Di Jiu sank, then stepped back a dozen steps, and was ready to leave Spiritual Sense Escapee at any time.

However, Di Jiu soon discovered that as he stepped back, the terrible suppression of aura immediately weakened. And the other party did not catch up with him.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense immediately landed on the other side, and a vague chain locked this skinny you on the ground.

The chain lock on Dao Rhyme circulates, and there is no substance at all.

This is the road lock of Dao Rhyme of Heaven and Earth Law, and Di Jiu comes with a clear comprehension. It is no wonder that the other party has not left now, and the daring is simply not going away.

At the same time, Di Jiu also understands why there is no bone remains on the mountain. It seems that he is not wrong. All the bones on the void hill were eroded by Dao Rhyme.

This youth doesn’t know how long it has been locked by Dao Rhyme chain lock. It is still alive. It is really amazing.

After knowing that the other party was locked by Dao Rhyme chain lock, Di Jiu was relieved, and he took a step forward and looked up and down the youth.

This youth is only skinny, but it is the only void mountain creature that Di Jiu saw after entering it. Even the ring is still in his hands.

As for Qi Jun, Di Jiu did not make this fellow alive. Besides, this fellow is also coming here later, not the person who originally came from the mountain.

“You are not afraid that I will kill you?” Youth watched Di Jiu not only did not escape, but instead came back a few steps, but surprised watched Di Jiu asked.

Di Jiu indifferently said, “There are a lot of people who want to kill me, but I still live a good life. As for those who want to kill me, it is almost dead.”

Skinny and thin, you frown, he suddenly thought of a possibility, Di Jiu can see clearly lock his Dao Rhyme chain lock.

But this is not realistic? According to Qi Jun, Di Jiu is nothing more than an Immortal Emperor perfection, and he also feels that Di Jiu does not exceed the Immortal Emperor level. Can an Immortal Emperor see his Dao Rhyme chain lock locked? Is this impossible?

“You are familiar with all kinds of Heaven and Earth Law, and you have touched the Law of Time…” After losing a word, you can understand what is going on.

Di Jiu can definitely see the Dao Rhyme chain that locks him. Just now Qi Jun said that Di Jiu is familiar with the various universes of Heaven and Earth Law. He hasn’t reacted yet, and now it’s completely reacted.

The Heaven Dancing Blade in Di Jiu’s hand suddenly trembled, and a violent blade intent wraps around the Heaven Dancing Blade, as if the next moment will tear this space apart.

“Wait…” The screaming youth called Di Jiu. “I have stayed in the void mountain for countless years. What do you need to come to the void mountain? Maybe we can talk. Right, my name is vain.”

Di Jiu indifferently said, “I am chasing this person here, you want to talk to me, wait for me to finish my own things.”

The virtual white merchant nodded. “It’s a good talk.”

After saying this, the vain white merchant closed his eyes and seemed to enter the final stage again.

When Qi Jun saw this situation, his heart sank. He didn’t know where he was abandoned. He didn’t wait for Di Jiu to start, and his body shape will show up directly.

It’s just that his surface injury seems to be good. In fact, the injury has not been reduced. He just pulled out, and when the man was still in the air, a Heavenly screen-like blade glow tore. Two blood mists smashed out and Qi Jun fell from the air and his face was gray.

Di Jiu walked to Qi Jun, raised his hand and threw some Array Flags, and arranged an isolation restriction. In his own way, he wants to arrange isolation restrictions, and does not need Array Flag.

It’s just that he still has something to say between him and the virtual white merchant, but he doesn’t want to know all his cards.

“To kill, please scrape, I Qi Jun wrinkled my brow and repaired it for so many years.” Di Jiu restrain, Qi Jun simply closed his eyes and put a random look.

Di Jiu said without hesitation, “I just asked you a few questions. If you are not willing to answer, I will burn your soul for 999 years, let you be devastated, and no reincarnation. If you are willing to answer my question, I can let you go to the reincarnation.”

