Di Jiu was gentle enough to pull the hands of the Cao, and when he sat on the rocks, he took out a necklace that was soft with the mountains’ red, hanging on his neck, “Senior Sister, we don’t have a red scarf, and we’ll give it to you and give it to you.”

Cao’s old watched Di Jiu, suddenly stretched his hand to pull Di Jiu across the rocks table. The light from the alcoholic furnace spreads on the faces of both, and this moment Cao thinks he’s the happiest person.

Di Jiu said what he said, and the Cao had stretched to take action to stop Di Jius, and she liked that sense of silence, which was like eternal, and she was going to put that moment in the heart and never forget it.

Di Jiu is also the watched Cao, which is getting better under the lights, and he feels like he’s dreaming. After arriving from a small hill village to Zinghai, it became a relative in a natural desert area… Perhaps in meditation, the father was protecting him.

When the lights were getting softer, Cao finally opened his mouth and said, “A machine, a shuttle landscape.” Ye will never grieve in the landing room. And vomit, choke, choke, leave the groom to return.

Two machines, the moon’s silent. A trivial relationship. A copy, a tattoo, will be sent to Iy.

Three machines, there’s a flower in the center, and the red green spring is shining. The King needs an early discount, a strong one, no more than Fanfi. “

Speaking of the three machines, the Cao had suddenly been tears, and she had a lot of Dao Imprint in her head, and some vague things were becoming clearer. At this moment, she knew clearly that her life essence was only three years later and that she would disappear completely from the world after three years. She was able to come here, not because of something else, but because of the corn in her chest, because of the current Di Jiu…

Without that corn, she couldn’t come to the world, and she couldn’t see Di Jiu… she had a vague concept in her covenant, and she came here because of this corn, and because of her previous practice, it seemed that she owed Di Jius something, even before she walked away, that Di Jiu would be here.

The watched Di Jiu of Cao, who stayed here for three years? She’s going to live together with Di Jiu for 100 years, forever.

Di Jiu never noticed the tears of Cao, and at the time he said two machines, he had a lot of memories in his head. Di Jiu’s passionate hands are trembling, and he’s sure that things he can’t remember are beginning to appear in his memory.

“A machine, a shuttle moon! Life is as if it were sent, and it is not seen.

Two machines, the tissue is dead and dead, back to the end, staring north at the wolf!

Three machines… ”

bang! Di Jius remembers that the endless Heaven and Earth Origin Qi rolls, and this moment has formed a hidden vortex around Di Jiu.

Cao’s tears are dry, watched Di Jiu. She concealed that Di Jiu was in cultivating, but Di Jius cultivating was completely beyond her senses. According to her knowledge, there was no cultivating like Di Jiu.

But Cao Cao used to be in the sky, and concealment felt that it was not possible to disturb Di Jiu at this time.


vicious beast in the paradise area is also shocked by the amazing imposing manner of Di Jiu, which is a natural sensitivity in vicious beast, and the concealment that this imposing way must be a stronger vicious beast in advance, which, once approached, will be killed.

When the first spiritual sense was formed in Di Jius Sea of Consciousness, Di Jius Sea of Consciousness naturally formed a vague outline.

at the moment the body’s True Origin was gathered, the wounds on Di Jiu had been quickly rehabilitated. When Di Jius Sea of Consciousness became clearer, his spiritual sense was growing.

“roar!” A while of vicious beast screaming from a distance, Di Jiu suddenly woke up, while his eyes opened his eyes and found that Cao had already taken the flower necklace of his chest and even caught his bamboo blade’s nervous watched door.

“Senior Sister, what’s going on?” Di Jiu came to Cao Cao.

Seeing Di Jiu awake, Cao was excited to grab Di Jius hand, “Did you ever cultivating?”

“Well, I automatically showed cultivating in my mind, and I think I’m already an expert.” Di Jiu is now sure he’s in cultivating, just like his cultivation way and legend.

“You sat two days ago, Ye Ye, vicious beast, and you didn’t wake up in a few days, and those vicious beast seemed to feel no danger, and you started to get close to us.”


‘s been two days? Di Jiu, once dumbfounded, then he shakes open wide.

Cao Zhao, grab Di Jius’s arm, “AJiu, what’s the matter?”

Di Jiu slowed down and said, “Senior Sister, how can I see things outside several li? Even a lot of obstacles…”

Di Jius is indeed surprised that at this moment he seems to feel something other than several li. No, it should not be said that it felt, but that it could be seen clearly outside several li.

He saw several singhorn hunters, and he saw a bunch of limbs, a lion group, and even two giant snakes coming this way.

Di Jiu even had a sense of absurdity that he could easily fly.

He was thinking of a consciousness that followed True Origin, spiritual sense, surrounded by the discovery of Di Jiu, who left the ground with his feet.

“AJiu, you…” Cao was also staring at Di Jiu, and she was completely shocked by Di Jius.

Di Jiu landed on the ground, but calm down, and he stretched his hand into his arms, “Senior Sister, my thoughts are not fake. I’ve been thinking so many times that I can fly, and I think I should live outside the starry sky, and I finally did it today. I think I should have something to do with my cultivating, Senior Sister, and I’ll teach you cultivating…”

Di Jius lives, and he finds out he doesn’t know how to teach Cao Cao, because he just goes to cultivating, and he doesn’t even know how to do it.

Cao Cao also calm down, she slightly smiled, “AJiu, I believe in you. I often have the kind of awareness, but I…”

Cao didn’t finally tell her what was wonderful in her mind, and she came here as if it was for Di Jiu.

“Senior Sister, this place is good, and I intend to stay right here. When I get out of here and get those limbs back.” Di Jiu picked up the bamboo blade in Cao’s hands.

Cao’s soft and gentle watched Di Jiu, in her heart, has a very notorious trust that Di Jiu can do, or even do well, “Go ahead, I’ll wait here for you. I’ll live here for three years, maybe three years, and we’ll have a lovely child.”

“Okay.” Di Jiu laughed, “We’ll leave the desert area three years later, and I see how Dares took me Di Jiu.”

After all, Di Jiu filmed the back of Cao Cao, grabbing bamboo blade across wood house.

The first was two hunters, Di Jiu didn’t even move, and the bamboo blade in his hand was involved in blade glow. The two Panthers that were poised in the air were like suddenly lost their lead, falling from the air to half, waiting for the ground to be turned into four interceptions.


the back, the limbs obviously were smarter than the hunters, and in seeing Di Jiu blade killed two hunters, even if they hadn’t moved their body, it stopped conscious footsteps. One of them finally recognized Di Jiu, shouting and running away. The rest of the limb wolves fled along with Di Jiu.

When Di Jius spiritual sense reaches out again, the rest of the lions, serpents, and other vicious beast, have quickly withdrawn.

Di Jiu did not catch up, and for him, these vicious beast were the only ones that left him to kill, and there was nothing to do with it.


most important thing that he is facing now is that all those things in his mind are packed out, and it would be better to understand why he’s different from others.

Take a look at the wood house far away, murderous aura in Di Jiu’s eyes swiftly turned soft, and he went back quickly.

(There’s some cards, there’s a chapter today, friends. Good night!

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