“No Light Sea God City?” Zhuo no family stopped, looked up and watched the words on this god city.

Mu Hao also exclaimed, “There is no light, the sun seems to stop at the front of the dark sea god city.”

Not only is Zhuo Wujia and Mo Yu, Di Jiu is as amazed. I have to sigh the magic of the universe, the sun here completely broke the common sense.

In the place a few steps in front of the Sea of ​​Light, the sun is shining, and people feel a sun aura. However, there is no light in the sea of ​​the sea, but the light they see is brought by the bright light array.

“Go, go to the city and see.” Di Jiu took the sun line and walked into the dark sea god city with only the light light array.

There are a lot of monks coming and going in the city of the sea, and the Di Jiu three are mixed among the many monks, and they are not at all eye-catching.

“Here is the strong Heaven and Earth Origin Qi, it seems to carry a kind of…” As soon as he entered the sea of ​​the sea, Mu Zhen said with amazement, but with a kind of aura, she could not say it at one time.

There is no Guard Gultivator at the gate, and there is no need to pay any entry fees. This is to let the three people of Di Jiu breathe a sigh of relief. They can’t even find a piece of Shenjing shards on three of them. Where can God Jingjing pay the city fee?

After entering the city of God, a kind of chilly air is brought in, and there is a more strong sea bream taste, letting people know that it is not far from the sea.

A full-scale, more than 10 zhang wide bluestone straight Grand Dao has always been to the distance, and there are all kinds of shops on both sides of the Bluestone Grand Dao.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense swept out, he couldn’t see the protection array level of this god city, but in this god city, in addition to this straight Grand Dao, there are isolation restrictions everywhere.

This straight bluestone Grand Dao has been leading to another city gate, connecting the east and west gates. Di Jiu felt that the sea breeze aura was swept from another gate. It seems that going out from the other gate along this Grand Dao should be the sea.

This god city is called the sea of ​​no gods, and the sea opposite is likely to be the sea of ​​light.

In the middle of this Grand Dao, there is a particularly tall building, written outside the building, Wuguanghai Mission Hall.

“Let’s go to the Mission Hall in Wuguanghai.” Di Jiu stepped up, only a few minutes later, Di Jiu three came to the door of Wuguanghai Mission Hall.

If they say that when they enter the city of God, there are still many people, then the Mission Hall is almost full of people.

Even if the Mission Hall has a wide area, at first glance, there are crowds everywhere.

Stepping into the Mission Hall is a few huge array technique displays.

Array technique The display is all the information of the team without the light sea, as well as the purchase information, tracing information, shop cave mansion sale and transfer information…

As long as you can think of it, here are all.

Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia are both Immortal Emperor, Di Jiu and Dao Foundation have not formed, and Zhuo Wujia has begun to form the Dao Foundation.

For example, Di Jiu and Zhuo Wujia’s low cultivation base, here is not to say no, but not much.

Most monks have already condensed the Tao, and here, in addition to trials, it is very likely to look for cultivation resources and look for opportunities for plastic surgery.

As for the plastic Dao Cultivator like Mou, there are quite a few here. Di Jiu even feels many monks who are much stronger than Mulu aura. It is obviously, these are not the plastic stage, or the expert that goes beyond the plastic road. .

“Die brother, Sister Mu, you can see the 137th task in the task screen, we can pick it up.” Zhuo Wujia whispered.

Di Jiu’s eyes fell on the 137th task of the task screen. The task was to dig the stack grass, and each plant was rewarded with a middle grade and a dull sea contribution. The monks who took the task, each gave a special ring to save the stacking grass. At the same time, a light-free sea map is presented, detailing the approximate location of the various Divine Spirit Grass. The most important thing is to give the position of the stacked grass.

“Yes, this task is really suitable for us.” Mu Yan said excitedly, but then she reacted and said with a little doubt, “This Divine Spirit Grass has a place to dig, it does not look particularly dangerous, why? Not many people pick up the mission?”

