Whether it is Xiu Qi or not, Di Jiu knows that he has no chance to go out and ask for evidence, and he has no chance to prove it here.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense falls in the wormhole of the black scorpion. Although the wormhole is dangerous, he has the Spiritual Sense Escapee and should not be able to save his life.

This time I have to go into the wormhole check, otherwise he would not have the mood to cultivating.

As for Nirvana, Di Jiu’s eyes swept. Even if he wants to enter the wormhole, he must kill Nirvana before then. Nicholas, who is still in the position of choice, naturally does not know that in the eyes of Di Jiu, he is already a dead person. He casually chose an intermediate position that would achieve the purpose of trials and would not be too dangerous.

Di Jiu has already portrayed the Law Array Flag around Nirvana, and there is no way for others to kill Nirvana silently. Di Jiu has the means.

The previous wave of bugs came and there were many people killed. Next, Di Jiu waited for nearly two hours, and then saw the overwhelming worms swept over.

This wave of insects is definitely more than the previous wave, but Di Jiu knows that this is still not a bug. Because there are no more worms coming from farther.

Mu Hao had long been standing beside Nie, while the rest of the people were paying attention to protecting Nirvana. Nirvana is not just a Vice Union Lord of the Chamber of Commerce, nor is it a crime they can offend. In case of Nie’s accident, Mu Zhen confirmed that she would not escape responsibility.

“Boom!” The large worms swept over, and Di Jiu’s first blade killed another big one. The worms that came afterwards obviously felt that Di Jiu was not a good place to go, and they rushed to the middle.

There is no problem in seeing Zhuo’s family to deal with several insects. Di Jiu’s eyes are on the Nirvana, which is excited to kill insects. The Law Array Flag with the control of the slightest hesitation is arranged.

Nirvana, who was working with a monster insect great war, suddenly felt a powerful force pulling him into the wormhole.

This made Nirvana fear, he did not have to wait for the sacrifice of the slightest hesitation, but he did not wait for his sacrifice, a big foot suddenly appeared in his heart…

But he has no one on his back? When Nicholas’s doubts were just raised, he was thrown into the wormhole by this foot.

Di Jiu was relieved. He knew that there was still some difficulty in getting Nirvana into the wormhole with the Law Array Flag. Now with his Great Footprint, it is a success.

He is a distance of more than a hundred feet from Nirvana, and there are still one or two hundred people in the middle. No one would have thought that Nirvana was using his ankle to enter the wormhole.

Unless that person is also proficient in the Law of Space, he can see the spatial trajectory of his Great Footprint.

“Ah…” Muham saw Nirvana suddenly rushing into the wormhole and screaming out in horror. Nirvana did not try it once or twice. Now she is pulled into the wormhole by her insects, and she must be responsible. Nie is also that’s all, but the Chamber of Commerce is not a good talk. In front of the Chamber of Commerce, she couldn’t even count the ants.

When I finished, Mu Hao’s heart just flashed these two words, and I heard Di Jiu’s eager voice coming. “Ah, the Union Union Lord was pulled into the wormhole by the worm, I am going to save him…”

Followed by Mu Wei, Di Jiu rushed over and reached for the position where Nirvana disappeared. The next moment, Di Jiu exclaimed and was caught in the wormhole by the worm.

Mu Zhen sighed. He did not think that this new monk had such an enthusiastic side. However, she quickly reacted and said sharply, “Everyone takes full action to kill the worms first, or the Union Lord has not been involved in the depths…”

Now there are more and more bugs, and several of them have crossed the defensive line of the crowd. If there is no protection array behind them, they will fail this time.

Zhuo Wujia didn’t think that Di Jiu would save Ni Ni, but he quickly reacted. Di Jiu would never save Ni Ni. The time he and Di Jiu knew was not very long. He also had Di Jiu’s personality. Some understand. With Di Jiu, you can risk your life to get the junk.

