“Can you get rid of the poisoned people in the wilderness zone?” Pay the impetus of Park’s oppression, whisper and ask.

Di Jiu has begun to collect golden needle, nodded says, “Yes, but it’s not even medical completion, and I need to deal with these medicinal ingredient, and then one more pill.”

“Okay, excuse me, what do you need me to do? By the way, I haven’t asked you how to call it. My name is Park.” Short time, the idea in Park’s mind has already shifted to dozens.

“My name is Di Jiu, these medicinal ingredient processing, and I need a little room alone.” Di Jiu indifferently said.

Except for Dickie, he rarely interacts with people on a regular basis, but he seems to see a lot of people’s minds. Now this is a privacy to pay, and he knows too well that this is about to be done.

Di Jiu does not care about this, and what he cares about is that he does not have a single access to martial artist from the paradise area, preferably to learn how to cultivating inner qi.

“No problem, no problem, no problem.” Pay Park a few questions, and that’s why you’re careful about the little room next to the wings, and say, “Is that room okay? If you need any equipment, I’ll get it right away.”

Di Jiu nodded, “Room trip, no need for anything else, I’ll go ahead and deal with medicinal ingredient.”

Di Jiu was confused by the ambiguity of paying him, who thought that he would come into a small room with him and then teach him how to deal with medicinal ingredient with his face. What he didn’t think was that paying Park was ambiguous or not going into the little room with him, which made him strange.

However, even if Park had to come in with him, he would not allow a man like Park to see him handle medicinal ingredient.

He wanted medicinal ingredient a lot of it was useless, and some of it was his own bag with medicinal ingredient. As for the handling of medicinal ingredient’s equipment, it’s just a simple alcoholic stove in his bag and a fascinating stone.

See Di Jiu go into a small room to deal with medicinal ingredient, and the first time you pay Park is to put the patient’s clothes on fast, and then block the patient’s face with a veil. After all this, he brought the patient shield together again, and that was how quickly it came out of the room, and then it went faster to the surveillance room.

A small head of this building’s surveillance room, he knew that he believed he should be able to handle it.

“Yo, aren’t you paying Doctor? Why is there time for little brother here?” The supervisory office is responsible for a young man with a long hair, and the talk is like a hanger.

Pay Park’s anger, hmph, stop it. Those princes poisoned me, let me cure martial artist, poisoned in the paradise area. I’m not going to go today. See what he can do to me. “

longhaired youth laughed, stretching hands on Park’s shoulder, and then chuckled, “That’s natural. You can stay here for a few days. It’s okay. You just help me out and I’ll be right back. By the way, would you like me to bring you some lunch?”

Some help watch the surveillance room, which is the most beautiful thing for long-haired youth, and he can go back to the nurse building and talk to the little lover. But the surveillance room can’t be anybody, and now it’s a pride to help him watch the surveillance room, and he’s a “cripple” lap.

“No, you go.” Pay Park’s hand, but it’s fantastic. He knew the fairness of this fellow and what pretext he intended to leave the long-haired youth without thinking of being so interesting to each other.

“Well, you have to call me when you leave, or if my phone comes, I’ll be right back, and I’ll be back in the back.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll sleep here for a while, and I won’t miss your phone.”

longhaired youth left with a small leap, paying Park for long-haired youth to come to the supervisory authority once they left, and then quickly entered the D-11 on it, which is the patient number he just went to. Return the time back to thirty minutes to broadcast, and pay Park a clear view of the picture on the screen.

His mouth was like a big pot, because this moment he was surprised by Di Jius. Di Jiu’s needle is like rain spots, eyebrows, and he suspects that even slow down will not be a clear sign that Di Jius is too fast.

Just for more than a dozen minutes, Di Jiu stopped taking the needle, but quickly picked up a little blade that cut the patient’s finger, and the next thing he saw.

The way to pay Park suck in a cold breath, the medical Skill, is a beauty.

It seems that Di Jiu cannot be left completely, and he must take Di Jiu with him and let Di Jiu do his job. In accordance with his original plan, he was the first to learn about Di Jiu’s needle, and then to learn about Di Jiu’s method of pharmaceuticals, which he already knew.

Now he’s sure he can’t learn the needle for the time being, and since it’s not within a short period of time, it can only let Di Jiu do it for him.

Di Jiu is here to work, and it’s too hard to have a assistant with his qualifications. If he brings down the poisoning patients in one day’s desert, then he will be eligible for a assistant. Then he named 90 percent of his assistant.

The harder he wants to pay Park, the more he seems to see the praise and flowers of the assaults the senses, and his upward position, even when he sees many fellows who were formerly aloof and remote, and who stood in front of him at a low level.

He stopped prostituting until he almost smiled.

He has to be perfectly rewarded, and if he wants a perfect package, he has to change the surveillance content.


It’s all right to do, to pay Park, and it’s just a call for long-haired youth who just left, with helplessly said, “Come back, I have to get out of here and show the patient sick.”

After all, the payment of Park ignored the grievances and grievances of long-haired youth, who left the surveillance room without the slightest hesitation, and then returned to room DC-11 with serious and urgent steps.

At the door, he was also on guard laughed at the door, “Forget to take golden needle and go back and get it.”

The security guard also paid Park an embarrassment and continued to stand at the door and do its part. He was thinking that you didn’t forget to take golden needle off my ass.

The fact that Di Jiu had not yet come out and paid Park relaxed at the time of Park’s return to his room meant that his plan had largely been completed.

Before he walked to the patient’s shield, he brushed out the sensory area outside shield and opened shield.

He’s not good at cure, but he’s doing better than Di Jiu did. Every step to do is to pay Park’s vagina for a well, and finally get golden needle out of the patient, and he doesn’t know how much he stabbed. It was too much stabbed on the patient, and he just stopped.

This show was almost half an hour, and it was just when Di Jiu came out when he had to think about when Di Jiu could come out.

See Di Jiu come out, the face becomes very serious to pay Park off his gloves, stretch his hand off the veil, pointing to what the patient has done with his hand.

And then he pointed the bottle in Di Jiu’s hand, very comfortable nodded, and then fingered the patient with his finger, which seemed to say that it was for you.

Di Jiu was not interested in the vague performance of Park, and he poured half the bottle in his hand into the patient’s mouth, and it turned around.

If you don’t think of yourself or as a prime doctor, pay Park for the ambiguity and ask ‘that’s okay?’

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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