No matter where Nirvana is hiding, this matter is not something Mu’er can control. With the wave of insects coming, she can only continue to lead everyone to deal with the bugs.

Di Jiu thinks that he has been too swaying before, he shows such a strong fighting power, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will doubt. He simply did not use Law great array, but only used Heaven Dancing Blade to deal with bugs.

Even so, in the eleven days, Di Jiu also collected a bunch of bugs.

After 11 days of guarding the wormhole, Di Jiu also had a general understanding of the wormhole. Not every worm has only one integral. Some worms have more than one integral. For example, the sawtooth that he once killed has three points. As for the rare double-horned worms, there are even one hundred points.

Moreover, there are very few worms carrying eggs, and if they can break the worm’s belly and get an egg, it will grow bigger.

In just eleven days, each of the living monks was exhausted. Some people even had a faint green gas on their faces, which was not poisonous.

According to Qi Weiwei, their losses were rather heavy this time. This time they died more than 100 people.

The protection array was opened again, and as Di Jiu came before, there were more than a thousand people standing outside the protection array to replace their guarding wormholes.

Mu Yi briefly handed over the monk, and with a group of monks who had long wanted to leave, rushed out from the guarding line of the wormhole.

After rushing out of the protection array, the protection array behind it was closed again, all the talents sighed with relief, and the eleven days of suffering were finally passed.

Many monks go to the contribution exchange office to take out the corpse and prepare to redeem the contribution points. Di Jiu also intends to redeem the contribution points.

“Zimo brother, don’t redeem the bugs, leaving some useful.” Di Jiu also went to exchange the insect materials, and immediately walked over and said.

Di Jiu nodded. “Thank you, I know.”

Mu Wei did not have the mood to exchange the contribution points. She told Shen Changshui about the first time.

Shen Changshui heard that Nirvana was caught in the wormhole while guarding the wormhole in his northern district. He was immediately scared. He hurried to the wormhole.

When the long water came, Di Jiu had already exchanged all the worm materials, and he did not listen to the worms leaving some insect materials. These worm materials are not worth much for Di Jiu. He has tool refining materials and does not lack these worm materials.

“Mu Wei, Zimo, you two go with me.” After Shen Changshui determined the things of Nirvana, his face was a bit ugly, but Di Jiu could risk his death into the wormhole and save even a dozen. The monks who had fallen into the wormhole before were finally a good thing.

“Zimo brother, I will come back to visit when you come back.” He Yiwei also exchanged the materials. He didn’t know how many corpse corpse Di Jiu exchanged at one time. He felt that Di Jiu had a lot of worms.

Zhuo Wujia already knew that Nie should have been killed by Di Jiu. He just nodded to Di Jiu, and he left with Yi Wei.

Di Jiu is so strong, and the work is very round, and there should be no problem.


The place where Shen Changshui lived is located in the center of the North District. There is a large yard outside the cave mansion. Some Immortal Spirit Grass is planted in the yard. Although the grade is not high, Immortal Spirit Qi is very strong. It is very comfortable to come in.

“Mu Wei, you have a big disaster.” The first sentence after Shen Changshui sat down was to say that he was in trouble.

Mu Zhen sighed and didn’t answer. She also knew that she was in trouble. Who made her bad luck? This Nirvana was to be tested when she guarded the wormhole, and it was a backache.

Di Jiu frowned said, “Shen Team, Mu Meng’s Lord has been protecting Nirvana. At that time, there were too many bugs, and when Nirvana was involved in the wormhole, Mu Meng’s Lord was also trying to rescue. It’s also because Mu Meng’s Lord and us Say, I must protect Nirvana, I will die into the wormhole to rescue, but unfortunately still not successful.”

When I heard Di Jiu’s words, Mu Hao gratefully looked at Di Jiu, and now she is sure that Di Jiu is entering the wormhole to save her. She is helping her.

