The space was quiet, and the rest of the three people with the piebald face fell into the stop at the same time.

Ji Biao was killed? Just a face-to-face, Ji Biao was killed by an Immortal Emperor?

Ji Bing is the strongest of the four of them. Ji Bing was killed, and the other three did not attack the Di Jiu three again.

Di Jiu is constantly portraying the Law Array Flag at this time. Just playing the Riftcross Blade kills the jade that was imprisoned by Mu Wei, and his loss is not small.

“They used the Trapping Slaughter Array to kill the Big Brother. We took part in the revenge for the Big Brother. Don’t worry, their only snugged Traping Slaughter Array has been broken.” That female cultivator reacted and shouted.

The other two monks who condensed the Tao also reacted, and at the same time offered the magical treasure to the Di Jiu side.

Di Jiu was relieved, a Law Great Trapping Slaughter Array was rolled up again, and the sound transmission to Mu Wei, to deal with the woman.

The other side has two plastic roads, the face of the pie is killed by them, and the woman is also plastic. However, in the eyes of Di Jiu, the strength of the woman is worse than the face of the pie.

“It’s another Traping Slaughter Array…” The other three men presented magical treasure, and once again felt the three fell into a new Traping Slaughter Array.

Without an Array Flag, this Trapping Slaughter Array is like a natural long-lived Troping Slaughter Array, which is a natural array.

It’s just a cellular beach. There are so many natural arrays, even if there is a natural array, it won’t be so clever. It will trap them twice.

Mu Hao had already reacted, and he was shocked by the strength of Di Jiu. At the same time, the half-moon double-edged blade smashed the tornado and locked the woman.

This time she did not miss the opportunity, plus the other party only three people, a time Di Jiu’s Great Trapping Slaughter Array has not been blasted.

Such a terrible tornado, Muss, once swept in, there is a situation with deaths without life. That woman no longer wants to break the Troping Slaughter Array, the magical treasure in the hands of a violent wall to block the tornado.

However, this woman is more and more afraid in her heart, she is not only afraid but regrets. Ji Bing was killed, she should be the first to escape, she actually thought about the jade and the treasures of these monks, want to kill them three.

If these three people are so good to kill, then the jade will not die.

Di Jiu started at the same time, his Heaven Dancing Blade is just a simple blade strike. What puzzled Mou and the woman was that Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade was not an attacking opponent, but a place in the slashed towards space that had no effect on the battle.

boom! Mu’s magical treasure and the other’s magical treasure bombarded together, the imagination of the rolling Austrian Qi burst scene did not appear, even the space did not fluctuate much.

Mu Hao did not feel the slightest reversal, her half-moon double-edged the other’s magical treasure, the other body’s body was unobstructed and exposed under his tornado.


It’s just that Mu Zhen is somewhat puzzled. What is going on? When is her strength so strong?

“Hey!” When Muxi’s first blade was bloody, the woman’s desperate watched Di Jiu, she opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but the killing intent that swept over the sky made her unable to Opening.

It was just that her heart was a stormy wave. She didn’t know how Ji Biao was killed, but she knew how she was killed.

Di Jiu When the blade strikes down, her divine ability rule suddenly breaks down. This is breaking her divine ability rule… Is there such a divine ability at the bottom? On the surface, she was killed by Mu, and in fact she was too aware that she was killed by Di Jiu.

Once again, a few bloody explosions, the woman’s thinking fell into the dark.

Di Jiu was hit by the Troping Slaughter Array. The Heaven Dancing Blade rolled up a blade glow and caught one of the remaining two.

Dealing with the plastic road Di Jiu is still a fire, you need Troping Slaughter Array and Mu Mu help. But against a monk who only condensed the Tao, Di Jiu really didn’t have to work hard, let alone his place?

Al Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade also broke the eyebrow of the monk he chose, almost when Mu Hao joined forces to kill another person.

Mu Zhen’s heart is a storm, Di Jiu is too strong.

