What is this place? Di Jiu’s skeptical watched around, not looking beyond forbidden land, but a stranger void, and a few of them came out with him.

Di Jiu will soon understand that, although it came out of the same place, void domain thousands, they don’t have to be in the same place.

However, since he was safe, there should be no problem with breaking the others.

Apart from the slight low base of Yelma and Chumanhofan, the broken and the others are powerful generations, and there is absolutely no problem. Even Ye Memory and Chumanhoe, as a mixture of cultivator, can defend themselves.

Di Jius spiritual sense stretches out, and all the rules around will soon be clear. Just a few breaths of time, Di Jiu was happy, although it was a covert feeling that he still felt his five Directions Flag position. As long as he feels the position of five Directions Flag, he can go back to the extreme.

Di Jiu has not yet begun to apply the rule Escaping Technique, and a vague silhouette appeared in his spiritual sense, soon before silhouette fell in front of Di Jius.

“It’s you.” That silhouette saw Di Jiu screaming out, and the area of the outrage, imposing a lock on the area of imposing it.

Di Jiu was lazy, just watched the beautiful girl indifferently said, “Doesn’t it feel like I’m in the middle stage?”

It was the woman who was trying to deal with Di Jiu in the sea, and then was taught by Di Jiu. It is now estimated to be a success, and after seeing Di Jiu, he wants to calculate the old accounts. Not only did that, but it was very clear to me that Di Jiu had great secrets.

The ironic watched Di Jiu, “Even if you have three heads and six arms today, don’t want to leave me alone. Things in that year will never happen again.”

Di Jiu doesn’t understand what was said about that year, that’s what he knew. In fact, what she said was about the murder of Ningdu that year, when Ning City was like a mixture of ants, and she had long been successful. Prejudicing one of her equals expert, trying to kill this hybrid ant in Ning City, which killed years, chased countless places, and finally made Ning City stronger than she was, in turn, after her.

With this past experience, it is natural that things do not want to happen again.

Di Jiu an open hand, Heaven Dancing Blade was flown in front of him. According to the information he understands, it should also exist in the same year and at the same time. He can’t even get his tail in front of him.

“How dare you move blade in front of me?” Surprised watched Di Jiu.

It seems that Di Jiu is the most sophisticated late stage. As for the equation, that is absolutely impossible. As in the case of the manufacture of treasure, although she did not manufacture treasure, she had made up cultivation technique. Plus, she’s not remnant soul reborn, but really reborn. That is why she can succeed so quickly.

It’s deeper than remnant soul, and it’s more profound to Grand Dao’s insights in the universe. The only missing one is that she doesn’t make treasure now.

If Azure Lotus was able to recover from that year, she was confident that she would have nothing to fear in the face of the same level of Ning City.

It was also because of the absence of Azure Lotus, who had gone mad at cultivating all these years while waving crazy collection of the top magical treasure.

Di Jiu cultivating is Grand Dao Law, a Grand Dao that would have been more than Azure Lotus Grand Dao, who had broken her. Di Jiu is now building his own rules, integrating his Grand Dao Law, and it’s not surprising that Di Jius’s real strength cannot be seen.

Di Jiu’s silent watched, “How confident you are to say that? But you don’t have to worry, I won’t kill you today. Because someone killed you.”

The ironic smile has never put Di Jius in the heart.

Di Jiu opened his mind and appeared in his heart a little bit of Azure Lotus, and then smiled and said, “Now you know who’s going to kill you.”

It’s not like Di Jius, but staring at the source of Azure Lotus in Di Jiu’s hands, fuzzing himself, “Azure Lotus, where you live, Azure Lotus.”

Only she knew the real value of Azure Lotus’s origins, and if any Innate lotus flower was found, she could turn that Innate lotus flower into treasure at the same level as Azure Lotus.

Even if it’s an ordinary lotus flower, this silk Azure Lotus source can be transformed into something no less than Innate Treasure. In other words, if she had this kind of Azure Lotus source, even if she did not use Azure Lotus to upgrade any lotus flower magical treasure, that silk Azure Lotus would have been integrated into her body, she would slip into the third step and still be a very strong third step.

Di Jiu followed the group of withdraw Azure Lotus, and smiled and said, “It’s a good thing to stare at my Azure Lotus’s origins, like you.”

“Where did you come from Azure Lotus?”

Di Jiu indifferently said, “It was greed that had shielded your intellectuals, and that was my friend’s gift, and I didn’t kill you, because my friend was going to kill you.”

Hear Di Jius, wrinkle, suddenly a clear voice, “Fellow Daoist Di said good, and I’m gonna kill you, because I’m gonna win my own Dao Heart when I kill you.”

As voices come, a woman in a dress has fallen far away from Di Jiu and Ti Jiu. Di Jius spiritual sense has seen people long ago, and he knows there’s a good look this time. This green skirt female is the original master of Azure Lotus, Lord Azure Lotus.

Lord Azure Lotus gave Di Jiu a ceremony, “Many thanks to Fellow Daoist Di for his help, and if not Fellow Daoist Di, Azure Lotus would probably still fall.”

More precisely, she’s right. If she was not at risk of being killed, she would not have been able to get out of that sink for her life.

“SaintMaster…” saw this green skirt female, who became white in her face, and then he said, “This is impossible, she’s completely lost, I…”

“Did you see it yourself?” Azure Lotus, the ironic watched, “How did I treat you that year? Not me, how many times have you died? You’re my boy, but I’ve never seen you as an alien. Your cultivation technique, your Grand Dao, even your aptitude, I’ve helped you wash it all over. But you’re an unmatched thankless wrench, but when I need it most, plot against me, even burning my soul for thousands of years, until my soul is completely dispersed.”

“But why…”

“Why am I still alive?” But Lord Azure Lotus called for his breath to keep saying, “I have been well-deserved in my life, so much as you, thankless wrench plot against me, and Azure Lotus. Because I’m ashamed that this will survive.”

Azure Lotus didn’t say that she survived was a secret, and naturally she wouldn’t say anything about it.

Suddenly, she woke up, and her pale’s face became dazzled, “What if you were born again? You haven’t got a line yet. I’ll let you die again today.”

Speaking of Dao Rhyme, 12 lotus flower blade rolls out, an ancient zither hangs over her head, and ancient zither’s ‘Tinker’ screams out of poaching aura.

Azure Lotus was trying to say to Di Jiu that when Fellow Daoist Di was also asked to help me plunder, Di Jiu was 30554b; the fuzzy Dao Rhyme roll out, Heaven Dancing Blade was locked into a blade that tore away void.

“ka ka ka ka,” this momentous area and locked space, like egg shells, exploded under Di Jius riot killing potential and angry killing plan, into pieces.

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