Di Jiu didn’t hesitate at half point, raised his hand again, “Great Footprint, give it to me!”

Cultivating Dao, the most taboo hesitant, this Di Jiu is more clear than most monks, since he decided to marry, he would not be a mother-in-law, and would not be able to start all over again.

Another blood arrow squirted, Di Jiu’s face became more and more pale, but his movements did not have a half stop.

“Immemorial Thunder Mark, give it to me!”

“Immemorial Thunder Blade, give it to me!”

“gathering ridges and peaks, anger, give me a sigh!”

“Desolate Wind Blade, give it to me!”


One after another, the divine ability was dived by Di Jiu, Di Jiu’s face became whiter and whiter, but his imposing manner began to condense slowly, and a new Dao Rhyme aura slowly condensed on Di Jiu.

“Spiritual Sense Escapee, give it to me!”

“Five Elements Escaping Technique, give it to me!”

Di Jiu squatted after the Five Elements Escaping Technique, and suddenly felt a burst of ease, surrounded by Dao Rhyme clear cry, a clear comprehension abrupt appearance.

Around the crystal, Origin Qi was smothered by Di Jiu, and a burst of roaring sounds in Di Jiu’s within the body. Di Jiu’s cultivation base has risen rapidly, and at this moment, his Starry Sky Vein and the starry sky Sea of ​​Consciousness are constantly expanding.

All the rule fragments are merged with the strong god and then absorbed by Di Jiu.

In the vast market where others can’t cultivating, Di Jiu doesn’t care. No matter how many rule fragments, as long as it is nearby, it will be taken by Di Jiu’s plastic vortex and then absorbed by Di Jiu.

A little bit of time passed, the Dijing under Di Jiu gradually diminished, and the remaining Origin Qiqi in Di Jiu Starry Sky Vein gradually dissipated and finally became a god.

I don’t know how long it has been, Di Jiu’s bones, veins and even Sea of ​​Consciousness have a burst of clear cry.

Di Jiu opened his eyes and made a burst of pleasant shouts.

The powerful field of imposing manner stretched out, Di Jiu know his strength has risen ten times compared to before the plastic road?

Starry Sky Vein has formed a lot of star rivers. In each of the star rivers, the sound of the gods is like a big river, and it runs wildly. Sea of ​​Consciousness is a lot more spacious, and the spiritual sense is even more condense. If you use Dao Will to calculate, Di Jiu suspects that his physical sense is already Dao Will grade 3.

Di Jiu is a clearer clear comprehension of his own level, he is indeed a gods, and is the level of the grade 1 gods.

Several of the five beasts in the Di Jiu protection array felt Di Jiu’s powerful aura, quickly turned and then madly retired.

Di Jiu’s hand, his layout of the defense array and the Traping Slaughter Array are turned into fine powder under this grasp.

Ding! Another clear cry came, Di Jiu once again opened the hand, and the Heaven Dancing Blade fell on his palm. Di Jiu Surprise watched hands in the hands of Heaven Dancing Blade, Heaven Dancing Blade finally again advanced, became a low grade artifact.

Di Jiu simply closed his eyes, and the gingering ridges and peaks divine ability that he had smashed again formed a new divine ability in the blink of an eye. Di Jiu stepped forward in a subconscious step.

Bang bang bang !

There was a roar of sounds between heaven and earth. The fist mountain seemed to have been between heaven and earth, and was then smashed by Di Jiu this fist.

A connected fist mountain slammed into the taupe land and blew a deep ravine.

Di Jiu looked at his fist and said in his heart, this is the real gathering ridges and peaks. There is no trace, and the Law aura in the divine ability after the punch is no longer traceable.

In other words, his gathering ridges and peaks are rounded.

Sure enough, the martyrdom is not to completely let yourself lose this divine ability, but to make this divine ability Nie, follow his rule Grand Dao.

The divine ability of Nirvana may be the real big divine ability.

After gathering ridges and peaks, waves, Great Footprint, Immemorial Thunder Blade…

One after another, the divine ability is rounded by Di Jiu. After perfecting the Great Earth Body Refining Secret Art, his fleshly body is completely perfect at the Immortal Divine Body level.