Shen Changshui sighed. “I can’t do this thing. I told Deacon who is responsible for wormhole guarding. It is estimated that the Chamber of Commerce should know now. If I didn’t guess wrong, they are going to be now. It’s here. This time… It’s very likely that the Chamber of Commerce Union Lord came over.”


At the moment, under the array technique display of the wormhole contribution, a large group of monks were shocked to discuss, because the two newcomers rushed to the top one.

One of them, the fellow of Zimo, contributed 3,621 points and climbed the 530th place in the wormhole contribution. There is also a fellow called the homeless fellow, with a contribution of 1,140, ​​and a 136th contribution to the leaderboard.

This is an amazing thing. It is necessary to know that the average monk wants to board the first thousand, but it takes many years. Because at the end of each year, the previous score will be halved into the second year.

Wang Xie’s face on the watched leaderboard was a bit gloomy. He arranged for seven people to start with Di Jiu and Zhuo’s family, but the seven said that Di Jiu and Zhuo’s family were too powerful. They didn’t have a chance to start. Before he had some doubts about these people, now that he saw the contribution of the leaderboard, he realized that this fellow called Zimo was really powerful. That Zhuo no home is not simple, simply can not board the first thousand. You know, they went to the wormhole once.

But there is no good news, and Nicole has disappeared in this guarding wormhole. He is sure that the Nixi Blade will not be easy to calculate.


Wang Xie did not guess wrong. Nishi Blade did not let this thing happen. At this time, he and the new thief Deacon led to the cave mansion of Shen Changshui.

Shen Changshui has already led Mu Wei and Di Jiu to the outside of the cave mansion to greet him, and he is far away from the ground. “The wormhole North District leader Shen Changshui sees often Deacon, Nepal Union Lord.”

Mu Hao also went to the same place. Di Jiu had nothing to do with it, and some of them gave a sigh of relief.

He recognized the Nixi Blade, the specific strength of the Nixi Blade, he could not see it, but the other side stood here, just like a vast world. Di Jiu is sure that no matter how many means he has, Nishi Blade will kill him, almost as long as he stretches out his hand.

The Nixi blade looks very handsome, his eyes are slender, his face looks a little human and animal, and Di Jiu feels a terrible baleful qi from his death.

Compared to the Nixi Blade, the Deacon’s new cultivation base is also far stronger than himself, but still within his perception.

The eyes of Nexi Blade fell on Muhammad, and the tone was lightly said, “Speak out the situation at the time.”

“Yes.” Mu’s face pale, did not add half of the point to tell the situation at the time.

When Ni Jiu died and went to save Nie, Nissey’s gaze fell on Di Jiu. Di Jiu already knew that the other side’s spiritual sense broke his ring, and even if his heart was extremely angry, he still couldn’t move. Fortunately, he is cultivating the rules, allowing himself to be integrated into the space without exposing his anger.

“Take the array disk out and I will see it.” Nixi’s voice was calm.

Di Jiu did not hesitate and took the initiative to take out the array disk.

Nixi Blade took Di Jiu’s array disk looked for a while, did not return the array disk to Di Jiu, but the withdraw array disk, took out a medicinal pill and handed it to Di Jiu. “You are pretty good, can make Take the action of saving the dead and rewarding you with a rise of Dan. Eat now.”

After that, a milky white medicinal pill was suspended in front of Di Jiu’s.

Muxi saw this pill medicine, her face paled up instantly, she did not have seen this as a way to go, but I heard. After swallowing this medicinal pill, its own Grand Dao will gradually be stripped and then incorporated into this pill. The premonition of her heart is really not wrong, Nishei even Di Jiu will not let go of her will miss her? The reason why I don’t kill Di Jiu directly is estimated to be related to Di Jiu’s array disk.

“many thanks Union Lord generous bestowal.” Di Jiu excitedly grabbed the medicinal pill and swallowed it without hesitation.

Nixi’s blade nodded with satisfaction, and the new eyes on the side flashed a bit of sarcasm.

Nissey’s gaze fell on Mu Hao again, faintly said, “My child is involved in the wormhole, you are still alive…”

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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