinary. With his strength, don’t say a white jade stone tablet, even if it is a low level planet, his spiritual sense is also in the palm of his hand.

The white jade stone tablet is not moving, the only possibility is that the white jade bones are too tight to allow him to take away.

(friends are good night!)

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