The next two cultivator appear on plaza.

“What can you find?” Behold saw these two come and stand up.

Behind the front is a bitter-faced old man. The old man is dressed in a maid and looks no different from an ordinary person who has not been cultivating. Even if he is self-confident, he does not dare to neglect, because this person is also the third step of the Bayer expert.

Beyond the suffering is a thin bottle of beef, and the specific age of the bottle cannot be seen at all, and cultivation base has not yet entered the third step.

After the festival, the bitter and the beverages say, “Bee was killed by Di Jiu, and the power of the man was mysterious, and the propaganda expert couldn’t even sustain it before him. I checked a lot of places, and I just found Di Jiu first appeared in Heaven Beyond the Heaven, and we went in and found him killing Heaven Beyond the Heaven. Never found his influence, Sophie came back here first. According to the information I have received, Di Jiu will return to Hyung Heaven Beyond the Heaven.”

Beyond being hesitant to say, “Then you will also help here, too, after the extreme refining, and by the way, Huang Heaven Beyond the Heaven also refining g.”

“bang!” Di Jiu is on the ground, where his spiritual sense does not need to be swept out, and he knows Grand Dao, and is now living in the mountains of forbidden land.

Heaven and Earth Law around chaos are very familiar, and there is no need to guess.

With Di Jiu behind, the pieces, the left-hand, the left-hand, the Ts and the others fell next to Grand Dao.

“He finally left Grand Dao, and I know here.” The lousy scream is, in fact, the shortest time for all of us to enter Grand Dao, except Di Jiu. He was thrilled because, if not Di Jius, he was afraid that his entire life would only remain in Grand Dao.

Di Jiu said, “Despite Grand Dao, it is still difficult to look forward to forbidden land in the mountains.”

A few people were silent, and it was clear that Di Jiu was telling the truth. Seeing the forbidden land has no way out, wanting to get out of here, the only way I’m afraid is to tear up domain here.

Even if it’s left-hand, don’t want to tear up the domain of forbidden land. Di Jiu cultivation base is weaker than left-hand, even Grand Dao is much stronger than left-hand, just as it can’t rip off domain here.

Di Jiu let Ye Memory and Chumanho out of True Spirit World, and he wanted to ask Chumanhoe if there was any way. It’s longer than the left-hand man has been in Grand Dao, and Chumanhoe stays in the mountains of forbidden land.

“We have returned to the mountains forbidden land?” Chumanhoo was surprised to come out, and she didn’t know how many years she stayed in the mountains, and she was so familiar with this place.

Considering that a remnant soul had been in such a place as law of Chaos for so many years, every moment feared that it would be torn apart by these chaos’ rules, and then looked at the fleshly body that it was now perfect, and was heartfelt and more grateful to Di Jiu.

Yellow memories feel Heaven and Earth Law around chaos, and there are also pieces of broken magical treasure on the ground that have been caught in memories for some time.

After all these years, I didn’t know she’d come back to Saints again, and there were a few familiar people there.

“Sister Manho, do you know if there’s any way out of the mountain forbidden land?” Di Jiu asked, he’s worried too much about it. When he left, it was seal World. If it wasn’t something important, it would not have been seal world.

Because the polar is locked up by four five Directions Flag, and to a firm degree, even the third step expert does not want to break it in a short time.

Just Di Jiu himself didn’t think that he would be waiting for more than a hundred years in the mountains, forbidden land. Five Elements Array Flag left for a long time, and one day he was broken.

Chuman’s subconscious shook his head. She was in the forbidden land of Wangshan. She dared to run everywhere. Don’t say that she was originally a reborn soul. Even if she has a fleshly body, in the place where the Law of Chaos is torn, running around is also a courting death.

That’s the story of Grand Dao, and she heard it from another remnant soul.

Because the mountains forbidden land is all over the chaos rule, there is no conflict of interest between reborn remnant soul, and most of the time everyone can share information with one another. Unless it’s the kind of cultivating that likes to swallow remnant soul cultivating, but it’s in a place like forbidden land where everyone shoutes, it’s not possible to come out.

It’s fantastic at this moment that we can actually get out of Grand Dao, which is already half a success for him.

He was well aware of the reason why the leaf peak had placed him under surveillance and thought that he was also a monk master at the time. A starved camel is still bigger than a horse, not to say that the leaf peak is cruelty to him, and that, in fact, expert is as brave as he is in many of the third steps in Grand Dao. That is why he is not very powerful, even because Grand Dao’s trading house gives him some masks.

Now he’s out of Grand Dao, at least he’s really free.

“Fellow Daoist Di, I think I can ask remnant soul here. When the great war fell here, maybe someone would know the way out.” He does not want to remain in places like forbidden land, although he is safe for the time being.

Looking forward to Mount forbidden land cannot cultivating, he is still a dead word once the crisis is heavy and once the leaves peak also hit Grand Dao.

Truman Ho heard the peak of the leaves, and suddenly called it, “AJiu Junior Brother, I remember one thing. Many years ago, I heard a remnant soul saying that there was a vortex similar to that created door in the grain of the mountains forbidden land, and that would immediately be involved as long as cultivator approached that vortex. And there’s even remnant soul guess, that turbine door, is not going out of the mountains forbidden land.”

Di Jiu shakes his head, “That’s impossible. If there’s a place to go out of the mountain forbidden land, it should have been known. In fact, it’s all out there, and it’s not possible to see the forbidden land in the mountains. Anyway, let’s go to the Tibetan Canyon. Manho Senior Sister, do you know where the Toxin Canyon is?”

Truman Hollow’s awkward shake, “I don’t know, I just know there’s this place.”

It was also said, “Indeed, there is a natural poison canyon, and it was not thought that, after making great war, the natural poison canyon was also circled into the mountains of forbidden land.”

Di Jiu sighed, unless someone who said that at that time was found, it was estimated that no one would know where the Tibetan Canyon was.

There’s never been a conversation in Zulz saying, “Maybe I can find the Tibetan Canyon, everybody follow me.”

speakin between them, spiritual sense seems to infiltrate, and Di Jiu immediately felt the spiritual sense of Tsz, a strange Dao Rhyme aura, which is even more strange…

Suddenly, they screamed, “You were…”

If you don’t wait to talk, you laughed, “That’s all the past, and I’ve forgotten the past now.”

“Yes, yes.” “The devil said two were, and it slowed down. So he was close to Tse, and now he walked to the end, and obviously was a kind of spontaneous scepticism about him.

Di Jiu was very confused, and now, notwithstanding nothing special, it was a world expert with treasure’s gold page, such as an expert, and a man of scepticism, who knows who it is.

Break your face, complexion changed, and then he fell down, obviously, who he also recognized.

Siven and Earth Law chaos are at a very rapid pace, but it does not seem to have a significant impact.

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