Di Jiu has decided this short time, and he intends to get out of here and give back the stuff back to the universe.

When all primal chaos Dao Principle aura feeds back to this side of the universe, Heaven and Earth Law will gradually change. Many years later, it will not be possible to have any more people like the Wizard community.

Di Jiu locked this side of the world entrance with four five Directions Flag, directly placing two gatherings great array. One feedback was given to Nong Xiuqi in cultivating in Ninth World, one of whom he used himself.

Nong Xiuqi cultivating in Ninth World is better suited than secluded cultivation out here. Ninth World has Establishing Wood, which is the best place for cultivating.

Establishing Wood is still small, Di Jiu has not intended to use it himself. As for Primal Chaos Aura and the pure cosmic law Aura, which were sent by Di Jiu to Ninth World, not only benefits Nong Xiuqi cultivating, but also creating Wood’s growth.

When Di Jiu began to operate Heavenly Law Cycle, he quickly gathered around Spiritual Qi, the endless Heaven and Earth Origin Qi were rolled out by Di Jiu, and the rules for Di Jiu’s week were becoming clearer.

His dry body has gradually recovered, and Snow White’s hair has turned out to be dust, and then black.

For Di Jiu, cultivation base advance is secondary and, most importantly, his own Dao is rapidly being refined, as his Dao Rhyme is becoming smaller and smaller with the clarity and profitability of Heaven and Earth Law week of Di Jiu.

For a hundred years, that’s exactly the same as one of the two Dao Cultivator in secluded cultivation. Di Jius cultivation base has almost nothing to raise, and he’s still working on initial stage perfection.

But at this point, initial stage perfection is completely different than it was when it came in.

Di Jiu, at this moment, is not just a lucrative embryonic form of Grand Dao, but has even built his own World embryonic form.

It’s a profit, own Dao, and he can write ten words in one of his scriptures, “The Decepts of Life and Death, Six Self-Return!”

It’s even more natural for an old age to sacrifice without the kind of alienation he just came here. Because insights were old, Di Jius Law Splitting Blade, like Great Footprint, went to several levels, no more than just touched the divine ability of the law of Time.

This does not require Dao Principle divine ability, with the rest of the rules of the universe, to be displayed as if it was impossible to describe it in words.

Stop building its own World Law, Di Jiu used only one circulatory cycle, and went from the initial stage of the equation to the middle stage of the equation. At the middle stage of the equation, Di Jius Dao Rhyme became more lucrative, and Spiritual Qi’s speed was increasing.

Di Jiu is looking for Di Jius’s tracks in the universe at this time secluded cultivation, like Chi Jius in the universe.

He has been here for hundreds of thousands of years, and the only void vortex has long been surrounded by his restriction array, and as long as Di Jiu is close, he can immediately find out.

Give up the opportunity to enter the building door, come to this universe, what does he do? Isn’t that a rule? Now he has not only found the winner of that a rule, but also the fate of the open pencil and Bridge of Reincarnation. What reason does he have to give up?

In the past thousands of years, the millennium is really nothing for Kiyoko, who’s been here for hundreds of thousands of years.

But for a thousand years, he didn’t say he didn’t find the Di Jius shadow, or even that Di Jiu might be in the direction.

Keith Sighed, he knows that it doesn’t mean anything anymore to stay here. He has to leave this universe, and then go back to the five Elements universe. He must make some plans for entering the fabricated world.

Before leaving this universe, Kiyoko decided to take the primal chaos Origin Qi World of this universe.

This side of the universe, primal chaos Origin Qi World, must be more than the one he found. For him, it is also sufficient to take this primal chaos World.

This side of the world, where he went, was enough to make his world size, and when he crossed into Transformation Realm, the world could act as his foundation.

Chi Yu is definitely a simple man, and he decided not to look for Di Jiu and immediately went to the hidden primal chaos World.

It takes a few months more than Di Jiu, and Kiyoko came to the side of primal chaos World with only one transmission note. In order not to allow anyone to discover this primal chaos World, Chi Yu Yu has deliberately placed his own transmission array a little away from primal chaos World.

That’s not right.

When Kiyoko came to this primal chaos universe, he was cold, and he felt wrong. The first time he came to primal chaos World, he certainly had a few numbers for this place. His hidden protection array in this universe has been moved, not only so, but there is clearly a trace of aliens here.

How long have you been here? He knew that this universe could not be cultivating because all Heaven and Earth Origin Qi and cultivation resources in the universe were circled in one or more primal chaos World, and the primal chaos World was just one of them.

No one in this universe, the only possibility is Di Jiu anymore.

The primal chaos World has been considered to be something in his pocket. How can it be cheap, Di Jiu, for no reason? But how can Di Jiu know this place? How could Jade slip be broken in a very short period of time when his Grand Dao locks restriction?

But this mood of Chi Yu will soon disappear and replace it with a fantasy. Di Jiu is here, primal chaos World, so long as he locks his exit, how can Di Jiu escape?

This side primal chaos World is nothing more than Di Jiu’s stuff. And this side primal chaos World, even if he wants to take it, takes tens of thousands of years to refining it.

a Array Flag was captured by Kiyoko, who began to install Trapping Slaughter Array. He knows very well Di Jius ability, and if he can’t get into Di Jiu for the first time, he can’t catch Di Jiu.

Di Jiu noticed the first Array Flag. Di Jiu smiled in his heart, and there was no delay in taking Divine Spirit Grass in his hand.

A hundred years ago, he crossed the equation late stage, went to the late stage of the equation, wanted to go back to perfection, and it took longer.

Although it is best for Di Jiu to stay here in cultivating to co-perfection, Di Jiu does not want to waste more time here to cultivating. In addition to that, Di Jiu always felt that his Grand Dao still had traces. After crossing the equator stage, the trace became more obvious, as if he always had a crumbling in his heart.

Sometimes there are problems in cultivating, and the best way is not to continue spending time seclusion, but to stop cultivating and do something else.

So the late stage of the Di Jiu equation stopped cultivating, where he collected a lot of Divine Spirit Grass and various fruits. In addition to these, he collected a bunch of top grade spirvein. The next time, he was specializing in derailing Dodan.

This side primal chaos World Di Jiu does not intend to refining, and he took a million natural resources before he left. He’s got something here, not even a million.

Di Jiu, at this juncture, has been able to soften the way out of Dan, and if Dao of Alchemy’s achievements, he is already a holy Dao Fusion Pill.


this point, Chi Yu came to the door, where would he have been panicked?

No, not only panicked, Di Jiu, but also wanted to know what happened to him and Kiki Yoshima.

One stove, Dan, was quickly formed under the control of the Di Jius rule Pill Art, and then Di Jiu was loose with twelve medicinal pills.

Chi Yu is still out there crazy with Array Flag, Di Jiu withdraw his own Great Universe Cauldron, and he thinks he can go see Ki Yu. He wants to get out of here, and he needs some help from Kiyoko.

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