Yellow Heaven Beyond the Heaven Internal Front plaza, a black man standing in the middle of plaza, almost full of people in plaza. These people are standing here, not voluntarily coming here, but because they’re not all killed by the Ridge Valley. Those who stand in the middle of plaza are the Lord of the Ridge Valley, the seal.

In the back of the envelope, there were four co-routes, late stage expert, and one cultivator had even built the border with Half-step, the same as the envelope.


seal is very vague, and his eyes swept the past from plaza to people, and it’s more chilly said, “I rarely go to the Ridge Valley to provoke people, and, of course, few have provoked my valley. Those who provoked me in the Ridge Valley are gone, because I killed them all. I’m sure many people have heard that he can even say the youngest third step in the moment.

If it’s a theory, except for my house Old Ancestor, the universe is no longer his opponent. But recently, he was plot against him. hehe, plot against someone who dared to show up, but unfortunately we could still find him. “

Speaking of this, the seal wrapped up a void image, which was just a twin.

And the envelope says, “plot against no one is this slut and her associates, yes, she’s escaped. But she had a friend called in the ice, and she was in the dark Heaven Beyond the Heaven and the ice for a while.”

Everyone understands why the radar valley will crush outside the unseen Heaven Beyond the Heaven.

“I am sure you should know why my seal will be crushed outside the Heaven Beyond the Heaven. As long as the two days don’t come, the ice will crush Heaven Beyond the Heaven plaza for more than a day…”

Once again, the vision of the seal has been swept out of people and the tongue is getting cold, “as long as someone knows about the ice and who knows, who knows the twins and who knows who you know, you stand out, you can save your life. Otherwise, kill without mercy. As long as no plot against an unspeakable man is found, the universe will continue to bleed and people will continue to die for my family. Yellow Heaven Beyond the Heaven, here’s just a start.”

The crowd has been sluggish for a while, but no one dares to cross the mine pool Half-step. The gravity of the radar valley, as you all know, and the Elder in the valley was killed in the unseen Heaven Beyond the Heaven, almost without blinking eyes.

It is at this point that disciple in a minefield rushed to the side of the envelope and said a few words.

“Congratulations, you’ve found it, even if you don’t have to leave Heaven Beyond the Heaven.”


fact, Di Jiu does not need to say that, as long as it looks at the ice next to Di Jiu, the seal knows what’s going on.

The envelope haha laughed, and he didn’t even say anything, sacrificed a crazier of the sun to Di Jiu. Similar to the remaining members of Dao Cultivator near the envelope, magical treasure trapped Di Jiu in the middle.

Some of the mechanical cultivator were present, and at this moment it is even more deadly to go beyond the Heaven Beyond the Heaven. Di Jiu blocked the radar valley at this time, and they didn’t stay here until a house kills Di Jiu?

As in the case of Domino skull effects, there are cultivator who fled first, and the rest of cultivator is also awake, all of which are crazy to go beyond Heaven Beyond the Heaven.

Huang Heaven Beyond, the Heaven Internal Front plaza, came up chaos, and the whole plaza appeared to be messy. There are no people in the mine valley, and all experts in the mine valley have stopped Di Jiu and ice under seal.

Di Jiu, even magical treasure, was lazy and there was no half-reserved extension in the area of rules, when a side World void seemed to have been completely stripped of the universe.

All homes, including seals, cultivator and cultivator in the Ridge Valley, were difficult to operate. Not only are operational times difficult, but even their Divine Ability Law is quickly broken.

The sealed solar shovel is even more direct stop in void, Di Jiu sneered, “I’m lazy enough to wipe out your radar valley, and you dare come to me, you have guts. I can’t imagine how you have a radar valley until today.”

After all, a hanging Dao Principle was ravaged in void, just like void blade and space error. At this moment, all the mined valley cultivator under Di Jiu’s field was able to escape.

Even the strongest Elder in the Ridge, the Half-step border expert was hanged by Di Jius rule Dao Rhyme.


Di Jius ruler was printed, and the seal was like a gentle sheep and was held in the hands of Di Jius. And his solar shovel lost spiritual sense Dao Rhyme’s support, falling into the ground.

“Find me, are you happy?” Di Jius has no temperature.

He figured out that, since the charm was too much, kill it. Some people can feel it, but some people themselves are demons incarnation, and you can’t feel it in any way, so you can only kill.

In the heart of the envelope, it’s cold, and he feels like he’s the dumbest squeeze in the universe. The seal is a third step, expert. Even if you want plot against the seal, can the plot be there? The third step expert is so good, plot against, and then the third step?

Obviously, the seal was right before this expert killed. And it’s foolish that a group of people who don’t even have a third step come to see this cultivator revenge. What’s the difference between this and the death?

Five Elements, too weak in the universe, no expert, and the seal is always too strong. That is why cultivator first impression is the strongest in all the mined valley to think that there is no one in the universe but Old Ancestor who can no longer fight.

“Senior, this is my fault. I shouldn’t have…”

Di Jiu broke the envelope, indifferently said, “If you’re just saying those words, then don’t say that.”

Feel the aura of death. Where’s the envelope? He urgently called, “Senior, I have an Old Ancestor seal, and dozens of ten thousand years ago crossed the border, and I’m afraid it’s already Transformation Realm.”

“Oh, you sealed the family and the habitat cultivator?” Di Jiu was surprised to ask, in the Five Elements universe, and in the Cross-Border cultivator, which seems to be somewhat unlikely. “

“Yes, yes, yes.” The seal is eager to say where there is a previous shadow of murderous aura.

Many cultivator who fled the interior plaza were also awake and escaped. They knew that the same year, when the Di Jiu Jiu, who announced that Heaven Beyond the Heaven plaza belonged to him, was so much heaven defying. One person has not moved, divine ability magical treasure has not been activated, and the restrain radar valley has been pressured.

“Oh, you send him a message, and you tell him I waited for him for a while in the Unseen Heaven Beyond the Heaven, and if he doesn’t come, don’t blame me for going to the Ridge Valley and shoveling the radar valley.”

Di Jius told the seal to hit a shiver, and this moment he almost broke his head, how could he remember it as a blasphemy? So, did you get into this kind of expert? Is there any chance in the Ridge Valley?

“What?” See the seal’s late, Di Jiu’s voice is more cold, and murderous aura’s envelope hit shiver.

“Yes,” where the envelope hesitates to seize a six-corner gold symbol, spreading a blood essence on a gold note, and then spiritual sense quickly sent several messages into it, and six golden light disappears in void.

Di Jiu looked up, and the six golden light law Aura he didn’t even catch, and he saw how strong the fellow was to refine it.

“You can go with the genius who sealed you…” The Di Jius rule printed a crowded hand, sealed an expert who almost built the Half-step border, directly transformed into nothingness.

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