At this moment, the space where Di Jiu is located is full of thunderlight flashing, blade image fist wind and footprints. It became a trial ground for Di Jiu’s perfect divine ability and became a new place for Di Jiu.

“Boom!” Di Jiu stopped perfecting his divine ability when Di Jiu and Thunder Blade doubled the ravine in front of him.

He also has a divine force that is not perfect, not even going to insights, that is the Five Elements Escaping Technique.

At the moment of the Five Elements Escaping Technique, Di Jiu has a sense of ease. At that time, he did not think much about plasticizing.

Now Di Jiu is successful in modeling, and the idea is clearer. He deeply felt that the reason why he could not be plasticized was that he did not perfect everything in the world, but also learned the Five Elements Escaping Technique.

He has gone through a lot of exercises to plasticize, and there has never been a practice and a slap in the Five Elements Escaping Technique. After a trip, the squats revealed a kind of ease.

Five Elements Escaping Technique Di Jiu has long suspected, but he just doesn’t know where the Escaping Technique is.

At this moment, Di Jiu took the Five Elements Escaping Technique and he took out the Five Elements Escaping Technique again. Just a glance, Di Jiu saw that the Five Elements Escaping Technique is really a big divine ability, but he still can’t understand the problems in the Five Elements Escaping Technique.

This makes Di Jiu very helpless, according to the information and inferences obtained by Di Jiu. This Five Elements Escaping Technique was Jiang Dai’s stay at Daihe Hall, when Jiang Dai was supposed to be Immortal Emperor. It is impossible for an Immoral Emperor to make a hand and foot on the Five Elements Escaping Technique divine ability.

Di Jiu couldn’t figure out the problem, he simply didn’t bother to think about it. Anyway, he also has Spiritual Sense Escaping Technique, and now his physical sense is enhanced again. With his current strength, with the Spiritual Sense Escaping Technique, even Dao Cultivator can’t catch up with him.

The success of plastic surgery is the biggest incentive for Di Jiu.

Di Jiu gave himself a dust mites, and went to the dust on his body to clean up the remnants of Shen Jing, carrying Heaven Dancing Blade and continuing to the depths of the vast market.

Despite the success of the plastic road, Di Jiu did not intend to go out immediately. The vast expedition is full of broken Heaven and Earth Law. Others come here to try and cultivating in addition to insights their own divine ability and looking for some materials. Di Jiu is different, he can be cultivating here.

Among the vast expanses, except for the Five Elements, the various Heaven and Earth Laws are broken.

Di Jiu didn’t know how long the vast market had appeared, but the summary jade slip he bought was very rough. This shows that many monks who entered the vast expanse did not bring out the map. Or many places in the vast expedition are similar scenes. It is difficult to draw a map.

There is no time in cultivating. Ten years later, Di Jiu, who has already removed the mask of Yirong, is a long hair, which is not easy to accommodate, but also a beard.

Compared to the time when he entered the vast market, Di Jiu had a kind of aura that resembled the mighty market.

In ten years, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense went up the stairs, and the cultivation base came to the middle stage of the plastic road.

Not only that, but the various rules and materials he had picked up had already piled up a lot in the ring. Later, some Law aura compares the material of the vague, and Di Jiu is too lazy to go. During the ten years, the five beasts that he killed were not known. It is also worthy of the five-line beast corpse. If it is the five-line beast corpse, Di Jiu’s ring may be full.

In ten years, Di Jiu’s various divine abilities are more and more rounded, because the Long Array Flag is arranged for a long time, and the platoon is on the upper floor, becoming a grade 2 sect.

What makes Di Jiu still puzzled is that he walked in the vast expedition in ten years, and he did not see the entrance to the second floor.

In fact, Di Jiu has long been tired of this first layer. He wants to go to the second floor to see if it is better to get one or two Law pieces.

On this day, Di Jiu still tried in the vast market, but heard a roar of sound, this roaring sound is also mixed with the explosion of the divine ability.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense swept out immediately, and soon he saw a person wearing a golden garment in the distance surrounded by hundreds of five beasts. Then you’re holding a defense array disk and a powerful artifact armor, barely blocking the attack of hundreds of five beasts.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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