“Di brother, then when we get out of time, we will go out and redeem the contribution points?” Zhuo Wujia felt that something was wrong.

Di Jiu smothered a few bugs again, chuckled. “If this is the case, we are not far from death.”

“But it doesn’t become a contribution, we don’t have to use so many bugs.” Zhuo’s unrecognizable watched Di Jiu.

Di Jiu smiled. “The first thing we did after we went back was to buy a lot of bugs and promote a large number of acquisitions in the four districts. As for the exchange of contributions, wait for the day to leave.”

“It is estimated that not many people will sell their own bugs.” Zhuo said with no subconsciousness, because if this method is possible, then someone has already done so.

However, after the end, Zhuo’s family reacted and he cried. “In this way, others will know that our bugs come from. At least we have to take out so many bugs at once, and it will not be very awkward.”

“Yes, so we suddenly get so many bugs, it will not look awkward.” Di Jiu nodded.

Zhuo Wujia immediately said, “This method will be discovered sooner or later.”

Di Jiu laughed, “When others found out, we had already left this place and entered the real Dao Realm. Dao Realm was boundless, when did those people go to kill us?”

When this wave of insects receded again, Di Jiu opened the isolation restriction.

Because this wave of worms is reduced, fewer monks are lost.

Di Jiu opened the isolation line and everyone saw it, but no one still talked. This is not only because Di Jiu is going to live, but the way to kill Muxi by himself is to look down on the Nixi Blade. More importantly, Di Jiu ate the Saint Doudan of the Nexi Blade, and sooner or later it was just a medicinal pill. Who will have a mood and a medicinal pill nonsense?

Two hours passed, and when another wave of bugs came, Di Jiu and Zhuo Wu’s family seemed to be very ordinary. Although the two men also killed more than a dozen worms, this performance can only be said to be general, and there is nothing special.

No one was looking for Di Jiu and Zhuo had no family to talk. Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia were too lazy to find someone to talk to, so they spent ten days.

Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia both got a hundred or two points each time they exchanged their contribution points. However, compared with the first two people, thousands of points were too far and far apart.

Many monks have some doubts, Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia got so many points for the first time, is it because of Di Jiu’s that array disk. Now Di Jiu’s array disk was taken away by Nixi, and Di Jiu and Zhuo had lost the weapon.

What surprised more monks was that after Di Jiu and Zhuo Wu returned to the North Market, the first thing was not chemical, not secluded cultivation, but everywhere to buy bugs.

Even now, even if you want to kill Di Jiu and Zhuo’s family, Wang Xie is too lazy to ignore Di Jiu. Di Jiu A dead person who took the holy road, no one cares about him.

As for Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia Everywhere to buy bugs, the old monk here just shook his head silently. Isn’t it boring to buy bugs here?

The worm is important to everyone, and the worm corpse must be converted into a contribution within one year. Otherwise, the discount will be half. If it is two years, the discount will be a quarter.

This kind of exchange contribution points, only the brain is broken, will be given out to others. Don’t look at the four districts. There are only ten quotas per year, but the ten quotas are still precious.

The life of the monk has always been long, not to mention cultivating to Immortal Emperor? Even if you have been here for tens of thousands of years, you can leave one day.

Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia didn’t care. They still bought bugs every day, and they also had a big brand in the house to buy all kinds of bugs.

In a blink of an eye, a few months later, Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia once again guarded the wormhole for ten days. After returning from the wormhole, the two still buy bugs every day.

No one knows how many corpse corpses have been acquired by Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia, but the two do the same thing every day, making people wonder if they have actually received a lot of bugs. Otherwise, this kind of thing cannot continue to be so long.

In fact, only Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia knew that the two had acquired a bug for more than half a year, and the number of bugs actually acquired was no more than one hundred. And the acquired bugs are also some worthless bugs. Counting the contribution points, there is only one per bug.

Although Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia have been here for more than a year, because Jidong contributed less than a year, Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia must wait another month.

For a month, it is just a blink of an eye for the monk.

On the day of the contribution to the full year, Di Jiu packed up his own things and called out Muhammad. “Mu Fellow Daoist, I am ready to leave, you will enter my True Spirit World again, I will take you away. ”

“Your contribution is enough?” Mou’s surprised watched Di Jiu, Di Jiu has been here for more than a year. In more than a year, there will be enough contributions to cross the gate.

The monks who left the wormhole for more than a year are not without, and each one is a stunning existence. However, Mu Wei immediately thought of Di Jiu, Di Jiu is not the same amazing monk? Which monk can take out two circles at the Immortal Emperor level? Or is there two world flowers still willing to give it to a stranger?

“Fellow Daoist Di, many thanks, but I can’t go with you, I plan to find another way.” Although Di Jiu can take away, Mu Wei still rejected Di Jiu’s proposal.

When Di Jiu first talked about it, she didn’t think it was so fast, so she didn’t explain it to Di Jiu. I didn’t expect Di Jiu to leave the wormhole in just one year, which was beyond her expectations.

“Why?” Di Jiu is puzzled by the watched Muhammad.

Mu Hao said with a wry smile, “Fellow Daoist Di, if you think that True Spirit World can take me out of here and enter the leaping gate, it is really naive. When I die, it will be lost, and it will also harm you.”

Di Jiu laughed, “Mu Fellow Daoist, if you believe me, just go with me. I believe I can take you out, just as I can leave the wormhole in a year or so.”

Seeing that he had said the reason, Di Jiu still insisted on his own opinion. Mu Hao just hesitated, and he did not speak again.

Di Jiu can enter the wormhole safely and can save himself in the hands of Nixi, indicating that Di Jiu is definitely not a general monk. Such as Di Jiu, a monk, will never look down on others.

Thinking of this, Mu Zhen said, “Well, I believe in you, I will enter your True Spirit World again.”

Di Jiu brought Mu Wei into True Spirit World and immediately sent True Spirit World to the ninth world. He believes that even if he is a strong expert here, he may not be able to see his ninth world.

“Di brother, we can go, only the last half of the day.” Zhuo’s voice came home, he and Di Jiu made an appointment, in the last half of the day to exchange bugs, and then left the wormhole.

“Okay.” When Di Jiu came out, he withdraw his own Law Array Flag.

“Di brother, you have a four-pronged worm in the bug that I gave to me. I can exchange it for at least 50,000 points this time.” I was excited and excited when I saw Di Jiu.

Four-pronged worms can be exchanged for 10,000 points at a time, which is a very rare worm.

Di Jiu laughed, “I have a good luck. I got a colorful winged worm, which has an egg.”

“Ah…” Zhuo Wujia was shocked by Di Jiu’s words.

The color-winged lightning worm also has that’s all, and like the four-pronged worm, corpse can exchange 10,000 points, but the eggs of the color-winged lightning worm can be not simple, and the price of one piece is 100,000 points. If it is not redeemed for sale, it is even more expensive. ”

“Let’s go, the tenth is about 30,000 points a few days ago, and our score is enough to enter the top ten.” Di Jiu has taken all the Law Array Flag and has already walked out of the lake.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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