The status of the former was low, and that was just within the Zuhai. Once extended to the whole world, it was a successful businessman.


poison martial artist, who can’t be treated by a hospital in the Skill, is very obvious medical Skill, has arrived at a realm. Now that the global focus is in the sky, how can a man like Park not fall into the eyes of everyone? Once wanted to let Park come alone to Zeng Family, which was high on the status of Zeng Family.

The press conference is now being held in ambiguity, with the exception of the mainstream media of all parties. These big guys, in addition to trying to know what to pay Park for, want to get in touch with Park. Because there are too many people who are unable to meet Park before the press conference.

Zinheimer gathered and paid for Park’s ambiguity was somewhat shaking. This is all in his projections, far beyond what he expected.

He didn’t expect to provoke such a huge bombing, and he asked to see one of his big guys alone more than ten. You know, before that, these big guys were just entitled to listen to the name thats all. And now, people are ranking up to see him pay Park.

Papa knows exactly where his advantage is, this bottle of medicine liquid in his hand. He is also well aware that no one can see him now, because seeing anyone is more guilty. So he immediately agreed when the President of the Zinghai Hospital had a very close proposal to open a press conference.

On 21 October, there was overcrowding in the Grand Lobby of the Zinghai Hospital. Basically, it’s for the medical community to pay for it.

Nine o’clock to pay Park on time, accompanied by two security guards, went to the lobby.

A journalist who can’t wait to visit the door is ambiguous and is directly stopped by a security officer and then pulled to the side.

Those who pay Park Watched full of a courtyard, even in front of them, are facing faces that are often seen on television and in the news, and suddenly he has a fear.

From excitement to fear, this process, maybe only he can meet himself.

“Quiet, now we ask the poisoning specialist at the Zinghai Hospital to pay a few words of ambiguity.” The reception was presided over by a beautiful woman on Zinghai Television.

After she finished, she paid Park with admiration and a respectable watched, and then delivered the flashlight in her hand to Park.

Papa was forced to regain his mind, took a deep breath, which said, “Everyone’s respected senior from the four seas of the five lakes, shocked everyone to come to Zuhai Hospital, and I paid for Park’s ambiguity and fear. I’m afraid, because I’m not a drug dealer, nor a medical doctor. So here I deeply apologize and respect everyone.”

After that, pay Park for a week. That was not the case for his opening statement, but now he’s afraid that he can’t control it when it’s bigger. If he really had that ability, then the key is that he doesn’t have that ability right now.

“Doctor, have you heard that you saved a poisoned patient in the paradise area?” A blonde journalist has not been waiting for Park to continue, nor can he wait until the question begins.

No one thinks he’s reckless, which is the answer that all journalists cannot wait to know.

Papa coughed and calmed down from that kind of fear. “Yes, I did save the poisoned martial artist in a deserted area and spent only an hour. But if it’s time for me to save an hour from a poisoned martial artist, I can tell you clearly that I can’t save…”

If you pay Park, it gives rise to a bunch of noise, and some of the big guys who come on a special trip have some wrinkles. My heart says the old man came here, so he saw your medical Skill, and now you say you can’t save it, what does that mean?

“Do you mean that you try luck saved a poisoned person?” Journalist questions are not very polite.

付朴棱索性放开,laughed 说道,“你这话问的很有意思,你认为天荒区的中毒martial artist 是try one’s luck 能救的?我之所以能一个小时救that martial artist ,是因为当时我Master 留给我两株medicinal ingredient 。请原谅,我无法说出这两株medicinal ingredient 是什么。我用其中一株medicinal ingredient 配合其余的medicinal ingredient 熬制了一瓶medicine liquid ,另外一株medicinal ingredient 直接给患者服用了。”

“So you can no longer save the poisoned martial artist in the desert area, because you don’t have the medicinal ingredient you left by Master?”

“Wrong.” Pay Park Snot, “I used two medicinal ingredient, but that bottle of medicine liquid isn’t working. Before that poison patient was poisoned in an hour because I used a single medicinal ingredient for him. This does not mean I can no longer save the poisoned, and I have a bottle of medicine liquid in my hand. My bottle of medicine liquid can save at least eight people, just not so fast. If I estimate, now let me save the poison, take about a month.”

In case of this, Di Jiu said he could save nine more people and pay a little less privacy.

“Pay a doctor, you mean, after you save eight more poisoned people, there’s no way you can do it?” Journalists don’t give Park a chance to breathe.

Pay Park and make a naughty face and say, “I really don’t want to, but actually. If there is no such medial ingredient, I will save up to eight more, eight more, and I will not be able to do anything else.”

“Isn’t it too good to deal with other diseases?”

The question from the follow-on reporters was eight doors, but the vague answer left many big guys disappointed, and his answer was simply to say that he only had a lot of research on this aspect of poisoning, thats all, and, on the other hand, was very poor.

A press conference, tigers head, snakes tail, came out, and many people were unhappy. But it’s not what’s done to pay Park, and at least he can save eight poisoned people.


families of martial artist, who are poisoned in some days of absurdity, are now thinking about, in any case, arrest an quota. Eight drug quotas, for the countless martial artists in the paradise area, are actually a glass of taxi salary.

It seemed fatigue to have been sent back home in conjunction with the Umbrella Miasma news. He was also disappointed that, according to his ambiguity, he had little research on other diseases.

Whether there is any research, he would like to invite Park to Zeng Family to show daughter the situation.

After three hours of reflection, a joint decision was taken to allow people to do this, regardless of the cost, to pay Park.

The decision has not yet been spoken out, and the rush came in, “Uncle, something has happened.”

“What’s the matter?”

He said, “Pay Park to be killed and in the best room at Zuhai Hospital.”

And when he stood up, and then sighed, shaking his head down. Without background, there is a bottle of medicine liquid that can save eight days of wasteland, which can only be said to be Park’s own courting death thats all.

Give that young man a cure, Di Jiu is really too tired, so he first found a place to rest all night. After being nutritious, the following afternoon came to Martial Academy in Zinghai.

At the door of Martial Academy in Zinghai, Di Jius was surprised by the newspaper Boss just got out there. The top title of the newspaper was too sober, ‘Who was the killer?’

And then Di Jiu hit a shiver, and if he stays at Zuhai Hospital, then he’s not dead now?

Do you want him to stay in Zinghai, Martial Academy? Di Jiu watched the main plates of Martial Academy in front of the Tsunami Sea, some cold in the heart.

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