When Di Jiu withdraws the second ring, Mu Hao also handed two rings. Di Jiu didn’t pick up the ring of Mu’er, just said, “Sister Mu, these two rings, you and Zhuo, one person, go, we enter the honeycomb.”

Wei red clothed squinting, staring at Di Jiu three people into the depths of the cellular beach, actually no take action to block.

“Wei Big Brother, do we want to…” A white-faced monk standing next to Wei red clothed whispered, meaning that he would catch up with Di Jiu and kill the three.

Wei red clothed waved his hand. “No, we also enter the honeycomb. Although there are fewer people, the impact is not great.”

His eyes are poisonous and he sees it very clearly. The four faces of the piebald face seem to be trapped by a Troping Slaughter Array, and then the young monk blade get rid of the face.

Di Jiu’s cultivation base He couldn’t see it, but he was sure that Di Jiu didn’t plasticize. After killing the face of the pie, the remaining three seemed to be trapped again by a Troping Slaughter Array and finally killed.

He is not not proficient in the line, on the contrary, he has less time to cultivating over the years and spend more time studying the circuit. However, under his spiritual sense, he did not feel what Ar Jiu arranged.

This kind of god does not know how to arrange the trapping of the array, it is too jealous. Although he does not fear Di Jiu, he does not want to come with a person like Di Jiu.

“They didn’t chase them over and went to the other side.” Seeing Wei red clothed with the rest of the monks did not come over, Zhuo’s home was relieved.

Di Jiu is also relieved. If the red clothed cultivator is chased, they are really in trouble. His Troping Slaughter Array can’t even get two plastic roads, and the red clothed cultivator has at least seven plastic tracks.

Without the Troping Slaughter Array, his Immortal Emperor cultivation base dealt with a group of plastic Dao Cultivator, and that was a joke.

Di Jiu The three stopped at the entrance to a hive hole, and the three people’s spiritual sense swept in, and soon they felt that something was wrong.

“There is a bit of weirdness here. The spirit sense sweeps in like it is sweeping into the nine-turn corridor, and you can’t see anything at all.” Mu Yu said puzzledly.

“Go in and talk about it.” Di Jiu saw Wei red clothed. A group of people had entered a hive hole and simply entered the hive hole.

As soon as they entered the hive hole, the three felt a feeling that they could not grasp the specific position.

It is obvious that the three people are not very far apart, but everyone feels that they are too far away from the other two.

Di Jiu’s voice came in time. “I am walking in front, and you are behind me. Once you meet the stacking grass, don’t pick it. I can dig it.”

“How about that? The stacking grass is poisonous…” Zhuo Wu immediately said.

Di Jiu chuckled, “I am the least afraid of poison.”

Zhuo Wujia thought of the guarding wormhole with Di Jiu, the wormhole guarding monk poisoning does not know how much, this is still used to understand the poison Dan. Di Jiu has never used medicinal pill, nor Di Jiu poisoning? Not only did Di Jiu not be poisoned, it was that he was with Di Jiu and he was never poisoned.

“Fellow Daoist Zhuo, we listen to Di brother.” Mu Wei has great trust in Di Jiu, but after this mission, she will not team up with Di Jiu, she will leave alone.

Teamed up with Di Jiu and said that it was a team, in fact, she accounted for Di Jiu’s cheaper. It is equal to Di Jiu to bring them to trial, which has a certain influence on Di Jiu. She doesn’t know, if it wasn’t for her today, Di Jiu would never stop and fight with the face of the pie.

Not only does Mu Zhen think this way, but Zhuo Wujia also thinks like this. He is also an arrogant person. He has already treated Di Jiu as a friend, but he can help his friend once or twice. If he is a friend for help, he can’t help himself. It is Ti Jiu.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night! A lot of friends on the WeChat message to the fifth, gave a variety of coughing prescriptions, the old five in this sincere thank you. Cough is not good, the hospital opened the medicine It has been alleviated a lot now.)

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