“Do you know that there are other people around Nong Xiuqi?” Di Jiu is eager to watched and has no home.

He really wants to know that Di Wang wears and Di Qiu Shui, and also went to the Imuortal Land with Nong Xiuqi.

Zhuo Wujia looked at Di Jiu’s expression and knew that the relationship between Nong Xiuqi senior and Di Jiu should not be shallow. However, he did not know these things, and he could only apologetically shook his head and said, “I don’t know, I am cultivating. It is really a farmer aptitude too heaven defying, I only heard some news.”

Di Jiu sighed and he understood the meaning of Zhuo Wujia. Don’t ask, Zhuo Wujia is also a peerless genius. This kind of genius, in addition to Nong Xiuqi will let him pay attention to one or two, other people may not be able to attract his half-hearted care.

“Let’s go to the wormhole first, don’t know what it is.” Di Jiu didn’t ask again.

That jade slip Di Jiu has already been viewed. The above is just a brief introduction to the accumulation of contributions in the wormhole, enough contribution, you can leave the wormhole. As for the wormhole is a place, how long it takes to accumulate enough contributions, did not say on the jade slip.

Ascend There is only a narrow black stone path in front of the temple. The front of the path is a restriction that isolates the spirit sense. Apart from the sights, there is no way to know where the road leads.

Di Jiu, although he can try to use the spiritual sense to outline the Raw Array Flag, he dares not to mess around here.

The two men walked for about five or six miles, and there was a fork in front of the road. It was extremely spacious and straight, extending far to the far side.

The other one is even narrower than the road they just walked in, and it looks a bit rough.

There are two stone monuments at the fork in the road. The stone monument leading to the spacious and straight road is written with three words, and the gate is leaping. The other stone on the narrow passage reads the wormhole.

“We should go to this path.” Zhuo Wujia’s tone behind Di Jiu is somewhat low. Although he is talking, in fact his eyes have been looked at the Grand Dao leading to the leaping gate, and all his doubts are in his heart.

Di Jiu didn’t move, the Grand Dao to the triumphant gate didn’t stop, but the front was full of spiritual sense restriction.

However, he does not dare to use the means of spiritual sense Law, but can be viewed through Dao Eye.

Dao Eye opened, Di Jiu immediately saw two powerful monks standing behind the restrictions. It is certain that as long as he and Zhuojia dare to go to the road, it is estimated that the end will not be too good.

At the end of the road, Di Jiu saw a huge arched door with two large Dao Rhyme flowing above the door.

The thing behind the arched door, Di Jiu’s Dao Eye is too low to be seen.

“Let’s go.” Di Jiu didn’t hesitate to go to the path of the wormhole.

Zhuo’s homelessness is somewhat doubtful. He is still following up with the slightest hesitation. He thought that Di Jiu would go to the road to see the road. If it wasn’t, then he would turn back. I didn’t expect Di Jiu to go straight to the wormhole.

Seeing that Di Jiu and Zhuo Wu’s family went to the wormhole road, the two monks standing behind the road of Yuedaomen had some doubts. Many monks who have just been ascend, when they come here, will go to the road to see the road, and after they have suffered a big loss, they will turn back to the wormhole.


The road to the wormhole is very long. Di Jiu and Zhuo’s home are not fast or slow, and they have gone for nearly an hour. Only then have they seen the messy and well-defined Market.

It is said that this Market chaos is unbearable because the Market of the Market is one west, and the difference is good and bad. It is completely unplanned and looks like a mess.

The hierarchy is clear because the large and messy Market is divided into four large blocks, four in the southeast and northwest.

Each of the four blocks in the southeast and northwest is messy. In the middle of the four messy directions, there is a straight cross Grand Dao. This cross Grand Dao clearly divides it into four pieces.

Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia just walked into the Market and immediately rushed to more than a dozen people.

If you don’t see these people without murderous aura, Di Jiu will sacrifice the Heaven Dancing Blade.

