Some pale in the face of the Indian moon, she seemed to bite her lips with a great deal of determination to say, “I’ve always suspected that you have a shadow on you, Supreme Ultimate Diagram, and that the shadow Supreme Ultimate Diagram is the treasure of the polar community. It is possible to recover from the polar world with the shadow Supreme Ultimate te te Diagram.”

When we first saw Di Jius, it always felt like Di Jiu had something she needed. And that’s why she’ll let Di Jiu follow her. Before she had been unaware that, long after Di Jiu left, she suddenly remembered in a sudden opportunity that something on Di Jiu must have been a shadow Supreme Ultimate te Diagram.

Di Jiu was seriously injured, and she just got the shadow Supreme Ultimate Diagram, and that Dao Rhyme wasn’t broken, and she naturally felt it.

Di Jiu was a little surprised to print a month, slowly said, “Look at you, so I can see that I have a shadow on me, Supreme Ultimate Diagram.”

“Big Brother Di, do you really have a shadow on Supreme Ultimate Diagram?”

She just speculated, and she didn’t think it was true.

Di Jiu indifferently said, “I did have a shadow Supreme Ultimate Diagram, and now this is not mine, and I exchanged something else with this graph.”

“Ah,” the moon opens its mouth, and it doesn’t even talk. When she reacts, she’s completely silent.

In exchange for treasure with the shadow Supreme Ultimate te Diagram, that’s not true to anyone. Di Jiu said that, obviously, doesn’t want to go too far to save each other.

Di Jiu knows the idea of printing the moon, and he doesn’t even have the idea of explaining it, just asking, “Tell me, what’s the problem with the polar?”

With some despair, the Himself said, “Little of the cultivator came into the world after the opening of the Secret Realm, too extreme. And then the Queen Secret Realm showed up a black fog, and a lot of expert went to see, and no one came back, and no one dared to go to Secret Realm in the Queen River.

But this is not the end, and in recent decades the black fog has been spreading. Anywhere, as soon as contact with that black fog, it will disappear. And this black fog spiritual sense doesn’t even sweep in, and the spiritual sense of cultivator’s general approach to that black fog will immediately be corrupted. Perhaps not long ago, this black fog will spread to the entire too extreme, and it will disappear completely. “

Di Jiu was sceptical that too extreme was an open and aboveboard domain, a domain Heaven and Earth Law that was perfectly perfect and even more legitimate expert presence. Can this black fog be corrupted even by expert spiritual sense?

“Nobody starts?” Di Jiu wrinkles a little bit.

And the Indian moon says, “I’m out of the way, because I often walk too hard, and I have a deep feelings for too extreme, and even intend to stay too far. In the five polar communities, although very little damage has been destroyed, there has been a dispersion of sand due to the absence of a leader and the absence of an expert who can speak of enormous weight.

After this happened, no one took the lead, and I Master took the lead. It’s just my Master’s limited strength, because the search for black fog has been seriously injured… I Master told me that if someone can save the extreme, it’s Big Brother Di you. I left the polar everywhere looking for Big Brother Di, and I just heard two years ago that there was your name in the mountains forbidden land, and I’m coming. “


Indian moon had never forgotten about Master, and she himself believed that the Taipei community had become more crippling in that year than the Taipei community, because with Ningdu, it had risen. The same way too easy is not Ningdu, like I’m afraid to be abolished.

In Master’s eyes, Di Jiu and Ningdu are human beings, and Di Jiu is likely to have a shadow Supreme Ultimate te Diagram on his body, and if so, Di Jiu would be the best to save the Jewish community.

Di Jiu was very hesitant, and he really didn’t have time to go to the polar. But, according to the print moon, a little more time has been dragged, and it is very likely that the polar will really be abolished.

Di Jiu was also a little emotional about the too extreme, when he was rescued. Indeed, there are some familiar people in the extreme world.

“What’s that black fog, you know?” Di Jiu asked, “It’s been so long since the black fog appeared in the extreme circle that so many people have been identified, and cultivator in the extreme world should know something about it.


Indian moon shakes its head, “No one knows that too many experts have gone, and all of them are gone without exception. Two co-experts on the margins were also torn by black fog heavy injury, including my master.”

“I know what that black fog is.” A sudden voice came in with a broken monk.

The print moon was not seen to break the tyranny, but she didn’t know how many versions she’d heard of the great war, and naturally knew the history of the Great Cultivator at the moment was a world expert with no strength than Di Jiu’s weakness, and she had to bow up and say, “The print is seen to break the monarchy.”

Nodded, he didn’t even put half of his eyes on a low road armor like that in the Indian moon. Beautiful, not beautiful, in his broken eyes, that’s no difference.

Di Jiu heard the tyranny, the joy of heart, and immediately asked, “And please teach Fellow Daoist what the black fog is?”

Fraud chuckled, “If I’m not mistaken, that black fog should be made by a man.”

A man? Di Jiu and the print moon are all surprised watched to break the monarchs, and how powerful can someone find out about this terrifying black fog?

Failure to keep saying, “The black fog can’t even sweep in, or even corrupt spiritual sense, which means that there is only one rule in that black fog, that is, the dark rule. I can’t really figure out the second thing that terrifying things, except for the Black Secretly thought. Black secretly thought that person was extremely tricky, and the heart was so deep. When the year was stronger than me, cultivator, death was no longer in his hand.”

And here, the tyranny explained, “I’m not stronger than I am now, but stronger than I am when I am the strongest. Fellow Daoist Di, you should know that when I’m the strongest, dozens of you add up, and I’m too far away.”

Di Jiu believed in a broken monk, who said that dozens of them were now added to him, and that was for him. Di Jiu affirms that when the tyranny is the strongest in the third step, his strength is now 100 times more intense, and that it is far from fading.


print moon listened to the cold in her heart, Di Jius terrifying, she was desperate, and how powerful should she be when this broken monk was the strongest?

“Blacksecretly thought that person was hiding too far, obviously, and he wanted to turn too far refining into his backyard. If the general cultivator wants refining too hard, it’s an idiot who says dreams. But Blacksecretly thought wanted refining to be too extreme, and that wasn’t really scary.” Break the sighed, or even shake the head.

Di Jiu is angry in his heart, and his most disgusting person is refining a realm garbage. That’s why a good domain in the universe disappears.

“Fragment Fellow Daoist is suggesting that I not go to this shitty water?” Di Jiu estimates that failure does not want him to go too far, and once he falls in the hands of Blacksecretly thought, the broken plan will be bankrupt.

Break smiled and say, “Wrong, actually, I suggest you go, and I can help you when necessary. You should know, I asked you to visit the forbidden land, to ask you to help me. Since I want you to help me, I’m gonna help you first.”

“Why?” Di Jiu has no idea what breaking means, and he’s going too far to go to the polar to be no good for breaking.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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