If it is not risky to take care of Nirvana, Di Jiu is the initiative to enter the wormhole, this is impossible, even if it is stupid, it will not be stupid to take the initiative to find death.

Zhuo’s homeless thought of it, his heart shocked, he already understood what was going on.

He can be sure at this moment that Di Jiu is deliberately entering the wormhole, and that Nirvana is pulled into the wormhole by the worm, and it must be related to Di Jiu.

Before the sound transmission to him and Di Jiu, said that Nikki had kicked a woman here into the wormhole, and said that the woman called Qi…

Other people, he did not know, Di Jiu asked him about Nong Xiuqi, he is naturally clear. Di Jiu and Nong Xiuqi must have a relationship. Di Jiu has some doubts that Nie has kicked Nong Xiuqi senior to the wormhole, so I have to go and see.

Zhuo’s homelessness suddenly raised a kind of respect, this is the real expert. Change to him, can he do it?

One latitude is also the direction of the disillusioned watched Di Jiu disappearing. He just wanted to make a relationship with Di Jiu, and Di Jiu was involved in the wormhole. This is impossible, Di Jiu’s strength, but he saw it with his own eyes. The strength of Di Jiu, if it is involved in the wormhole by the insect, he will not believe it anyway.

But the fact is in front of him, can he not believe it?


Di Jiu enters the wormhole, and the spiritual sense follows his spiritual sense mark. His Great Footprint has long left his Spiritual Consciousness mark on Nirvana. When he came here, the first time was to catch Nirvana and let Nicholas draw a portrait of a woman who was kicked into the wormhole.

He is sure that Nirvana will not be so easily torn by insects. Although the wormhole is dangerous, it should be the danger of entering the wormhole through the wormhole, not the danger in the wormhole.

The Heaven and Earth Law in the wormhole fluctuated greatly, mixed with the turbulent flow between the two circles. Nie was extremely unsuitable and tumbling between the wormholes, Di Jiu vs. Heaven and Earth Law There is not much discomfort in the vastly changing space.

As Di Jiu expected, Ni Ni was not half-dangerous. He not only offered a protector, but also offered a defense magical treasure.

This kind of rule change and spatial turbulence is just that Nie is not suitable. It is impossible to kill Ni Ni.

Because the rules in the wormhole change too much, the spiritual sense simply cannot penetrate.

Di Jiu also doesn’t need a spiritual sense to penetrate, and his Dao Eye has seen the nephew that is constantly rolling in front.

“Boom!” Nirvana crashed back at a huge void barrier, spit out a few blood in the wormhole, and Nephi stopped the roll and stabilized his body.

Then Nirvana surprised to see a hidden defense restriction, and he with the slightest hesitation will rush into this defense. This defense restriction, although hidden, but in the face of his proficiency, it is not a difficult place to enter.

Only when he just grabbed the Array Flag and wanted to tear the defense restriction, suddenly the space was tight, and then a huge handprint grabbed his neck and pinched his neck.

“You…” Nie suddenly recognized Di Jiu, and some couldn’t believe to stare at Di Jiu. He just said a word and his voice seemed to be sealed.

Di Jiu said faintly, “Yes, it is me. I saw you entering the wormhole, and my heart was anxious, so hurry to save you.”

“Then you don’t hurry to let me down.” This is what Nirvana wants to say the most, but he can’t say it, even if his anger has reached the extreme, he is determined to split Di Jiu for a while, this time. Dare to be disrespectful to Di Jiu.

Di Jiu’s really put him down, but his Law Array Flag is surrounded by a hidden great array.

The next moment, a large worm flew back again, rubbed from Di Jiu and Nirvana, and it was extremely fast. Di Jiu know, this wave of bugs should be repelled by Mu Wei.

“What are you going to do?” Nieqiang pressed his anger and stared at Di Jiu. In a short time, Di Jiu had a restriction in his within the body.

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