Di Jiu smiled. “Wood Big Brother, do you think I am the kind of person who needs friends to pave the way for me?”

Mu Lianqi waved his hand to Di Jiu, and said, “This is my own choice. I have stayed here and have lost any chance. The only thing I can do is just wait for death.”

“Even if I go to the Chamber of Commerce to work together, I won’t do this kind of thing,” said Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation.

Mu Lianqi nodded, “I know that I was locked by the Chamber of Commerce with a occult umbrella, and then I was eroded by the Dao Foundation. Although I escaped, my life wheel has been destroyed. Even if you can go out, there is no difference between it. If you can bury my body in a place where life force is strong, I can still maintain some memory after my reincarnation. This is not a bad thing for me.”

Speaking of this, Mu Lianqi paused and continued, “In addition, even Chamber of Commerce 诀, the spirit plant primal chaos World will not know more than me. He can find the way of reincarnation Dao Rhyme It’s already luck. If he can go out, he’s already looking for someone to go out, and he’s going to be today…”

Di Jiu suddenly moved, and Chamber of Commerce said several times that he would cooperate with him. As Ms. Chienqi said, if Chamber of Commerce can find someone to cooperate with, wouldn’t he go out early? Now his strength is indeed better than the rest of Dao Realm, which is ten ten thousand years ago, or even hundred ten thousand years ago? The Chamber of Commerce is looking for him to cooperate, nothing more than something he does not have.

Bridge of Reincarnation, Di Jiu immediately knew what the reason was.

It is very likely that, as Mullychi said, he sacrificed the Bridge of Reincarnation to reincarnate Dao Rhyme, and then Mu Lianqi and he joined forces to tear the same round back to void. This is different from Mulianqi’s use of himself as a spiral plant. What is the difference between the communication and the return of Dao Rhyme after fall?

Thinking of this, Di Jiu immediately said to Mu Lianqi, “Wood Big Brother, you find a place where you can communicate with Dao Rhyme, let’s do it together.”

“Big Brother Di ……” Hearing Di Jiu’s words, Ling Xiaoshuang complexion greatly changed, she never wants Di Jiu for her own survival, let Mu Lianqi fallen. Even if she is willing to do so, she would rather not survive.

Di Jiu lightly smiled, “Don’t worry, don’t need Wood Big Brother fallen to communicate with Dao Rhyme, I have a way to communicate with Dao Rhyme.

Mulianqi’s horrified watched Di Jiu, in the spiral plant World, communicates with Dao Rhyme, don’t spire plant fallen, what is Di Jiu?

Despite his doubts, he still said, “Let me follow me first.”

He has made up his mind that if Di Jiu can’t do it, he immediately relies on his own life to communicate the cycle.

In the half-grave swamp, Mu Lianqi was obviously familiar, and half a day later, he brought Di Jiu and Ling Xiaoshuang to a swamp pit.

The swamp pit has a full circle of thousand feet, and there are huge cracks in the middle.

“This place is called a half-grain swamp. The reason why I came to this place is because the water in the whole half-grave is finally disappearing,” Mu Lianqi explained.

Di Jiu points nodded and grabs an Array Flag. “I want to arrange a mask for the great array. When we tear the void domain, we must not let the Chamber of Commerce know.”

“I will help.” Mu Lianqi said with the slightest hesitation, he is also a grade 9 Array Emperor.

Di Jiu swings his hand, “I will come by myself.”

The reason why Mu Lianqi helped, it is because Di Jiu know the same grade 9 Array Emperor, the array is different.

His line was born out of the Grand Dao Law, which is not comparable to Mulianqi. Once his hidden great array was laid out, Chamber of Commerce wanted to know before he tore the domain.

I saw Di Jiu, an Array Flag, and I lost it. He is sure that Di Jiu is a different person from the crossing, with a peer cultivation technique, and the circuit is not comparable to their martial arts.

According to the usual means, the Divine Formation is arranged in the thousand feet place. The Di Jiu is only half a column, or even not needed.

This defense Divine Formation, Di Jiu took about ten days.

