What makes Di Jiu sigh of relief is that he lives well, and An Tu Ning seems to really regard him as a Pill Master representing Zongmen.

Five days passed by, Di Jiu hear, when the sound of An Tucheng said, the flying boat had stopped on the ground.

Di Jiu followed Anqing’s flying boat and found that when no one followed, he asked a question, “Angu, is it two of us?”

An Tu said coldly and coldly, “Exactly, you are alone.”

Di Jiu didn’t ask again, even though he had a bunch of problems, but when he saw this temperature-free face, he knew that it was useless to ask.

Going out of the flying boat Di Jiu, you can see the dense head without sweeping out the spirit sense. They are in the flying boat docking dock, and outside the dock, there is a shop connected. A building with a height of several hundred meters stands in the middle of these shops and looks particularly conspicuous.

There are five words floating above the building, the Great Geng Dan River Building.

Farther away, it was surrounded by a protection array, and Di Jiu couldn’t see what was inside.

“Follow me to register.” An condensed in between and went to the Great Geng Danhe Building.

Di Jiu followed by An Tu’s body, and people continued to greet Ang, and there was still some prestige in Dao Realm.

Entering Danhe House, the head-on is a huge sign that says Dao Realm is larger than the Pill Master registration office.

“Angu master, you have a ancestor this time, but it’s late, haha…” Almost at the same time Di Jiu and An Tujing entered Hall, a laughter came.

This is a suede veteran, watching him burst into a burst of cold aura, Di Jiu is a little tired.

An Tu Ning said faintly, “I don’t rely on medicinal pill cultivating, and naturally I can’t compare with your Yongting Holy Land, Pill Master is more than a cow.”

After saying this, An Tu Ning simply ignored the old man, and went straight to the registration office and said, “Yi Zong, outer sect disciple Di Jiu participated in the Great Geng Dan River.”

“Ah…” The registered disciples were shocked by the words of An Tu Ning. Yan Zong was a Pill Master to participate in Danhe Dabi? This is the Big Geng Dan River ratio, you must know that each time the Great Geng Dan River is more than the whole Dao Realm’s sect is looking forward to it. Is Yan Zong so powerful? Even the big Geng Dan River is not in the eye?

The sable old man of Yongting Shengdao City was also shocked by the words of An Tu Ning. He couldn’t believe it. “Angu, you are really just sending an outer sect disciple to participate?”

An condensed watched the old man, “Yes, what is the indication of the Vice City Lord?”

This million Vice City Lord, hehe, said with a smile, “I don’t dare to tell the truth, but Wanmou is a very admirable Yan Zong, and it really is very discouraged. I am still waiting for the Da Geng Dan River to open the river. Yan Yanzong has not put this point of interest on Origin Pill.”

I felt that the face of An Tu Ning was ugly, and the disciple responsible for registration said quickly, “junior, this will help the senior to register, please give me the jade token.”

The latter sentence was said to Di Jiu, Di Jiu handed over the entry jade token in hand, and the registered monk quickly registered Di Jiu with the information. Then handfully handed the jade token to Di Jiu.

A few monks who wanted to come up and greet him, and they also felt that the face of An Tu Ning was not good-looking, and they did not come to the fore.

However, when An Tu Ning and Di Jiu walked out of the Danhe Building, the voice of the discussion later increased. I believe that if one day, Yan Zong only has one outer sect disciple to participate in the Great Geng Dan River than the thing will spread throughout the Great Geng Dan River.


Di Jiu walked out of the Danhe building with An Tu Ning, and he said with a cold face, “You find a place to live. After two days, Danhe will be able to participate in the two days. As for anything else, as for anything else, It’s all secondary.”

Throw a word, An Tu Ning turned and left, and soon went away.

Di Jiu sighed, it really didn’t make sense. However, from the tone of An Tu Ning, it seems that it is really a casual person to participate in it, even if he does not get a place, it does not matter.

After the shop around the plaza turned around, Di Jiu was surprised to find that there was a lot of Divine Spirit Grass here, even grade 4 grade 5 Divine Spirit Grass.