“Two friends just came, it is better to join us and ask the church. I asked Daotang to be the most well-known in the eastern part of the wormhole. Even if you are a newcomer, as long as I ask the temple, the wormhole contribution will not be obtained. It will be low…” The talking man is a tall man.

“Haha, Wang Xie, you can only lie to new people. Two new friends, don’t believe in Wang Xie’s words, I suggest you join us in the Western Conference. Our contribution is not evenly distributed, but it is strictly in accordance with Personal contribution will not deceive new people. This, we will be honored with honors.” A bearded man interrupted this youth and invited Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia.

“I am Meng Yiou in the Southern District. My residence in the Southern District is the most spacious…”

Almost everyone is making an invitation to Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia, and the attitude is very polite.

Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia are completely confused and do not understand anything. Watched everyone’s words are getting more and more, Di Jiu had to take the initiative to cup one fist in the other hand, “Fellow Daoists ……”

Seeing Di Jiu’s look, the rest of the people were quiet for a short time. Di Jiu quickly said, “Many thanks Fellow Daoists’ love, we are not new. We just went down and mainly investigated the situation of wormholes. Everyone should do whatever they want, when I ask. Everyone can say it right away.”

No one can think of Di Jiu trifling newcomers, dare to use the people who came down to speak, and immediately disappointed. However, no one dared to leave Di Jiu and Zhuo homeless, both cup one fist in the other hand.

“Zimo brother, why should you lie to them? I see this situation, sooner or later we have to add an influence?” Zhuo Wujia is not a fool, although I don’t know how far it is from the wormhole, but here is a group It’s required.

Di Jiu chuckled, referring to a giant great array in the distance, said, “Look, that’s the contribution. The array technique has tens of thousands of names on the screen. How many contributions each person has here? Clearly clear. We two new people, why should these old fellows invite us so passionately?

“Why?” Zhuo’s unconsciously asked, and when asked, he knew that something was wrong.

Di Jiu nodded. “Yeah, why? No matter why, before we can figure out the situation, we must not join one of the influences.”

“I listen to you.” Zhuo Wujia has already noticed that Di Jiu should be different from him. His aptitude is indeed heaven defying. In the micro-wood Immortal Land is also well-known Immortal Emperor, because of perennial secluded cultivation, many places to see Not as thorough as Di Jiu.

“Don’t worry, let’s go to the North District.” Di Jiu said that he was heading to the North District.

Some people in the three districts of southeastern China have invited them to invite them. No one in the North District has invited them.

The North District is more messy than the other three districts, and Di Jiu has stopped an old man with his head down.

The old man looked up and wondered other watched Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia. “Why did the two Fellow Daoist stop me?”

Di Jiu took out a ring and handed it to the old man. “This is a little bit of a small idea. I want to ask my friend a few questions.”

His Law restriction has already opened the old man’s ring, and found that the old man is very poor, and the ring does not add up to 10,000 high grade Immortal Crystal. An Immortal Emperor doesn’t even have 10,000 high grade Immortal Crystals. It’s not poor, but it’s terrible.

Di Jiu simply took out 50,000 high grade Immortal Crystal. This high grade Immortal Crystal is of little value to Di Jiu.

“The old sense of the physical touch touches the Immortal Crystal in the ring, and immediately the spirit is refreshed. Then the hand is rolled and the ring disappears. He is the watched Di Jiu who is full of energy. “Fellow Daoist wants to ask, I must know everything. Words. ”

Di Jiu a cup one fist in the other hand, “My friend and I have just come to this place. Why do we come here to join us when we come here? And they are very polite.”

The old man’s eyes looked around and looked at it. When he found no one, he sneered and said, “It’s very polite, hehe, when you join them, you will find it. When it is your turn to keep the wormhole, you are the existence of cannon fodder. It is a short-lived ghost here, helping people fill their lives.”

I feel that Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia are new, and the old man is not so jealous.

So, Di Jiu asked again, “excuse me, where is the wormhole? When is it time to watch the wormhole?”

(friends are good night!)

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