After setting up the defense Divine Formation, Di Jiu started the Divine Formation in the first time and grabbed the Reincarnation Wooden Bridge.

“Bridge of Reincarnation…” Mu Lianqi saw Di Jiu’s Bridge of Reincarnation and suddenly became shocked.

At this moment, he and Ling Xiaoshuang understand what is going on. Di Jiu owns the Bridge of Reincarnation. As long as the Bridge of Reincarnation is inspired, you can find the reincarnation of the Dao Rhyme channel.

For Di Jiu, the most important thing is not to look for the reincarnation channel, but to find out how to break the channel after finding the reincarnation channel.

“A’Jiu, I knew that I also called a few familiar friends together. The strength of our three people is still weak.” When I saw the Reincarnation Wooden Bridge, Mu Lianqi knew that Di Jiu had more than 60 chances to leave. %.

Di Jiu swings his hand. “Don’t worry, after I fire the reincarnation channel, both of you will attack with all your strength and rush out as soon as there is a gap.”

“Good.” Without Di Jiu’s reminder, Mu Lianqi said with the slightest hesitation. Ling Xiaoshuang also offered a magical treasure, always staring at the void around the Bridge of Reincarnation. Waiting for Di Jiu to provoke a reincarnation channel.

The Reincarnation Wooden Bridge was inspired by Di Jiu, a reincarnation of Dao Rhyme echoing in the void.

Even if Reincarnation Wooden Bridge is not aimed at them, Mu Lianqi and Ling Xiaoshuang still feel the soul of the Origin Spirit loose, it seems that the next moment will rush out of the body and enter the Reincarnation Wooden Bridge.

Di Jiu was stagnant, and he clearly saw Dao Rhyme over the Reincarnation Wooden Bridge turned into a huge handwriting of each and everyone, from vague to clarity.

Life and death ten law circles, six roads from the cycle!

Is this the truth? Di Jiu immediately understood, this is definitely a naïve. He can’t remember, the first words in the Chamber of Commerce’s open-minded mantra are ‘silence without yin and yang!’ ‘Although he does not know what is behind, he is certainly not the ‘life and death ten law circles, six roads from the reincarnation! ‘.

Just a short time, Di Jiu came over with clear comprehension. The same is true, but his open-minded mantra is not the same as the Chamber of Commerce’s open-minded mantra, which is caused by his magical treasure and cultivation technique.

Di Jiu is ecstatic, suitable for the Chamber of Commerce, and it doesn’t really suit him. Under the inspiration of his Dao Rhyme and magical treasure, this is the best thing for him.

If he had just wanted to open the pen before, then he is eager to open the pen.

It is conceivable that if one day, he met the real third step expert, as long as he stood on the Bridge of Reincarnation and offered a pen, I am afraid that few people can block it. Di Jiu watched The more and more clear the truth of the heavens, the more I feel in my heart, I can only play the real might if I write it with a pen.

Thinking of this, Di Jiu suddenly stopped to continue to stimulate the reincarnation of Dao Rhyme.

Woody’s puzzled watched Di Jiu said, “A’Jiu, your Bridge of Reincarnation seems to last for a while, and the spiral plant World’s reincarnation channel will appear.”

Di Jiu points nodded, “I know, I have to go to the lost city, you and Xiaoshuang are waiting for me here. Once I come back, we will leave.”

Mu Lianqi and Ling Xiao did not ask Di Jiu why they had to go to the lost city. They believed that Di Jiu would have lost his own way at this critical moment.


Since Di Jiu left, Chamber of Commerce has not settled down. Even if he knew that without him, Di Jiu could not leave Dao Realm, and he still worried. After all, the good things on Di Jiu are too many. If Di Jiu also thinks of the reincarnation channel, maybe he will really try it.

However, he believes that as long as Di Jiu once again presents the Bridge of Reincarnation, he can feel it.

As long as Di Jiu showed his reincarnation Dao Rhyme, he would take a lot of people in the first place. Whether it’s stealing the Bridge of Reincarnation or leaving Dio Real with Di Jiu’s time to bridge the Reincarnation, he won’t miss this opportunity.

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