Sha did not hurt, frowning, watched, unconscious, and sorrowful jade, after a half-column time, his hand suddenly placed in the eyebrows of Shayuyu.

It was a semi-column incense in the past, and the sand did not hurt and took off his hand. His eyes were full of murder.

“Father?” Sha Haotian saw that there was no harm to the sand, and immediately asked. He always thought that his son Sha Yuyu was out of trouble because of cultivating.

Since the son is cultivating, why does the father have such a murder?

Sand is harmlessly said, “This is no wonder that you can’t find out what is wrong with Yuer with your current strength.”

“Father, what happened to Daiyu?” Sha Haotian asked anxiously.

Sand did not hurt and said coldly, “Yu’s Tao was stripped…”

The scorpion of Satay jade is stripped, and only the second step of the prove the Dao can be seen. His son Satay genius is the initial stage cultivation base, it is normal to see it. As for the Taoist doctor and Dan Shen who came to Shaying, it is definitely the first step. Because of the second step of the expert, Sha Haotian is not qualified to go.

“What?” Sha Haotian’s killing intent 几乎, almost formed the essence, actually dare to strip his son’s Tao, simply do not know life and death.

“Great big guts…” Shaying’s hands clenched, and I couldn’t help it. I wanted to go out and kill one day. He was already thinking about who could get close to his son and stripped off his son’s words.

Sand did not hurt and waved his hand. “I don’t think it is necessary for someone to come close to Yuer to take the Yuer Road. It is also possible that Yuer will put the species outside.”

“Father?” Shaw’s doubtful watched father, Saitama aptitude is so heaven defying, and it is still a growing aptitude, can this aptitude be able to put its own kind outside?

Sand is harmlessly said, “If someone can really get close to Yuer and dig away the kind of jade, then Yuer will not be seriously injured, but will fall directly. I think that person will not give up killing Yuer. This kind of opportunity is just a divestiture. So the only possibility is that Yuer puts the species in a certain place and then finds it and takes it away…”

“What should I do?” Sha Haotian asked urgently.

Sand did not hurt his powerful killing intent, and slowly said, “Let Yuer wake up and say it.”

“But…” Sha Haotian wanted to say that he had so many doctors and Dan gods that he could not wake up.

Sand said nothing, “Others can’t let Yuer wake up, because they don’t know what the second step is.”

After saying this, the sand-free hand once again covered the eyebrows of Shayuyu, and a faint Dao Rhyme aura instantly wrapped the sand jade.

Only half a column of incense in the past, Sha Yuyu opened his eyes, pale’s face also a bit more blood, “Father, Grandpa…”

At the first sight, Sha Yuyu saw that his father and grandfather were here.

“Yuyu, don’t worry, your grandfather has stepped into the second step and will surely save you.” Shayingtian saw his son wake up and was comforted with a comfort.

Sand is not hurt, but also replaced with a soft face. “Yu, you and Grandpa said, how did you become this situation? And how did your path be lost?”

When I heard Grandpa stepping into the second step, there was a hint of excitement in Shayingyu’s eyes, and then she repented and said, “Father, Grandpa, I am doing something wrong.”

“Don’t worry, everything is your grandfather and I will help you.” Sha Haotian loved his son very much, not to mention that his son is still very contentious, even if his son does not live up to expectations, he will never Allow other people to move his son half a hair.

“Yes, father.” Sha Yuyu also knows that this is a small thing, which is related to his life’s Grand Dao.

Sand did not hurt and nodded with peace. “Your father said it is good. It is a good thing for my Shajia people not to kill others. No matter if anyone wants to deal with my Shajia, I have to measure myself a few pounds.” Not to mention the stripping of the Taoist family of Shajia. This hatred does not report, I Shajiao has established Dao Realm for millions of years.”

I was assured by my father and grandfather that the spirit of Shayuyu was a lot better, and slowly said, “Many years ago, I and the less than the Chamber of Commerce, the Union Lord Nicholas chose to go to the wormhole for trial… ”

Sand is no harm and Shaqitian nodded. The wormhole trial is the safest place for Dao Realm’s Immortal Emperor. Sha Yuyu chose to go to the wormhole trial, which is a very correct way.

Sa Yuyu continued, “In the wormhole guarding area, I found a monk from the lower bound ascend under the occasional opportunity. He actually has a kind of cultivating method…”

“Do you know that cultivating?” is that sand can not help but scream out, he has never heard of the species can be cultivating.

The species is a monk, Grand Dao, which condenses other seeds. This seed is condensed according to the strength of the monk’s Grand Dao and the recognition of heaven and earth. From a certain perspective, this is also a manifestation of the monk aptitude. How high is the monk’s aptitude and how high the class is.

Sand did not hurt, suddenly thought of the aptitude of Shayuyu has been improving, is it related to this kind of cultivation technique?

Sand can not think of it, Sha Haotian naturally thought of it, both of them are looking forward to watched Satay jade.

Sa Yuyu continued, “This kind of cultivating is a kind of inheritance. It must be passed down one-on-one. I killed the monk, passed down his path, and then gathered his own kind…”

“But why do you want to put the seeds outside?” Sand asked without any doubt.

Sa Yuyu continued, “Because this kind of cultivating is necessary to absorb the Dadao traces of the monks who are not condensed, and will gather the Tao. Only the Grand Dao of these monks will be condensed together. Continue to grow…”

Wormhole! Shaying Tian and Sha did not hurt the look, and both of them understood what was going on. It is necessary to condense and absorb the Grand Dao track marks that will soon be accomplished by the monks. In addition to the wormholes, where is it better?

The wormholes are all Immortal Emperor, which will be condensed, and these Immortal Emperors are condensed in the wormhole and then plasticized.

“You put the road in the wormhole?”

Sha Yuyu un’ed, some regretted said, “I shouldn’t take my grandfather and my father. I wanted to wait for the good kind, tell my grandfather and my father my grade, I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect… ”

Sand is harmless and it is Sha Yitian who understands the meaning of Shayuyu. This is to give them a surprise, that is, let them look forward to Shayuyu.

“Your path is already hexagonal. If it is destroyed, even if my grandfather and I can kill each other, your path will not be there.” Shaying’s voice is already angry, he feels that Shaying Yu is really I don’t know the height of the sky. Can the species be placed outside?

If he knows, the species must be protected.

“Father, my path is already seven corners…” Shayuyu whispered.

When Sha Haotian heard this, his heart was even more angry. The way he condensed was only a pentagonal. Seven horns, that is the genius of genius.

Sha did not hurt the pendulum, indicating that Shaying days should not be angry, this will ease and say, “This matter can not completely blame the jade. I guess that the species absorbs the monks and traces, it is necessary for the monk to be close. Once sent People will protect the species, and sooner or later they will be discovered. In the end, no one will be close to the Tao, and the Tao can not be absorbed into the monks.”

“Yes, Grandpa.” Sha Yuyu’s voice is even lower. Once his Tao can’t be found, he can no longer condense this level of genre, and he can’t continue to cultivating the condense.

Sand has no pain and slows down the tone. “Yu, what do you say about the cultivating method of your cultivating? And where is your path taken away?”

“Yes, Grandpa. My cultivating method is called Nie Dao’s method of farming. The Tao was placed in the Beihu Lake of the wormhole, and later renamed it to the Shudao Lake…” Sha Yu Yu’s heart is fearful, his way Can you find it again?

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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