What makes Di Jiu most happy is that there are a lot of pill recipes here. Although the price is not low, Di Jiu did not give up a bit, just took out nearly ten million high grade Shen Jing, bought nearly a hundred pill recipe. These pill recipes are the cheapest as long as thousands of high grade crystals, the most expensive of nearly one million high grade crystal.

After purchasing hundreds of pill recipes, Di Jiu finally avoided a Pill Master who only knew the embarrassing situation of a dozen pill recipes.

“Ding is late, it is one of the top ten talents of Dao Realm…” Di Jiu heard a very low voice in his ear. He subconsciously looked back and saw a tall, handsome man. The man has short hair and looks very spiritual.

Beside this handsome man, there are two pretty female cultivators.

“Yes, Ding Chi is the best plastic tunnel expert in Dafoshan, which is the genius of Bai Changyi, Fushun, and Moye.”

“No, Moye Jiu and Bai Changyi are worse. Ding Chi is not only a top genius, but also a plastic Taoist god. The shallow fairy of Guangjing Shengmen is not only the top ten genius of Dao Realm, but also a Plastic Road Dan.”


Di Jiu didn’t expect to hear Moye for a long time. When he was trying to listen carefully, he heard a cold cry. “Ten geniuses, these slags are also called Dao Realm’s top ten geniuses? I am!”

The monks who were still talking about it, after hearing this disdainful voice, quickly closed their mouths and then let them go.

Di Jiu also followed a lot of monks, and a black clothed youth’s gaze swept from Di Jiu, and it was not too slow.

This is definitely a top-level prove the Dao. The second step expert, Di Jiu feels that the aura of this person is even stronger than the condensate. The magical treasure of this black clothed youth, like him, is also on his back. The magical treasure he carries is the blade, the magical treasure carried by the black clothed youth is a black long stick.

When the black clothed youth came out far away, some people dismissed it. “This fellow really doesn’t know the height of the sky. I dare to say that the ten geniuses are slag. I am sure that after tens of thousands of years, any one of the top ten geniuses will He stepped on the foot. His only strengths should be older, that’s all.”

“heng!” A monk who was still talking about the ten geniuses also snorted. “You probably don’t know who the people were in the past? So I dare to say such things unscrupulously.”

“Who is he?” This sentence was asked by Di Jiu.

The cold monk said, “This man is also a top ten genius, but he is the top ten genius many years ago. He has a name, called Litu Xiaowang.”

Hearing the words of Litu Xiaowang Xiao Wang, the surrounding monks are suck in a cold breath.

No one refutes this person again, because he really didn’t make a mistake. The top ten geniuses of this first generation are indeed strong, but compared to the top ten geniuses of Litus Xiaowang, it is indeed slag.

Litu Xiaowang ? Di Jiu suddenly felt that the name was somewhat familiar. When he saw the surrounding monks, after hearing about Litu Xiaowang, they dared not speak again. Many of them left their heads and quietly left. Di Jiu quickly asked, “excuse me what is the top ten genius of the first generation of Litu Xiaowang?”

That said that the monk of Litu Xiaowang glanced at Di Jiu and said faintly, “That is Di Xin Ren, Zhong You, Xu Bai, Zhong Ao, Magic Moon, Litu Xiaowang, Jiang Dai…

The monk suddenly stopped, and then eagerly retired, Di Jiu saw Litu Xiaowang turn back again.

Di Jiu is violently shaking in his heart. He already understands where Litu Xiaowang heard it. He heard it from Zhong Ao.

There is also Zhong You, he has heard of it. The River and Mountains Pot is Zhong You’s, and the Sacred Yin Bead he got in the River and Mountains Pot is the same as Zhong You withdraw. Zhong Ao was imprisoned by Zhong You in the River and Mountains Pot, or was he saved.

I did not expect that the top ten geniuses of the year, he heard so many, and even one of them is friend.

Whether it is Zhong You or Jiang Dai or a virtual white merchant, if he knows that his Di Jiu’s exists, he is estimated to be desperate to come here and tear him into slag.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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