“What, do you know this?” Di Jiu saw a fake face and asked a question immediately.

“Brother Di Di,” Brother Di, if it’s someone else, I’m sure I suggest you go and exchange it with him. But you’re still doing thats all right. “

“Why?” Di Jiu and Chumanhoe almost asked at the same time.

“In our time, if 10 of the most powerful people are found in the universe, they will certainly be there. If only five of the strongest people were found, they were still there.”

Even Di Jiu heard that, suck in a cold breath. When the universe was opened, how many extinct expert, Di Jiu, was clear. No, Universe Dao Lord, that stranger, I’m afraid, is the presence he needs to look forward to. Can’t you tell these people about mention on equal terms?

“Is that person really so strong?” Di Jiu has some uncertainty in mind.

“The man will only be better than I said, and he will be told to disperse. He was so strong because he had a fabricated treasure, called Gold World. The manufacture of treasure’s own configuration technique, so he cultivating is also made of cultivation technique.”

Chumanhoe would have slapped his mouth if he had a body. The tyranny is also a human being who fears to disperse people to this point. In her eyes, the scatters are just so thats all of them. If it’s not Dao Rhyme, where’s the chance to live after the deceased man’s blade strike?

Di Jiu was silent, and now he knows the fabrication of treasure. His treasure, though many, does not have one comparable to the creation of treasure. And then he remembered Lord Azure Lotus, who owned treasure, like Lord Azure Lotus, and Lord Azure Lotus should only have one third of the fabricated treasure, which, in theory, was not a rival.

Truman Hood suddenly said, “I also have a fabricated treasure in the city of friend Ning.”

Ningzhou has unseen pearls, and that’s what many people know. Truman says it means that Ningzhou has a treasure, so how can you put in your eyes what’s broken?

“In the universe, the creation of treasure is numbered, and there is all the Lord, and you say that your friend has the creation of treasure, what does he have?”

“The Unseen Pearl.” Truman Hoindifferently said, has a good heart. Can you put a stone in your eyes?

“This is never possible. How did the Unseen Pearl become your friend? Even if you’re the superpower of your friend, do not want to be naughty.” Hear Truman Hood, break the tongue without the slightest hesitation, the tongue is very positive.

Truman Holmes, “It’s a pity that the awesome swallow in your mouth was killed by Ning City. Ningzhou, for the fellow and some APtitude, allowed him to return.”

“The fact that Yellow Yellow was killed”… “That’s why I laughed at myself a few times,” I wanted to find a man who killed Yellow Yellow, hehe, hehe… “

Di Jiu walked over and shot the shoulders of the tyranny, “Fraud, and don’t be ashamed of yourself. Your bullshit is great. It’s just that you’re too low to get Grand Dao fully integrated. And when I enter the third step, follow me to the building door, see how powerful those third steps expert are.”

There were some filthy losers who heard Di Jius, and the spiritual shock again, “Yes, Brother Di, I’ll follow you in the future. Of course, wait until I get this hijacked. If I can’t go through this robbery, nothing will help.”

Di Jiu looked at the closest Grand Dao trading temple, which was well known in his heart, and he had to get along with the top Grand Dao, otherwise everything was to be said. Once his treasure was known, his little life would be left here.

“Fellow Daoist Di, I’ve heard of a place…” Truman said half a day, left out and looked around with consciousness.

Di Jiu smiled and said, “You know, even if you’re yelling here, no one can hear you.”

Di Jiu used law Array Flag long ago to paint a variety of array, or else, how could he talk to the tyranny?

“Well,” Truman Houned said, “When the second great war was built, I also participated, but I just didn’t get into the building door. When Grand Dao came up, it was in the foot. I see it looking at the mountains, just like crossing the whole universe. At that time, many people were looking at the mountains, and, of course, at Grand Dao.

But I’m sure no one’s on the mountain. Even the polarized expert, who had originally fought for it, was not on the road. They were all fighting to make it. ”

Speaking of this, Truman Hood suddenly stayed, and he said, “I think I understand.”

“What do you understand?” “Fraudulent monarchs cannot wait to ask.

Di Jiu has some sense in mind, Truman Ho, which means he’s going to the mountains. If he knew how to go to the mountains, he really wanted to try it.

Truman Hood said, “After the opening of the building door, countless people go to the building door, and no one wants to climb to the mountains. Or some people think about climbing up the mountain, but they’re too weak to climb. I was wondering if it was the door to the building and the mountains to choose only one? To the gates of the building, it is like giving up the climb of the mountains.”

Di Jiu was not well aware of the war of invention, but the broken eyes were bright, and he was as excited as he said, “This must be the case… Brother Di, you must go to the path of the mountains, where you are guided.”

Some things are like a window paper, just a little broken, and everyone understands that if it doesn’t break, it doesn’t even happen.

Di Jiu holds his fist, “I would also like to see the mountains, whether it’s possible or not, and since the gates of creation appear below the mountains, that means that they are absolutely not the same. But how can we go to the mountains?”

It was not when great war was built, and the mountains were long gone, and only Grand Dao was in the mountains of forbidden land.

Chumanho said, “Fellow Daoist Di, Grand Dao is looking at the Mountain under the foot, and I certainly want to go to the mountains and have to go from Grand Dao. We’re in Grand Dao, just find the way.”

Di Jiu was very sympathetic to True Spirit World, who said, “Manho Senior Sister, although we don’t know long enough, I think you’re a friend worthy of being done. If you can see me, call me AJiu. I’m going to look for the mountains now, and if you want, I’ll get into my True Spirit World, and I’ll find a way to help you improve fleshly body.”

Truman Ho is not a twisted man, hearing Di Jius, she’s very simply saying, “AJiu, from now on, you’re my friend. I’m going into True Spirit World, and I’ll call you when you find Lois. I can’t find it. You’ll have a chance to go out and send me to the Taipei Mountain.”

Di Jiu certainly said, “Manho Senior Sister, be assured that as long as there’s Lotus here, I’ll help you get it.”

True Spirit World was crossed by Di Jius True Spirit.

After True Spirit World, Chumanho said, “Brother Di, if Grand Dao is really on the road to the mountains, it must be that black road.”

Di Jius spiritual sense fell on that black road. There is no idea how many lost roads are, and the black road is obvious, which will not be much broader than the other way, but black is the only one after another in all the roads here.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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