All people think so many big guys are looking for Di Jiu, and Di Jiu should soon appear in front of people’s eyes. But Di Jiu disappeared, and no one knows where Di Jiu went. And Di Jiu’s last location was at the Martial Academy Gate in Zinghai. And then there was no more.

I heard Di Jiu came to Martial Academy in Zinghai, and the president of Martial Academy in Zinhoon came out to speak, and as long as Di Jiu came, Martial Academy in Zinghai was picked up by him, the mentor chose him. But that’s how Di Jiu disappeared.

Neither the village of Di Jiu, nor the station of train stations everywhere, is there a half shadow of Di Jius.


only person in the world who knows where Di Jiu might go is one, that’s Pong Fei and the other.

Pong Feng and knowing that Di Jiu’s best intentions were to go to the Sky Diseases, and that Di Jiu appeared at the Martial Academy Gate in Zinghai, explaining the problem.

But Pong Feng and hesitated not to tell Chairman that. He was well aware that even if he told the Chairman, Zeng Family would not have been able to find Di Jiu, and eventually only to expose Di Jiu to a larger number of investigations, thats all. Now you can’t find Di Jiu, obviously Di Jiu has changed his own state.

Di Jiu changed his state, and naturally he knew the danger. Once Di Jiu reveals, Zeng Family will not protect Di Jiu. No wonder about Di Jiu Know’s own dangerous thing, Pong Fei and nothing. A medical Skill is so brilliant that he says he’s a fool, hehe’s afraid the one who says that is stupid.

watching, Pong and Sighed in the middle of the day, even if they help him.

The absurd city, if it comes out of flourishing, is definitely better than Shanghai. But if it’s about how many people are, it’s not worse here than Zinghai.

The absurd city is famous because it’s very close to the desert area. Many of the waves of martial artist come here to touch try ones, and once they reach a certain level, Martial Dao tests can be carried out in the Holodomor. The test was passed, and that would result in a permit to travel to the desert area.

In addition to these waves of martial artist who want to go to the desert, there are more businessmen here.

These businessmen are mainly doing business with martial artist in the desert area, and martial artist in the desert area, once they come out of the sky, is mostly in the desert city. Some of the top things they get in the sky are sold in the market. But there are some marginal things that are not very good in the market, and they are sold to some of the dealers in the wilderness city. These businessmen also transported goods across the world, including weapons, consumables, medicines, etc.

Di Jiu didn’t know the absurd city, and he came down from the big van, and that knew that he was already in the wilderness city.

Di Jiu moved immediately when he knew that the market was only one day away from the desert area. Next step, he needs to go to the city of paradise and then seek the opportunity to go to the desert.

Who says you have to graduate from Martial Academy last day?


are too many hotels in the wilderness city, most of them full of customers. Di Jiu did not care, and he was satisfied that the absurd city hostel was completely different from Zinghai. The hotel in Zuhai City is also required to identify, and in the wilderness city, you just have money. And that money is not fixed in which country, and 90 per cent of the world’s currencies are common here.

Nearly an hour ago in the wilderness city, Di Jiu finally found a hotel. Not this hotel has empty rooms, but it’s a hotel where four people are preparing to return.

Di Jiu saw someone retire, standing on the side, and when the four people returned, he immediately entered, and then he listened to it in detail.

“Big drum, lots of people know that you’re sure we can come now?” ”Return procedures are a woman, talking about a man with a slightly fat body, and he’s talking to a tall man standing in front of him.

A senior man has not yet been able to answer, and a long woman next to a woman who is working on a retreat procedure says, “We must go, both late and late, and we can’t miss it as long as it’s an opportunity.”

When a long woman spoke, she looked back, and Di Jiu saw a jump in her heart without reason, and he seemed to know the woman earlier.

Even if this woman had a mask, her eyes were so familiar. Di Jiu is sure it’s his best eye. Although he rarely made friends, and there were not a few people who said that, after all, he had been in school for so many years and had seen many beautiful women. He never had a woman with a mask in front of her eyes, like a woman with such a beautiful eye.

The woman who handled the refurbishment procedure before this moment, she picked up the locker on stage, and said, “Sister Cao is right, and this time we have to go.”


old lady named Cao Jiu saw Di Jiu, some of her dumbfounded, Di Jiu seemed to be ordinary, in the wilderness city, and in the dust servant like Di Jiu, I don’t know how many. But she preferred Di Jiu to be different, as if she and Di Jiu had known the team a long time ago.

“Do you come to the store?” Cao Zhao had a wonderful question about Di Jiu on the other side.

Di Jiu suddenly said, “I don’t want to go to the store, but I just want to hear what way to go to the zoo, so come to this place and touch try luck.”

A man next to the man who heard Di Jius just couldn’t stop laughing, and then he felt so rude and walked away quickly.

The other three were surprised watched Cao, who had been with them for some time, and that was the first time that Cao had taken the initiative to find a stranger man.

“We’re going to go to a tea building in front of us to have some tea, not to come together?” After a word from Cao and Di Jiu, the feeling of familiarity is getting stronger, and she really can’t help it, inviting Di Jiu.

A few of the colleagues in Cao Cao’s past, although they felt very different, did not contest anyone. Among them, Mr. Cao is the most intelligent, and the brainstormer of the squad.

“All right.” Di Jiu agreed with the Cao Jiu proposal almost without consideration.

Six and

a half hours later, five people were already sitting in a cupboard in a tea building.

“Did you cultivating Martial Dao?” When you sat down, Cao opened his mouth and asked Di Jiu.

Di Jiu shakes his head, “I’m very much going to Martial Dao, so this time I’m in the wilderness, looking for cultivating Martial Dao.”

tall figure’s big said with a smile, “I’m afraid you can’t. All people want cultivating Martial Dao, but I tell you that there’s a real chance to get to Martial Dao, and there’s just one or two in 100,000. And really touched Martial Dao’s core, and millions of people couldn’t see one. Besides, at your age, study martial arts is too late.”

Mr. Cao did not introduce Di Jiu to the top, but continued to say, “Yes, as we were on the verge of Martial Dao. The rain was actually a Martial Dao squad. This Martial Dao squad is a lot in the spaceless areas, and they add items to the city of Heaven and then go to the desert area. There is a road between the city of paradise and the area of paradise, but the road cannot go directly to the area, which requires the hiring of many energetic people to transport their goods.”

“Do you want to hire those guys to deliver goods to the deserted area?” Di Jiu understood to come.

Cao Nadded, “Yes, but even if it is delivered, it can only be transported to the edge of the desert zone. When we get there, we’ll be right back. In fact, most people can’t come back, and don’t think they stole the paradise, and they died on the way back. We intend to get this opportunity to deliver supplies for the rain squad, and then sneak into the desert…”

How many people in the loft are surprised about the watched Cao, what happened today? Is that a secret thing to say? If they are known their purpose, they will not even enter the city of the desert.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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