“How come out here?” Ling Xiaoshuang asked, for her, there is not much difference between the reincarnation and the loss of Dao Realm.

Di Jiu smiled and raised his hand and grabbed it into the void. There was a crack in the ten feet long in the void, followed by Di Jiu. “Wood Big Brother, Xiaoshuang, you should leave here first. After you go out If you can, first wait for me at Heaven Beyond the Heaven.”

The Heaven and Earth Law here is not as clear as Dao Realm, but for Di Jiu, there is really no pressure to tear the domain here.

“Big Brother Di, are you going to find two flowers?” Ling Xiaoshuang immediately understood the meaning of Di Jiu’s.

Di Jiu points nodded, “Yes, I need to find two flowers, in the mysterious Heaven Beyond the Heaven with you and the strength of the Big Brother, there should be no one for you.”

Xuan Huang Heaven Beyond the Heaven has been given rid of several experts, even Nora was killed by him. With Ling Xiaoshuang’s late stage and Mu Lianqi’s Dao Fusion Realm, no one can stop even if it is going sideways.

“Okay, we meet at Heaven Beyond the Heaven.” Mu Lianqi is extremely simple. He waved into Ling Xiaoshuang and has already rushed into the void crack.

Ling Xiaoshuang looked back and looked at Di Jiu. She knew that she was afraid that it was just a flower that meant that’s all. After hesitating for a few moments, Ling Xiaoshuang also rushed into the void crack. She is a person who can get it up and let it go. If Di Jiu is in danger in the future, then she would rather not take her own life, but also to help, to the full geggyness of life-saving of Di Jiu.

When Mu Lianqi and Ling Xiaoshuang left, Di Jiu gave a sigh of relief. Now, what he needs to do most is two things. The first is to find two circles between the two worlds. In addition, he has to refining the pen.

He really wants to know how powerful his open-minded manuscript will be with the opening pen.

Di Jiu doesn’t care much about where he is now, or if he is in the reincarnation. He is about to tear open the void again, and suddenly hears a very weak voice, “this Fellow Daoist…”

Di Jiu stopped and his eyes fell on a gray stone. This gray stone is the same color as the stone on the ground, even Dao Rhyme is the same, with a touch of yin aura. It can be said that if the stone does not make a sound, Di Jiu sweeps a hundred times with the spiritual sense, and can’t find out where the difference is.

But as soon as the sound came out, Di Jiu found out. This gray stone looks exactly the same as the surrounding stones, but this stone has a Grand Dao trace at the moment. This stone is not really a stone, but…

When Di Jiu swept with the spiritual sense, he was shocked to discover that his spiritual sense could not be swept in. This is absolutely invaluable.

“You are a remant soul?” Di Jiu because there is a precedent for Ye Yimo, so I immediately understand that this is almost the same as the gray stone, absolutely attached to a renmant soul.

“Yes, I am indeed a renmant soul. This stone is just the same thing I used to have on the magical treasure…” renmant soul explained.

“What is it?” Di Jiu asked almost subconsciously. After the question, he immediately knew that his question was not right. This kind of thing is definitely a treasure, and he should not ask at all.

The renmant soul did not care to answer, “It is a lotus seed. When my magical treasure was a lotus flower station, the lotus flower platform was robbed, and now there is only one lotus seed.”

Di Jiu has some sympathy for the other side, and even the magical treasure has been taken away. Since it can generate lotus seeds, it means that the other’s lotus flower table is not refining, but the lotus flower table that is really Innate Earth. Innate Earth’s long lotus flower platform can be a treasure, fearing that it won’t be worse than Innate.

Even if I knew that the lotus seed of this other party was different, Di Jiu didn’t want to snatch it in the past. He just asked, “What do you call me?”

Remnant soul has a little more excitement. “I really didn’t read it wrong, you didn’t mind my lotus seed.”

Di Jiu laughed, too lazy to answer the other party’s words. He has a lot of good things, and the other’s lotus seeds are even the seeds of Azure Lotus. He is too lazy to go. Unless the other person wants his things and does something to him, don’t blame him for being unkind.