Di Jiu knows that this task is not suitable for them. The stacking grass is grade 3 Divine Spirit Grass, which can be used to refine the empty stack. The empty stack is the god of cultivating Space Divine Ability, which is of high value.

If it were only these, it would be appropriate for them to have the position of the stacking grass to do this task. The key Di Jiu also knows that there is another characteristic of the stacked grass, which is that the grass is strongly corrosive, and it corrodes the spiritual intelligence of the monk.

Once exposed to the stacked grass for a long time, the monk’s spiritual intelligence will gradually become dark and even blinded. A monk’s spiritual intelligence has been blinded, and this monk can no longer be inseparable, only to live like this for a lifetime. It is not an exaggeration to say that a lifetime has been destroyed.

These things are clearly described on the World Book. According to the World Book introduction, the stacking grass must be superimposed in space for storage, otherwise it will wither and lose its effectiveness.

Di Jiu was trying to say that when they changed a task, the task of finding a stack of grass suddenly jumped to the first one. Jumping from one hundred and seventy-three tasks to the first task, it is very important that the importance does not know how many times it has risen.

At the same time, the contribution points behind the stacking grass have also changed, looking for a stack of grass, ten Wuguanghai contribution points. At the same time a high grade Shenjing. If you are looking for more than one hundred stacked grasses, you will have a chance to enter one of Dao Realm’s top-grade Sects. Eligible to travel to a sect, listen to the Yan An Zong mixed old Ancestor Yan Da Discussion.

“Yan Yan’s understanding of the five-line Law Divine Ability is the most profound. If I can listen to the Old Ancestor Dao Discussion, it is absolutely decisive for our Dao Path. I decided to take this task.”

“I will go too, in case I can join a sect…”

“I also reported that the stacking grass is poisonous, but as long as we are prepared, it will not have much impact.”


After the reward of the mission changed, the monks who took the mission immediately became more.

Mu Hao whispered, “Die brother, is it poisonous?”

Di Jiu know These monks said that the stacking grass is poisonous and certainly does not know the true characteristics of the stacked grass. The characteristics of the artificial intelligence of the stacked grass are not poison, but a regular corrosion. These people are simply poisoned and should be developed through long-term experience.

The monks who picked the stacking grass for a long time, and finally the spiritual intelligence weakened, and the cultivation base stopped, which in their view was the performance of poisoning.

“It should be toxic and not very toxic,” Di Jiu said softly.

“Then we still have to pick up this task?” Zhuo Wu immediately asked, he decided to listen to Di Jiu and Mu Zhen.

Di Jiu laughed, “Why don’t you pick up, we also try to get rid of this toxicity.”

Di Jiu decided to take this task, in addition to the ten-fold increase in the reward of this task, there is also the Dao Discussion of Yan Yan, he wants to listen.

According to the discussion of the surrounding monks, the most proficient in Yan Yan is the five-line Law. In fact, Di Jiu’s understanding of the five-line Law is very thorough, but Di Jiu feels deep inside, he still lacks. Mainly because of the Living Elements Escaping Technique left by Jiang Dai, he has not solved the problem yet.

He doesn’t believe that Jiang Dai is so good, he will leave the people who use the big media Escaping Technique. Listen to Yan Dao Discussion, the five lines of Law, maybe his understanding of the five lines of Law will break through again.

Although the price of the stacking grass task has increased tenfold, the number of monks who have taken over this task has increased, but that is only relative. More monks, would rather give up the Dao Discussion, and do not pick up this task.

Di Jiu The three people were very easy to get the task of finding the stacking grass, and each had a free matte sea mission jade token, a ring, and a simple Divine Spirit Grass jade slip.

Divine Spirit Grass jade slip In addition to the main position of the stacking grass, there are some common low level Divine Spirit Grass in the Sea of ​​Light.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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