“You ask, as long as I can say it.” As expected, Ji Jun did not continue to resist as Di Jiu expected.

It’s the most cruel thing for a cultivator.

Di Jiu nodded. “The first question, are you from Jiang Dai, what did Jiang Dai send you to 4 Great Immortal Land?”

Qi Jun’s miserable smile, “hehe, Jiang Dai… I’m just a dog he’s looking outside, not right, I’m not even a dog like him. To be a dog, the owner often gives something to him. And I am for an Extreme Moat Dao Fruit, hehe…”

In one sentence, two hehe, Di Jiu has already understood.

It seems that he overestimates Qi Jun. If Qi Jun has already proven the Dao, he will never need Extreme Moat Dao Fruit.

It seems that Qi Jun has not been to Upper Realm.

Despite guessing that Qi Jun has not been to Upper Realm, Di Jiu still asks, “Do you know about Immortal World destiny? Have you ever been to a realm? What is a realm?”

Qi Jun sighed. “I am just Jiang Dai looking for a few people. I have some doubts, but until you say it, I know that several people I monitor should be Jiang Dai who ordered the looting of Immortal World destiny. As for a realm, I have never been to it, so I don’t know anything.”

“Where are you escaping here, do you want to find a weak node and go to a realm?” Di Jiu also knows that there should be nothing in Qi Jun, and the use value of Qi Jun is too low.

Qi Jun shook his head. “There is absolutely no way to go to a realm. The void between the two worlds is also called the death zone. Heaven and Earth Origin Qi are scarce, Law is broken, that is, it cannot be cultivating, nor can it leave. I can only wait for death. I have nowhere to escape before I flee here.”

“Is there any relationship between the beast tide of Thunder Court Immortal Land?”

“That’s really what I helped.” Qi Jun did not deny it, it was a bachelor’s recognition.

“How do you contact Jiang Dai?”

“He has always been in contact with me, and we have no connection with him at all.” Qi Jun almost knows to answer, no concealment.

Di Jiu was very helpless. He raised his hand and a blade glow lost. “Your value is too low, I will allow you to go back.”

Qi Jun did not resist, let Di Jiu kill him.

“You shouldn’t kill him. He still has great value. You just didn’t find it. Of course, if you want to ask about a realm, I can answer some questions.” See Di Jiu killing Qi Jun passed, and the white merchant was indifferently said.

“Your strength is far better than mine, but I can still kill you. I don’t believe you can give it a try.” Di Jiu is not surprised how the white merchant knows that he is asking Qi Jun, Qi Jun’s mouth shape. It should be seen.

The vain white merchant was not threatened by Di Jiu, and still said, “You can kill me, it’s just the thoughts in your heart. In fact, the information I can provide is far more precious than you are killing me. Moreover, I I still think that you can’t kill me. If you don’t believe it, you can try it.”

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense falls on the chain lock, and my heart is very doubtful. Why does the virtual white merchant have this kind of conviction, saying that he can’t kill him?

Waiting for Di Jiu to ask again, the virtual white merchant took the initiative to say, “If I didn’t guess wrong, you will definitely find the refining fossil monument of void mountain along the way.”

Di Jiu secretly said that, as he had guessed, the stone he got was the refining fossil monument of the void mountain.

When you look at Di Jiu’s eyes, you know that you guessed well. He continued. “You have to refine the void mountain. You must need my help. If I am in the void mountain, even if it is locked by Dao Rhyme chain lock, void mountain. It’s not that you can refine it. Or, in your opinion, after this Dao Rhyme chain lock locks me, I don’t have any resistance at all. In fact, you are wrong. The reason why I am still trapped here is Because I can’t bear this fleshly body…”

Di Jiu is the Body Refining cultivator, and he feels that the words of the virtual business are somewhat credible. He is the Body Refining cultivator himself, and it is more important to see the fleshly body than the soul.

(friends are good night!)

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