Remnant soul obviously sees Di Jiu’s disdain, but she is not a little unhappy, but rather more excited to say, “I saw you before the universe to give the true Essence to others, presumably you must be a temper, not a greed I really didn’t read it wrong.”

“If you have anything to say, let me talk about it. I really don’t have time to be here with you.” Di Jiu is somewhat helplessly said.

“Fellow Daoist Di, I know that my request is very abrupt, but I really need a bit of the universe True Essence. I don’t have any good things for you now, I can only give you a glimpse of Azure Lotus’s Azure Lotus source… “remnant soul knows what the name of Di Jiu is.

Didn’t finish the remnant soul, Di Jiu screamed, “Do you really make this lotus seed on Azure Lotus?”

The renant soul heard Di Jiu’s shock, but it was a tremor. At the moment, in Di Jiu’s eyes, she didn’t even count the ants. However, she still replied, “Yes, my magical treasure was made Azure Lotus, but I was pushed by the people around me. If I didn’t hide a piece of Azure Lotus, I am afraid I have already disappeared in the universe. It’s in the middle of the river.”

She only hopes that she has not misread the essence of Di Jiu’s. If Di Jiu really wants her lotus, she can only accept her life. If she didn’t see Di Jiu taking out the universe True Essence, she wouldn’t really stop Di Jiu.

Di Jiu has been shocked from recovering shocks, he said sympathetically, “The most sad thing in life, I am afraid that I am pounced by people around me. I am very sympathetic to you, I also have the universe True Essence, but I want your Azure Lotus is useless.”

Remnant soul heard that Di Jiu didn’t want to kill her, and then took away her lotus seeds. She was overjoyed and tried to slow down her voice. “You should know the origins of Azure Lotus. When the universe opened up.” There are four Kaitian lotus seeds in the vast universe. Only one of them has become the 36th product of Azure Lotus, which is a make-up treasure, and the other three are just 12 inversions of Innate Treasure. Innate Treasure is good, Compared to the creation of treasure, the difference is basically in the sky.”

Di Jiu hear remnant soul Speaking of the other three lotus seeds, my heart is overjoyed. This is exactly what he needs. He quickly said a cup one fist in the other hand. “I haven’t asked senior about how to call it?”

Remnant soul laughed at himself. “My name has been forgotten. Everyone calls me Azure Lotus. You call me Azure Lotus. Don’t call me senior, what am I a senior.”

Di Jiu’s concept of generation is the most faint, and there is no insistence on it. I continue to ask, “My name is Di Jiu, Azure Lotus Fellow Daoist, and I have to ask about three other lotus seeds.”

Azure Lotus continues to say, “The other three lotus seeds have been heard and turned into flaming red lotus, merit golden lotus and dying black lotus. This is the ultimate Innate Treasure, if you can get any one of them, use I am cultivating this Azure Lotus source, and it is very likely that I will cultivate the real 36-lot lotus flower.”

“Azure Lotus Fellow Daoist, are you saying that I can use the Azure Lotus source to cultivate one of the other three to create a sophisticated treasure?” Di Jiu asked with amazement.

Azure Lotus replied, “I’m afraid it’s unlikely, chances are very weak, unless you get the rest. Otherwise, it’s hard to nurture a treasure. But the thirty-six refining and the twelve-piece lotus Flower, that grade is completely different. Even if it is not a perfect treasure, it is the ultimate Innate Treasure of amazing.”

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation grabbed a jade bottle and lost it. “Well, I agree to exchange with you.”

I saw that Di Jiu really threw a jade bottle, and the lotus-like lotus seeds shook a bit, and excitedly took away the jade bottle. Soon, the lotus seed rushed out of a source of Source Aura.

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation wraps this silk Source Aura into his own Ninth World.

“Many thanks you, Di Jiu, if my Azure Lotus can be born again in the future, I will definitely repay your kindness today.” Azure Lotus said with excitement.

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