In addition to the direct killing of several lose ones head out of fear of fellow persons who ran to the stone city gate, the soldiers who came into it did not commit a major killing ring.

Di Jiu, Cao Cao and all those captured were all driven to a huge plaza. Di Jiu found that the first time of the victory was not to occupy narrow and critical places everywhere, but to bring them together. Give Di Jius the feeling that capture is their most precious property.

But Di Jiu didn’t care about it at this moment, and he was even happy, because his consciousness had touched the language rule here. For him, language anywhere is the same as it touches the rules of language. Had he not been able to use spiritual sense and God in this place, he would have felt the language rule here and would not have taken so long.

Those tall figure fighters, like, were expelled to the capture circle where Di Jiu was located.

A man with a fat body, a man with unknown material to produce a armament took a big step to the top of plaza, and his eyes were very satisfactory, sweeping from a large number of people, which was his profit for him.

“You’re lucky, because my big wing clan never kills a prisoner.” Fat fellow cleaned up once again, and that’s a very satisfactory remark.

Di Jiu can feel that a lot of people around are relaxed, and it looks like there’s something else that likes to kill this big wing tribe.

Fat fellow said, “But I don’t have waste on the big wing. From the beginning of our big wing clan, you will be going to build the Skywitch River. One of the largest contributors can join my big wing tribe and become one of my big wings.”

I told Fat fellow about a bunch of incentives to build the Wizard River, and Di Jiu didn’t care about it at half. But he also got some basic things, at least knowing that this place has a natural witch river, which seems to be built by every clan. At the same time, Di Jiu knows that the inter-clan war seems to be to capture the population and then to build the Skywitch River.

What he can’t understand is, since we all have to build the Skywitch River, we can fix it together. Why do we have to fight?

The big wing tribe was doing very well, almost immediately after that fat fellow said, drove all the prisoners out of the city.

No one on the road complained, and all people were cautious. Di Jiu soon realized why these prisoners were so cautious that there would be no problem as long as they moved forward in accordance with the rules. Anyone who dares to deviate from the prescribed route will be shot immediately.

“Di Jiu, I think this seems to be an ancient planet, at least a little bit I’m sure this planet is not in the five Elements universe. It is strange that these men defeated each other, but abandoned each other’s territory. What does that mean to take all of our prisoners away?” The Cao Jiu, who walked next to Di Jiu, said a word.

Di Jiu certainly said, “Naturally not the five Elements universe, and I haven’t figured out where this is. These people have taken us because we need to build the Skywitch River. By the way, the fatty of the previous conversation is a leader of the big wing clan…”

The words “Skywitch River…” were repeated several times, and suddenly watched Di Jiu, all eyes became brighter.

Di Jiu watched Cao said, “Mr. Cao, what do you mean by me?”

Cao Xiao Jius’s name is straight, and Di Jiu is naturally welcome.

“Di Jiu, if this place really is what I think, maybe you can fight it.”

Di Jiu frowned, what does this place mean?

And then Di Jiu thought about it. No, no, no, no, no. The strengths of the journey have been strong, and there is no place for him to try again. I really don’t know how the stranger plot against him that year was a genius.

“Di Jiu, no one else knows the flaws of the transition, but I know…”

The word “weng!” has yet to be finished, and a whip falls from the air and directly hits the heart of Cao.

Di Jiu was surprised, and he sure Cao was at least Saint Physique fleshly body. Saint Physique fleshly body, even if cultivation base had lost all of it, would not let Cao Cao do the same.

Don’t wait for this whip to fall on the head of Cao, Di Jiu just pulled over the past and blocked it. At the same time, his mind was moving, and the fleshly body in the back was rapidly weakening.

papa! Blood flew, the whip almost broke Di Jius’s back, and the bones behind him were clear.

“Yo,” that whip did not hit Cao Cao, but just hit Di Jius’s bone, shocked, and looked at the whip in his hand.

Di Jiu was loudly said, “We must strive to build the Skywitch River and wish the big wing clan a lifetime.”

Some prisoner around who doesn’t know what’s going on, just follow Di Jiu and say, “We must work hard to build the Skywitch River and wish the big wing clan a lifetime.”

Several high-ranking soldiers heard confusion and came to see the situation, who had forgotten for some time the continued search for Di Jius.

When she saw the soldier leave, he was sorry to see Di Jiu, and that’s why she thought Di Jiu could understand not only here, but also here.

She was very grateful to Di Jiu, who might have exposed fleshly body intensity if it wasn’t Di Jiu to help her out. At that time, she and Di Jiu would certainly not be able to remain so secure as to remain in captivity.

A group of prisoners, who don’t eat, took Ye a day, and that came to a place of assembly.

Di Jiu and Cao are irrelevant, and the rest are tired, so that they have reached their destination.

The food provided by the big wing tribe is a big bowl of black syrup for everyone and what the Di Jiu doesn’t know, but he knows it’s absolutely bad for food. Everyone else is excited to start a big black bowl, and everyone eats extremely carefree.

Di Jiu and Cao were distributed to a few people next to the food, and they immediately got the feeling of being around people.

If there were soldiers around, Di Jiu’s first question would be Cao, why would he say he could fight now or not? The second question is, where the hell is this place? What is the Skywitch River, why do you build the Skywitch River?

Maybe the next day to build the Skywitch River, all the prisoners were driven to a large basin that night. As long as they are expelled into this basin and the export of the basin is maintained, no one can be guaranteed to flee here.

Di Jiu was relaxed, and as long as there were no soldiers in the basin, he could ask what he wanted. At the same time, Di Jiu can imagine that the large wing clan, while not killing them, has not yet survived a few of their captives.

It’s strange that a group of people squeeze in this basin at night, just drinking a bowl of black and then going to repair the next day.

When a large number of prisoners entered the basin, the guards left, Di Jiu asked a black old man, “Senior, excuse me, what is this place? What was the place that day?”

oldman’s amazing watched Di Jiu, after a while then said, “This is naturally where the big wing clan is, just, how can you not know the Skywitch River?”

Di Jiu, press down and say, “I and friend fled from far away, and we don’t have the Skywitch River.”

oldman frowns, after a while then said, “It’s not possible. How can there be no Skywitches in the world?”

Di Jiu always figured out that this place was a voodoo, but he just didn’t understand the voodoo, that a river was in the whole domain, and what kind of river is it?

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