For a man who has never done so, 200 kilograms of stuff on his shoulder, Di Jiu felt that the whole planet was on his shoulder, and he seemed to feel that his waist was being cut at any time.

“AJiu, if you can’t stand it, just say hello, your brother has nothing to do with it.” The big drum feels Di Jius eating, and you can’t stop saying another word.

He already had two hundred fifty-sixty kilos on his shoulder, and he helped dozens of pounds. But even 200 fifty-sixty kilos, he still doesn’t feel pressure.

“Nothing, I can hold on.” Di Jiu bites his teeth.

No more talk, men always have to love their faces, especially in front of Cao and Choi Moon. When Di Jiu couldn’t hold on, he took action to help.

The crowd of people who are so desperate has taken all kinds of goods into the wilderness, and those martial artists have been light up, and each one has the largest and only one tight bag on his back. They walked in the front, and the back was all kinds of work.

Di Jiu felt the whole soul trembling every step, and he could even hear the sound of his skull ka, each step of his legs shaking.

But he heard about it, and there’s more than a hundred miles ahead, and if so, I’m afraid he can’t hold it for half a mile.

“ka cha!” When Di Jiu thought his legs were broken, a powerful force infiltrated from his heart and then spread to the whole body.

And then Di Jiu was surprised to find that his legs were not only broken, but the strength seemed to increase a lot, and even bones became harder. Two hundred pounds of stuff on the shoulder seems to be getting lighter.

In the past seven or eight miles, a few people at large saw Di Jiu not only as he couldn’t live, but rather becoming more spiritual and more self-evident.

“AJiu, you really haven’t practiced the force?” Little Animal couldn’t stop asking, he practiced the force, but for the first time he took two hundred pounds, he couldn’t help it. Good to help him in the big drum, otherwise he can’t come here to be martial artist’s maid.

Di Jiu shakes his head, “No, I’ve been following my father in a small hill village. After my father passed, I thought I’d come out and look outside the world.”

“Looks like you’ve got martial arts innate talent, a good bone.” Choi Ho can’t stop saying that.

At this point, people have left the plain path and entered the unstable mountain. In the middle of an irregular basin, the mountains are like a twisted crack in a giant bowl, and Di Jiu, a group of people, walked in that crack.

The road is narrow, and a little less careful will slip into the basin. And walking in such places, there’s no place to rest, there’s no way to stop. Because you stop, there’s no way out of the back.

A few people with little strength, under the foot, trembling, slight, fell into the basin with all the burdens.

Needless to ask, it is also known that these people have no chance to survive.

And then I saw a few people falling into the basin, Di Jiu, and that’s why it’s not on my own to die here for the martial artist squad domestic. Sometimes, it’s not necessarily vicious beast here or poison, but you can’t walk this basin.

At the same time, Di Jiu also understands why these martial artist squad materials are prepared, and I’m afraid they’re already ready, and some are going to waste the road.

The five Di Jiu people are more stable than the other ones. The only weakness is the Choi Moon, but it’s the smallest burden. The biggest burden is the big, big, big, natural, 300 kilograms of things that don’t seem to feel anything on your body.

It’s another day’s past, and it’s finally coming up with a voice, “Take four hours off and go on.”

Di Jiu was thinking about how to rest, a huge and frank appearance on Di Jius’s sight. This plain and absurd place is as broad as it is intended to prepare for such work as Di Jiu.

Many of the burdens were forced to wait to put down the shoulder and then sit on the floor. More burdens are taken out of dry food, no food for one day, but so heavy, and irons can’t hold it.

Di Jiu five put the burden together and sat around.

When Choi Ho picked up the distribution of dry food, Cao said in a low voice, “Here’s only two 10 litres away from the real paradise zone, and I’ll talk about our plan.”

Xiao ‘an was careful to look all around, and then did a safe hand and put another dry food into the mouth.

Mr. Cao will have lower voice pressure, “to the perimeter, we certainly have no chance to escape alone. Because at that time everyone unloaded the burden, and soldiers in the city of the Holodomor were carrying us out of the desert area with spear bullets and entering the city.

There is only one chance for us to get out of the team, that is, to get to the desert area, about seven or eight miles from the end point, and there is a more steep cliff. This cliff is water, just covered by fog, unable to see it clearly, and we suddenly lost our feet in this place, and then fell down. Remember, one by one, and then all brought under the cliff… “

Di Jiu was surprised to say, “Sister Cao, even if it’s water under the cliff, we don’t have a chance to go on like this.”

“No.” Cao shake his head, “we have the chance to survive, but the chance to survive is not very high. According to my many surveys, on the edge of this cliff, all of them were filled with vines, and we fell behind, and we had to catch the fibres on the edge of the cliff for the first time, and then go down with the vines. Once you fail, I’m afraid it will be real, so this time everyone will be killed.”

“Miss Cao, what’s under that cliff? I heard that all the spaceless areas are vicious beast, and if the cliff is vicious beast, or we fall to a poisonous place, then I’m afraid that” Choi Hood can’t stop asking.

She was more comfortable than a few people in Cao’s past. Her team with Cao Cao and the others was driven out of her family and eventually landed in the wilderness city. Some of the people of Cao went to the desert area, and she didn’t have a way to go, so she just came to fight with Cao and the others.

Mr. Cao said, “That’s the only way to hear the fate of the sky, and we’ll take a break. Once we act, it’s hard to rest again.”

A few people were silent and started eating something to add water.

In an hour, Juan just said, “I’ll sleep for a while,” and I hear a sharp scream coming from the depths of the sky and falling down with a giant bird from the sky.

Di Jiu also thought the bird fell, but when the bird was about to fall into the ground, he suddenly grabbed a worker and hit the clouds.

“It’s a lion, quickly ran,” a frightening voice reminds me that Di Jiu will see the man who will be caught in his claws drop, and that man falls on the ground and sees no living.

With more sharp screams, Di Jiu was shocked by watched skies, and the sky came from a big piece of black pressure, all of which was just like that lion.

Several martial artists who are ready to do so see this lion, where they can handle it. Like Di Jiu, they all ran away crazy.

Even martial artist escaped, and those workers were more crazy.

Cao Zhao picked up a backpack and said urgently to the Di Jiu people, “Get out of here, meet the lion crowd, a narrow report, and now look who escapes.”

Everyone in Cao’s words understands that there are so many people who can run away from the lion’s sight. Running slowly will become food in the lion’s mouth.

Di Jiu escaped from the plain wilderness with some of the people of Cao Cao, and it was always clear why the martial artist had no aircraft to deliver the goods. Meet this lion, the plane is a meal. And the plane’s too quiet, I’m afraid it’s more attractive to lions.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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